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17101161 No.17101161 [Reply] [Original]

How is this legal for Applebees to LIE about the calorie information?

>> No.17101163
File: 298 KB, 2888x1291, appssuuueeell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17101167

it's just a little white lie

>> No.17101211

Cuz what the fuck are you gonna do about it?

>> No.17101215

the 650 is just the wings. the 1050 is with the sauces and celery

>> No.17101216

Boomers don't care and that's entirely their customer base.

>> No.17101221

but everyone gets some sort of sauce and every wing sauce is over 1200 cals, thats some sneaky disingenuous shit.

>> No.17101230

yeah but no everyone eats celery

>> No.17101235

welcome to earth

>> No.17101237

Why are things allowed to be like this?

>> No.17101244

satan and his tribe

>> No.17101268

*humans and their greed

>> No.17101277

the only peaceful solution I can offer you, is trust your family, friends, and your local community. do what you can to make your local community to have you and everyone else's best interest at the crux of everything, no ego. maybe one day in the future, everyone will become human on this planet and we can have peace, but that day is not today.

>> No.17101279

*animals larping

>> No.17101298


>> No.17101305

small pieces, small plate, not a lot of them, barely any sauce on chicken, separate sauce not included in total. capital c hidden by all caps,
seems legit to me.
says apetiser right on top.

>> No.17101307

thanks for the reminder

>> No.17101308
File: 10 KB, 285x249, 1627827798124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice.

>> No.17101311

look at the second pic, its a lie

>> No.17101320

peace be with you

>> No.17101360

>appetizers do not use
what forbidden menus is this

>> No.17101365

its on the homepage of the applebees site

>> No.17101368


standard restaurant practice. it's not 100% of restaurants or dishes, but it's a lot of them. I think that anything that comes with the dish by default should be included in the calorie count but some restaurants seem to think if it comes in a ramekin it doesn't count.

thanks to calorie-counting skills I developed from having an eating disorder (thanks old friend!) I find this really glaring when it happens, but I think it goes largely unnoticed.

>> No.17101369

The sauce on wings has a surprisingly high amount of calories, combine that with ranch etc and its high calorie. Dry rub wings are better when it comes to calories, but then again, who the fuck eats wings while counting calories?

>> No.17101373

This. When I eat out, I know I'm tossing back an unhealthy amount of calories that will lead to an insulin and blood sugar spike. My goal is not longevity when I enter a fast food/ sit down restaurant.

>> No.17101389

what might be more equitable is giving a range, the minimum being just the wings, the max being with everything you receive with it too. Like when I go to Dunkin and get a big coffee they list it as 0-260 calories, because if you get cream and sugar it's different

>> No.17101393

They dont say that on the main page and the picture posted is with wing sauce on it, dunno just feels very sketchy to me

>> No.17101446

I do.

>> No.17101532

they are all allowed to lie about calorie information
a 20% error is allowed
and besides, no one is checking to make sure the information is correct
and the method of determining calories in food is unrelated to the actual calories extracted from food in the digestive system
ALL calorie counts of ALL foods are bullshit and anyone who doesn't already know this is a bootlicking retard

>> No.17101537

So how do people accurately track and lose weight?

>> No.17101562
File: 490 KB, 1125x1692, AD112FA5-F3EB-4F37-93A0-FEDF84E9FC4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t believe it’s butter has 0 calories per serving in the label but 6 sprays is 5 calories. They always make this hard to find on the labels.

Restaurants and products will always try to sneak around calorie counts. Though it’s not like people eating this kind of stuff really care. If they want wings they’re just gonna get the wings.

>> No.17101571

Imagine spending over a dollar each for fucking chicken nuggets.

>> No.17101574

I believe that the 'body is not a bomb calorimeter' argument holds no water b/c of the presence of enzymes w/i the body. The purpose of which is to make reaction that would otherwise be unfavorable (high temperatures and random collisions) possible.

>> No.17101580

Who gives a shit i just discovered how to piss inside my myself

>> No.17101584

they are like 6 bucks at happy hour

>> No.17101596

they are being precise instead of accurate. that still works if you keep at it and don't eat shit. a lot of their success comes from an increased awareness of what they are eating
can you elaborate? yes enzymes catalyze reactions, but it seems your argument only adds to the idea that bomb calorimeter data does not accurately reflect the digestive process
remember, calorie counts do not include the cost of digesting the food. eating foods that take more energy to digest yields less net calories

>> No.17101629

I assumed that your statement "the method of determining calories in food is unrelated to the actual calories extracted from food in the digestive system" was with respect to bomb calorimetry. I believe that the argument against calorie labels is founded upon learning that the results are the amount of energy (in the form of heat) released when an item is combusted, a reaction that (to my knowledge) does not take place w/i the body.

>> No.17101647

Additionally, your word choice led to my reply, specifically extracted.
"The method of determining calories in food is unrelated to the actual calories extracted from food in the digestive system."
I assume that all those calories are gained, however, you elaborated and stated your perspective, that of net calories. I was focused upon gained (the positive), and did not understand your point-of-view.
It has been cleared up now.

>> No.17101930


>> No.17102017

literally everyone/everywhere lies about the calorie content of their food
even most of the food at the supermarket.
the most common trick is to make the serving size really small, like beyond ridiculously small.
that way if you eat 3000kcal of cookies the company can dust their hands with "lmao you're the dumbcunt that ate 30 servings!"

>> No.17102021

Isnt there a better way?

>> No.17102093

>muh evil big lying corporation!! >:(

Allow me to help you understand why the calorie count given on the menu item is for the chicken only.
>crisply breaded pieces of tender boneless chicken
Okay, this is the core item. This is what everyone gets.
>tossed in YOUR CHOICE of sauce
See that?
>served with bleu cheese OR house-made ranch dressing
See that also?

You think that every menu item which allows you to choose options should comprehensively list the calorie count of every possible variant?
Or list the calorie counts of every option individually?
Should a salad menu item have an entire column below it of calories per serving of every salad dressing the restaurant offers?

Nobody wants that shit on a menu. That’s why a lot of restaurants put the basic calorie count on the menu item, but have comprehensive nutritional info available to those who seriously want it.
As you pointed out with >>17101163
Which also makes it pretty fucking hilarious that you’d accuse them of “lying” when they’re literally handing that info to you.
Or do you think it’s some hidden part of their website that only a tech-suave person such as yourself could possibly find?

>> No.17102117

Look at the picture, look whats in it and look at the cals listed on it, thats showing that its 600+ cals for whats shown.

>> No.17102138

>imagine being so fat or retarded that you have to count calories

>> No.17102165
File: 69 KB, 1284x367, yodja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not lying.
It's the truth from a different point of view.
See, the chicken, sauce, and celery is 1060 calories, but if you're looking at the chicken itself it stays true to the 650 mark.
Lie it is not, truth it is

>> No.17102177

So… you’re saying they not only need separate calorie counts for every possible variant, but separate photos also?
Or the photo should just be of unsauced wings and no dressing?

What gives you the impression that calorie count has to adhere to an example photo?
Let’s say it *did* have to reflect the photo. Okay cool, you order it. Applebees wagie fills your dressing cup to the brim instead of leaving that bit of space like in the photo.
Oh darn, it has more calories. They “lied” again and we’re back where we started.
They should instead take twice as long to prepare everything so it can all be weighed out to a fraction of a gram maybe.
Oh shit, what if a bun has more sesame seeds than the bun in a pic?
We need a seed-counter too.

Or maybe they should give the calories of the base item on the menu, while making autistically comprehensive nutrition info easily available to anyone who wants it.
Oh, they already do that.

>> No.17102186

>two teaspoons of salt
Holy fuck how do they even fit that much in there? God damn.

>> No.17102329

>>muh evil big lying corporation!! >:(

>> No.17102386

>eat garbage quality meat fried in toxic oils

>> No.17102418

>sir would you like a straw for the rest of your ranch?

>> No.17102864


>> No.17102914

I work in a fast food place and I'd never eat that garbage. If you are eating garbage, inaccurate calorie data is the least of your worries.

>> No.17103392


>> No.17103541

My dad eats his wings dry

>> No.17103662

That's actually hilarious.
>with a serving size small enough and rounding down, this cheeseburger (piece) has ZERO CALORIES and NO HUMAN FINGERNAILS!

>> No.17103673

>per serving
Simple as

>> No.17103688

That's probably how he likes buttsex too

>> No.17103912

>and celery
i knew that fucking celery was bad for you