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File: 744 KB, 1024x685, NYPizzaPie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17128602 No.17128602 [Reply] [Original]

There is literally nothing special about New York pizza. Literally the most mediocre form of pizza there is, yeah it's perfectly fine but certainly nothing to boast about.

Maybe it is if you lived in New York your entire life and then go to buttfuck nowhere with a single pizza chain that makes awful pizza, but even then New York pizza is a minor step up. Fucking New Yorkers are so boastfully egotistical.

>> No.17128674

You've obviously been to the wrong pizza joint guy.

There's a lot of fake pizza places here in NY. They pop up when people not from NY move here and start one. Those aren't legit. It's a generational thing, if you ever went to a real NY pizza place you'd know the difference and obvious superiority.

There's a reason it's so hyped and highly regarded, faggot.

>> No.17128697

I definitely need to visit sometime to try a real New York pizza. Pizza places that claim to have New York-style pizza can either taste like cardboard or taste alright, but nothing special.

>> No.17128721

That New York which was represented by this type of pizza is long dead and the old Italian and Irish neighborhoods have been browned.

>> No.17128725

put some parm or pepper flakes on it ffs, it sucks up the layer of grease on top and activates the flavor. Why do you think they have it sitting there, for decoration?

>> No.17128742

Any place outside of NY claiming to have NY style pizza is a sham. They are either people that aren't from NY or couldn't cut it in NY itself. Restaurants that make good pizza here live like kings, they wouldn't leave.

>> No.17128938

not true i live in FL and we have more OG new yorkers then NY at this point

>> No.17128957

It's fucking pizza, it's not complicated. New York is not special.

>> No.17128966

It's not a challenge to make a thin cheese pizza

>> No.17128977

What's the difference? Describe it

>> No.17128984

New York pizza = normal italian margarita yes?

why the fuck is it called like that lmao

>> No.17128994

Fanook filtered

>> No.17129116

The west coast can’t seem to do it at all. Even Oregon with their faggy imported NY water isn’t as good. And it costs like 8 bucks a slice.

>> No.17129126

>New York pizza = normal italian margarita yes?
lol no

>> No.17129466
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>> No.17129470

did he die?

>> No.17129515

Hey, I'm peeking here

>> No.17129636

what's the diff?

>> No.17130060

The thing that makes new york pizza special is that it's a regional style that doesn't fuck the whole thing up.

>> No.17130166

basically yes, and I'm italian.There are like three major types of pizza in Italy:
- neapolitan style, with a soft dough and a thick raised edge
- roman style, flatter and with a crispy crust
- "pizza al taglio", similar to focaccia and only sold in bakeries or as a street food
the most common type served in pizzerias outside of the Naples area is the roman style, which is very close to New York style pizza.

>> No.17130199

Is it a disgrace to add pepperoni, onions, and bell peppers to an Italian pizza?

>> No.17130204

I read that the best pizza in NY is made by some italian retard who randomly decided to make a pizza store and uses a wine bottle instead of a rolling pin

>> No.17130210

>Eat NY pizza
>Tastes like shit

>> No.17130279

ok mr world travleller

>> No.17130371

we eat our fair share of garbage pizza too, don't believe that italians only eat quality pizza made with fancy PDO products.
pizza with "salame piccante" (also called calabrese o "alla diavola") is one of the most popular toppings, and it's close to pepperoni. Onion and bell peppers are also pretty common.

>> No.17130377

I've watched Portnoy one bite the New Haven pizzas. Are they as good as he says they are? They look delicious

>> No.17130423

yes it is barely acceptable at its best

>> No.17130444

It's funny how being well travelled only confirms to decent people that they should have stayed at home, while the youth always puts travel up on a weird pedestal. The land you were raised in is where your values are. Interaction with foreigners is valuable, but indoctrination by them is not.

>> No.17131132

No, I'd call you a man of taste

>> No.17131136

Do New Yorkers really get under your skin that much you dedicate an entire thread to them? Why do i get the feeling you're from either Chicago or the West Coast?

>> No.17131141

You do know pizza in Italy became a thing (other than Naples) AFTER it got popular in the US, right? Christ Italian fags are actually the worst when it comes to their food and pretending they started everything

>> No.17131152

Lucali is ranked at the top in recent years. He does a lot of things "wrong" including rolling out his dough and cooking his sauce. He was sort of like a home cook that thinks he knows what he's doing but not really.
The original places from the 20s are gone or are now mostly coasting on rep and are tourist spots. This is what caused the wood-fired Neo-Neapolitan NY pizza revival a decade or two ago. Many places from the 50s and onward are still around.
Many experts think New Haven-- Sally's, Pepe's, Modern-- are the best and they have a strong case. Those owners left NY in the 30s 40s for New Haven. Portnoy reads the internet, too.
NY water doesn't have shit to do with it. That's a lame myth. It's about ingredients and technique.
The vast majority of NY pizza places today are shit-tier and run by FOB middle easterners looking to make a quick buck.

>> No.17131357

I’ve tried 7 places in NY and while some were mediocre a few were plain awful. It’s good as a snack with the sauces and chili flakes they have other than that garbage.

>> No.17131368

St Louis style pizza is like this but some say it's too thin and not enough sauce/too much cheese.

>> No.17131432

The biggest thing which makes standard NY pizza stand out is that it's kosher, that's it.

>> No.17131438

Pathetic loser from Chicago or Boston detected. You will never have a renowned city cuisine.
Guess what? It is literally Scientifically proven (by Science) that NYC water makes the absolute ideal dough for pizza crust, and bagels for that matter. That's right - it is literally impossible for anyone to make pizza to the same standard outside of NYC without importing NYC water - which many do.
Let that sink in. You are paying to have our tap water shipped so that you can have some semblance of pizza.

>> No.17131446

Fluoride pizza ftw

>> No.17131692

>That's a lame myth.
it's not that their water is good, it's that some places somehow have even worse water that destroys dough

>> No.17131707
File: 154 KB, 805x1174, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like the same shit those Philadelphia cheese steak fags constantly spout when in reality it's all pretty much the same as anywhere else and often times worse

>> No.17131809

Jesus you americans get autistic over bullshit. I've been to america 3 times and went to some of the highly rated pizza places in NY, Boston, LA and Seattle and they were all decent without any major discernible difference between them. I still like my hometown's best pizza parlor better than any of them. Also, NY is a disgusting city but LA made me want to kill myself. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.17131870

Your problem is that your a tourist and never get out of the times square area. Most of you tourists are scarred to go to a real neighborhood pizza joint, that's outside of their expected range.

>> No.17131879
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shut the fuck up, cumskin.

>> No.17131882

Tourists get robbed once they leave the tourist areas.

>> No.17131898

That's so stupid that it doesn't make sense. The only people that get robbed are morons that trust niggers and crack heads.

>> No.17131908

Perhaps you've had too much "diversity training?

>> No.17132003


>> No.17132091

>NY, Boston, LA and Seattle
all the wrong places

>> No.17132096

“”””New York Pizza”””” is just a shitty knockoff of New Jersey pizza.

>> No.17132103

This post is embarrassing

>> No.17132109

Hi Aris

>> No.17132120

I went to new york 2 months ago, on average the quality of pizza is higher. However, the best pizza is equal to the best pizza here in los angeles.

>> No.17132127

CT pizza is better.

>> No.17132206

7 places, i suspect that none of those seven were out of your times square comfort zone.

>> No.17132213

Jersey bitches are the sluttiest of the slutty for us NY guys.

>> No.17132222

Gatekeeping pizza. I fucking hate new yorkers, your city is an actual trash pile

>> No.17132224

If you want poo on the loo bullshit, fuck off back to india.

>> No.17132230

Pizza is over rated, I'm not joking it's just not that big of a deal, bread sauce and some random toppings

>> No.17132235

>Decent people

>> No.17132239

I'm from NY and go for a tombstone myself, I jazz it up a bit and dont have to deal with bullshit idiots.

>> No.17132250

Do you really beleive that shit or do just say it so many times that you have to believe it?

>> No.17132271

CT was ranked best pizza in the US due to Pepe’s

>> No.17132282

ranked by what, some fucking wankers with a website?

>> No.17132291

google #1 pizza in the US

>> No.17132299

Why would I give two shits about a google search?
I live in NY and know what I like the best.

>> No.17132311

I did this and there is no objective consensus.

>> No.17132318

So you live your life from google searches, what a life you must lead.

>> No.17132322
File: 431 KB, 750x1104, E27B5034-EC74-43AA-A332-50B9FA0751F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imported NY water
New Yorkers literally drink fucking bugs.


>> No.17132324


>> No.17132331

I crustations your lil sisters eyes last night

>> No.17132680
File: 141 KB, 317x374, 7-11-ground-tomatoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NY water is actually notoriously good because it comes from upstate. But it doesn't really matter. Maybe lots of added chemicals could affect flavor and yeast growth, but that would be like trying to make Pizza with water from Flint, MI or something. All municipal water supplies put antibacterial and antifungal shit in the water, yet virtually all tap water is fine for making fermented yeast breads. Arguably hard water with lots of minerals might actually help flavor, if it did anything noticeable at all. What matters is access to the right foodservice-level ingredients-- high strength classic flours, good ground tomatoes, Sicilian oregano, whole milk cheeses, Ezzo meats; the right sorts of ovens like Baker's Pride and Blodgett deck ovens; and decades of passed-down technique with roots in the OG places-- dough fermentation and dough opening technique chief among them. California is responsible for the "fancy toppings" thing-- pineapple, bbq chicken, that sort of shit-- which started in LA in the 1980s, but still doesn't have many great NY style pizza places. The best tomatoes in America are actually grown in CA a place called Escalon Valley and are used in most good NY places. New Jersey also has really good tomatoes and are common there too.

>> No.17132809

If you want to take a shortcut to making good NY pizza, get some General Mills All Trumps flour, Stanislaus 7/11 Ground tomatoes, Grande Whole milk mozz, Ezzo pepperoni, Scicilian oregano some EVOO, some yeast, water and salt. Thats all you need. Those are total classic, gold standard NY ingredients. Make some dough balls at 63% hydration, .5% idy or cake yeast, 1% oil, 2% salt and put it in the fridge for 48 hours. Cook at 500-550 on a stone or steel for about 8 minutes. Wah-lah-- S tier NY Pizza, which will BTFO any chain or Mohammed and his fried chicken and bullshit dollar slice spot.

>> No.17132841
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Yids BTFO'd

>> No.17133167


It's a bandwagon that everybody love to ride on or push over.

>> No.17133175

sure thing bud, that must be why it's so famous and loved

>> No.17133304

>thin so it's floppy and larger than needs to be
>always overcooked
>even if slices were reasonably-sized, so thin they won't fill you for shit
>only ever plain cheese

Fuck is up with New York
It's not that hard to make good pizza