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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17110031 No.17110031 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer to drink water with your meal, before your meal, or after your meal? Or do you delay your beverage until after gastric juices have processed?

>> No.17110049

as a child my parents never allowed me to drink during a meal - i could only drink after finishing the solid food they put on my plate. so now i drink during meals every time just to exercise freedom.

>> No.17110104

Who in the hell doesn't drink while they eat?

>> No.17110113


>> No.17110120


>> No.17110122
File: 111 KB, 800x469, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to drink a large glass of milk with my meals

>> No.17110185

Why lol

>> No.17110191

I drink when i feel thirsty

>> No.17110205

I drink my beverage as needed, although sometimes I drink a glass of water before. If I feel particularly dehydrated I drink right after the meal too. It really depends.

>> No.17110214

Me. I drink when I'm thirsty, not when I'm hungry. I'm in tune with my bodily needs.

>> No.17110221

catholic here, you’re full of shit

>> No.17110354


>> No.17110359

If you drink anything besides human milk you need serious therapy

>> No.17110464

Normal people don't think about these things

>> No.17110550

Can you not post that power girl boss next time you make such a retarded thread. It's like posting Einstein along side brainlet text

>> No.17110632

I drink water prior, then wine after

>> No.17111093
File: 139 KB, 1200x1600, Where_9c4047_6691842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>French and Italians don't drink while they eat

>> No.17111102

water is kind of boring

>> No.17111118

I usually eat one meal a day and drinl about 2 litres of water in the process.

>> No.17111126

Wtf was their logic behind not consuming liquid with your meal?

>> No.17112306

>raised loosely catholic because my parents didnt give a shit, but my grandma did
>dont drink while I eat
I think theres something to this, guys. granted, I'm busy eating while I'm eating, which is the main reason

>> No.17112329

Whenever I'm thirsty.

>> No.17112434

it dilutes the food

>> No.17112585

holy fuck... so sorry for you anon

>> No.17112628

Why would you even think to want to if they never exposed you to it? People only have drink with food as a learned habit.

>> No.17112644

Because sometimes food is try and you need a little bit of moisture to help swallow?

What the fuck kind of parents are out there? I get not serving soda, but water should always be available.

>> No.17112645
File: 124 KB, 326x319, 1634260815485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never drink any water, I don't like it

>> No.17112662

No, you never need a bit of moisture to help swallow. Have you eaten chips? It doesn't get dryer than that. Do you need a drink to finish a bag of chips? No you don't. Or you shouldn't.

>> No.17113273

I nearly always drink water before a meal. The only things I'll drink with a meal are beer and wine.


Also good

My parents told me it dilutes your stomach enzymes, making digestion less effective

>> No.17113282

don't you LIKE to have a drink while eating chips?

>> No.17113295

i like to drink one liter of water with two ice cubes after every meal.

>> No.17113612

All three and whenever I'm thirsty. What a weird question.

>> No.17113618

I'll usually have a drink with my meals, but that's because I like drinking.
I usually need one when I have dinner though because that's when I take my meds.

>> No.17113627

bruh, can you stop spamming this drugged up potato looking bitch on every board ?

>> No.17114422

She's hot and brainy. I can see why you might be intimidated. It's a shame she's a bit squeamish about needles, because I don't like them too delicate, but she's nearly perfect.

>> No.17114474

yes weird question
i drink water whenever i feel like it

>> No.17114479

always wait until your juices can do their work undiluted

>> No.17114738

this everyone says its weird but i think it goes with virtually everything. especially meat or pasta

>> No.17114892

has there ever been a more obviously crazy looking person

when will society admit to itself that people with tremendously popped open eyes are crazy and up to no good? it's like a 100% indicator. there's a reason we all inherently know how to identify crazy eyes

>> No.17114937

The correct answer and a very simple trick to avoid terrible disease later on in life. I'm guilty as well.

>> No.17114940

>always wait until your juices can do their work undiluted

the fuck are you weird ass schizos talking about..."diluting" your gastric juices is not a thing, stop repeating shit your insane bumpkin parents told you

>> No.17114957

You're technically not suppose to drink before, during or after eating, it floods the stomach and you pass off more nutrients that the body would've absorbed.

>> No.17114962

>You're technically not suppose to drink before, during or after eating, it floods the stomach and you pass off more nutrients that the body would've absorbed.

completely false with no basis in science. all wild animals drink when they eat, proving you to be wrong, but your assertion has zero basis in science to begin with

>> No.17114965

>he thinks the stomach is where nutrients are absorbed when eating

retard. holy fuck people on this board need to learn to be quiet and sit in the back silently when they don't know things.