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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 564x797, cutting boards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17120441 No.17120441 [Reply] [Original]

you DO color code your prep items, right anon?

>> No.17120447

I use one bamboo cutting board I rarely wash or a paper plate

>> No.17120462

That's a pretty good idea, actually. I was gunna call it retarded but I can see how that'd be useful in a business kitchen.

>> No.17120467

>Free from products

>> No.17120472

>All you have to do is buy 12 different colored cutting boards.
Why can't I just have a couple and wash them?

>> No.17120476

as in no alergens, so tube babies dont die upon interaction with whatever was prepped on it

>> No.17120483

Liberal agenda

>> No.17120650

itt: people who have never prepped food in a commercial kitchen

>> No.17120652

I have red for raw meat, yellow for dairy/baked goods, green for fruits and veg, blue for idkwhat and white for cooked things.
I srsly don't know what to use the blue one for. I just consider 'fish' in the raw meat category and I don't cut unwashed/unpeeled root vegetables or mushrooms.

>> No.17120763

for home use yeah, but in a commercial kitchen this would make sense from a food science/health perseptive

>> No.17120764
File: 58 KB, 656x960, JqGYDOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>online college
>making nonsense infographics
I do not and I've had the same two bamboo cutting board for like the last 5 years. It's fine, you don't need 7 different cutting boards lol.

>> No.17121637

"bruh just use a wooden cutting board bro you just need one bro aha huehheheee"
pampered tards never have had a 7 hour prep list and it shows

>> No.17121667

Why does red meat and seafood need to be separate?

>> No.17121678

the temps it takes to kill bacteria on the raw meats are different, plus if you get a rare steak that was cut up on a board that had raw lobster or salmon you are more at risk for food poisoning

>> No.17121684

>just use half a dozen cutting boards
Colleges are trash. Whether it be online or in the classroom, it has little relevancy to the real world.

>> No.17121694

Maybe you should go get a job in food service and learn some things about the real world.

>> No.17121713
File: 25 KB, 480x358, Bar Skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if you're serious or not. I hope you don't think most busy kitchens have a ton of color-coded cutting boards for different jobs instead of the standard thick white ones.

>> No.17121717

every kitchen ive worked in has had at least 3 of each of the colors in op image

>> No.17121718

What country are you in?

>> No.17121720

US specifically texas

>> No.17121726

Odd. I've worked in 6 places in 3 states, 1 for a span of nearly 10 years, and only one had different colored boards for something. They used them for cutting garnishes/uncooked items. So just 2 boards.

>> No.17121733

yes, in my head like a normal person be washing my cutting board and knife (assuming i'm using the same one) in the cooking sesh.

>> No.17121734

>pampered tards
More like not tard enough to work in food service

>> No.17121743

>Pampered tards never had a 7 hour prep list and it shows

Even tards are smart enough to work somewhere other than food service. Low skills low wages, faggot.

>> No.17121752

yfw chef fags get their cutting board cleaned at the very least once a day

>> No.17121777

>cutting on plastic boards
Sounds like a good idea.

>> No.17121874

>cooking with unwashed root vegetables

>> No.17121940

this is just completely unecessary, even in professional situation
you need 2
one for uncooked food you might get food poisoning from
one for veggies and other things eaten raw or already cooked

>> No.17122208


>low skills

the office drones are back at it again

>> No.17122222

>y-y-you... successful person!
Keep going, your tears are delicious.

>> No.17122230

Why would you cut unwashed root vegetables? Just pass them through some water beforehand

>> No.17122979

I'm using one for everything and you cannot stop me. As you weaklings carefully follow your gay hygiene rules, my immune system grows stronger and stronger.

>> No.17123011

just a red for meats and a green for everything else

>> No.17123048

the pathogens will die during cooking anyways so it doesn't matter how many cooking boards you use. these kind of rules only serve to mess up the workflow.

>> No.17123282

nice digits but when you decay into a mass of button clicking hunchbackdom ill be long dead from a heart attack from culinary stress, and i dont even need to kill myself myself

>> No.17123296

Plastic cutting boards hold bacteria more than wooden cutting boards.

>> No.17123337

no kitchen does this and they all barely care about your health, I've worked in them

>> No.17123341

I have one cutting board for everything. it's made from bamboo.

>> No.17123352

Bamboo boards dull you'd knives.

>> No.17123356

who knew that bamboo is harder than steel?

fuck off it does not.

>> No.17123366

I bet you people think people in kitchens wash their hands each time they touch raw meat too.

>> No.17123488

All surfaces dull knives, cutting itself dulls knives

>> No.17123498
File: 7 KB, 250x217, 1631478535396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a thing
because the only person i ever knew who had a serious food allergy also happened to be a test tube baby

>> No.17123507

I use one plastic board for meat and a wooden board for everything else.

>> No.17123543

Probably just dumb single mothers purging their kid's environment of every microbe.

>> No.17124145

Does anyone here use a glass chopping board? If so, are they any good?

>> No.17124181

Best way to kill you knives.

>> No.17124190

Yep. That's for a professional kitchen and is usually good to simplify for your staff and to help prove yourself when you get inspected.

>> No.17124191

I can only imagine this being done in some massive amusement park combo kitchen.

>> No.17124205

No, I just cut my meat last

>> No.17124243

I have worked in kitchens before too, I stopped eating out after that experience.

You have no idea how fucking utterly disgusting and outright unsanitary most food establishments are unless you worked in one.

>> No.17124285

any kitchen large enough to need 7 colour coded chopping boards including two for vegetables is surely big enough that it has specific prep cooks for each type?

>> No.17124293

One board for raw meat, the other is for everything else.

>> No.17124319

Yes it's big enough, but that doesn't mean the owner isn't a tight arse who understaffs.
The other issue is whether or not the chefs and kitchen hands give a fuck about what board is used for what. Most don't. When you've got to chop up raw meat and the red board is unwashed because the dishbitch is slow and/or the day has been non-stop, are you gonna sit there and not do the needed prep? Are you gonna say "Oh no, we can't make that, the only chopping boards we have are for vegetables, dairy, bread, and allergen-free"?
This is how I do at home. It's just simpler.

>> No.17124343
File: 117 KB, 533x800, board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one wooden board

>> No.17124345

we have one for raw meat and one for everything else

>> No.17125742



do you

type like this?

>> No.17125753
File: 16 KB, 210x240, soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food science

>> No.17125768

itt retarded people, booty blasted food workers and a couple people interested in commercial kitchen health standards

>> No.17125810

niggas really be like "but in my apartment kitchen that i reheat mcdonalds i only have one cutting board!!!"

>> No.17126530

Makes sense in a restaurant but at home you only really need to differentiate between raw meat board and everything else board

>> No.17126675

That sounds absolutely fucking retarded. I use the same cutting board for everything, only taking precautions if I'm handling raw pork or chicken.

>> No.17126745

Joke's on you, i'm a carpenter. With the amount of MDF dust i breathe in i'll be dead in a month

>> No.17126755

Why can't I just use one board for all

>> No.17126816

it's easier

to read

>> No.17127375

one board

thats all

the end

>> No.17128744

At the place I work at, red is for raw meat, yellow for poultry and brown is for cooked meats

>> No.17128809

I've got a small thin plastic cutting board I use for chopping kimchi finer for my grilled cheese (because it's messy and it stains), a big bamboo cutting board I use for everything else, and an old maple cutting board that warped and split at the glue joints so I broke it up and made some spoons and stirrers from the slats. I only wash it if I've been cutting raw meat.

>> No.17128819

I just use the one

>> No.17128827

damn those are some pretty gnarly scars my dude

>> No.17128840

>seven different cutting boards
This image was made by someone who lives on food delivery.

>> No.17129275

Use a wooden chopping board since it's antibacterial unlike this piece of shit you call a chopping board.

>> No.17129303

Nah, never even thought of that since I wash my dishes. It seems like a great idea. The problem is I use different sized boards for the amount of something I'm going to cut. I'd rather have that system than color coded. We've never gotten sick, so color coding is stupid.

>> No.17129322




>> No.17130437

I’m not Jewish, so no. Yet I still got circumcised.

>> No.17130457

Yes we do have different colored cutting boards for different foods.

>> No.17130461

Where's the chopping board for cooked fish? Checkmate atheists.

>> No.17130485

i dont work in a cafeteria in a hospital so no thank you anon

>> No.17130574

He got them during the Vietnaan war.