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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17130545 No.17130545 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17130562

I was groped in the bathroom of a Hardee's

>> No.17130568

I went to a Mexican restaurant once and they had a "signature" dipping sauce for tortilla chips on the menu as an appetizer. When I ordered it I was informed that the had run out for the day and they refused to make more of it. I don't even remember what I ended up getting but the experience of an establishment straight up refusing to make me food that was on the menu has stuck with me for over 10 years now.

>> No.17130594

I had the cook of a Chinese restaurant chase me down a street while cursing to get back the chopsticks I took as a memento

>> No.17130633

Like, disposable chopsticks? We're they washing and reusing wooden chopsticks?

>> No.17130692

I chipped a tooth off a shitty fork from a cheap restaurant, don’t cheap out for square prongs you cheap burrito niggers. >My modeling career is ruined

>> No.17130696

I once got a clump of sandy dirt in my salad at Texas Roadhouse.

>> No.17130697

Why the fuck does it matter? I should be allowed to leave with the chopsticks I ate with.

>> No.17130698

yes, they were wooden chopsticks I had already used and the guy chased me like they were made from gold

>> No.17131182

Went to Five Guys once. Now I have another mortgage.

>> No.17131203

You're in the wrong there. Not expensive but they're still worth something and asians kill each over a few dollars

>> No.17132517

some part of it is always unpleasant. I'm glad restaurants are shutting down. they're also a terrible place to work.

>> No.17132595

I went to my relatives' restaurant. It's meant to be nicer, but still casual food with an upscale environment. They have a celebrity as their partner and is the face of the establishment. They also have another celebrity endorsement for their VIP area. So the idea is that this is supposed to be a nice place.
>Extra busy day, one of my other cousins is our server
>Order nachos, figure it's easy on the kitchen
>My cousin brings the nachos to me
>It's chips with fucking solid cheddar cheese melted onto it
>Slices of cheese that have been dropped onto these chips and melted
>There are no other toppings it is supposed to come with
>Ask wtf is going on
>Cousin tells me they are out of all of the toppings except bacon
>Doesn't have bacon on it though
>It is pointless to ask my cousin why he didn't tell me this before or ask why they aren't just telling people they are out of said item
>He might cry if I ask because he's pretty soft and clearly under a lot of stress
>I ask him to please bring some bacon
>He returns with some bacon and chives and informs me the head chef has just quit and left
>I can see why
>I bring it up to my aunt later on, because if I tell the cousin who is there every day he will just drunkenly scream at the other more fragile server cousin and blame him
>It's not really his fault, the guy has never worked in a restaurant before and doesn't know the procedures
>Don't give a shit if they've listened because my relatives are idiots anyway

>> No.17133085

I don't think their burgers are anything special. They do good on the fries and free peanuts.

>> No.17133253

Do you also take home the fork and the knife you ate with at a Restaurant you fucking bimbo ?

>> No.17133530
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When I gave the girl at chick fil a my number and she didn't call me. Now she's super nice to me all the time and it makes me feel bad

>> No.17133555

Why do Americans always fill the glass of wine to the top? You’re not supposed to pour that much wine.

>> No.17133583

Holy fuck that's embarrassing. Imagine going back there after being rejected. By the way they're paid to be overly polite at CFA, she probably thinks you're weird.

>> No.17133623

Because they want to be seen as refined for drinking wine, even though they're really just interested in getting fucked up, and they've probably never had wine "properly" except in a restaurant, that they thought cheated them from the "proper" amount

>> No.17133673
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I mean, I'm not stupid, I get that, I just had a huge crush on her and didn't know how else to hit on her given the context. I still go because I like the food, and I'm not a coward. I see her all the time in my workplace now, and she's nice to me there too, it's fucking hell man I hate it so much.

>> No.17133679

Because living in America is sad and wine is a cheap way to not feel so sad for a little bit

>> No.17133681

I drink wine by the bottle so I fill it up to the top for efficiency.

>> No.17133718

Of course. I'm evil my nigga. I love stealing.

>> No.17133746
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>> No.17133757

That's how you know it's a good sauce

>> No.17133763

It’s so sad. I’ve been feeling soooooo sad lately

>> No.17133820

Maybe you need some vitamin D

>> No.17133834

I'll give you some vitamin "D"

>> No.17133838
File: 140 KB, 1045x608, wineglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the idea is that if you're going to swirl and sniff the wine you want it only up to around the widest part of the glass. the shape of the glass is designed for it.
high than that implies you aren't enjoying your wine properly. or maybe it's bad wine and there's nothing to enjoy, you're just getting drunk.

>> No.17133890

You'll have to catch me first you broken kneed fatty

>> No.17133891

But you're picture of overfilled is a full four fingers higher than the glass in the image

>> No.17133899

that's because I googled an example for the "correct" level in a glass that shape. did you think I drew the picture?

>> No.17133905

>correct means you can only have a couple sips in it
This is why we hate you faggots

>> No.17133932

The correct version looks like I'd be able to swirl it around a few times and then the wine would have evaporated by the end of the swirling

>> No.17133938

bitch I don't care how much wine you put in your glass. I'm just talking about the general idea behind why someone would think that's a lot of wine for a glass.

>> No.17133940
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Pork shumai dumplings at a Japanese place. It's like someone spit up a mouthful of pork loin into napkin and deep fried it.

>> No.17133945

>>17132595i got taken to a longtime friend of mine's uncle's pizza place. hes been hyping it up "its da BEST" for months. i look at thr menu, its fucking expensive as fuck, its not a fancy looking place either. we end up ordering some medium pizza for like 25 dollars. pizza is really just bland and mediocre.

t. i know pizza, and have made thousands of pizzas from scratch at pizzashops and at home in my life.

>> No.17133956

Being pretentious is no reason to gloat. The cup is made to fill a large quantity, and it is a wine glass... why not fill it with wine as that is its purpose?

>> No.17133989

exactly, it's not full to the top at all.

>> No.17133994

I feel your pain. The same aunt asked for my help with their cocktail menu. I made some stuff, had patrons sample it and they were very excited. My cousin never used any of the stuff I gave him, for free. I tried some of the drinks a year later when I went back to visit and they were awful. A bunch of syrupy, gross stuff. I think I mentioned my cousin is a jackass though.

>> No.17134002

Can we get some pics of your aunt?

>> No.17134023

>that's because I googled
there's your problem I only use bing and it told me the right way to pour my wine, in a empty water bottle for easy drinking and squirreling (because I screw the cap on) wine glasses are stupidly fragile and difficult to clean, aslo fucking all wine in genrenal I just get plain no sugfar added grape juise and add some vodka and it taastes better, and less hangover compared to norjmal wune becayse the alchohocl is distrilled ans flitered so I get the full actual grapen flavor without the sulfite BULLSHIT. also I drink a lot of water (more than double the amount of water vs alcvhocl) so I don't get hedryhgfrated/

>> No.17134111
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Not me, but my brother always has bad experiences involving restarants and this one is near the top of the list. I wasn't there for this one myself.
>9 or so years ago
>brother goes back to our hometown to visit our parents
>his gf and our parents go to dinner at restaurant
>brother leaves to parking lot at separate car from parents after paying
>police officer knocks on his window and tells him to wait as he is suspected of dining and dashing
>brother is irate
>waitress from restaurant comes outside to confirm if brother is the suspected
>she says "Who is that? That's not him"
>brother refuses to ever eat at the restaurant again
Pic not related

>> No.17134133
File: 962 KB, 500x540, disregard this ass gay gif, it kinda fits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's been your worst restaurant experience?
Honestly? Any good place you like that goes under should be at the top of everyone's list if they have experienced it. Going to a place and not liking it and never going back is one thing... but I think what hits the hardest is going to a place for a looonnggg time and they start cutting corners and the quality drops

This place was a small, family owned pizza takeout in a small rural town. Every other week we'd buy their pizza and loved it. COVID hit and you'd think their business would skyrocket and quality would stay the same because of takeout but they did something or other with their ingredients, like the cheese and tomato paste just tasted lower quality and off, I honestly don't know, but we were disappointed. I'm talking your grandma makes potato soup one way and you could be given 20 different bowls of potato soup and you could pick out which one your grandma made kind of "off" when we got this pizza.

We've been going to this place for years so of course we thought it was a fluke, so we went again, and had the same issue. We bought pizza from them 2 more times and realized some ingredients changed, so we just left them. A Fox's pizza had been further down the road for years but we never tried them because we wanted to buy from the 'little guy'. Well.... we've been buying from Fox's pizza for about a year now...

So yeah, worst restaurant experience is the loss of one you liked

>> No.17134142
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Lol sure here you go

>> No.17134178

I have a story similar to this, though a bit more morbid.
>Have a favourite Chinese place I like to walk to
>Go there all the time growing up
>Make friends with the owners after a while
>They are really nice, and have a cute little kid
>They tell us about Southern China and why they moved to our island
>It's apparently really pretty there
>They were running away from oppressive authorities
>One day read headline in the papers about Triads being busted and their operations shut down
>They were trafficking people and using businesses to launder money
>Go to our favourite restaurant and it's closed
>Never opens again
>Never see our friends again
I hope they didn't get killed or something.

>> No.17134305

Fuck anon, thats IS morbid. So do you think he was lying to you the whole time or maybe he still WAS escaping oppressive government and chose the Triads as a means of escape?

>back to my pizza story because its semi-morbid
Another reason why we hesitated to go to Foxes pizza was because in the previous town we lived in, the place closed because the manager caught his wife shagging the doughboy in the kitchen so he drew a gun and locked them both in the freezer for 36 hours.

Not really a reason why Foxes would be bad. I found it hilarious, but that event turned my mom off from Fox's and she's the one who pays soo.... thats another reason why we went to the mom and pops place.

>> No.17134325

Went to a new buffet, except they brought the buffet to your table. But in reality they just brought about 15 sides in the tiniest little cups ever maybe two spoonfuls of sides in each cup. You had to order the meat and tbey would bring it to you after the dies, i got the ribs and catfish, ribs had undercooked fat all over it and was like chewing rubber and im pretty sure the cat fish wasnt even catfish but hey it was burnt so bad it probably wouldnt have mattered. They tried to give me the ribs on a plastic plate that had deep cuts and atains all over it and got pissy when i complained. The waitress kept bothering me and my friends every single minute, eventually had to tell her to leave us alone. They also had some dumb sign on the door that said not to waste the food. Basically we all took a few bites then left, and they got no tip. The place didnt even last a year.

>> No.17134327

>the manager caught his wife shagging the doughboy in the kitchen so he drew a gun and locked them both in the freezer for 36 hours.

>> No.17134353

One time I took my gf and sister out for dinner at a Nepalese place.
I ordered a $12 "calamari" entree and was served 4 or 5 of those processed fish rings.
I have a real bad temper and my sister and gf were trying to calm me down before the waiter cake over. When the waiter started arguing that they were genuine calamari they just got up and scurried out before the shit show started.
I was released from lock up a couple of hours later and the assault charges were diverted due to a decent lawyer and sympathetic judge.

>> No.17134402

Pretty sure it was that they got smuggled out by Triads and ended up having to launder money for them. There were a lot of people who got caught up in that when it went down. At the time we had a huge influx of people from China because the government was bringing in labourers to build stuff. I hope they didn't get sent back either, that would have been just as bad.

>the manager caught his wife shagging the doughboy in the kitchen so he drew a gun and locked them both in the freezer for 36 hours
Fucking hell, that is hilarious. Did they died? Or just disfigured?

>> No.17134427

>Did they died?
No, they didnt die

>> No.17134455

Yeah I figured they probably just lost a couple fingers and stuff, but you never know

>> No.17134502

Don’t worry, it was probably just semen

>> No.17134506

Would have been an alpha move if the Doughboy started banging the wife while they were locked in the freezer

>> No.17134515

How do you manage that you spastic

>> No.17134521


>> No.17134527

o.O < literally her.

>> No.17134547

>Yeah I figured they probably just lost a couple fingers and stuff, but you never know
Its not like the movies, the freezer temperature setting is going to be in the freezer itself. They most likely just turned it off and ate the food that was in there as it was thawing and took their shits in a bucket.

I don't know the exact details, but thats probably how it went down, as boring as it is

>> No.17134616

I'm a vegfag so every Michelin star restaurant I've ever been to.

$200+ for food that's not even half as good as the $8 burrito I need to shove in my face directly afterwards because 7 courses of baby carrots and asparagus left me starving.

>> No.17134626

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

>> No.17134666

I went to a Somalian restaurant and ordered chicken stew on rice with a side of pasta and grapefruit juice.

The juice was watered down. The pasta was jarred pasta sauce on overcooked spaghetti. The chicken was overcooked and under-seasoned. The entire thing was served with a ripe as fuck banana and the idea was you ate everything mushed up in your hand with a bite of banana, which was fuckin disgusting. I ate my banana for dessert which was the highlight. I paid with my credit card and my identity was stolen shortly afterward.

>> No.17134727

That post freaks me out

>> No.17135506

That's a cat, dude. You don't know where's from

>> No.17136012


>> No.17136280

>Be me
>Go way out of town to go to a Foghat concert by the ocean with my dad
>My dad decides to stop at a barbecue restaurant in town there
>Order the sampler platter like he got
>Not awful but nothing to write home about
>Eat some of the brisket
>Dry as absolute fuck, I’ve never eaten something so chewy in my existence as a wannabe carnivore
>Attempt to swallow
>Refuses to go down and hits my gag reflex on the attempt down
>Takes all my strength not to puke
>Stomach is doing somersaults
>Spit it out
>”Yeah sorry, do you want this? I’m not gonna finish it”
>Dad has a meltdown, I’ve probably take 5 bites of something that probably cost $30
>Just thinks I wasn’t hungry to begin with and REEEs at the top of his lungs
>”It’s fine just take it back to the hotel fridge” because the brisket was awful but everything else was okay at least
>”The hotel we’re staying at isn’t gonna have a fridge Anon”
>Refused to talk to me the rest of the way to the hotel
>Get to the hotel
>There’s a fridge
Fuck you dad

>> No.17136308

How much wine did you drink before writing this?

>> No.17136311

Most nasty Falafel I ever had was Iraqi. Turns out they use Potato as the main ingredient. Was not warmed up either, almost cold.

>> No.17136321

she was being nice to you in order to get a good tip

>> No.17136323

>vegetarian or vegan
>Wondering why he’s hungry all the time
Not surprised

>> No.17136330

I go to a restaurant with my family, I'm 13 years old at the time. The waiter asks if I wan't soup or salad and me thinking being an autist asks for the " super salad" Dad laughs and my sister gives me a weird look.

>> No.17136337

Lol probably did to stay warm XD

The temperature setting is usually high up in some corner, probably behind some boxes lol, but I guess being trapped in there they would find it eventually.

Jesus Christ anon. That's your own fault though. African food is the fucking worst most of the time. I've had it at weddings and stuff, but I've never been so foolish as to actually go and pay my own money for that stuff.

Your dad sounds like an ass.

>> No.17136365

that sounds like user error

>> No.17136367

damn bro, you got an uncle?

>> No.17136448

>she says "Who is that? That's not him"
>brother refuses to ever eat at the restaurant again
wat? so no one did your brother any wrong and he is still pissed and harms their business? is your brother retarded?

>> No.17136449

>Its not like the movies, the freezer temperature setting is going to be in the freezer itself
Not sure if this is different in the US, but in Euroland walk-in freezers can be opened from within, and cannot be locked at all. Regardless of where the temp settings are set.
So the whole locked into freezer wouldn't happen unless physical effort was made to block the entrance.

>> No.17136480

Went to KFC years ago with 3 friends and we got Famous Bowls. it was like 30 minutes til close. we get all the way back home and none of our Famous Bowls contained chicken. it was just mashed potatoes and corn basically. store was closed before we figured it out, but to be fair, even though the manager was skeptical, he did give us 3 famous bowls the next day for free

>> No.17136534
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Yeah he looks like this

>> No.17136539

There's a lever to open them from the inside but many restaurants have a padlock on the outside. For the employees.

>> No.17136689


god winefags are the worst

>> No.17136734

Well, I appreciate that you think I'm eating at Michelin star restaurants every day

>> No.17136788

Our local beaner population has been rising. I've been to some good legit Mexican restaurants, but one of them was the lowest quality food I have ever seen served. Fucking terrible.
Her eyes belong on a classic Disney animated cat.

>> No.17136936


>> No.17136988

Not even 2 days ago the indian restaurant delivery had a small cockroach in the bag, i still ate the food and didnt even call to complain. But im not ordering from there again. My race realism views were right once again

>> No.17137003
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Basically you confirmed to him that whites are the niggers compared to asians

>> No.17137012

Its actually pretty scummy of you to do that while shes working. Shes literally being paid to serve you and be nice, she might be fired you complain. You are using that power dynamic to your advantage like a jew.

>> No.17137027

Vegans are sad man. Do you at least get to eat sweets?

>> No.17137030
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I once accidentally moved my water when it was low at a fancy restaurant right as a young teenage water filler was walking by. She interpreted this as I needed my water filled. The rest of the night she came by and obsessively filled my glass of water.

>> No.17137052

Oooo you're hard


>> No.17137063

>wait well over an hour
>marinara with tortilla chips instead of salsa
>taco salad that was only lettuce in a shell, everything else forgotten
>American cheese squares melted on a burrito
I don't expect top tier quality with tex mex but damn, that restaurant was in the gutter

>> No.17137067
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I wouldn't necessarily call it scummy, weird sure I'll grant you that. I was nice about it and she was nice about it. I wouldn't have complained, I'm not a psychopath. Thankfully I'm also relatively attractive, so she probably wasn't too put off by it, hell it probably have her an ego boost.

>> No.17137080

Would you say that the amount of happines in the world increased?

>> No.17137083

No, because my embarrassment and continued singleness balanced it out, but I also don't know how happiness is quantified metaphysically.

>> No.17137084

Australian, right?

>> No.17137103

Most likely

>> No.17137202

Sounds like a good waitor

>> No.17137565

I seriously hope you don't tip fast food workers retard

>> No.17137602

You're probably really ugly and autistic.

>> No.17137607
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>Just got my driver's license
>Go to McDonalds
>Eat, etc. go to use bathroom before I leave
>Weird old man at the urinal next to me stares at my dick the whole time

>> No.17137672

Oh I'm autistic for sure, but I'm actually decent looking. Solid 7.5 I'd say.

>> No.17137677
File: 168 KB, 1089x1084, img_5663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never go into the fast food bathroom. Unless you want a blood born disease and/or sexual assault.

>> No.17137709

God I'm glad I don't live in a major city.

>> No.17137735

You truly deserve the "retard of the year" award. Congrats!

>> No.17137752

I was molested in a Jack in the Box’s bathroom when I was 9

>> No.17137760

I know that feel.
>be me
>go to this local pub regularly
>they have some awesome house beer
>also make an absolutely delicious burger
>2x juicy 150g patties, medium rare
>American cheddar
>iceberg lettuce
>their own relish with jalapenos which is the perfect balance of sour, sweet, and spicy
>toasted sesame seed buns
>served with their freshly made french fries, steak cut and always crispy
>order this shit at least once a week while going for pints with the lads
>one day their ownership changes
>they decide to fire most of the kitchen staff
>completely change their menu
>try ordering their new 300g burger
>disgustingly dry patties
>stale buns
>day old dry tomato and lettuce
>to make up for dryness, they slather the burger with tons of sauces
>BBQ sauce
>some weird red pepper paste that doesn't belong on a burger
>soggy, messy to eat, and tastes like I'm just drinking sauce
>never go back again

>> No.17137763

This anons right, I just insert a tube in my ass and drain an entire box of cheap wine into me without a need for a glass

>> No.17138005

Was serving a table of 6 or 8, high class joint, but not "fine dining". Steak seafood, wine list, you get the picture.
It was 7:30 on friday night, summer, hot and humid, place was packed, table was up 2 flights of stairs from the kitchen.
Picking up a plate of pasta off the tray. Marinara? Maybe shrimp, crab, mussels? I lifted it up, wiped the rim, and as I turned toward the table a big drop fo sweat fell off my face right into the middle of the plate.

>> No.17138185

What happened?

>> No.17138306
File: 1005 KB, 1000x800, pampas cinci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the worst, but definitely an experience
>be invited to picrel for dinner
>greeted by the fruitiest voice I've ever heard
>"hostess" is the most stereotypical gay in the world, right down to the women's blazer and skinny jeans
>get seated
>server arrives
>he's also really really really faggy
>when he's done relaying our orders he sits at the bar and flirts with the bartender (who was also fruity)
>food comes out
>plated artistically but meh quality
>most of the bill was probably "atmosphere"
>after seeing the staff I didn't have the courage to visit the men's room
never going to a gastropub again

>> No.17138307

>fill the glass of wine to the top
>its only half full
How much paint thinner did you drink today?

>> No.17138331

>go to chiles for the first time
>they have a qr code instead of a menu
>"can we have real menus"
>she just brings out a single menu and it's just
>"excuse me, there are four people at the table"
>we don't have enough
>tell her that she can print as many as she wants
>eat dinner
>leave without tipping

>> No.17138348

>local italian restauraunt
>go in
>place is full
>have to stand in a cramped hallway with no seats for 20 minutes to get seated
>all dishes come with your choice of soup or salad
>they have 5 good soups on the menu
>ask for italian wedding soup
>sorry we're out
>ask for another
>sorry we're out
>they only had lobster bisque, the one soup I didn't like
>just get the salad instead, it was too small
>main dish, baked ziti comes
>the sauce was candy-sweet and the portion was way too big
>and this whole time a fly was at our table

>> No.17138354

Glad Im not the only one that hates this qr code shit. Eskimo Joes started doing this too. Its a pain in the ass to look at a menu on your phone it just slows everything down

>> No.17138357

u are a spicsican or a brazilinigger right?

>> No.17138383

it gets even worse when you're there with elderly people who can't figure out how to scan it

>> No.17138433
File: 832 KB, 1158x649, 847FD7A1-32FE-4FC7-B0BF-5BBE1A7065F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking Dizzy Whiz in Louisville. My brother and I saw billboards for it when we were driving from Chicago to Nashville. The absolute worst burger I’ve ever had. The lady in front of us in line was illiterate and was just pointing at pictures on the laminated menu and grunting. I remember that was when I realized truly obese people have forehead fat. FUCK THE DIZZY WHIZ AND FUCK LOUISVILLE.

>> No.17138497

Your brother is dumb

>> No.17138499

>wine is a cheap way to not feel so sad for a little bit
i can tell you're a european faggot or a girl. what guy goes for wine first. faggot

>> No.17138529

that's pretty funny

>> No.17138531

This message scares me

>> No.17138532

I live in a major city and eat fast food and an not vaxxed font believe the lies

>> No.17138541

How do they print menus on location

>> No.17138567

Ooh that reminds me recent worse experience at the Plaza Hotel palm court in NYC they charged $120 an adult $85 a kid for a high tea and it was trash. Cobwebs on the serving tray a hair in my husbands food. Everything old and stale. My husband went crazy on the waitress and afterwards we had to scarf down a cheap street burrito that was amazing

>> No.17138571

When they said broke kneed now I’m scared my knees are breaking

I’ve actually been worried about that for weeks now

>> No.17138626

Some bartender was being a cunt, wasn't even hitting on her or being autistic since I was with mates for my buddies bachelor party. Rack up like $150 tab since we're not letting him pay for anything on the trip. Tip $1. Got to see her stare blankly into the till as she reads the tab. Fucking hate cunty bartenders.

>> No.17138657

When I was 18-20 I went to an indian owned pizza place. The manager asked me how I would like the crust and I said normal. He was all pissy and called Visa to try to decline my credit card. Wanker.

>> No.17138794

Lmao that's pretty awful.

This is even more awful.

Lmao anon thanks. That gave me a good laugh. I didn't realize gastropub means a place to get a gastrointestinal parasite now.

No. I'm a Caribbeanz but it's close enough. We share quite a few similarities. If you've ever met a stuck up rich Brazilian who pretends not to speak English when it's time to pay then you know what our "upper class" people are like.

Lol I'm just trying to banter here. It's a slow board. Do you mind sucking dicks somewhere else?

You should be scared. Being fat wrecks your joints.

>> No.17138828

>starving, malnourished vegan
Many such cases

>> No.17138888

Maybe they were deaf?

>> No.17138903

>I see her all the time in my workplace now
did you get hired at chikfila to creep on her dude?

>> No.17138910


>> No.17138915

lol no I would absolutely hate to work in food service

>> No.17138943

One, wife and I were out hiking for a weekend and got back into town around 1am and were super hungry. Went for chinese food at one of the few places we could find open, ordered about 6 dishes, ate a tiny bit and abandoned the rest, it was so fucking bad.

Two, I went to a rooftop restaurant in Japan. The indoor space was packed so they were putting people outside on the 'patio' space. There was a thunderstorm going and they had put a shitty tarp up to half cover the outdoor tables, which didn't do a very good job of covering the table or myself and my company. We were there for 30 minutes and they only managed to serve us some initial drinks - didn't even take a food order yet. We left when some nearby lightbulbs exploded from being rained on. We found another quiet restaurant half a block away that was much more accomodating.

>> No.17138965

It was a restaurant in italy. They had a cat as mascot, fucker even did tricks when the server ordered it too. Anyway I ordered a croque monsieur and it had cat hair in it.

>> No.17139079

Their burgers are trash.
even their fries are trash.
Why the fuck would I go to a five guys when I have an in n out?

>> No.17139104

I worked at a melting pot

>> No.17139144

You worked at America?

>> No.17139151

His junior jumbo jack was fondled while a cluck sandwich masturbated in the corner

>> No.17139169

Sounds like a good time.

>> No.17139542

>QR code bullshit
Instant way to get your tip cut in half + never going back. Funny enough all qr code restaurants I've been too have been mediocre anyways.

>> No.17139553

One time my boss was moving ingredients between locations and dropped a pan of philly steak meat in the dirt. He brushed it off and insisted we serve it. We only got one complaint, "it felt like there was... sand? in it" I assume everyone else just never ordered again

>> No.17139615

>get stopped by police officer for however long it takes for staff to walk outside to sort something out
>get mad for some reason
>staff comes out
>says it's not him so he's free to go
>inconvenience ends
>he proceeds to seethe over the restaurant
Your brother sounds like a fucking fag.

>> No.17140005

you sound like a real tough cunt

>> No.17140184

American idea of a nice classy place
>Muh celebrities
>Serves nachos
The absolute state of amerisharts

>> No.17140221

No just bi polar

>> No.17140246

I've had just 2 bad experiences luckily
>mom wants to eat while we're in some tourist shithole and is too impatient for me to look up decent eating spots
>we go to a redflag restaurant, one with signs outside the door
>me and dad order soup: fish and tomato soup
>tomato soup looks fine
>fish soup is just tomato soup except the chef baked salmon in a pan with lots of oil and poured the entire thing into the tomato soup and stirred
>thick layer of cooking oil on top
>get into an argument with the chef when I say I am not paying for this shit

>> No.17140249

so you are a half-cunt

>> No.17140252

>other time go out to diner with 2 friends
>one is vegetarian (which is a pain already) and orders the only veg dish on the menu: one big ass mushroom turned over and filled with garlic butter and cheese from the oven
>order crème brûlée as dessert, other peeps order different stuff
>friends all get their desserts and I have to wait
>30min later nothing still by then my friends are all done eating already and on tea or coffee
>waiter explains that normally the brûlée is made by a restaurant next door and they are closed so pls wait and we will make it
>15min later get the brûlée, everyone is already done eating at this point
>brûlée is ice cold and the crusty caramel on top is some rubber gelatin flap
>they kept me waiting for almost an hour for this shit
>refuse to pay, go to mc donalds for ice cream instead

>> No.17140271

Was at an early with GF
Waiter had some great experience the day before, which he thought I was entitled to listened to.
Then more or less forced us to drink some stupid shots.
(I was cute cute looking, got held up a lot, male)

>> No.17140297

Ate at some shitty "chinese" restaurant outside of Fort Leonardwood Missouri once
>food that had traveled for less than 5 minutes is ice cold
>everything is swimming in either grease or overly sweet sauces.
>rice is crunchy and obviously old as shit
>orange chicken is made of frozen chicken nuggets that have been microwaved until they have the texture of wood, and then DROWNED in store bought orange sauce
overall a horrible experience, but thankfully we found a good BBQ joint the next day

>> No.17140321

I took a big dose of acid and my friends took me to to a restaurant where my parents were having dinner with another couple and kind of shoved me along into the dining area. Earlier a girl in the car had been blowing in my ear and rubbing on my pants crotch and so I was freaking out about my erection in the restaurant and I was rubbing my stomach in a weird way. I went up to a man at his table and grabbed his arm and said "Hey Paul you know what?" and was trying to pull him off his chair by leaning backwards. Several people pried me loose and two guys maneuvered me into a room in the back and into a chair. One left and the other stayed there watching me and I pulled my pants down and was squeezing and touching my dick, not masturbating, and said "Hey Paul. This is hell'" about 200 times. I was in there for hours doing that and then came out of it. When I started action talking to the guy my dad came in the room and walked me to the car and I went home with my parents.

>> No.17140336


>> No.17140401

t. drunk

>> No.17140469

>We were there for 30 minutes and they only managed to serve us some initial drinks - didn't even take a food order yet.

You're supposed to call the server over in Japan you fucking retard, they don't bother you at your table

>> No.17140536

Went to Pho place in San Diego. Half way through the bow, I found a fly. Immediately complained to the owner but all he could do was excluding my order from the bill. Didn't even offer me a new bow or say sorry.
Voted 0 on Yelp

>> No.17140624


>> No.17140711

Like 10 years ago me and my then gf were going out yo have indian on a saturday night. We didn't book a table and the place we had in mind were full. We try an other one a bit fancy a couple of streets away. Same thing, they told us we could wait but fuck that there's another one just some hundred meters away, let's try that or we'll have some McD and go home. This place is empty, another table but they left later. Place is kinda small, and now when I think about it I'd call it funky. I think it had like yellow walls, pink drapes weird tablecloths and goldy indian kitch stuff like that you now. We sit down order. This guy waiting were not dressed like waiter, just egular cloths, and he was just quiet. We get our food. Usually at indian places you get the curry in a bowl and you serve youself. These guys had just slopp it up on the plate but the rice and salad came in separate bowls. didn't look very appetizing but whatever I'm doing anything about it.
Food wasn't bad nor good, just your everyday indian. Anyway the next day I read in the news later that night after closing a guy was killed in the appartment upstairs that's connected to the resstaurant. Don't know much about that, but these indians or bengalis running the place lived there. Don't think it was something planned. They probably got in to a fight and one guy got his candle blown out. I passed the place some day later and it was sealed off and it the restaurant disapeared. Maybe it's because I know what happened just a few hours after we left I remember it as a really eerie experience. I bet that waiter guy was involved. Never saw the chef tho

>> No.17140730

Inkjet or laser printer.

>> No.17140736
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>> No.17140758

But I'm black

>> No.17140906

I went out to eat with friends the other week and the waitress naggingly yelled "Elbows off the table" at the one guy like she was his mom. And this was at a fucking bar and grill

>> No.17140919

Did your friend politely tell that bitch to fuck off and get his drink or he'd take his business elsewhere?

>> No.17140951
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>18th birthday
>dad asks what I wanna do
>figure I’d throw him a bone and see if he can try and be a father for a change
>tell him I want to see the car show that’s gonna be in the city for my birthday
>the day of it turns out my dad told my brother, and my brother told all his retard college friends
>so now instead of just me and dad having a chill day we gotta cart around retard chads too
>spend 3x more time than we should have at the car show
>now it’s mid dinner service and FINALLY the group wants to go eat
>I was wanting to go to a sushi place but I didn’t say anything and instead suggested a middle ground at a hibachi place because they’re still normies
>go to hibachi place
>they see we’re a large group so we get shuffled to an upstairs portion of the restaurant
>no less than 2/3 infants crying and the smells from the downstairs grills wafting upstairs
>our chef finally comes and he’s visibly drunk
>does the usual hibachi bullshit with the onion and flinging shit into your mouth
>I order a don and then a platter of sushi
>sound of drumming in the distance
>entire restaurant is now looking at me
>kids are now fucking circling the table like savages about to put me on the grill
>get a green tea ice cream inside a hollow Buddha statue (I later learned this year that a hollow Buddha statue is tantamount to a literal curse)
>just finish my food as quickly as possible and feign tiredness
>after I finally get home I take a midnight drive by myself and give myself a birthday dinner at McDonald’s.
>picrel is the Buddha I got

>> No.17140956

> have restaurant in my hometown
> upscale dining, reservations required after 5 pm on friday and saturday
> americana food, but upscale americana food
> take girl there on date, have reservation for 6:30 pm
> table not ready
> ok?
> 30 minute wait
> sit at the bar, having drinks for AND HOUR AND A HALF
> faded by the time we're seated, irate as fuck
> order food
> order steak, she orders chicken
> place closes at 10:30 pm
> get food 30 minutes before closing
> my steak is overcooked and cold
> her chicken is undercooked
> manager acting like an ass, won't comp the meal, no time to recook it
> pay for my meal, take hers and mine in takeaway
> dump contents of takeaways in restaurant foyer, all over their area rug

Made me pay for it? OK, you can pay someone to clean it. Never went back after that shitty service. Wound up ordering some latenight Chinese instead then fucked her.

>> No.17140967

>go to a shitty italian
>mom insisted that we eat out in the open
>it's cold as fuck
>get wrong food
>it tastes horrible
>still hungry after eating it
>little flying insects flew into my food that i had to pull out
Haven't listened to a womans opinion since and didn't have had bad food since then

>> No.17140987

>They were going to mop it anyway and your date thought you were a bitch for waiting 90 minutes to begin with

>> No.17140991

> t. the virgin forever alone trying so hard to nitpick at others experiences because he is lacking his own

>> No.17140993

should have taken a midnight drive into a tree

>> No.17140994
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>21st birthday
>I’ve taken the day off, plan to go to the car show by myself this time
>Mom wants to join to go to the city too
>We go to the car show
>Mom is visibly out of her element
>suddenly my brother and his retard friends show up
>”Haha anon bet you didn’t think we’d come see you on your birthday!”
>I realize now that I am trapped in the endless cycle of death and rebirth in Samsara and I am now stuck at a car show with my brother and his chad friends again, and now it’s with my socially awkward mom
>Speedrun through the usual stuff, try to deflect attention away from the sportscurrs that they each want to take a seat behind the steering wheel of and take a picture
>Somehow manage to get out of there right when dinner service is starting
>Again, don’t want people to feel out of place so I just don’t mention anything and I resign myself to fate.
>”Why don’t we go to Margaritaville?” :D

>> No.17141007
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If I've learned anything from this thread, it's that there is no bigger meme than "fine dining"

>> No.17141008
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>End up driving an extra hour through evening rush-hour traffic to get to a giant mall
>wade through thousands of people and get up to the third floor of this place and finally to Margaritaville
>It’s LOUD
>You can’t tell if the noise is from the music, the drunk boomers laughing nonstop, the people who literally sing along to the music, or all the kids
>It literally looks like a tropical themed daycare
>Sit down at a table
>We get served by a guy who literally looks like Patchy the Pirate
>except he’s wearing fucking stilts and is always asking people if they want a balloon
>”It’s Anon’s birthday!”
>Patchy makes me a balloon hat
>Wear it until I get to the bathroom and pop it in the stall door on purpose
>I ordered the Cheeseburger in Paradise. I figured there was no way they could fuck up their flagship.
>It was sweet
>The bun tasted like some King’s Hawaiian shit, the patty was slathered in some sugary molasses sauce that got on the limp-ass vegetables, and the fries were soggy.
>Even the ketchup tasted like someone mixed splenda in it
>sound of maracas in the distance
>I’m suddenly surrounded by several servers with maracas, a ukelele player, and Patchy who is making me a new hat
>my brother and his friends are clapping and singing along
>Mom doesn’t really say anything
>I didn’t even order alcohol because I knew I would die of toxicity before anything improved
>My karma has ripened evidently
>finally get to leave
>sneak away long enough to get an Auntie Anne’s pretzel
>it’s sweet
>this goddamned burger literally ruined my taste buds for the evening
>go home and cry while drinking rum
Never EVER let your family take you out on your birthday. Lesson learned x2

>> No.17141022

When the customer complains that there is salt on their fries when I know damn well we haven't salted any of the fries that day and they really want "new" fries that we actually just throw back in the grease.

>> No.17141116

No u

Fucking kek

Did you even read the thread? This is a post about terrible restaurants. I think a place that sells itself based on celebrities and trying to appear high class while also selling nachos fits in quite well in that category. Fitting you thought it's an American place though, that's the aesthetic they were going for. Guess they got something right after all lol.

>> No.17141144

Good god. Thank you anon. I needed a laugh today.

>> No.17141185

No worries dubbadubs anon.

>> No.17141207
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>> No.17141240

you're supposed to wait outside for her to finish work then follow her home you dumbass

>> No.17141249
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I don't know about restauraunt but I've been to a fast food place a few times in my life, and they always sucked. I don't know how people eat fast food. When I was a kid we went to taco bell.
>Had been driving for like three hours back from the Great Sand Dunes and a night of fun camping
>Family is all hungry as hell, I was like, 8 or 9 (so maybe 2004 or something)
>Ran out of the stuff we brought and figured we'd stop somewhere and eat
>"Hey I've heard of that place on TV shows and stuff. Let's try fast food"
>Sit down in Taco Bell, turns out we have to go to the desk to order
>Dad goes up and orders all of us (my mother, myself and him) a basic burrito, meaty, jalapenos, sour cream, cheese, lettuce
>Wait about 10 minutes and they arrive
>They're...flat. Like, REALLY flat.
>I took a bite and grimaced or something, looked unhappy
>We open them up and its literally a smear of what looks to be liquified beef, a blob of sour cream, a total of 4 little jalapeno rings between us, some cheese and no lettuce
>Its 90% burrito and nothing else
>Disgusted we throw them in the bin and walk out
I forgot what we ate but even I was unhappy and I was like 8 years old.
What a fucking shitshow. The only "Fast food" place I've gone to has been Subway a few times and that was just because I was with people going. I really don't get it. I'm Canadian so maybe its an American thing.

>> No.17141277

I agree. Fucking retards. I drink at a gentleman's club and nobody there is enough of a prude to "swirl and sniff" their wine.
The cigars are unbelievably top tier, however.

>> No.17141289
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Does subway count?
>Go to subway 1-2 times a month max, sometimes not at all
>Get the exact same Chicken pizziola with some extra stuff on it, toasted with the onions and green peppers on before adding the rest
>Nice foreign server there, maybe indian, unsure, cheerful lady
>Usually went with my mother or sister since I drive them to places a lot
>I went in alone like two months ago and the lady asked "Oh! So where is your wife?"
>I don't know how to respond
>Spaghetti deployed.exe
>Try and stammer out I come in with my mom and sister a lot
>"No no the other one!"
>Mumble something, get my sandwich, leave the like $1.76 change like always because fuck change
>Haven't gone back since
Still stressed out about that. Weirds me the fuck out. I guess my mother does look very young (She's 42) and my sister is about ~8 years younger than me (18). Still, just...weird.

>> No.17141331
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>business has undesirables loitering around harassing customers as they leave

>> No.17141370

Similar for me. Someone "remembered" me coming in with another lady earlier in the day. My wife was with me. I had not been to this location in weeks. Never again.

>> No.17141371

checked out a "home comfort style" family diner in san diego in walking distance between my favorite cornerstore deli and the 11/10 quality taco hole for a weekend supper

>Oversized interior, but empty because only 3 parties including ourselves in the whole place
>menu not too large and not too small, which I take as a good sign, but nothing on the menu looks like a standout item ie. a daily, special, etc.
>greasy texture on my silverware
>Extremely long wait for the food
>room temp dry chicken breast
>mountain of bland mashed potatoes
>water-nothing gravy
>bitter pile of collard greens
>a single stale biscuit
>$30 before tip and drink
>they pre-emptively brought us little styrofoam containers for us to take our food home without us asking, we certainly did not use them

It was the lowest of low. Anyway, I don't check out places on a whim anymore.

>> No.17141373

Its a horribly awkward feeling for sure.

>> No.17141418
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swedish pizza right here

>> No.17141430

You’re a precious leaf and I like (you). I’m glad you’ve mostly been spared.

>> No.17141439
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>> No.17141455

Looks like my grandpappy

>> No.17141469

""""Thai"""" food in Montana. Not sure why the fuck my parents thought it'd be good. It tasted like rotten tomato water with some canned vegetables and chicken floating in it. I got absolutely horrible diarrhea and vomiting for an entire 2 days stuck in a hotel. Fuck Montana

>> No.17141492

That sounds miserable

>> No.17141661

Paymons in Las Vegas, shit was vile. Got some sort of lamb that tasted off, I love lamb and cook it all the time, whatever they did to this left it grey and slimy under a pool of gravy-like sauce that tasted of unripened pomegranate and vinegar.

He is full-cunt, half the time. Nuance is a hell of a thing.

>> No.17141671

I rubbed one out quickly at a Friendly's and put it away too quick and my cum dribbled onto my leg and got all cold and sticky. The sundae was great though.

>> No.17141681

Yeah, qr code dogshit is the worst. Nothing better than having everyone at your table get up and stand in a fucking line to the bar just to get a beer.

>> No.17141712

Yeah, she was probably super flattered to be hit on by a guy she wouldn't be caught dead with.

>> No.17141735

we folded up our money to make our 5 dollar tip (for a table of 8) look like a bunch

>> No.17141737

why not? I'm flattered when uggos and fatties hit on me

>> No.17141840

The fact that you thought you might be in her league was actually a massive neg.

>> No.17141874
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Yeah, when he told me the story originally, I told him he is a dumbfuck as I had a hearty laugh at his expense and the ridiculousness of the whole ordeal. I still occasionally bring up the story to him and other people for laughs to this day.

>> No.17141973

Why are you so goddamn obsessed?
>Muh alcoholic grape juice needs to drank the proper way

>> No.17142003


>> No.17142108

based autist accidently telling dad jokes

>> No.17142119

When I was 11 we went to visit my Aunt who lived in Chicago at the time for Thanksgiving. We go to this famous pizza place that was on food network, I don't remember what it was called but none the less it was supposed to be famous. Despite it not being that packed we wait an hour and a half for a table and other 20 to even get our drinks. Finally after another 45 minutes we get our food and after maybe 2 bites my dad just screams at us to stop eating. My dad then pulls a piece of glass out of his mouth. We call the staff and are now shifting through out pizza and it's FILLED with shards of glass, not even tiny bits, like big peices of glass. Even despite the manager and the wait staff watching us pull the clearly cooked in pieces of glass from the food they accuse us of planting the glass there ourselves to try and make the place look bad. My dad and uncle are not having this and the manager is also really good at pushing buttons so a fight almost breaks out but some other bystandards break it off. While we are leaving the manager makes some other shitty remark so my dad and uncle tip over 2 carts of dishes, the waiter podium and this full trash can that was sitting at the entrance. A lot of the guests also left with us as well and we could hear them whispering about going to the doctor to make sure they didn't swallow anything. We then went to Pizza Hut and ordered their big new yorker pizza and see the sights. We walked past it on the way back home that night and the place was closed even though it was supposed to be open for another 3 hours, trash and plates still everywhere. My aunt then had to go to the hospital a day later where they found some small shards in her gut.

>> No.17142237

shit pisses me off because i rarely carry my phone with me

>> No.17142308
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>> No.17142358

How do you even get that much glass in food. This sounds so out there to be unbelievable.

>> No.17142465

>mopping a rug

>> No.17142497

Please name these places anon, especially the taco hole. I moved to this jungle a year ago and get 50/50 hit or misses on the restaurants I go to.

>> No.17142537

imagine not mopping a rug. ngmi

>> No.17142565

Ethiopian food is great though

>> No.17142611

It's one of those things where you've gotta treat it ironically to enjoy it.

>> No.17142732

How would you clean it? Do you think all restaurants have steam cleaners on hand?

>> No.17142737

>i rarely carry my phone with me
Why do you have it then? You would have to be a hundred years old to say something like this

>> No.17142740

not even ethiopians think this

>> No.17142743

I don't like the way it leaves a mark on my jeans pocket

>> No.17142808

He was probably just admiring the equipment.
Post it.

>> No.17142846
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>> No.17142847

Did you ask them what happened? If they realize that whatever they did made their product worse, they might reverse it. Depending on what it is.

>> No.17142860

I think this is pasta

>> No.17142866

My mom asked them if they changed any of their ingredients and they said "no"

>> No.17142937

No, it was pizza

>> No.17142938

I haven't eaten at a restaurant in years, and I will never again.
>trusting other people with your food

>> No.17143034

>Wooden chopsticks
Really Anon, how poor are you ?

>> No.17143055

The same retard who's going to lose his shit because someone poured water in his whisky

>> No.17143174

Niggers are the niggers of Africa

>> No.17143207

Get over yourself, you dumb stupid faggot. Sometimes I don't have the correct motor oil for a customer's car, and if I don't feel like going to the parts store to grab some, I tell them to fuck off.

Deal with it. Bitch.

>> No.17143223


>> No.17143225

Why not? Why do you 3rd world dipshits do retarded things just for the sake of doing them? I pour however much wine I feel like drinking, you stupid faggot.

>> No.17143231

Is this what you 3rd world dipshits do with your free time? Make up stuff since there is nothing going on where you live? "ohh I have to swirl the wine as my wife gets fucked by a refugee; such class and sophistication"

Fucking faggots holy shit.

>> No.17143282

You can just tell, they are literally white skinned niggers.

>> No.17143300

You could have ordered another bowl, which would be the same thing as replacing your bowl without refund. Or did you want a new bowl, plus reparations for mental trauma?

>> No.17143312

Not that bad but I was at a breakfast diner and I ordered steak and eggs and was presented steak and literally just ground beef in the shape of a rectangle.

>> No.17143313

Was presented eggs and "steak" that was just ground beef in the shape of a rectangle***** sorry bros, am retarded.

>> No.17143372

>folks want to try new japanese place that opened not long ago
>google reviews gave the place 4.5 stars
>"well it's probably real good then."
>after a drive and a 10 min wait we go in
>pure black walls with "ok" dragon pictures drawn on them with what looks like glow-in-the-dark paint
>even have like UV lights hanging from the ceiling pointing at them
>looks more like a laser tag arena then a restaurant
>sit down and look at overpriced menu
>not a lot and on it and most of it was real boring stuff
>I just got some gyoza and ramen
>gyoza were the same kind of thing I could make from a frozen bag at wal-mart
>ramen toppings were 2 pieces of pork, a medium cooked egg, and a small scoop of corn kernels
>broth was like water and noodles weren't any better
>ate all of it and was still hungry
>bill was $90 and me and my folks left super dissatisfied

>> No.17143476
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Mine was similar except in a shit hole called Wadesboro.

>Strip mall Chinese joint
>Nice buffet a few miles down road, but this was closest
>General Tsos combo
>Microwaved sweet and sour chicken
>Ladled Gen tsos sauce into said chicken
>Hard yellow fried rice, no veg/egg/meat
>Egg roll was filled with plain salted cabbage that was still not even cooked all the way

Other mentions
>Burger King except the one in Tukwila WA of all places
>Filet O Fish at hood McDicks

>> No.17143480

Do faggots like this really exist?

>> No.17143514
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>> No.17143595

I ordered a cup of chicken noodle for my wife and I to share during early bird, waitress took her time, when I called manager over waitress said "they hold the table for two hours spend two fifty and DON'T TIP!" I said I don't come here so shiksa with her lack of education can schmere my people.

>> No.17143608

I 100% swear this happened to me and my family.

>> No.17143669

Gas yourself

>> No.17143706

I feel like being your 21st birthday the correct response would have been to just start ordering drinks at an insane rate and get absolutely puking fucking drunk in order to make yourself somewhat less miserable and also to make them regret dragging you out to do something

>> No.17143732

Just jumping in to reiterate the point. Your brother is a dipshit. A numpty. A paltroon.
Your brother is a fuckwit, a halfwit, a midwit, a lackwit. Shitwit, nitwit, complete twit.

Tell your brother strangers think he's a faggot. He sounds like he'd be genuinely upset by this and seethe for years afterwards.

>> No.17143783

I've got a customer comes in with his wife sometimes, sometimes his daughter, sometimes his Chinese girlfriend, and sometimes his other girlfriend

>> No.17143786

Did you take the plate too?

>> No.17143842

That's not how property works. Are you black?

>> No.17143966

>he scrapes his teeth along the fork
fucking retard.

>> No.17144043
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Big words for someone on a mongolian basket weavings forum.

>> No.17144082
File: 32 KB, 398x398, reflections-on-the-sam-allardyce-scandal-1474977793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry chud, but we anglos drink our wine by the pint, what you see in that image is slackin

>> No.17144095

was on vacation and went to some irish style bar because it was the only restaraunt open within walking distance that didnt have an hour long waiting line
i got put in a table in a shitty corner of the bar where nobody else was, ordered an overpriced $15 fish and chips and didnt feel like drinking because i just wanted fucking food
i wound up sitting there for a full hour at which point i had enough of their bullshit because every time i asked them they told me just 10 more minutes we'll start making your food
they only gave me fucking water 20 minutes in

>> No.17144134


>> No.17144144

carry a purse then faggot

>> No.17144149

Had a panic attack in a restaurant once.

Obviously that's not the restaurant's fault, but that's really clearly the standout in my mind as the worst experience I had in one.

Will you be my landlord? I love your rates.

>> No.17144165

Only time I've lost my shit at a "restaurant"

>food court in mall
>in the mood for quesadilla, literally only thing taco bell has that I ever want
>dibble dabble street shitter takes my order and I pay
>order comes up
>passes me a tray with burritos on it not what I ordered
>street shitter had the audacity to angrily yell at me and tell me "No no thats what you order, thats what you order!"
>on lunch break and don't have time to argue, im pissed like i've never been before with a service worker acting like this
>flip the tray of food so ot all spills behind the counter
>"have fun cleaning that up asshole"

Literally the only time I've ever gotten aggressive with a worker.
99% of the time if I have an issue with something I'll just leave it or politely as I can bring it up because many times I've been on the receiving end from shit for brains angry retard customers and know its unpleasant. But that poo and his shitty response taking no responsibility for fucking up and blaming me.

>> No.17144219

Went to a restaurant in Paris in mid-afternoon, ovens weren't warm, food was half-done. This was around 2010 or so. Our mistake, but they should have let us know.

>> No.17144278

she was hitting on u bro

>> No.17144307


>> No.17144342
File: 1.28 MB, 1190x1920, BadFeelingBass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outback Steak House; went one night before I was to have a surgery. I'm socially anxious, but it was with my parents.
Anyways I order a medium-rare Ribeye, Baked Potato fully-loaded, and Green breans.Which to me
seems like there wouldn't really be any issues. Well when it comes to my table I noticed in the potato a massive spit-lugi, right as soon as the plate had hit the table.
Rather than tell the waitress, or my parents I resorted to telling them I couldn't eat, and tried to apologize. Well of course they pressured me to, and I resorted to cussing them and asking for the keys to wait outside.
In fact to this day I never spoke of this, but I really resent that I didn't just speak up. They paid for it, and no one ate it. Never returned to any type of steak house, cause I learned to master my own for that fucking reason.

>> No.17144369

bro i think you need to put down the vodka juice for the night

>> No.17144407

I'm drink prune juice and I have a lot of gas

>> No.17144432

That cat is from ukraine @loveyoustepan on instagram

>> No.17144433

Sounds authentic.

>> No.17144439
File: 1.68 MB, 2448x3264, phone 1167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rooftop "beer garden" in Tokyo
>no menu, just nomihodai with set food
>men and women seated in separate areas
>gross soggy karage
>no beer menu at all just pic related
>"nachos" pic related, literally doritos with parmesan
>edamame over steamed and barely any salt
We just drank the one beer and left

>> No.17144440

i dont understand man, why not say something? you would never see these people again.

>> No.17144462

found a live inchworm in my applesauce at bennett's pit n bbq in gatlinburg tn on vacation. never going to eat there again. it's been probably 10-12 years since then

>> No.17144467
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I spilled my orange juice at a McDonald's as a kid and felt like a dumbass when the wagie had to clean it up for me

>> No.17144476

I honestly cannot think of a terrible restaurant experience. I can't think of a single instance where a waiter was rude to me, or a time when I embarrassed myself. Are these just the benefits of not being autistic and ugly? I'm 6'1, played football in high school, and have a fiancé.

>> No.17144516

I recall a similar experience in like 1997. Went to America as an Ausfag and we went to Taco Bell 1 (one) time and I remember mutual disappointment even though I was like 6 or 7 years old. Just wasn't good.
At the time we still had Taco Bell in Australia which was what we would have compared it to.

>> No.17144528

That's not the top, weirdo foreignfag

>> No.17144602

It was glassta.

>> No.17144614

Some chinese bitch spilled ice cold water on me at a Mongolian BBQ restaurant

>> No.17144799
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>went to some hipster sushi place for shits and giggles
>their gimmick was that they serve sushi with coffee
>went in, got the roll set that came with the "signature" coffee all over their menu
>sushi was the worst i have ever eaten, all i could taste was avocado and some lettuce
>coffee still wasn't served yet
>i asked the waiter where is my coffee twice and every time his response was "it's coming"
>something like 15 minutes after the coffee arrives
>waiter spills it all over my pants
>i ask him "so am i gonna have to wait another 15 minutes?"
>another one comes after a few minutes
>i don't even drink coffee

>> No.17144807

>asians kill each over a few dollars
>You're in the wrong

Dear God.

>> No.17145364

go back

>> No.17145388

its rare that you get a pic to go along with the horrible story, god that looks fucking terrible

>> No.17145390

This thread was worth reading just for this.

>> No.17145398

Sounds like you ought to be in prison.

>> No.17145408
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American fast food really is just a lower quality.
Been here longer than you.

>> No.17145416

That's horrible anon, jesus

>> No.17145517

>so am i gonna have to wait another 15 minutes?
top kek

>> No.17145617
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>men and women seated in separate areas
my man you got ntr'd

>> No.17145654
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x802, A8C815FF-D03F-41CA-9556-2CD658667826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That had to have spared you at least a couple revolutions around the ol’ soul trap

>> No.17145663

let the cat drink his wine in peace please

>> No.17145665

>sliver posting on /ck/
Chrisitan, is that you?

>> No.17146034

For free? Or did you have to tip?

>> No.17146112

Nice to see a couple of dudes enjoying a meal.

>> No.17146121

You fucking loser holy shit. If you don't have the balls to kill yourself, at least don't ever go back to that establishment again if you have any respect for yourself. I used to work in food service. You are a joke there now. The whole staff knows you and makes fun of you. You fucking retard.

>> No.17146134

This even though you retards are replying to obvious bait.

>> No.17146160

all my best and worst restaurant experiences have been because of women

>> No.17146295

who are you?

>> No.17146304

It's not bait, I really did it. Maybe that's why they don't ask me my name anymore.

>> No.17146311

Hi Christian

>> No.17146337

I have no idea what you are trying to say here yid.

>> No.17146686

Antisemitism is a sign of mental illness

>> No.17146733

This is pathetic. You need to have some confidence in yourself. Man the fuck up.

>> No.17146905

>went one night before I was to have a surgery
For your sake I hope you got an autistectomy

>> No.17146937

What's schizo about anything he said? It's 100% true

>> No.17146960

Seriously? What if I like the food?

>> No.17146994
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Don't just look at it. Eat it.

>> No.17147017

There's a pizza chain run by a guy my family knows who's a local mob boss, my mom was friends with his daughter in high school which is how our families met. A few decades ago someone apparently got murdered with an ice pick in one of his kitchens and he went on "vacation" to Sicily for a year or two. I still go there because the pizza is really fucking good, though.

>> No.17147058

I do not think that means what you think it means

>> No.17147062

I've had a McDonalds give me a big mac with no patties before so I believe you.

>> No.17147070

>inbred mentally ill Juden detected

>> No.17147161

A normal glass of wine is about 1/3 filled at most

>> No.17147260

autistic mongoloid

>> No.17147266


>> No.17147311
File: 60 KB, 616x462, D05162BE-A70D-4837-B691-24EA7B2D3C3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downtown LA, homeless man rushed out table and stole an entire full Branzino of my plate. Chased him for two blocks but damn, was that dude fast. I run a 5:00 mile and he was way faster than me. The girl I was eating there with ended up cheating on me 4 days later with my best friend, and then filed a false domestic abuse claim against me, so yeah. I have not gone back to that restaurant.

>> No.17147321

At*, off*. Sorry, mobile.

>> No.17147336

Wait... You're not supposed to do that?

>> No.17147350

Bro she's coming to your place because she lost your number. Hit that shit

>> No.17147367

Everyone in the western world has deadend our taste buds and nose between the amount of shit added to our food and the remaining lead in our bodies from burning leaded gas for decades. There is literally no point to this

>> No.17147375

>normally the brûlée is made by a restaurant next door
What a stupid system

>> No.17147381

That reminds me. For years there was this little place my mom loved to go. Took her their for a birthday breakfast. Door b is locked. Cops are there. Owner hung himself in the kitchen and the morning staff found his body. That weird French fuck made the best eggs Benedict ever

>> No.17147393

Why lie on an anonymous board?

>> No.17147411

>How would you clean it?
Not with a fucking mop, dumbass.

>> No.17147426

That is just Argentinians

>> No.17147435

I fucking hate Louisville. Every fucking time I have to drive through that city it inevitably is in May during Derby weekend

>> No.17147470

Nobody cares schizo

>> No.17147522

f for the frog

>> No.17147612

Lmao this reminds me of my brother's 24th birthday
>live in Phoenix, Arizona like the rest of my family
>bro lives in Tucson, so when he comes up it's a big event
>dad and stepmom want to have a birthday dinner with him, his gf, me, our 2 much younger bros, and grandma
>they pick this resort restaurant (Rustler's Roost) with an incredibly cheesy cowboy theme
>me and dad order margaritas
>they put sugar on the rim instead of salt, we're both like wtf
>they put sugar on the rim of the kids' sodas too
>they're like 5 and 11 so they love all the cowboy stuff
>there's some cowboy themed magician wandering around the tables
>does some cool card tricks, focusing especially on the "birthday boy" and gives us his business card
>food ordering time, don't trust them to cook a steak properly after sugaring my marg
>notice "all you can eat beef ribs" and figure that they must constantly and consistently churn them out
>they are indeed huge and delicious, meanwhile bro's steak is fucking raw and not medium rare
>after dinner, dad orders a birthday cake
>the server gives my bro a bandana and cowboy hat and leads the restaurant in a happy birthday song
>can tell from the look on my bro's face and his gf's face that they just want to be in a normal restaurant and not in cowboy Disneyland
>the beef ribs are truly all you can eat and I get another free plate of ribs that promptly go into a takeout container
>they reheat perfectly in the oven later that week
It's funny when everyone enjoys your brother's birthday more than your brother does

>> No.17147632

>obvious bait
I knew an Indian guy in college who was exactly like this, so I'm prepared to believe it

>> No.17147854


I hesitate to call it a restaurant but it technically is one. it was a former local pizzaria, typical turkish shit. I thought back then I had IBS (turns out I ate shit food that made me a little sick) so I went for a gluten free pizza base and shit you not in the box there was two of similar looking bases, undercooked and just slammed together so lazily I could not even finish it. It was shit and I just stopped going to the local pizza places after that. What a load of shit.

>> No.17147869

The worst is yet to come :^)

>> No.17148073

No, it's a symptom of being jewed.

>> No.17148525
