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File: 23 KB, 380x380, depositphotos_74048389-stock-illustration-red-hot-chilli-peppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17109797 No.17109797 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many want to sell the hottest snack or food, but nobody tries to sell the saltiest snack, or the sweetest candy? Like a three salt shaker level snack?

>> No.17109818

Being able to handle lots of pain is a long standing masculine pride thing so it only makes sense that spicy, aka the flavor of 'pain' basically, would have the same pride based hyper masculine connotations with it.

>> No.17109822

what about enduring a lot of sweetness? like sometimes you'll eat something and it will be too sweet. surely they can work off of that angle as macho too.

>> No.17109833

It's a sign of mexicans and other browns taking over the country

>> No.17109841

Sweetness doesn't cause pain so it's not manly to be able to eat really really sweet stuff. Though sourness has long been in a similar state as spiciness which is why you saw a bunch of stuff like warheads and the like saying they're the sourest candy around.

>> No.17109846

Pain causes the production of endorphins so its basically like cutting yourself. Sweet also causes that but only the some degree and to salty is just bad.

>> No.17109851

>oops! all salt

>> No.17109852

because it would be disgusting, and probably make you vomit. peppers hurt but at least they can still be palatable. There are sour candies that essentially do this though.

>> No.17109855

sweetest and saltiest snacks can cause metabolic damage. hot snacks might make you throw up or have GI discomfort, but they;re not gonna send you into stroke or seizure

>> No.17109950

White are the ones consuming super hot spicy food though. Even "spicy" mexican food is tame compared to the shit white americans do as a challenge.

>> No.17109963

yeah it's not in mexico, those hombres are a quarter white. you have to go to asia to find the real spice

>> No.17109966

because people like me have such a high heat tolerance that hardly anything even registers as spicy whereas you can't build up a tolerance for salty or sweet the same way

>> No.17109970

holy shit, white fragility is real

>> No.17110012

Mexicans never make anything as hot as Indians, Chinese, or Thai though.

>> No.17110029

>post shitting on white people for making retarded spicy food
>white fragility

>> No.17111119
File: 981 KB, 1414x452, ExtraSalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taco Bell has sodium warnings on some of their entrees but I've only seen it on combo deals. Can you handle the salt, anon?

>> No.17112245

The saltiest note makes the song so sweet

>> No.17112270

What does grilled pepsi taste like?

>> No.17112278

>nobody tries to sell the saltiest snack, or the sweetest candy?
Too much salt can actually make people die

>> No.17112286
File: 291 KB, 598x1054, Fried_Coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fried coke

>> No.17112310

mexican candy has alot of salty "candies"
as well as uber sweet snacks
theyre out there,the obscurity requires some diggin

>> No.17112563
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swedes do and its disgusting

>> No.17112625

>clearly says Dutch Licorice

>> No.17112665

Besides that, too much sodium will literally poison you.

>> No.17112702
File: 119 KB, 640x640, 1614872000232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's easy, edibility.
Spice is actually just a feeling, so even if you add a fuck ton of it to something you can still have it taste of something under all of it.
try it with sugar or salt and it will become a challenge simply because of how completely fucking disgusting it'll taste, not to mention the increased danger of someone with a sensitivity reacting poorly to it.

>> No.17112978

Eating spicy food is “daring” “impressive” “macho” because It shows you can take pain and your are “tough” saltiest or sweetness would just be off putting, but I’m kinda curious what a spoonful of saccharin would taste like, or other artificial replacement for sugar which are suppose to be 8000X sweeter

>> No.17113370
File: 62 KB, 640x640, 1549580424116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hard to eat either pure sugar or salt. It's just not that salty or sweet.

>> No.17114436

You`re not masculine for handling your spicy shit you fucking losers. Please have your 3rd diarrhea of the day

>> No.17114458

oh right, just like how french fries are french food

>> No.17114542

i unironically love taking a spicy shit

>> No.17114599

Because spice/chillies isn't bad for you.
Too much salt or sugar is bad for you.

>> No.17114613

>but I’m kinda curious what a spoonful of saccharin would taste like, or other artificial replacement for sugar which are suppose to be 8000X sweeter
I've tasted my grandma's sweetener as a kid and it actually tasted kinda bitter on its own.

>> No.17115229

>Because spice/chillies isn't bad for you
Might give you ulcers, and some studies suggest chilies might cause cancer

>> No.17115350

Neither making nor eating pure salt or pure sugar is hard. Making hot sauce is a bit of a challenge (or used to be before chemically isolated capsaicin), eating it definitely is.

>> No.17115369

Ulcers are because of gut being shit and having H. pylori or whatever it is called. Bad gut causes cancer.

>> No.17116045

Because things sold as 'hot' a grocery stores are marketed as hot but really aren't and a lot of people are looking for a little bit more kick. But companies would open themselves up to lawsuits if they provided it because retards would hurt themselves.

>> No.17116057

Case in point Taco Bells 'fire' sauce is the minimal amount of heat above none at all, the rest are just tomato, vinager, onion, garlic.

>> No.17116061

Chilies are not spices

>> No.17116064

not doing it to be tough i just like the endorphins my brain gives me from eating a whole scotch bonnet. my shits are solid, but spicy af

>> No.17116105

Why do so many tranime faggots want to be the gayest pedophile on the server?

>> No.17116341

There's plenty of candies that are basically just pure sugar, how do you make something sweeter than that?

>> No.17116534

>Spice is actually just a feeling, so even if you add a fuck ton of it to something you can still have it taste of something under all of it.
What mild chilli are you eating that still has a taste underneath it?

>> No.17116541

Because American food is already mostly salt and/or sugar. Seriously just look at their food labels

>> No.17116553

Hot? Errybody noes dem whypeepo don't spice dey food. Shieet

>> No.17117098

>Ulcers are because your gut is a pussy
It might not be wrong, but it sure as shit is funny

>> No.17118240

I have to agree being a bean myself. White people come in two types. They either think paprika is too spicy or they eat habaneros like they are candy and chase super spicy food. I personally eat chili on 80% of meals but its usually just enough to give the food the flavor. My personal heat tolerance maxes out at about habanero but at that point the food isnt enjoyable anymore. Id rather a food come with the flavor of a chili sauce without the overwhelming heat.

>> No.17120105

Capasaicin is largely harmless long-term so you can make something super spicy and it'll mostly just be painful.
The "saltiest snack" might as well just be a salt lick, and if you eat one whole you'll fucking die.

>> No.17120138

too much of anything will poison you, even water