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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17116330 No.17116330 [Reply] [Original]

What did you eat in school anon?

>> No.17116334

Mother made me sandwiches and gave me fruit

>> No.17116340
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In california I didn't like the food except for the square pizzas so my mother made me lunch.

>> No.17116342

nothing i used my lunch money for a WoW sub

>> No.17116350

isn’t jjajangmyeon regarded as greasy junk food there?

>> No.17116352

nothing I was a wrestler. Maybe a glass of water and an orange

>> No.17116361
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oh great, another korean supremacist thread that'll devolve into another stomach cancer thread

>> No.17116375

koreans will never be supreme, japanese are better in every way.

>> No.17116382

>le qualified nutritionist
>meal is 90% carbs

>> No.17116390
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>> No.17116396

doesn't matter, they're delusional enough to think they are. and now that their colonial masters have been artificially pushing them on the geocultural stage they won't fucking shut up.

>> No.17116397

>What did you eat in school anon?
lunch, at home

>> No.17116402

most of the time, egg salad or tuna salad sandwich. school pizza or chicken fingers when they had it. a pizza lunchable with the chocolate sauce on fridaya

>> No.17116408


>> No.17116414

im convinced vin diesel is seriously brain damaged

>> No.17116440

fruit, packet of biscuits, sandwich for lunch

>> No.17116448

>veganshit, estrogenshit and barely even meat
No wonder koreans are all DYEL manlets

>> No.17116452

>stomach cancer thread

>> No.17116457

There's at least two on the catalog right now already.

>> No.17116550

Dad was too proud to let us get discounted school lunch despite being poorfag. I got an occasional free pity chicken sandwich that were not unlike sandy cardboard.

>> No.17116568

Free breakfast:
pb&j sandwich, sausage biscuit
drink: juice or choccy milk
Free lunch:
pizza and fries, chicken fingers and fries, chicken salad shaker, beef and broccoli rice, taco, sloppy joe
drink: juice or choccy milk
paid/discounted lunch: fried chicken sandwich, cheeseburger, chili cheese fries, deli sub, fried rice, hot pocket, and during 1year KFC chicken wraps if I ran.
drink: water

>> No.17116705

My mommy made me lunch every day, not once did I eat the cafeteria food. She fed me crap but I didn't consider the cafeteria food to be real food for some reason
>ham sandwich with mayo and sometimes cheese slice, white bread
>pb&j with grape or sometimes yummy strawberry jelly, white bread
the sandwiches would almost always be cold (it's cold where i'm from) and smushed by my backpack
which is why i appreciated the occassional bagel with cream cheese since it was firm and wouldn't get so smushed
sides would be green grapes, cheez its or potatoe chips, a treat sometimes like hostess or packaged cookies. it was kind of depressing.

>> No.17116766

We had Domino's and Taco Bell
Plus a la carte junk food items

>> No.17116791
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>> No.17116794
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>> No.17116802

Based, I ate a tuna sandwich probably 4-5 days a week for lunch basically all of 8th and 9th grade

>> No.17116810

This 100%. They think they define the standard for beauty as well. Fucking fat faced androgynous little shits. Good bbq though.

>> No.17116817

North Korean school food
pic rel

>> No.17116842


American public school food is basically prison food but tastier. A few decades ago they actually cooked shit. Now its just frozen tv dinners basically.

>> No.17116908

Looks like a big slop o shit.

>> No.17116916

Obamawifu's school food reform brought in some good sandviches, but screwed over everything actually made in the cafeteria.

>> No.17116942

>believe they define standard for beauty
>literally every single one in any form of media has had extensive plastic surgery in order to be presentable by their standards, which is basically just Michael Jackson levels of trying to look white
>also believe they have the highest intelligence
>absolutely zero awareness of the irony of their beauty beliefs
They really are a fascinating race.

You have to admit the American school lunch is criminally negligent in terms of nutrition for children and overall shit in comparison though. I remember this from like 30 years ago, are they still this bad?

>> No.17116944

I grew up in coastal South Carolina. Public school lunches were your typical trash, except for every Thursday. From elementary to high school, every Thursday we got served some of the best fucking southern food youve ever had in your life. Fried chicken, green beans, fried okra, and either macaroni/cheese or corn bread. But it wasnt like trash country food, all of the shit was incredible - like better than a lot of "country" restaurants. And there were always bottles of hot sauce on every table. For all the stuff wrong with the public education system in my area, no one went hungry.

>> No.17116955

Yes and no. You could draw a sample from any part of the US and either make school lunches look like prison food or haute cuisine. Private vs public schools vary greatly, and even public schools have different quality depending on tax revenue.

It may sound odd to foreigners, but we have patches of dirt that are bigger than a lot of European countries. Hard to maintain quality

>> No.17116961

nice north korean propoganda, op

>> No.17117067

Oh man that corn is going to do fuck all for you.

>> No.17117074

>qualified nutritionist

>> No.17117097
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I don't think I ever ate in school more than once or twice. I was a latchkey kid so I went to the neighbor lady's when I was little and once I was 9 or 10 I went home for lunch and made zoodles and grilled cheese for me and my brother. In high school I usually went to the pizza place nearby. In university there was a wide pselection of food trucks and sausage carts on campus and I was in close proximity to Chinatown.

>> No.17117260

When I was in grade school, we had the standard school lunch of the 90s.
An entree, 2-3 sides, and milk

In middle school I ended up going to this wack ass private school where every kid had to bring their own lunch, and some lady would heat them up in the mimcrowave for us. I always just brought a hungryman every day.

In high school, I moved to a bigger city in an middle upper class area, so we had a decent cafeteria. I usually would get a cold cut sandwich at the sandwich station. It's pretty much like a Subway. But sometimes I would get chicken tenders or personal pizza. But for the sake of my health. I'd usually get a sandwich.

>> No.17117388

While no doubt this looks good, the lack of anything fresh is concerning

>> No.17117398
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I wouldn’t eat until I got home

>> No.17117625
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>> No.17117629

>orange juice
do americans really

>> No.17117634

In my junior year Michelle Obamas "make school food worse" shit hit our school, so instead of complying our school board decided to raise taxes slightly on all of the oil and gas plants in the area and use that money to do food in the schools better. The vegetables were fresh, the food was delicious, and a few years after the fact the board announced that they had seen test scores improve as well as sports having better results. I remember we had sweet and sour chicken some days, wedge and cobb salads that were excellent, Chick Fil A sandwiches on wednesdays, real eggs and french toast for breakfasts. Was pretty sick my last two years of high school

>> No.17117641

I wonder what school lunches look like in rich kids schools

>> No.17117654

>nothing I was a wrestler.

>> No.17117662
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this is swedish public school lunch
god I love living in an 80% white country, in a 95% white area

>> No.17117664

In America school boards decides tax policy

>> No.17117680

In our city, yeah. The school boards put heavy pressure on the city to increase commercial taxes and funnel that increase towards school food budgets. Doesn't take a lot of brain power to figure that out

>> No.17117727

>mother actually cares enough to pack food
>faggot son bitches about it years later

>> No.17117755

hinga dinga dergen

>> No.17117761

The only mistake your mom made was not aborting your ungrateful ass

>> No.17117773
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>> No.17117782
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It is junk food but they serve it to kids for lunch same way in America you'd get a burger.
Korean nutrition is also fucking retarded. They do the "5 Color Foods" (although I've also seen it as 7) where you're supposed to eat one of each color with every meal, and each color does something or have something. So all "yellow food" is supposedly rich in antioxidants according to pic related. Except if you look up "antioxidant food" you'll see that's a crock of shit, and while that might be true of some "yellow foods" (like carrots, which are really more orange than yellow, right?), most the food on the list aren't fucking yellow at all (like blackberries and such).
Also pretty sure the claims vary by source because when I searched for an image I got a bunch of different ones claiming a bunch of different shit.
Anyway, jjajangmyeon is black food so it's good for you!

>> No.17117792

School dinners in the UK in the early 2000's were based but then the government deemed "unhealthy" so then everything was fucking steamed and was like prison food.

RIP turkey twizzlers

>> No.17117797


>> No.17117802


>> No.17117831

kvi et svenskar varm mat til dugurd? her i noreg tek med alltid med oss braud med pålegg, ikkje tale um å få mat på skulen

>> No.17117835

Babo, Dokdo is TWO rocks.

>> No.17117837

I live in eastern Europe. Thats all I need to say.

>> No.17117870


>> No.17118091

Mostly Chinese takeout that the school bought in bulk from a local place to sell.

>> No.17118125

I went to a private school that fed us normal school lunches but just bigger. Don't know how exactly to elaborate

>> No.17118131
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We had open lunch, meaning we could leave the school to go to nearby restaurants, plus the school served up pretty good food for cafeteria food. This was all well before Michael Obama ruined school lunch for kids everywhere.

>> No.17118245

Stackars er. Här i Finland fick vi också mat både när jag var på dagis och sen när jag gick i skolan.

>> No.17118269

>My mom would give me like $40 a week for lunch.
>Would never eat at school and just save for video games.
>Would eat lunch as soon as I got home.

Worked out well.

>> No.17118291
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>> No.17118310

it's almost as if qualified people understand that carbs are necessary for longevity and overall health unlike your woke keto gurus on YouTube

>> No.17118315

Just imagine looking at that picture and thinking that its a human women. Chimp at best maybe even the lost link.

>> No.17118332

I skipped lunch and would hide in the library.

>> No.17118334
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They ruled us.

>> No.17118335

I ate pb and j for 12 years

>> No.17118354
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I ate smurfs

>> No.17118369

i was too autistic and always just skipped lunch to sit in the back of the school.

Any fellow autists here?

>> No.17118381
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Don’t forget your fruit anon

>> No.17118422

Parents made me lunch every day:

One of those fruit hand pies you can buy from the store or Little Debbie treat.

>> No.17118471

We all brought food from home because even Danes don't expect the State to feed their kids for them.
Most normal packed lunch was, and is still as far as I know, open sandwiches made with rye bread and with various toppings, mostly meatbased. Salami, swineliver pate, various smoked and cured meats with a little garnishing etc.
Often some fruit or maybe a couple peeled carrots or something on the side and if you were a really lucky lad; a fig-bar.

There would sometimes be trading of sandwiches between the kids since our parents didn't always pack our favourites.

I've got some eggplant for your fine black ass right here, lunchlady.

>> No.17118479

My mom packed me a nice fresh lunch every day because she loved me

>> No.17118517
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Chicken patty on a bun with a hash brown.
Tru Moo Milk.

>> No.17118545

brought lunch from home
was a small rural school (even though I was from the suburbs of the nearby city and I guess my parents didn't want me mixing with the local riffraff) so didn't have a cafeteria/canteen
the few times I arrived without a lunch they just gave me some biscuits and one other time my mother arrived up and gave me a bar of chocolate and a coke lol
>it was a different time

>> No.17119055

if i ever need heart surgery i want this guy. cool as a cucumber when some meathead is threatening to beat you to death 2 inches away

>> No.17119090

I remember saving my lunch money to buy a PS2 at the time. My fucking teacher saw that I wasn't eating at lunch and snitched to my mom. Fuck you Ms.Retting

>> No.17119107

god i hate peas

>> No.17119131

KFC triple crunch zinger

>> No.17119141

Wow what a bitch.

>> No.17119146
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did any of yous get those burgers where they'd be colour-coded in striped grease paper? think red = beefburger, blue = cheeseburger, green = chicken burger.

the chicken burgers were actually lush, everyone would rush to the canteen to get them first.

guessing they were just Rustlers lol

>> No.17119172

the girl looks like she's looking over her shoulder and showing her ass

>> No.17119401

Yes because there is no middle ground between keto and serving destitute farmer sloppa with minimal amounts of protein, m'fatty

>> No.17119402

>cool as a cucumber
Was he though? I think he was frozen

>> No.17119431

I never understood the free lunch programs for schools. We don't have that in Canada, it was expected that we brought our own. But I would just have a sandwich, granola bar and juice.

>> No.17119538

South Korea has the highest rate of stomach cancer in the world, in spite of eating "healthy". If you are interested just google it yourself, no need to take up more thread space.

>> No.17119915
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In elementary school and middle school I actually really enjoyed the food. It was the same for both schools but we'd have a few different things that were pretty spectacular

>mojo chicken, rice and beans
>jamaican beef patty
>beef and cheese burritos
>mexican pizza
>hot ham and cheese sandwiches
>shepherds pie
>turkey with gravy and mashed potatoes
>baked potato day
>spaghetti with meat sauce

the shit that was gnar
they always had some weird aftertaste like they added something to them to make them taste grilled. they were also just like slopped onto the baking tray and scraped off. it didn't even look like ground beef, it was like some kind of soy protein bullshit mixed with beef but like pulverized so it was a paste before they baked them. fucking disgusting.

>chicken nuggets and chicken sandwiches
whatever pink slime that they used always had pieces of gristle in them. that and these were baked so they were really just soggy breading and dry insides.

>square pizza
always cold and the cheese congealed on the top. the crust was also always soggy.

days that i didn't like the food, I'd just do the salad bar. for sides we always had the same stuff everyone else had. steamed vegetables, fruit cup, apples, oranges, bananas, corn bread, cake with frosting etc. the one thing that always really fucking annoyed me was when people would purposely grab the frozen milk and then be like IT'S ICE CREAM and act all fucking retarded about it. like dude, its just frozen low fat milk it's literally nothing like ice cream other than being fucking frozen. retards.

in highschool i dont think i ever used the actual hot lunch food or salad bar more than a handful of times. we had subway and dominos so i'd just get that and a pepsi. im sure the food was the same but i never sat down in the lunch room since my lunch periods never had any of my friends in it, so i'd grab a slice of pizza and a pepsi and go hide out somewhere and read a book

>> No.17119941
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also, i hated "on a bun". just say chicken patty sandwich. same with hoagie. nobody fucking calls them hoagies here. they also always used this really crappy wheat bread that tasted like cardboard for those sandwiches.

>> No.17120006

I ate pussy

>> No.17120034
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chili cheese burritos and lemonade. some days they'd have spicy popcorn chicken so I'd get that instead. they started selling straight up chick-fil-a in my senior year but I was too busy spending money on drugs to buy lunch at that point.

>> No.17120059

Nothing half as good as that. Usually the pizza was the safest bet but on Fridays I'd get tendies because those were always good if dry. They never gave you enough ketchup for the chicken + fries though.

>> No.17120086

This. The lunch I ate came from home, usually a sandwich, juicebox, yogurt, granola bar, chips.
I also can't tell if school lunch is a marker of high or low class. Like, it seems like catered lunch would be something only fancy private schools would offer, but based on these posts it seems like all schools have catered lunch, and it's just shittier at poor schools.

>> No.17120183
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We had that, for a while. Then the high school seniors got pissed that sandwich shops and such kept selling out of things and petitioned that children 16 and under shouldn't be allowed to leave school grounds until school was out because it was too dangerous. They fucking won so only people 17 and 18 got their fucking lunches and middle-school and starting high-school kids were back to eating stuff dogs wouldn't pick up. We would literally drink a carton of milk and wait to get home it was so bad.

This is what direct Democracy is. People conspiring with authority to oppress the majority.

>> No.17120190
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>potato smiley faces
>strawberry milkshake in foam cups
>sponge cake and custard
>spaghetti hoops
>turkey twizzlers
>golden drummers
>potato waffles
>rectangle pizza
>that weird smooth mashed potato
>turkey dinosaurs
>baked beans
>arctic roll
>weird spaghetti bolognaise
>apple crumble
>chicken dippers
>weird sausages
>peas and sweet corn mix
>big cookie/biscuits
>jam donuts with no holes
>chocolate cornflake cakes
>iced buns
>pie and gravy
>soggy carrot circles

That's all I can squeeze out of my memory about school dinners not including packed lunches

>> No.17120198
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>I also can't tell if school lunch is a marker of high or low class

neither. at least in florida all schools offer hot school breakfast and lunch daily. i preferred school lunch to bringing stuff from home because at least i could get a hot meal from the school. there was no access to microwaves for kids so whatever you brought from home was likely a cold sandwich or soup in a thermos, which was terrible. in elementary the lunch room hadn't even been finished getting built yet so they'd have to bring the lunches to eat classroom on a cart and we'd eat at our desks while the teacher kept teaching which sucked.

keep in mind this wasn't free either. you could either pay cash, iirc it was like $1.25 for lunch in elementary and middle, or if you had a prepaid account you'd just give them a code and they'd deduct it from your account. if you forgot to bring a lunch or lunch money, they'd give you a peanut butter sandwich made with the same buns they used for hamburgers etc. and a carton of milk. this happened to me quite a few times in middle school because my parents were gone before i even woke up for school and if they didn't leave the money on the counter or i forgot to grab change out of the change drawer, id get stuck eating that shit.

our breakfast was actually not bad either. i remember these little fried ham and cheese patties. the sausage and bacon weren't bad either. the only thing i ever stayed away from was the eggs because they smelled so fucking strong. we also had a choice of a biscuit or english muffin with butter and jam or the little cereal boxes you could open and pour milk into. i think breakfast was 50 cents at that point. i barely remember doing that in middle school and for shit sure i did not do that in high school.

>> No.17120222

Wait, you guys had breakfast too? Damn, we were expected to come to school fed, no way they were going to use school time for another meal.
My experience is kind of the opposite of yours, there wasn't a cafeteria until high school for me. It mainly sold junk food (pizza, fries, Jamaican patties, cookies), and I'd buy something there on occasion as a treat. The fries were actually really good; I used to douse them in this Cajun spice blend they had.

>> No.17120311
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yep. school started at 8am but if you got there early you could go to the cafeteria and get breakfast, we didnt like get a break from class to eat breakfast. in middle school we started at 8:45 so getting there any time before that and you could get breakfast.

it was actually more convenient because i hated getting up even earlier so i had time to eat at home, and then it was always something shitty like a microwavable breakfast sandwich, pop tart or cold cereal and then having to scarf it down so i could get to school whereas when i ate at school i could just get my food and casually eat and hang out with my buds before class started. no clean up just toss the tray into the weird water fall machine thing inside the wall.

if any anon can shine a light on that i'd appreciate it, i can barely describe it enough to google it. basically when you'd finish your food you'd toss whatever was leftover and the milk carton and spork into a garbage can, and then there was this opening in the wall with that looked like a continuously running waterfall of grey water and that's where you'd toss the paper tray into.

my favorite days were when i had a dentist appointment first thing in the morning and i obviously wouldn't eat before that and then on the way to school my mom would get me a breakfast sandwich from mcdonalds and an oj.

>> No.17120325

My elem and middle schools didn't have a cafeteria, they didn't serve food. Everyone would just bring lunches from home in a refrigerated lunch bag and they'd set up tables in the gym for lunch. My mom would send me with stuff like a bologna sandwich, fruit cocktail in cup, carrot sticks, etc. Once I got to high school the cafeteria would have sushi and pizza puffs it was pretty dope

>> No.17120357

Carton of milk and a choice between a corned beef sandwich or cheese on brown bread delivered in a giant sack left at the top of the classroom. On Fridays we additionally given a chocolate muffin (which was very nice to be fair).

>> No.17120368
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The breakfast sucked most of the time
my under budget middle school in the ghetto had a salad bar and it was decent, you could make just any type of salad even a cob salad
while if you went through the lunch line you were getting a shiity Jamaican pattie or mac and cheese

>> No.17120398
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where are you anons from that you also had jamaican beef patties? i have friends up north that hadn't even heard of that before but we used to get them in school a few times a month.

t. went to school in broward county

>> No.17120425

also Broward, big place i bounced around to a lot of different schools. One middle school i went the entire administrative was staffed by ex-prison guards and they needed to.

>> No.17120440
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sheeeit negro. welleby elementary, westpine middle and piper high here

>> No.17120454

As I recall, my usuals in high school were spicy chicken sandwich, cucumber slices, and milk.
The "uncrustables" (weird cold pb&j calzone) for breakfast sometimes.

Meh, thats not more inaccurate than America's "food pyramid" that ranked grains as the most important food source.

>> No.17120460

>be canadian
>schools here are almost all brown bag only while highschools had an optional cafeteria and students were allowed to leave school property to buy food at nearby shops
>grew up thinking that cafeteria thing was just an american thing
>find out that most schools around the world provide meals and its actually canada that is one of the oddballs
as for lunch it was almost always a sandwich... usually omelet and ketchup or pbj

>> No.17120466

Ah, I miss when "is pizza a vegetable?" was the most divisive issue facing the country.

>> No.17120473

>The money for a nutritionist
>and the food they want
Sorry American public schools only get 85 cents per kid in terms of food budget.

>> No.17120480

When I was growing up an I didn't get an allowance, but I did get 10$ of lunch money each school day, and I figured out real fucking quick that if I just don't eat lunch I'll have money to buy bionicles and videogames and shit. Honestly can't believe no one ever noticed me literally never eating at school or my parents questioning where I was getting money.

>> No.17120481

yo is that party cheese salad

>> No.17120485
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Coral Springs and the shitty side of Deer field and technically Boyd Anderson high school but my parents though it would be better to just drop out then go there

>> No.17120536

Same thing but here in New York

>> No.17120562
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ruska salata from slava a few years ago

damn local anon, sorry to hear. piper was pretty fucking rough too so i just skipped school most of the time. kids brought guns and knives to school so it was always pretty nerve wracking to be around that shit. i was always jealous of the kids that went to douglas and western

>> No.17120572

I went to a good school system in a blue state, so I ate pretty well. Thanks for asking.

>> No.17120576

The other weird thing I've noticed is that American schools don't seem to have smoke pits? I don't know if Canadian schools still have them, but when I was in high school in the mid-00s there was a place maybe slightly off-campus where you were allowed to go smoke cigarettes. I mean smoking wasn't encouraged, but you wouldn't get in trouble for it so long as you did it in the smoker's pit.

>> No.17120583

oy! i was in highschool around the same time as you and yea they didnt really give much of a fuck about smoking aslong as it was in designated spots.

>> No.17120615

Unfortunately this is exactly what we got in public schools. I didn't get cookies for lunch tho.

>> No.17120705

middleschool lunch every day: tots swimming in ranch and a bread roll soaked in ranch

how it turned out: i am obese and life is miserable

>> No.17120757

welcome to the club

>> No.17120820

burgers and fries

>> No.17120841
File: 50 KB, 800x600, Smucker's_Uncrustable_Cut_-_Day_26_of_100_Project_(8126561088).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rectangle pizzas, chicken pattie sandwiches, wet packaged burgers and THESE NIGGAS right here. At least they couldnt fuck up an uncrustable.

>> No.17120853

back to resetera with you, namefag

>> No.17121002

I'd suffer all day and after school i'd get get fast food or eat frozen stuff
Yes I was a fat kid

>> No.17121348

Home made lunch

>> No.17121356

I just get a burger and condiments that is all

>> No.17121769

>gigachad seniors destroying children to keep all the good food for themselves
actually based

>> No.17121774

Yes! They do!

>> No.17121803

I had to eat my assistant principals dick because I was always in trouble :((

>> No.17121849


>> No.17121857

I just ate what ever although in senior year I started to sell my poor kid free lunch to a buddy so I could get gas money for my Camaro.

>> No.17121877
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it was mostly comprised of potatoes, knäckebröd and milk. there wasn't a lot of meat and what there was was really low quality. i weep for children who are forced to gobble that shit down every day and will never gain taste for actually good food.

>> No.17121880

Grandma's pubes PB&J

>> No.17121902


Describe the flavour of his shaft and its discharge.

>> No.17121947

Town politics in America is dominated by the school board, yes. It shouldn't be surprising that people are so focused on their and their neighbors' children's well being. Even if you're not a parent, those are the people that will eventually be decision makers and engineers in your town. So why wouldn't you be concerned about the school board? Who calls the small town shots in your shitty country? The local coal-fired plant director?

>> No.17121996

Did you ever try the gram cracker PB&J?? Those things were amazing!

>> No.17122513

My school fucked those things up, they weren't defrosted.

>> No.17122549


[Eagle screech and fracking sounds]

>> No.17123170

>middle school
lunchbox, mom gave me some sandwich, a small bag of cheezeits, and powdered lipton iced tea. once in a while I'd get a Mexican pizza
>high school
got $1.50 a day so I'd have a mountain dew. in sophomore year our machines got Pitch Black dew so I binged those. in junior year the cafeteria got a huge cheeseburger and fries for $3 on Wednesdays, so I started doing that. I could only afford it because, upperclassmen were allowed to leave campus during lunch. My friend had a car, so me and him would run up to Little Caesars and buy two of the hot and ready, bring them back and sell each slice for $2.

>> No.17123177

most realistic I've seen

I'm not sure if the pizza is the same kind, exactly, but it's all the appropriate quality. Even the plastic utensils are of dubious quality

>> No.17123563

Ex-USSR here, from a moderate sized town. School food was always pretty bad and had very muted taste to it, so when my parents stopped giving me lunch money around 5th grade, I wasn't upset that much about it.
In elementary school I only remember eating meatballs that were made from ground meat and rice, either with those instant-tier mashed potatoes that have no taste or pretty average boiled buckwheat. Pirozhki with mashed potatoes or cabbage were decent, but the ones with liver were so bad that no kid wanted to eat those. The only good things were small baked desserts with custard or some other white cream, but those were more expensive.
One time a more prestigious school has invited a bunch of kids who had best grades (which included me) for a tour, maybe hoping that we would beg our parents to get transferred there. They had these lunches on metallic trays, with okroshka, canned sweet corn, mashed potatoes and breaded ground meat patties. I liked it a lot better than what was served at my school, but they were probably a lot more expensive too. I don't know if kids from that school usually had something like that, but after lunch staff went around and handed out candy bars to each kid.
When I went to university, we had two cafeterias, one in the dorms and one in the campus itself. The campus one was eventually shut down due to severe sanitary issues, needless to say, I never ate anything there. The cafeteria itself was extremely cramped and maybe 8 people could sit inside, but then everybody would have difficulty moving between tables, the counter and the exit. Dorms cafeteria was pretty neat, but prices were a bit higher than in usual eating establishments, because what are you gonna do, dine out and end up being late for a class?
Overall, nothing too pleasant.

>> No.17123656

Whatever leftovers in the fridge or made myself a sandwich or insta ramen

>> No.17123665

yeah we had this at my school. red = beef burger, yellow = cheeseburger, green = veggie burger. They did southern fried chicken burgers as well for a while but they stopped for some reason :(

>> No.17123672


My mom packed lunch and we had a cafe at school because it was private school so we could buy whatever we wanted.

>> No.17123686


>> No.17123753

>japanese are better in every way.
Muh japanese folded over more than one thousand times after being nuked

>> No.17123755

Same, except I actually liked them a little frozen and firm.

>> No.17124350
File: 1.36 MB, 1544x1074, E25DCF05-F672-4EEF-90F9-6DB0447A9147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this every fucking day for god knows how many years, my senior year were allowed to leave campus for lunch and I just ate out. That first day was glorious

>> No.17124365

>my senior year were allowed to leave campus for lunch
Ah senior pass, usually went home for lunch. We also had a free period as seniors, either the first or last period of the day. I chose first period and slept in all year or met friends for breakfast. Fuckin' great.

>> No.17124379

>I didn't get an allowance, but I did get 10$ of lunch money each school day

you got $200 a month for food. Thats allowance no matter what you call it

>> No.17124382

>has the one one of the lowest obesity rates in the developed world

keep malding fatty

>> No.17124404

She really seems like a nice lady

>> No.17125821

When compared to Koreans, yeah.

>> No.17126187
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>> No.17126190


>> No.17126275

mum used to give me about 5 dollars a day so she wouldn't have to make me anything. I could spend it any way i chose at the tuck-shop but most days i'd not eat anything and save the money.

>> No.17126281

In bulgaria literal dog food.

>> No.17126541

i had bulimia at school so i always finished every lunch with a carton of orange juice to make it easier to throw it all up

>> No.17126552

Straya, no-one gets school lunches (except maybe fancy private schools idk) so it was just whatever sandwich and random shit mum put in my lunchbox.
Since I had my scheduling fucked up by the school withdrawing a course I ended up having a half day off leaving at lunch time so like 12pm. Those were glorious days of catching the bus to town and playing CS at a lan cafe for $1 an hour. In hindsight it kind of fucked me since the course getting cancelled ended up meaning I didn't have the credits to go to uni but whatever.

>> No.17126691


>> No.17126903
File: 1.15 MB, 700x1000, tohou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80% white country
You should also be aware of the rapes,killings,robberies made by non-whites. Ofcourse you love living in a 95% white area. You dont have to live with the rest of us. Rich faggot.

>> No.17127107

"Catered" shit like subway or whatever local pizza place won the bid for that year.
That or I just put leftovers from dinner in a thermos.
Once we could leave campus in high school I just went out to eat or drove home so I could have a beer with lunch.

>> No.17127518

I used to give your mum about 5 inches every day

>> No.17127546 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 1533x961, confised-racist-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top left looks like dog food

>> No.17127566

Nothing. Every year in school I wouldn't eat breakfast or lunch. 99% of the time I use my money to buy iced tea.

>> No.17127573

The sandwiches, veggies and fruit my mom prepared for me. And chocolate milk of course.

>> No.17127780

$10 a day? Jesus. Lunch was like $3 in 2010 at my school

>> No.17127861

You dug this memory out of the deepest recesses of my brain.

>> No.17127970

>80% white country
gonna drop to 40% in 70 years

>> No.17127980

No longer in school but I used to eat god tier Indian food. My best friend was Indian and his parents owned the best Indian restaurant in all of city.

>> No.17128015

>You dont have to live with the rest of us. Rich faggot.
Don't care, still voting (M)

>> No.17128022

most of the times its chickpeas, beans and rice with yogurt.
Mushiest rice stuffed aubergines.
Good ones are meatloaf with mash, ravioli,grilled chicken.
Oh and i remembered the worst one...
Kapuska, stale ass watery kapuska.

>> No.17128403

>School lunch thread
>Identity politics out of nowhere
Gay and low iq

>> No.17128417

nothing. my parents put me on add medicine at a young age and from then on I would never eat really. as soon as I stopped taking them by choice late highschool I got really fat :(

>> No.17128459
File: 1.01 MB, 480x614, Brie Disdain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was too much of an autist to go into the crowded lunch room during high school so I either didn't eat anything or packed lots of junk food
Preferably crunchy cheetos and monster drinks
No wonder I was so fucking fat, have since slimmed down to 140lbs

>> No.17128474

Fucking fermented diet cancer FREAKS

>> No.17128496

Good thing that's all over

>> No.17128520

Asking as a euro, how exactly did Obama's healthier school food initiative fuck over school meals?
Unrealistic goals which hardly anyone could achieve without either investing a bunch of money into decent cooking or turning everything into a steamed vegetable and pre sliced fruit horror show?

>> No.17128530

ms retting was trying to stop you from stunting your growth
should be thankful people are looking out for you

>> No.17128532

I'm interested in this answer, too, and I'm American. Maybe some zoomer/young millennial can chime in about what changed.

>> No.17128580

Fuck you, Ms.Retting, I know it's you.

>> No.17128913

Kek what a snitched out ps2-less bitch

>> No.17128919

that wasn't even the first instance of it in the thread. but I guess your racist ass only cares when its the white people you hate so much that get mentioned.

>> No.17128920

>eating at school
Well aren’t you all just a bunch of little rich kids born with a golden dick in your mouth

>> No.17128936

barely anything. at my high school in the late 00s instead of regular soda we got these carbonated juice drinks called izzes. they also changed the piza crust to "whole wheat," lol. oh, and they got rid of curly fries and slushies

>> No.17129036

most schools could barely afford the shitty meals but after Obama there was no way in fuck they could meet those standards so instead of having 4 or 55 things on your tray you got 3 and one of those was a apple or orange that looked like it came out of a walmart dumpster

>> No.17129044

wtf your school lunches sound awesome

>> No.17129508

Do american schools still use prison trays and plastic cutlery?

>> No.17129539

We had styrofoam trays and sporks

>> No.17129542

That's a woman

>> No.17129578

we had paper trays that looked like they were made out of recycled trash cardboard

>> No.17129589

I'm American so I skipped lunch

>> No.17129597

Richest country in the world.
How can we compete with our porcelain plates and metal cutlery at schools?

>> No.17129607

Children aren't allowed to eat with weapons.

>> No.17129620

School is no fun allowed incarnate. We used to get bitched at for making snowballs.

>> No.17129662
File: 423 KB, 892x684, 830C477A-5777-4190-AB08-6BD3F735F4A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

United States elementary hot lunch used to serve this BOMB twisted pasta in meat sauce once a week + remember sticky cherry ice treats

>> No.17129731

Is eating with M1911 magazine allowed.
Kek, at least some things seem to be universal.
Oh the joy during winter when recess area was plowed and there was huge pile of snow.
All of us boys from 4th to 6th grade started a mutual King of the Hill game.
First recess it was all fine and games with some things heating up only a little.
Next recess there were clear teams and and it became much more rough, revenge was sworn.
During third recess it was full out schoolyard fight King of the Hill game.
Then the teachers, as usual, turned to killjoys.
Next day no hard feelings were had by anyone that took apart in the fight. Literal boys will be boys stuff.

>> No.17129753

The retarded kids here in the US would drop and shatter the plates constantly and probably poke a friend's eye out during a food fight if they used those. You have the luxury of treating these demonic little shits like adults when you don't have to deal with hundreds of millions of them.

>> No.17129796

Thanks Michele Obama.

>> No.17129817

Only if it's plastic and unloaded. No metal and no ammo please.

>> No.17129829


>> No.17129871

That's interesting. Thanks anon

>> No.17129874

Nice, let's get this out on a tray.

>> No.17130509

Peanut butter jelly, smoothie, and a go-gurt.

>> No.17130521

In middle and high school I never ate breakfast or lunch. I'd eat a granola bar while walking to the bus and for lunch I'd just steal the cafeteria food that my friends didn't want. Usually a bread roll or two and maybe some baby carrots. Vending machine water or diet coke to wash it down.

>> No.17130619
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Koreans have the world's highest rate of Stomach cancer, and loses the #1 place JUST BARELY for colon cancer. It's probably due to salty foods.

Anyways, as a Korean that browsed /ck/ for many years, I must comment on the presence of other Koreans in /ck/ that persistently post pro-Korean "Korean food is the best" threads/post endlessly for years. I can tell it's just a few Koreans (3 people MAXIMUM, but I suspect 1 guy is doing it) dedicated people shilling Korean food over the top in this board. Just stop. It's cringe. Korean food is great, and it's way more than the stereotype of "just add gochujang and garlic to everything and that's Korean food." I get it. But do you need to budge in to say Korean food is great every chance you get?

You get what I'm saying?

국뽕 꺼저.

>> No.17130638

I would also like to mention that a typical school lunch isn't as nice as OP's pic. Only very fancy schools serve anything like that. The portions suck too.

Korean school lunch is probably healthier and tastier than a shitty American public school lunch, but it's really not this magical gourmet bullshit that bloggers often post online

>> No.17130643

>i-it's called dokdo
abloo bloo bloo bloo gook

>> No.17130656


>> No.17130687
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I don't know how you decided to post something like that, because it's completely unrelated to school lunch.

Just so you know I am pretty neutral about the island dispute. I do think Koreans took the island illegally at the most opportune moment, so unlike a lot of rabid anti-Japanese Koreans that refuse facts, I do not have any moral indignation or deep anger against the Japanese. Korea did have very strong HISTORICAL (not legal) claims to the island, but I don't give a fuck about worthless historical claims in a real practical world where the only rule is that the strong take, and the weak gives. This becomes more obvious the more you read history from all over the world.

That being said, the Japanese took many things from Korea illegally when they had the power and initiative, so we just did likewise during Japan's weakest moments (post WW2 surrender Japan). I say all is fair in love and war. I will not be upset if Japan sends its military and seizes the island by force. That's just the name of the game. All I say to Japan is: come and take it if you really want it!

>> No.17130693

>i'm not butthurt about the island i swear
>words words words words words words

>> No.17130725
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I am pretty sincere about what I said. I really think all these land disputes are silly, and in the end it's just people taking things from others. It was like that since the first man in history taking something from a weaker man. When you think like that, it's hard to get very nationalist or emotional, thinking that this Korea vs Japan fight is this really special sacred war that the entire world is paying attention to.

No, it's not. This fight isn't that special. There are hundreds of territorial disputes just like this worldwide, all of them equally pointless. I think the daily "dokdo" vs "takeshima" fight is silly, and anyone that takes it personally is silly.

>> No.17130731

I was fortunate (or possibly unfortunate) to go to a public school. The food was very traditional, cooked breakfast, a buffet for lunch and usually some kind of roast meal for dinner. Supper was optional but mainly consisted of sandwiches. My parents paid a lot for those meals, it’s shame the education wasn’t on par.

>> No.17131463
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Ok Koreans I know there are a few of you in the thread, of do I make decent jajangmyeon? The stuff from the instant noodles is way better than what I get, mine tastes of little and the taste that's there is best described as a vague hint of charred. It also fills you up instantly and you never feel like finishing the plate. The stuff from the instant noodles on the other hand is much lighter, has some almost smoky chocolate undertones.

Basically give me some GOOD recipes for it (and tteokbokki too if you're feeling generous)..

>> No.17131468

It's 90+ white retards, you're looking at SWEDISH population, which is 80% or so. Most of the non-Swedes are other scandis or Euros.

>> No.17131602

I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch throughout middle school and high school because no one was willing to make me food, I was too lazy to make my own food, and I had no money to purchase food.
I was able to eat school lunches in elementary because they were subsidized for abject povertyfags.

>> No.17131643
File: 86 KB, 788x444, fot-franciszek-mazur-agencja-gazeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much that can be said about school lunches in Poland. This pic omits soup (which is quite bad) and kompot.

>> No.17131647

also there's no buffet. there's a strict menu.

>> No.17131743

Minors smoking is illegal here

>> No.17131756

They basically just cut portion sizes and took out a lot of protein, it mostly affected the kids who actually did school sports who really needed the extra calories and their parents just assumed the school lunch was fine. Other than that the food was just sadder and the kids ate more at home.

>> No.17131950

My high school had a designated smoking area until 2006, but after that having any tobacco or tobacco paraphernalia (lighters, rolling papers, etc) on your person was grounds for a suspension. I remember a kid getting his Winston Cup jacket confiscated and being told he was looking at expulsion for promoting cigarette use.

>> No.17132102

We couldn't get school lunches bc me and my mom are too white to qualify for that aid plan.

I would help the church with refurbishing the Sanctuary and they'd pay me a small something everyday for food.

We aren't hurting for food anywhere in this Country, any school that can deny any child a meal is pure evil.

>> No.17132123

I had a nanny that a relative paid for so we wouldn't die of neglect with our retarded mother. When I was really little I thought she was my real mom, and I guess looking back now, she was, even if she didn't give birth to me.

She would pack me sandwiches made from bread she had made and fruit or raw vegetables. There was no dip, but I liked it that way. The bread would often fall apart into mostly crumbs because there was very little fat in it. The best were the cream cheese sandwiches with garlic chives. The cream cheese would hold the crumbs together so it actually worked as a sandwich instead of it falling totally apart while eating. Sometimes she would pack leftovers from the dinner she made the day before, or a salad. Even better was when we would come home from school and there was a chocolate cake she had made us. We would get little pieces of it all week. I loved all of it because she was the one who made it.

I miss that shitty bread sometimes, but it's really just her that I miss. R.I.P. in peace mama. I'll never forget you.

>> No.17132212

American school lunches used to be a lot better because they would hand make everything. My mom was a lunch lady and it is was exhausting for her. They hand rolling hundreds of breadrolls and cut thousands fresh fruits. Now everything is frozen prepack. She did have funny story of kids during lunch though. Makes me laugh everytime.

>> No.17132313

My country started a school lunch program when I was in high school. Previously there wasn't one. Breakfast was usually some sort of soggy pastry with spinach or other bread based item. Never any eggs or anything.

Lunch at our school was sometimes curry (the best option and actually freaking amazing). Other days it was rectangle pizza but the crust was actually bread and there was carrots on it. The most hilarious was "turkey", that was not shaped like any piece of turkey I've ever seen, nor did it taste like turkey, and rice. The school lunch people who got the contract lived on the same street as a friend of mine. There used to be a large pack of stray dogs that lived there. After they got the contract the dog population suddenly declined. The "turkey" was most likely dog.

Any good stories you remember?

>> No.17132337

There’s also the “pizza as a vegetable” thing and how much corporate interests were able to swing the bill in their favor and provide food as the schools supplier. However, I think dominos actually had to create a new pizza for school supplies that was free from added sugar and used higher quality dough flour. So at least the pizza wasn’t as bad as it could be.

>> No.17132371

I work in upper management for a company that produces school lunches in the US.

The reason school lunches are generally so shitty in the US is simply because nobody wants to pay for it. We get $3.25 per lunch that we serve, and that has to cover food cost, overhead, labor, and transportation cost.

It's not fucking rocket science. If you want your kids to eat better, you have to pay for it. And, it's getting worse. The reimbursement rate for school lunches, which is what all the pricing is based on, has only gone up 2% in the last year, while average food cost is up more than 10%.

>> No.17132386

In America a large segment of the population fights tooth and nail to deny children free school lunches
In the 80’s there was even an effort to declare ketchup a vegetable to justify nationwide cuts to school lunch programs
IIRC this was a bipartisan thing too, just an entire nation of shitty people reveling in their own shittiness

>> No.17132396

Whatever abominations Michelle Obama let me have

>> No.17132406

Asians be eating they food on prison trays

>> No.17132410

>Chad 8 yr old kid takes paying for lunch matter into his own hand. The kid's parent kept forgetting to submit weekly lunch money so the kid takes a hundred bucks from his mom's wallet to put in his lunch account.
>Kids know my mom was the nice lunch lady so they would go up to her, look around to make sure teachers weren't looking then do puppy face and begging hand so they get an extra meatball or whatever.
>5th graders ate last so they got the crappy food.
>Kids being genuinely happy when it's pizza bread stick day.
>Her friend's kid went to the school and was really small so her friend ask her to make sure he drinks his milk. When he doesn't my mom does the I-see-you thing with fingers then the kid gets scared and drinks it really fast.

those are some

>> No.17132425

That's wholesome. Many rich kids have the same experience with nanny. Your nanny is a good person.

>> No.17132435

Thanks anon. Those were some cute stories :3

>> No.17132445

This. The GOP has been doing this for years.

>> No.17132481

Thanks anon. She was a really amazing person, and I love her a lot. She died of stomach cancer about 6 years ago. Probably all the stress from having to be around my birth mother. She had to watch that woman beat us and couldn't do anything about it or else be fired. It was horrible for her, and I saw her cry about it a few times, though she didn't know I saw her. She tried really hard to make life decent for us, and she's the one who taught me to be a good person.

It's funny you mention rich kids, they are usually the ones with nannies. My family are all really rich, and we were pretty well off, but then my dad died. Our relative kept paying the nanny so we wouldn't get any more messed up. Thank god they did otherwise my mom probably would have ended up murdering me at some point.

>> No.17132543

Free school lunches are literally socialism okay

>> No.17133443

Least patriotic american.

>> No.17133568
File: 44 KB, 400x300, mac-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American here, I remember really enjoying those heaping piles of shitty yellow mac and cheese that was served sometimes.

>> No.17133593

Eating Kimchi everyday is very bad


>> No.17133616

Does anyone know where I can find the video for this?

>> No.17133860

Never tried the mac n' cheese but in my 30 odd years I've yet to find a better grilled cheese or vegetable soup than the ones served up in the good ol' elementary school cafeteria. Really miss the rectangular pizza with pepperoni cubes too.

>> No.17133965
