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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17098654 No.17098654 [Reply] [Original]

>21 years old
>alcoholic drinks still taste awful
uh, when does my tonge recognize this shit as "tasty"?

>> No.17098659

Stop trying to drink things straight, he’ll just find a nice cider

>> No.17098660

Never. Just mix it with something sweet like cola.

>> No.17098663

when you become an alcoholic i suppose. need to keep in mind alcohol is literally a poison, it damages your body. your body is only doing what is best for you by discouraging you to drink it

>> No.17098664

>just mix it with something better to improve the flavour a bit
what's the point then?

>> No.17098668

Most alcoholic drinks are just not good on their own. Find your mixer of choice, that’s all you can do

>> No.17098672

I didn't particularly like the taste of cocaine at first either

>> No.17098673


To get drunk you stupid faggot, what did you think

>> No.17098675

it’s addiction

>> No.17098677

just b yourself

>> No.17098685

Most people mix their alcohol with sugar, water, lemon, and lime in equal parts. It's called "sweet and sour mix" and it's a base in many, many mixed drinks.

>> No.17098707

I always found the taste of booze really bad and never got how it is so popular all through out the ages. Turns out its like a drug and im pretty sure everyone knows it tastes like shit but do it just because of social pressure. My dad drinks though for stress.

>> No.17098721

>when does my tonge recognize this shit as "tasty"?

Never. The body rejects it because it is poison. The only reason anyone really drinks this stuff is because it makes them stupid. Faggots who are into fine wine, whiskey, craft beer, etc are all full of shit, they are into that stuff for social reasons.

I am an alcoholic and I am drunk right now.

>> No.17098728

>what's the point of an intoxicant that doesn't taste good?
idk, intoxication?

>> No.17098748

>I'm a degenerate alkie
>this proves nobody can have a healthy relationship with alcohol

>> No.17098756

Try some local wines.

>> No.17098778

Fuck off with your straw man.

>> No.17098783

some people are just born tastelets, unfortunately. some people will never grow to like strong acquired tastes, like olives or aged cheese. same thing with alcohol. but seriously, there's gotta be a sweet wine or hard seltzer or SOMETHING that's gotta taste good to you. i can understand not liking scotch or tequila but there's a whole world of different drinks for every palate.

>> No.17098796

Just keep forcing yourself to drink it, eventually you'll be addicted and that's when you learn to appreciate the taste

>> No.17098799

To get tipsy, tipsy is the sweet spot

>> No.17098803

You outright said it you hay bale cunt

>> No.17098828

you also learn to appreciate the time when your body naturaly rejected this poison :^)

>> No.17098840

Around 40, kid. The sensitivity of your taste buds needs to diminish for a few decades.

>> No.17098857

It starts tasting good when you go through a traumatic event that you need to cope with

>> No.17098863

Hey I like that smiley face you put at the end of your post. May I save it for later use?

>> No.17098882

I remember when I turned 21, I could not down a Miller Lite. It was fucking sick. I made posts on various internet forums asking what I was doing wrong. I can tell you that I was an alcoholic about 1 year later. Still an alcoholic 12 years later.

>> No.17098912

you have to ingest illicit drugs and break the law to enjoy the sweet nectar of the gods

>> No.17098924

Why is being 21 relevant to booze tasting like booze? It's goof juice not a milkshake

>> No.17099090

If alcohol doesn't make you feel good just stop

>> No.17099091

Start with lower ABV beers and eat with food. You’ll start acquiring the taste after a while. As for spirits, just use a mixer.

>> No.17099110
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To make the pain go away

>> No.17099141

>do it just because of social pressure.
Actually no, being druk is fucking funny and a jolly good time, mate. Is that not reason enough to drink?

>> No.17099147

I knew a guy who became an alcoholic just because he loved the taste of jack+coke.
He drank so much that his god damn liver failed.

>> No.17099272

>I'm a degenerate alkie
>I am an alcoholic and I am drunk right now.

>this proves nobody can have a healthy relationship with alcohol
>The only reason anyone really drinks this stuff is because it makes them stupid. Faggots who are into fine wine, whiskey, craft beer, etc are all full of shit, they are into that stuff for social reasons.

I hope you're pretending to be this retarded

>> No.17099455


>> No.17099798

Look cool and fit in. That's what people on the ads do

>> No.17099808

pickleback my friend

whiskey shot with a chaser of pickle juice

>> No.17099811

Is it summer already?

>> No.17099819

It’s unironically an acquired taste, your body is naturally averted to it but over time your brain will start associating the flavor with the positive effects of getting drunk and enjoy it. Or the opposite if you have a remarkably bad experience with a specific liquor.

>> No.17099821

anyone who goes further is an alcoholic

>> No.17099891

Hes drunk.

>> No.17100390


>> No.17101232

Alcohol is bad. Everyone pretends its good.

>> No.17101247

Well you can't appreciate the taste of decent liquor so mix the cheap stuff with Hawaiian punch or don't drink it at all

>> No.17101517

Develop a taste for smoked leathery boots and whisky will go down nicely.

>> No.17101526

21 is toddler tier. Come back in 15 years when you're a real adult

>> No.17101533
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Get those gay girly drinks, they're often legitimately delicious and get you fucked. Or just realize that booze isn't for you, in which case you're just better off because that shit is death.

>> No.17101593
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I finally found a favorite liquor that I'll drink for the rest of my life but the way there was not worth it. Spending $200 just to find something you can choke down is retarded. don't bother.

>> No.17101623

Eventually you'll find something you like, or maybe not, that's fine too. I personally love wheat beer, rum and whiskey that is smokey but not peaty. Happy to drink those spirits over ice, maybe with a splash of water.

Nobody is pretending you schizo, people like different things.

>> No.17101672

just keep at it, you'll learn sooner or later.
>Alcohol has been shown to interact with numerous neurotransmitter systems to exert its pharmacological effects. The endogenous opioid system (EOS) has been strongly implicated in the positive and negative reinforcing effects of alcohol.

>> No.17101691

Don't worry. By 24 you'll be drinking straight from the bottle

>> No.17101775


>> No.17101838

>favorite liquor that I'll drink for the rest of my life
well, what is it?

>> No.17102288
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Skol vodka

>> No.17102339

No, he's right. I'm not an alcoholic, but I'm inclined towards overthinking and "thinking in circles". Temporarily making myself stupider lets me see the straightforward solutions and get shit done that I would otherwise have procrastinated on.

>> No.17102375

You might be suffering from a rare condition known as "being a woman". I'm sorry, there's no cure.

>> No.17102535
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Gotta do my part! MMMMM!!!

>> No.17102580

Beer, or maybe just cheap beer (I wouldn't know) genuinely tastes worse than other cheap alcohol. Nothing other than beer has ever made me vomit.

>> No.17102608

How? Cheap beer is almost tasteless, whereas cheap liquor or wine have a strong, horrible taste.

>> No.17102621

By "beer" I mean something with at least 5% alcohol. Otherwise it's just carbonated water.

>> No.17102679

I don't think a single person has realized that this is stealth frogposting.

>> No.17102946
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benis&go :DD

>> No.17102971

>>21 years old
I bet you watch rick and morty and think "wow that's me" everytime rick is on the screen. Grow up bozo

>> No.17104156


>> No.17104326

Stop drinking shitty alcohol. Then again you are probably poor.

>> No.17104437


>> No.17104478

every person I know who likes the taste of alcohol drinks to excess.

>> No.17104502

Start with apple/pear cider or soda vodkas.

>> No.17105035

To appease people with no taste and to look cool when you are young

>> No.17105048

Basic red/white wines started tasting nice when I was around 29 and used wine in cooking for about 8 years (after moving out).

>> No.17105122

>34 years old
>still on 4chan

>> No.17105133

Where else would we be? What's that awesome place where we can talk to fellow adults only? You zoom shits are all over every single platform.

>> No.17105143
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>4chan 2021
>zoomies btfo on the daily
>oldfags not welcome

then who the fuck is this shitty platform for in this day and age?

>> No.17105170

It's for (You)

>> No.17105191

holy seethe

>> No.17105209

Corn syrup beer aka budweisee etc is disgusting. They don't use malt

>> No.17105249

arrghh i'm alocholic and trying to cut back.. doing pretty good especially cause it's winter and the alchol stores are far
but i just went to the garage and found a bottle of tequila in there i had forgotten
alcohol i do know how to spell it FUCK

>> No.17105283

drink gin and tonic with some citrus juice
stop using citrus
cut tonic in half
cut tonic in half
drinking neat gin at room temperature
start taking fentanyl

>> No.17105297

Some people actually drink it exclusively to get tipsy or drunk. I actually genuinely like the taste and the vast majority of the time I don't even drink to being tipsy, I just wanted the experience of the drink. This is pretty abnormal though, most alcoholic mixes are designed to turn something people hate the taste of into something palatable so they can get altered

>> No.17105308

I'm always so confused by shit like this, do they actually believe NO ONE likes the taste because they themselves pretend to for some retarded reason? I cannot understand normies. Are such vast qualities of them really faking it so hard they cannot even imagine that the idea of it being enjoyable comes from people who actually do enjoy it?

>> No.17106170

You took me straight to Kektucky

>> No.17106299

I only like alcohol when it compliments my meal. Alcohol for alcohols sake is retarded most of the time

>> No.17106347

I love the taste of a good glass of wine
Shit I love the taste of good beer as well
Very few liquors taste good but I recommend Drambuie to any toddler who goes hurr durr people pretend to like it

>> No.17106363
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Pic related is the first beer that I found tasty back when I hated the taste of beer. Give it a try if you can find it in your area, OP.

>> No.17106364

I love these al/ck/ threads, but they make me want a beer, BAD.

>> No.17106371

You now realize that the people who used 4chan back in the early to mid 2000s are that age or older in current year.

>> No.17106373

Then go buy one. Who gives a shit?

>> No.17106375

It's not about taste, it's that sobriety becomes intolerable.

>> No.17106388

It would be a moral failure if I drank right now.

>> No.17106651

Dude, you're on 4chan. Which means you're already a colossal failure.

>> No.17107760

it's over.

>> No.17107920
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t. alcoholic
it actually gets worse to the point just the smell will make you throw up but i still struggle through

>> No.17107923

coke is overrated. H is so much better

>> No.17107937

i have never seen a glass bottle of Skol before, nor would i want one because if im drinking skol i'm going to drop it at least a few times

>> No.17107972

Most people don't drink straight liquor. People who do are either full blown alcoholics, or found a specific brand that offers flavors they enjoy.

People drink with mixers because mixers either complement the flavors of straight liquor or cover it completely. For example, Coca Cola complements the oak and vanilla in many whiskeys so "whiskey & coke" is a common highball. For the latter example, you've got stuff like vodka presses, screwdrivers, and elaborate drinks like Long Island Ice Teas.

>> No.17107986

Joke's on you faggot. I'm 36.

>> No.17107993

You're blessed, that's why...avoid the sauce
>t. Alchy

>> No.17108020

He doesnt know he's here forever

>> No.17108024

>speaking the cold, dark truth

>> No.17108067
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>> No.17108864

tasted good for me the first time

>> No.17109107

I had limoncello straight once and loved it. Whiskey's also good straight. Can't do brandy though.

>> No.17109162

>all these tastelet replies
what the fuck, am I the only one that enjoys a good beer or a nice whiskey/bourbon? bunch of fags the lot of you.

>> No.17109207

Suffering is existence. If you cannot bear it, nature has ordained you yo die. Alcoholics should just kill themselves if there only reason for drinking is a literal cope such as yours.

>> No.17109798

i drink liqours neat alone

>> No.17109808

Just skip alcohol and pop some mollie.

>> No.17109856

either switch to chick drinks, or just wait until your life sucks hard enough that the bitter taste of alcohol is sweeter than anything life is throwing at you :(

>> No.17109857

Alcohol is for depressed faggots that can't handle reality.

>> No.17109861

>Alcohol is for depressed faggots that can't handle weed and shrooms

>> No.17109866

Just get a white claw like every other zoomer faggot

>> No.17109870

that shit'll sneak up on you but good... i had some of that on the last day i touched alcohol. god damn, anon, now i'm thinking about it. gotta grab me some more mollo, best harm reduction "booze" ever.

>> No.17109873

Same thing with the same effects used by different people.
>Boomers uses alcohol to escape reality
>Millennials and Zoomers use weed and hard drugs to escape reality

>> No.17109875

What if I do all 3?

>> No.17111271


>> No.17111516
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Booze tastes better after Life has hit you in the face with a baseball bat enough times.

>> No.17111620

Thats what pot is for you dumb niggers, and pot doesnt taste like shit.