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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 450x450, yakult-leite-fermentado-probiotico-1533162654379_v2_450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17110915 No.17110915 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17110919

Maybe but it's mainly just overpriced yogurt

>> No.17110920

no it's a korean gimmick drink. It's tasty though

>> No.17110997
File: 394 KB, 900x1347, korean fragility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be Korean yourself, only those from that pathetic and unnerving racial supremacist culture are "taught" that they invented everything.

>> No.17111029

I have noticed a trend on those Korean factory baking channels that they name anything as "korean dessert", even stollen they labeled like that. WTF.

>> No.17111030

drink kefir milk instead.

>> No.17111042

What is “alive”?
Being alive is nothing more than going through the process of dying.

>> No.17111049

Are you currently banned from /lit/ by any chance?

>> No.17111169

Their school systems literally teach them that Koreans invented everything. They believe they came up with the fucking hamburger for christ's sake.

>> No.17111173

it’s japanese

>> No.17111183

doesn't matter what it is, racist koreans are gonna claim it

>> No.17111207

depends how tolerant they are to acidic environments, Lactobacillus are accustomed to acidity so have the highest likelihood of survival through the gastrointestinal tract although even the most resistant bacteria still tend to only be transient, the more diverse the better, you're still better off trying to feed the bacteria you already have with prebiotics such as resistant starches, inulin and other soluble fibres rather than introduce new bacteria which will be resisted by your endogenous gut bacteria.

>> No.17111225

burning japanese flags
kinda based

>> No.17111227
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>They believe they came up with the fucking hamburger for christ's sake.

>> No.17111287

No. There are forms of probiotics that will survive the trip, but they're completely and utterly worthless if you haven't just completed a course of antibiotics. Unless there's something severely wrong with you, you have a full colon already. It's teeming with fucking bacteria, there's no room for some bullshit yogurt stuff.

It's like how if you aren't a fucking retard you don't scrub your skin with bleach, because you're colonised with commensal bacteria that do nothing to you, and when you wipe them the fuck out then they can be potentially replaced with harmful bacteria.

>> No.17111304

only ever seen wetbacks buy this shit

>> No.17111370

sounds like the type of go getter attitude which I approve of.

>> No.17111396

and yet they're terrified of sleeping in a room with a fan running

>> No.17111453

For me, it's Bio Salud

>> No.17111843

A go getter attitude would be going out and actually inventing something, not sitting on your ass sniffing your own farts in a cope fantasy world

>> No.17111861

the squiggly sperm are. yes.

>> No.17111866
File: 83 KB, 918x429, yakult nut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yakult is not good for you.

>> No.17112398

this it's kinda insane the prices people are putting out for yogurt. how easy it is to transplant the cultures to some milk in a warm environment and make yogurt

>> No.17112409

I dont know, they “go and got” someone elses shit and called it their own. Thats pretty go getter of them. I give it a thumbs up in terms of vital energy.

>> No.17112421

This, sell tiny packages of precooked pasta declared as "super starch pasta" for 10 times as much as producing them cost.

>> No.17112982

if you drink kefir every single day 3 times a day with meals you can optimize your stomach with different more effective bacteria that you may be lacking, thats why people in the past were so healthy because many foods were fermented like old fashioned pickles, yogurt, cheese, jams, it was all fermented due to lack of refrigeration

>> No.17112989
File: 101 KB, 958x928, 71zWG8FtxBL._AC_SL1181_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the real thing instead.

>> No.17113031

If a diet of fermented foods was healthy then why does worst korea have the highest rates of stomach cancer in the world?

>> No.17113036

I'm sure that has nothing to do with their liquor consumption rate which is highest in the world.

>> No.17113070

>highest in the world
Only when you measure by liters which manipulates the large ABV difference between soju and vodka. In the non-statistically manipulated reality, it is still Russia by a large margin.
Fermented foods are fine, but having them make up a majority of your diet is stomach suicide.

>> No.17113088
File: 246 KB, 2919x1019, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. and that's actually the wrong probiotic. You need spore-forming bacteria that comes from soil that can survive the stomach acid


>> No.17113092

Estonia, Lithuania and the Czech Republic dwarf Russia in liters of pure alcohol consumed.

>> No.17113096
File: 898 KB, 1431x1490, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lactobacillus acidophilus CL1285, Lactobacillus casei LBC80R and Lactobacillus rhamnosus

not spore forming

>> No.17113099

lol this nigga eating (((soil))) I bet it goes down nice and smooth with a nice tall glass of Soylent eh big boy?

>> No.17113108

Everything we eat nowadays is washed of soil. Most people's spore-forming bacteria is only from their mother. Do you want to lose 90% of your serotonin? It only takes a few bad days to wipe out a population in your gut.

>> No.17113137

Lol this nigga eating overpriced jew soil and trying to justify it like 90% of people in society aren't just fine without resorting to eating literal dirt

>> No.17113140

For me? it's a cold can of calpis water.

>> No.17113161

I ate so much soil covered food as a kid, i picked sweet onions from the garden and ate them and ate carrots from the ground. never had a parasite but i have a very strong stomach and to this day i refuse to wash garden veggies before i put them in stews, broths, or roasts. you literally taste the difference.

>> No.17113203

> What is “alive”?
something that born, can grow, reproduce itself and die

>> No.17113209

That's bullshit. Your microbiome can change with time.
That's why if you keep eating legumes constantly they will not give you the fart

The same can happen with any pre/probiotic, if you assume them over a long period of time the bacteria of your intestine will adapt with new colonies

>> No.17113349
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1389989243885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and yet they're terrified of sleeping in a room with a fan running

>> No.17113494

my japanese friend bought this at some asian market once and gave me one... was like some sour yogurt shit; i didn't care for it

>> No.17113534

I remember when I was a kid I loved this stuff, mum got a big box of it on a discount; and she ended up calling the company that made/distributed it because I drank so many in one go she was worried there would be side effects.
They should make a big one. I guess the sugar content would be problematic.

>> No.17113622

all that sugar and it still tasted like shit

>> No.17113668
File: 719 KB, 2048x2730, 1639223211603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try these bad boys with some soju. I like especially with green apple soju

>> No.17113681

Pretty sure there's a study that shows they found the bacteria in stool samples. So yeah, it does survive.

>> No.17113788

The only difference spore formation makes is survivability, doesn't inherently mean a bacteria is better for gut health. If the stomach killed all bacteria which don't produce endospores then bacteria such as Campylobacter, Salmonella and Listeria wouldn't cause food poisoning.

>> No.17113817

i think thats a better alternative to the demoralization we have here in the west.

>> No.17114000

can't think of yakult without thinking about suigintou

>> No.17114395


>> No.17114416 [DELETED] 

my wife likes off-brand versions of these and I don't know why.

>> No.17114448

>There are forms of probiotics that will survive the trip
tell me
i've had chronic bloating since taking antibiotics nearly a year ago

>> No.17114472
File: 628 KB, 900x675, 4C41E627-CADB-4BAE-A4BF-B4939F701C52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever seen a white person buy these. It’s always mystery meat goblinos. I assume it’s so full of sugar you gain a third pound of fat for each one consumed.

>> No.17114537

A tub of Greek yogurt at Aldi's is like 2.50 and it's indistinguishable from fage

>> No.17114654

Their food is way too spicy, greasy and salty
They consume too much artificial flavoring/coloring
Everything is wrapped in plastic which you end up absorbing
Copious amounts of alcohol

>> No.17114662

Drink kombucha

>> No.17114767

hasn't worked
also tried kefir

>> No.17114773

You should talk to a doctor about that.
And if he suggests any product you can get in a supermarket you should talk to a different doctor instead.

>> No.17114785

This. If your flora got fucked by antibiotics 2 grams of fucking yeast jammed in a capsule isn't going to cut it.

You should also consider changing your diet radically. Certain surviving probiotics within your stomach may react well to some food you don't usually eat.

Also, if you don't have diarrhea, it may not be a flora problem.

>> No.17114794

i do
perhaps i should take foods that especially give me the shits, e.g. beans and high-fiber foods, and just eat them 24/7

>> No.17114795

>taking antibiotics
rip biome

No one really knows how it works or how to fix it sorry, don't expect anything from doctors. Best you can do is eat a good diet and hope it fixes itself. Or poop transplant but your state isn't dire enough for that (yet)

>> No.17114798

i really wish they would be more cautious about prescribing antibiotics
this is kind of ruining my life

>> No.17115043

i buy it because they support sumo and it tastes good

>> No.17115049

Hi anon. I had to take antibiotics for a month which destroyed my gut biome and seriously exacerbated an existing sensitivity to grains of multiple types. I never realized it was a problem until my gut biome got messed up because I thought it was normal to get random rashes and feel bloated every time I ate because it's something I lived with ever since I was a kid. It's taken a year, but I helped my gut heal a bit by doing the following.
>stopped eating all grains and legumes, including peanuts
>Stopped eating other nuts to reduce risk of damaging my intestines further
>Stopped eating nightshade vegetables or acidic foods like coffee and sodas
>Limited dairy
>Corn messed me up for a while too
>Ate mostly meat and eggs
>drinking one big bottle of kombucha a week
>eating yogurt semi regularly
>making my own kefir from grains ordered online, though I moved and they got screwed up a few months ago

After doing that for a few months I could drink coffee around once a week and eat nightshades again without issues. It's been a year and now I can eat organic corn and white rice, but any other grain, including brown rice, fucks me up really bad. I still don't eat nuts very often, and if I do, it's just a few. I also started eating beans again recently and haven't had any problems, though it's because of how I process them.

>Wash 2lbs of dry beans
>Soak in filtered water 24 hours
>wash again
>Soak another 24 hours
>Wash again
>Boil the fuck out of them
>Discard water, I cool it and use it to water plants
>Add them to whatever dish I'm making near the end since they're cooked all the way through already
>Freeze leftover beans for other dishes

I also need to get back to the kombucha, but I was moving like I said, so I was tight on money and time. It will take time to recover, but it's possible. For me I'm glad it happened because it snowballed into a bunch of other positive changes for me besides diet.

>> No.17115103

you swallowed every meme at once

>> No.17115130

>reply to pasta

>> No.17115135

Why yes. I was desperate to stop shitting painfully every time I ate so I tried everything. It sort of worked, although it remains to be seen if eating those foods again sets me right back.

I don't consider that pasta worthy but that's nice of you

>> No.17115150

Do gooks really?

>> No.17115158
File: 117 KB, 234x237, 1612592186725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the difference

>> No.17115164

What are you, some sort of bottom feeding scum sucking algae eater?

>> No.17115404

My parents buy this shit, I tell them it's 15% SUGAR but nah

>> No.17115442

You sound mad, did some racist hurt you recently?

>> No.17115469


>> No.17115634

You're an inspiration for birth control.

>> No.17115642

> he doesn't know
You are not alone in your body, you are even the minority

>> No.17115644

Yeah I use condoms when i fuck your mum in the arse

>> No.17116173
File: 115 KB, 750x389, korean wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah, we know your tastes

>> No.17116259

That's what she said

>> No.17116264

Don't worry anon I understood

>> No.17116546

>good use of imagery
>cohesive theme (burning a flag)
I can't tell if adults made these or if they're following examples... imagine teaching children to create art to hate.

>> No.17116593
File: 117 KB, 796x1024, 1624194105544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Worst Korea.

>> No.17116937

That's an evolved bit of wartime propaganda to conserve energy by not leaving fans running all night.

>> No.17116946
File: 937 KB, 718x1024, 1633108031664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to systematically destroy a country's culture

>> No.17116964
File: 29 KB, 480x640, images (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any real lads in

>> No.17116997
File: 1.13 MB, 2884x1724, 1609013583266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd still be medieval peasants if Japan didn't modernize you at the start of the 20th century.

>> No.17117006

I sleep with a fan on. What's the problem?

>> No.17117007
File: 555 KB, 806x723, korean pow guards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koreans were not innocent in that either.

>> No.17117301

Isn't the country run by a wierd feminist cult?

>> No.17117311

Damn... Them Asian scum are gonna pay for crashing into my ride...

>> No.17117346

wait a second, is this where that stupid fucking "yakiniku was is Korean BBQ and the japs stole it" meme is coming from?

>> No.17117382

Some companies sell their own in bigger bottles, but I guess Yakult has kept it the same size because that's the recommended serving for one day

>> No.17117392

>racial supremacist
Based Koreans, keep it up lads

Hate Paramilitary Group

>> No.17117446

They're historically the armpit of east asia though. They're practically SEAmonkeys.

>> No.17117776
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>> No.17117808
File: 485 KB, 505x367, 06-46-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hate Paramilitary Group

>> No.17117874
File: 118 KB, 669x1024, FGTW4icUYAU3aw5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17118682

they stay alive until after being eliminated, getting flushed into septic systems where they take root and multiply

>> No.17118932


For anyone actually wondering, we do know how this works, and no, probiotics don't make it into the gut.

But "prebiotics" do. Basically you need to switch to a really veggie heavy diet for a few weeks.

Legumes properly cooked, if you really want to Make it easy on yourself go pick up those 12-15 bean soup mixes.

Green plantain chips, eat those

Cooked then *thoroughly cooled* potatos.

Leeks, raw onions, artichoke, squash.

Prunes, apricots, apples, anything with fiber in its actually.

If you're really lazy, you can pick up soups in the store with a lot of these "super red" and "super green" i forget the brand name.

>> No.17118942

Kek. Try mentioning the 'Sea of Japan' around them, hilarious. They also think they are the only country that has four distinct seasons.

>> No.17119093

Maybe China and Korea should have tried not being weak.

>> No.17119432
File: 713 KB, 2048x1536, 1619330318749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One is made of gundam parts, the other made of plastic.

>> No.17119440
File: 545 KB, 1024x700, 1536648030763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They believe they came up with the fucking hamburger for christ's sake.
Rev up the 3rd nuke.

>> No.17119817

What a fucking unit would offer up my bussy

>> No.17119830
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x1773, A12866C6-67E1-4ADD-9DD7-4933509FD190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d slurp this down if it was TayTay’s shit

>> No.17120018


>> No.17120849
File: 23 KB, 300x360, nnnnnh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted 20 hours ago
He's dead isn't he

>> No.17120860

She looks like she misses periods because of her anorexia

>> No.17120864

real obese posting hours now huh

>> No.17120911

Where do I buy the spore forming kind anon?

>> No.17120944

Senpai please teach me how to make kiefer from grains

>> No.17120979

>Cooked then *thoroughly cooled* potatos.
>thoroughly cooled
What did he mean by this?

>> No.17121064

>For anyone actually wondering, we do know how this works, and no, probiotics don't make it into the gut.
Yes they do, if they don't they're not probiotics.

>> No.17121140

Cooled potatos are noticeably starchier than warm. This is an actual chrmical change.

Oh, I forgot, many types of mushrooms as well.

>> No.17121286

Hi, /pol/ here.
>use duke nukem image
>dont recognize duke nukem quote
>instantly think someone is attacking you and jump on the defensive
You're a fucking embarassing fag.

>> No.17121290

>Yakult is the world's leading probiotic beverage created in Japan in 1935. Today, Yakult is sold in 40 countries and regions around the world.
>filthy gook trying to steal credit for japanese liquid kino
End yourself.

>> No.17121353
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>> No.17121548
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Looks like it's that time again!

>> No.17122345

Eat dirt or grow vegetables and eat without washing