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17084557 No.17084557 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kimchi delicious or is it an acquired taste?
I don't want to buy a whole jar and realize that I dislike fermented cabagge.

>> No.17084572

Most store bought kimchi is sour, spicy and a little funky tasting with a nice juicy crunch. Homemade is much much better and you get a lot more of the delicious funky flavors.

If you think spicy kraut sounds good you'll probably like it.

>> No.17084574

It's slightly crisp pieces of cabbage with chili paste on them, not hard to imagine how that tastes. Though because of fermentation you get sort of a "fizzy" feeling on your tongue while you eat it because of the gas bubbles.

Shit is deli copy, use it to make kimchi jjigae if you don't like it straight.

>> No.17084580

Delicious, phone posting like a shitter.

>> No.17084583

Look at the ingredients. The base taste is just pickled cabbage that somewhat spicy. The second principal flavor is umami either from fish sauce or oyster extract. I find oyster more fishy than fish sauce.

>> No.17084597

why don't you just go to a korean restaurant and try some

>> No.17084601

No, thanks, I don't eat fake chemical slop.

>> No.17084647
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Do you like somewhat spicy pickled/fermented things?
Then buy some.
But not some ridiculously overpriced hipster vegan bullshit faggot kimchi like you posted.
If you have an Asian grocer within driving distance, go there and look for pic or similar. It’s cheap, it’s “real”, and it’s what Koreans who don’t make their own at home tend to buy. Yes it has MSG. It tastes great.

In fact, consider “vegan” as a massive fucking red flag when it comes to kimchi. Kimchi should always have anchovy-based fish sauce in it.

>> No.17084716

Go to a Korean restaurant and try it. If you're really nervous about foods you don't like, get one of the pure meat based Korean foods, and it will still have Kimchi on the side.

>> No.17084760

Some nuances about Kimchi. If it has a punchy sour note, then it is stale or going bad. It should not be sour and/or bitter; no more than sauerkraut or less. It should either be pickled taste and neutral or hint of sweetness (a common additive ingredient is fruit paste).

Once you open it, you need to consume fast or it will get sour. I think it's from air or fridge not cold enough.

>> No.17084775

I like spicy stuff but I'm not a big fan of cabbage.
I tolerate sauerkraut but don't love it

>> No.17084801

I loved kimchi the first time I tried it. But, I like pickled and spicy things. What you posted isn't really the best, though. It's way too expensive (I want to say like $10 a jar), and the vegan kind doesn't get the same flavors you'll have in something a little more authentic.

Like was mentioned by someone else, find some generic Asian market, and you'll pay like three bucks for a full jug of amazing shit. I'm also not some Korean elitist about it, just a random white dude, but the Mother In Law's stuff is just bland. Even Costco has a better Kimchi if you're looking for it.

>> No.17084812

I love it straight out of the jar. I put it on some pizza recently and it was delicious.

>> No.17084848

Try kimchi as a hotdog topping. Thank me later.

>> No.17085052

its good. its not an aggressive flavor at all. I think even picky eaters would like it

>> No.17085077

pickled spicy cabbage dude. do you like spicy pickled things? also how the fuck is throwing it away going to destroy your finances. take the risk and try new things.

>> No.17085172

>not willing to blow some cash to try new things

>> No.17085208

he didnt say anything about money. maybe he just hates wasting food

>> No.17085214

It's $8 max for a jar, give it a try poorfag

>> No.17085247
File: 1015 KB, 760x1140, Kimchi-Fried-RiceIMG_8738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally find non-Korean people enjoy kimchi more when it's cooked into a part of a dish. Kimchi fried rice (김치볶음밥), for example, is a good way to introduce someone to kimchi. I also sometimes make kimchi hamburgers where I fry the kimchi with the burger just as the burgers are nearly ready, and then add it as a topping to the hamburger, and people (both Korean and non-Korean) quite like it.
Keep in mind: there are a lot of Koreans who don't like kimchi, and won't even touch it as a side.

>> No.17085282

/ck/... Your reading comprehension

>> No.17086131

The name is funny, because it implies someone succumbed to yellow fever and that's where he gets his kimchi from.

>> No.17086717

Deli copy

>> No.17086777

Does Kim chee taste like spicy sauerkraut

>> No.17087718

Kinda? Even if one didn't like Sauerkraut he should still try Kimchi. They're different enough that it's worth trying. If you do like Sauerkraut then Kimchi is definitely a must try.

>> No.17087739

Then I will try it. Sauerkraut is the best, I eat it frequently.

>> No.17087745

>t. doesn't know what "buy" means

>> No.17087802

yeah, it's kind of like spicy sauerkraut

>> No.17087804

I always end up buying a small tub of it, eating a few bites and leaving it in the fridge until it rots and I throw it out 3 months later (basically what happens to anything in my fridge i don't eat immediately)

>> No.17087807

I wonder if you could top with vinegar and boil the jar and reseal?

>> No.17088023

its fire

>> No.17089497
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I like using kimchi to put inside dough balls with some ground pork sausage. They make these in korea and call them pork buns.

>> No.17089893

I'll have to try that. Kimchi with spaghetti is the shit

>> No.17089918

Kimchi is great and part of the larger family of fermented cabbage. Go to your Asian store and buy an authentic brand in bulk.

Try making Kimchi stew.

>> No.17089927

It goes great with piping hot rice. The sourness really stimulates your appetite.

>> No.17089950

lol spotted the retarded mericunt. I wish I could hammer huge nails into every americans skull I truly do, fucking idiots.

>> No.17089963

fry it up with some eggs and put over rice, its great

I like to add some black beans and spicy mayo/ yum-yum if i have any on hand

>> No.17090188
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Our superiority does sometimes lead to controversy.

>> No.17090205

>mother in law
Rare to see such self awareness from hipsters. It's literally marketing to soybeards with frumpy asian wives

>> No.17090215

>In fact, consider “vegan” as a massive fucking red flag when it comes to kimchi
this, vegan ones are probably tasteless

>> No.17090227

oysters are also common, doesn't have to be anchovies

>> No.17090332

I don't know. What I do know though, is that it's delicious on grilled cheese.

>> No.17090923

That entire brand sucks a fat dick. Their gochujang is a terrible sweet paste that is hardly spicy. Buy some better shit

>> No.17091062


Kimchee is required to be in my fridge at all times. I like it within moments of waking up. Easy to make, too.

>> No.17091214

I love it. I use it in soups, stews, and put it on my tuna sandwiches. Thought it was some dumb new food trend shit but after trying it I understand why it’s popular. Plus it’s good for your gut bacteria and I think most of your immune system depends on a healthy gut.

>> No.17091223

Haha god could you gooks eat some regular food for once?

>> No.17092386

Fermented foods are very healthy for you. Eating some kimchi is good to get this in your diet.

>> No.17092422

I like it. It’s a cool ingredient in a lot of things but I almost consume the majority of the kimchi I buy in fried rice. Even on cheese fries kimchi adds a crunchy tangy complexity to fries. Kimchi is also good with or on the side with ranmen.
If you’re worried that you’ll buy kimchi and it’s sitting in the fridge for a while it’s cool. Kimchi actually gets better over time but it can go bad. Never had a jar of kimchi longer than a month but I think 6 months is the limit. Check the jar for expiration date. Good luck, Anon.

>> No.17092543

kek this

>> No.17092555

The best kimchi is unironically from Walmart because it sits fermenting on the shelf so long that it's super fizzy and carbonated when you open it.

Kimchi that bubbles and hisses on your tongue is GOAT

>> No.17092593

If it's packaged like this then it's probably shit. My favorite is sura kimchi... I could eat a jar of it straight.

>> No.17092598

t. 109.99999 IQ fag who doesn't understand pasteurization

>> No.17092621
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>> No.17092626

If your kimchi is pasteurized you fucked up

Walmart sells it on the chilled shelves by the salsd for a reason.

I always go for the jars that get stuffed behind other things in the fridge cuz they've been there longer

>> No.17093034

>thinks refrigerated means it's not pasteurized
I bet you think you're getting real whole milk and orange juice too, lmao

>> No.17093038

Here's a suggestion if you've never tried it and are too afraid to buy a big tub of it and not like it; go to a Korean restaurant and buy a meal. They usually always give you banchan (side dishes) that include kimchi, sometimes they will give you banchans that are not kimchi so if what you can do is order something like Bibimbap (mixed rice) which already comes with a little bit of kimchi

>> No.17093051

If it's not pasteurized, explain why the lid bulges more on the expired ones I find rolled behind the lettuce

>> No.17093053

The kimchi I buy always skimps out on the amount of gochugaru so would it be alright if I added a bit of it to my jar?

>> No.17093217

Yes, this shit here, the 5000 years jars are at I think every Asian grocery. They are way better than the weird tasting American brands like Yo Mamma's Kim Chi, etc. Some of those are downright abominations.

T: Ate it 20 years, made my own a few different recipes, and it is just easiest to get this shit and jam an extra heaping TBSP of hotass red flake in it to heat it up properly. But I like it really hot.

>> No.17093242

forget the stuff in the jars. get the shit in aluminum pouches

>> No.17093314

Obviously pressure is building up, but the initial fermentation has stopped. This means the flavor is not getting better in the way that the flavor of kimchi improves over time when in its normal fermentation habitat. Why do I have to break everything down for s-type normies like you?

>> No.17093326
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Jews sneak in with devices to make it appear as though the jars are still fermenting but in reality they're not. I can't believe you don't know this, are you retarded or what? Take the red pill, cuck.

>> No.17093376

Eat it in small doses. It tastes like shit when you eat it everyday but is a nice addition to otherwise boring meals
It doesn't really go bad either so no rush to eat it all

>> No.17093554

>cheese fries
Also a great addition to a grilled cheese

>> No.17093559

do you like pickles? do you like saurkraut. kimchi is CONDIMENT. you eat it as an accompaniment, usually griled or roasted meat. it's good to cut rich and oily foods.

>> No.17093628

썬 not 싼

>> No.17093673
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It tastes alot like torshi to me, which is a way of pickling vegetables in the Balkans and Middle East. It's also made with garlic and kept in a canning jar.

>> No.17094239

it's incredibly easy to make at home if you have access gochujang/gochugaru and some kind of dried fish. just layering cabbage with a pepper paste mix and salt, add in some daikon and carrots if you want. use a maangchi recipe, I have kept mine in the back of the fridge for up to 4 months and it's been totally fine, better even.

>> No.17094259

I eat a whole jar in one sitting with a fork desu

>> No.17094263

>smashed avocado
>tahini and gojuchang
god tier sandwich

>> No.17094267

I had sex with my mother in law when my wife and I were still dating. She doesn’t know and five years later my mother in law and I are cordial and pretend it didn’t happen. I avoid being alone with her because for a while she was obviously trying to catch me alone probably to talk about it and I was too uncomfortable.

At first I was dying to do it again but I knew her daughter was “the one” and the regret more or less cancelled out the positive feelings. The best/worst part is that I went home that afternoon immediately after having sex with my mother in law and made love to her daughter. As in I didn’t shower or anything and was getting off on her mom’s juices being on my dick while I was inside her. Then I pulled out and she blew me and I came buckets thinking that she was sucking her mom’s juices off my dick. I would have gotten her to blow me right away but I was worried she would taste pussy on my dick and know what it was.

Sometimes I think about that when we’re having sex and it makes me go diamonds. How many men in human history can say they’ve experienced this?Probably not very many. So in this respect I’m proud and not sorry for what I did but I am still worried the truth will come out one day maybe when my wife and her mother are having a big fight or my mother in law has too much wine. It’s very concerning because we have a daughter now and if my wife found out she would almost surely leave me. How could she not?

But her mom is a certified MILF, now a GILF I guess. Sometimes I think I should stop being afraid of being alone with her and see what happens. Go over to “help around the house” and let nature lead the way. Maybe I could do anal and have my wife unwillingly do ass to pussy then mouth. Imagine.

Kimchi is good though just find some that isn’t really fishy to start off with.

>> No.17096084
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>> No.17096186
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>> No.17096201
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>> No.17096212
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>> No.17096225
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>> No.17096229

Welcome, copy pasta of 2022, cabbage be praised.

>> No.17096230

I would very much like to cover her face with my cum.

>> No.17096239
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>> No.17096270
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>> No.17096320

kimchi causes cancer

>> No.17096339

>. It’s very concerning because we have a daughter now
*hits pipe*

>> No.17096350

Yes, most good kimchi is somewhat spicy to those in developed countries.
But don’t lose that obsession. It makes my dick hard.

>> No.17096392

>the 5000 years jars are at I think every Asian grocery
Yup, I’ve literally never been unable to find it. It’s made in Chicago and shipped all over.
It’s always really fresh.

>> No.17096410

I don’t believe anyone actually thinks that, retard. There are plenty of unpasteurized products in cooler sections.
Good kimchi is not pasteurized, period.

>pressure is building up from the magically reincarnated bacteria that was killed by pasteurization
Makes sense.

>> No.17096411
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>fermented cabbage