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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17110969 No.17110969 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a favorite classical dish?

>> No.17110994

I've always been partial to Yellow Dunce

>> No.17111013


>> No.17111020

I like the fried chicken. Them darkies been appropriatin. We're takin it back.

>> No.17111031
File: 28 KB, 780x438, 211030104629-donald-trump-file-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts le orange fool meme guy on 4chan
>totally not bait

>> No.17111043

portable soup looked tasty and practical
toss in some root vegetables and whatever game you can hunt, and i'd imagine you've got a pretty decent meal

>> No.17111051

THE ORANGE FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17111097

why are his eyes just two little slits?

>> No.17111105

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

>> No.17111106

Might be chinese or mongolian. Paid by one of ((them))

>> No.17111115

Tangerine Idiot is a classic I always enjoy.

>> No.17111117

Antisemitism is no longer funny. Wait, it never was.

>> No.17111131

Europeans sighed in relief when it was announced that Biden won. We felt pretty sad about Americans having to deal with a fascist cheetoh for four freaking years.

>> No.17111133

>I'm frustrated

>> No.17111151

>>17111117 It seems like most classical dishes were cooked in ovens, both ground ovens, stone ovens, coal fired brick, and then finally metal gas powered. I really like oven cooked food, especially roasted meats, but the ovens started to make a decline after the 1940's.

>> No.17111180

How are the Democrats any less fascist than Trump? His four years went by smooth, despite the biased media monopoly shitting their diapers and screeching like toddler throughout the entire thing.

Antigoyimism is starting to no longer be tolerated in our society. Adapt or die.

>> No.17111182


>> No.17111204

Huh? What's orange fool?
Do you mean that yellow dunce thing?

>> No.17111262

Kek, being a drumpfcuck and an antisemite is peak cognitive dissonance. Zion Don is not on your side.

>> No.17111270

Townsend's butter and black pepper shrimp recipe was surprisingly tasty for how simple it was. I haven't tried anything else from him.

>> No.17111277

Friendly reminder that Townsend is an old fashioned cooking channel not a political candidate

>> No.17111295

This pasta doesn't even make sense since he has done multiple collabs with Tasting History. Max is gayer than Richard Simmon's bachelor party.

>> No.17111307

We know Europeans bend over for any whiff of authoritarianism anon. You didn’t have to tell us. We don’t value your opinion on pretty much anything.

I enjoy pie. Does that count?

>> No.17111310

Didn't even like Trump but I absolutely abhor any gullible idiot that fell for the forced mass hysteria over him. Those types are the absolute worst your country has to offer. If they disappeared overnight most of your issues would be solved.
And being against semite supremacism isn't necessarily antisemetic.

>> No.17111338

he tried his luck with the zoomers with that orange fool stunt but it bit back and he is no longer relevant

>> No.17111348

Tasting history is a conservative wine gay.

>> No.17111362

What is a conservative wine gay? Do you just string random words together and hope the sentence ends up making sense?

>> No.17112427

>no longer relevant
on what earth. his work has been very successful and I couldn't be more thrilled. it's got

it couldn't be better

>> No.17112439

Its like a gay who drinks wine and is kinda conservative.

>> No.17113033

most gays are libtards

>> No.17113040

Nah, the politicization of sexual orientation to weaponize them for far-left societal oppression has closeted most conservatives in their own communities.

>> No.17114511


>> No.17114517

He's married to a mexican.

>> No.17114522

Guy is pretty strange if you watch the live streams. He seems like an autist

>> No.17114528

white male gays are now sort of toxic to the left. a bunch of carlyle reading assfucking peter thiels out there

>> No.17114626


>> No.17114657

lmao no shit

>> No.17114726

For me it's Red Retard

>> No.17114747

He cosplays for a living. You have to be on the spectrum to do that.

>> No.17115302

The one with nutmeg in it.

>> No.17115411
File: 114 KB, 500x600, 1510435254745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Release a video called "A Dessert Fit For The Washingtons"
>Make a dessert called an Orange Fool, a recipe that fits in the theme/time period of his channel.
>Not make a single political comment, didn't turn off the comment section, didn't even say anything about Trump. Nothing in the video is even remotely different from his other cooking videos.
>/pol/tard are STILL fucking seething to this day, Townsend has been living in their heads rent free for four years now.
Anyone who can piss off /pol/ this much with basically zero effort is based beyond belief in my book.

>> No.17115459

Spiced beef

>> No.17116191
File: 1.99 MB, 442x222, 1565097694071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been funny to watch it happen to the california-politics types though. Their gay privilege has been slowly acid-washed away before them and they're now just basic straight white males in the eyes of the left. Watching the ones I know slowly get quietly bitterer and bitterer over the past few years has been a sweet treat.

>> No.17117029

No one cares