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17108450 No.17108450 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it called a Double Quarter Pounder and not a Half Pounder?

>> No.17108451

1/4 is bigger than 1/2

>> No.17108452

Because Americans will hear Double and think twice as much and when they hear half they'll think they're getting less.
Check out the story behind the A&W 1/3rd pound burger.

>> No.17108466

Because there's two quarter pound patties

>> No.17108495

Double quarter pounder is more accurate. Calling it a half pounder seems like one of those midwit psuedo-superiority things, like pointing out the difference between shepherd’s pie and cotttage pie when nobody asked

>> No.17108504

Why? You wouldn't call a liter of beer a double pint.

>> No.17108511

You call 2-3oz a double shot though

>> No.17108527

Because it's TWO quarter pound patties dumbass. If it was a half pounder then it'd be a single half pound patty.

>> No.17108553

There's no such thing as cottage pie, they're all shepard's pies just a tad different.

>> No.17108768

I’m white

>> No.17108973

That's because you still shot it, the name shot refers to the method of consumption

>> No.17108981

Probably because Americans suck at math.

>> No.17108993

That's not an achievement.

>> No.17109045

No, but telefragging three blacks in one game is

>> No.17109065

because it's got two quarter pounder patties and not a single half pound patty

>> No.17109066 [DELETED] 

all this talk about americans not understanding fractions is codeword for niggers and spics

>> No.17109079

Nah. All Americans are fucking thick. Because of the non-existant education system. Especially racists are so fucking stupid that they think physical property genes like skin colour affects behaviour. Fucking idiots.

>> No.17109087

What is a physical property gene?

>> No.17109094

On a scale of 1-10, how many "vaccines" have you received so far lmao? Don't tell me yet; you've got more coming.

>> No.17109118
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fuckin owned him dude lol

>> No.17109126

best answer

>> No.17109136

Ok schizo. Keep making stuff up. You have a nice imagination, you should be a writer. Can't wait for your book.

>> No.17109141

this is bait but some northern yurops actually believe this
their nonsense is the foundation of western leftism

>> No.17109145

I just added the word gene to physical property. So it becomes physical property gene. The genes that dictate your physical appearance, not behaviour. Maybe it was my bad. "Physical property" is not normally used for people. But I think it is a good set of words to depict things. Is two words a set? It is now.

>> No.17109146
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skin color sorsn't affect behavior. but you can expect certain behavior from skin colors.

>> No.17109527

cottage pie = beef
shepherd's pie = lamb

there is a fucking difference you midwit

>> No.17109686

Don't forget about pigmans pie

>> No.17109691

>he believes dumbshit email chain stories from 1989
Its because nobody goes to a&w retard

>> No.17109693

but let's not pretend it wouldn't be like that in europe

>> No.17109766

>Double quarter pounder is more accurate. Calling it a half pounder seems like one of those midwit psuedo-superiority things
Imagine thinking that acknowledging 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2 is a "midwit psuedo-superiority thing" kek

You must be really lacking in self confidence and intelligence if this threatens you. I bet people using non-English words while speaking English also seems pretentious and ostentatiously intellectual to you.

>> No.17109776

>they think physical property genes like skin colour affects behaviour.
I think the more ridiculous belief would be that evolutionary pressures can significantly affect physical traits, including cranial capacity, but not mental/psychological traits. This is essentially magically thinking.

It's like saying the only difference between a pug and a border collie is how they look.

>> No.17109796

in part because a liter is not the same as 2 pints

>> No.17109803

Au contraire my dear dumbass

>> No.17109826

It is in America you dirty britbong

>> No.17109839

because it's meant to describe the weight of the patty, not the weight of the burger. it's not a half pound patty it's two quarter pound patties. big qualitative difference

>> No.17109860

That’s a whole of assuming and logic leaps in one post. You haven’t taken your psych 101 final yet, don’t be so sure you’re an expert yet anon!

>> No.17109882

This. Its not rocket science. A half pounder implies a single half pound patty.

>> No.17109884

Because it doesn’t use a half lb patty; it uses two quarter lb patties. Carl’s Jr. used to have a third-lb and half-lb burger when they got rid of the six-dollar burger name, and both of those used a single patty (though you could get a double half lb burger). They stopped that because no one goes to Carl’s Jr., so they can’t justify keeping the various stocks of foods.

>> No.17109900

By this logic you could sell two single cheeseburgers as a double cheeseburger.

>> No.17109903

Fuk off euro

Because its two patties you retard.

>> No.17109908

Because a double quarter isn’t a half, retard. It’s two quarters.

>> No.17109918

4/3 of all people don't understand fractions

>> No.17109965

No that’s just two cheeseburgers

>> No.17109993

Another one is when they point out the 16:10 aspect ratio should be 8:5 because that’s mathematically correct. I can’t say for certain but I think people call it 16:10 because it’s slightly taller than 16:9, which came first

>> No.17110017

What does that have to do with the amount of liquid

>> No.17110024

no. it's an eighth pounder.

>> No.17110040

Because you're still shotting it. You're shotting the double amount. You don't pint a beer.

>> No.17110901

only as far as there being so many retards that assume that false etymology as to make it true

>> No.17110909

Fractions can be subjected to addition, that's like the whole point of them, idiot.

>> No.17110951

because it is two burgers, not a half pound burger.