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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17094913 No.17094913 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: proof your in a poor household

>> No.17094981
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>> No.17094983


>> No.17094990

i'm frugal, there's a difference

>> No.17095000

Ok poorfag

>> No.17095002

More likely cheap plastic boxes and cramped fridge. At least in my experience ironically leftovers are a thing of richer and more educated housholds. The same kind of household that could afford a new smartphone for each of their kids twice a year no problem but instead ban them from getting one for years.

>> No.17095007
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Bloodapples for omad

>> No.17095044
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my friend so po (how po was he)
my friend so po they used to eat out of tupperware that were permanently stained because of all the knife marks and scuffs.

legit being served dinner at his house was rice and a pork chop served on on a tupperware lid with a fork and spoon

>> No.17095090
File: 139 KB, 1252x1252, oh my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>served on on a tupperware lid

>> No.17095097

you proved it by not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're"

>> No.17095099

>could afford a new smartphone for each of their kids twice a year no problem but instead ban them from getting one for years

Smart parents

>> No.17095107

No wonder they are poor, they are wasting their money on stupid shit like I cant believe its not butter spray. Are they stupid because they are poor, or are they poor because they are stupid?

>> No.17095248

Both. This is why I don't support the homeless or the needy.
Spend time with them and you'll realize they aren't ordinary joes who're simply down on their luck due to reasons, they're absolutely shit people whose shit decisions lead to their shitty state and they have no intention of changing.

>> No.17095260

rich people are rich because they dont throw their money away on stupid shit

>> No.17095277

>proof that i'm poor

My fridge is stacked to the gills with snack foods, pork steaks and cube steaks.

>> No.17095332

I'm not poor, I'm a cheapskate

>> No.17095337

>doesn't know the difference
nice proof

>> No.17095380

Guarantee this shit was BUSSIN bussin too ong.

>> No.17095382

Kek came here to post this

>> No.17095385

There's a difference between being poor and being thrifty. Often people are poor for not being thrifty enough. Poor people have empty fridges or some left over pizza. People who stack their leftovers in tubleware containers are most likely middle class white families. Op is a faggot

>> No.17095393
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>> No.17095419

>tupperware that were permanently stained because of all the knife marks and scuffs.
This is all plastic tupperware, regardless of wealth.

Switch to glass.

>> No.17095424

list of things that indicate poor household/normie/low tier cooks

>dirty kitchen/fridge never cleaned out
>non-granite countertops
>pantry and freezer filled with microwavable/oven for 350 for 30 minutes bullshit like hot pockets, dino nuggies, digiorno, microwavable soup, mac & cheese, etc
>no knife set
>no seasoning rack
>well done steaks
>ketchup with everything
>Acrylic nails
>they google simple recipes
>Casseroles are a staple
>hot dogs with bread
>container of margerine instead of sticks of butter
>few sauces in fridge (they have the basics like ranch, mustard, ketchup) (but don't have zip sauce, cocktail sauce, soy sauce, some other exotic sauce, etc.)

>> No.17095438

You don't get rich by writing checks

>> No.17095444

I don't think googling recipes is the sign of a low tier cook on the scale as the rest of your points. Being a good cook isnt equivalent to remembering shit.

>> No.17095446

hmmm around here certain non granite countertops are high status. Thick wood, kerrock, stainless... I would honestly prefer kerrock to anything, because it doesn't have any seams, is easy to clean and it isn't cold.

>> No.17095464

This. I'm frugal as fuck, so is my wife. We return bottles, clip coupons, shop at costco for the big stuff that we'll always need like TP and paper towel. We eat at home and grow a lot of our own veggies and hunt and fish our own food and try to lessen our reliance on the grocery store jews. We do most DIY stuff ourselves. I can't think of anything we've paid someone for with the exception of getting a new hot water heater (bought a fixer upper). Our home is valued at 33% more than what we bought it for due to our hard work and we're just stacking cash to pay off our debt. We can afford to go on vacation, go buy a new car but don't, we drive a 10 year old beater because if its not broke dont' fix it. The goal is to retire. To not work anymore. We live a little for sure but you definitely have to do the little thigns like cook every day and eat leftovers or eat PB&J or something. You gotta be cheap with 'the little things' and that will build up over time.

>> No.17095466

Ok poorfag

>> No.17095467

I was referencing my teenage years where i was staying at a friends for a week and she got her cookbook out to make spaghetti. Spaghetti is something I could make without looking up anything because I've done it 28 times. These kind of people......was kind of an over generalization.

>> No.17095468

You sound poor as shit. There's a difference between wasting money and trying to save every tiny dime.

>> No.17095472

Not in my house
>dirty kitchen/fridge never cleaned out
Kitchen was clean always, but I was the only one who ever cleaned the fridge so I grant this one
>non-granite countertops
I don't even understand why people give a fuck about this
>pantry and freezer filled with microwavable/oven for 350 for 30 minutes bullshit like hot pockets, dino nuggies, digiorno, microwavable soup, mac & cheese, etc
I do this now that I live alone, but not at home with my family. Even now it's not bullshit arguably, just pizza, vegetables, and high protien TV dinners.
>No knife set
Have one now, had one then
>No seasoning rack
Cupboard works fine and saves counter space
>well done steaks
Medium rare was the most done we ever did, most was rare or blue
>Ketchup with everything
>Acrylic nails
>They google simple recipes
>Casseroles are a staple
>Hot dogs with bread
Did do this, because they sell hot dogs and buns in quantities always
>Container of margerine instead of sticks of butter
Absolutely not
>Few sauces in fridge (they have the basics like ranch, mustard, ketchup) (but don't have zip sauce, cocktail sauce, soy sauce, some other exotic sauce, etc.)


>> No.17095476

If you want to save more money then stop using paper towels. Use rags and clean them.

>> No.17095481

I earn 6 figures and still choose to live in a house share with 5 strangers and drive a 15 year old car.

Frugality was just drilled into me growing up poor as shit and the habit never left. I still batch cook and eat leftovers all week. But its all in service of buying a house in a retardedly expensive area so its almost like i dont have a choice

>> No.17095497

Well I'm married with children but i would suggest you buy a fixer upper, live alone, and fix it up yourself. Rent is basically paying someone elses mortgage. Maybe wait a bit though the market is at record highs right but when it collapses it'll be a time to strike. A nice paint job, a good cleaning, etc can increase the value of a home. Then you are still paying rent but you can sell for what you bought it for and still get 10,000$ in equity in 2 years after purchase if your really want to.

This is a good idea.

I remember when I randomly cast accusations on 4chan and thought I was a good troll. Whatever you say buddy!

>> No.17095498

your both pretty dumb ngl

>> No.17095524

>Rent is basically paying someones mortgage

I don't like this RENT IS DEAD MONEY shit. I pay $500 for all bills included rent and don't have to worry about any taxes, fixes, etc. Waiting for the gf to finish studying before we find a place to buy. I fucking suck at DIY there's no way I could fix shit up anyway.

>> No.17095543

saying "your" when you mean "you're"
fucking poorfag

>> No.17095548

Before I bought my house I barely knew the difference between a Philips head and a regular. Everything is on youtube. NOTHING is that complicated. Most of it is just hard work (physical labor) but not too complicated. I'm not telling you to tile your floor but you can paint, landscape, fix some pieces of trim, pull carpet, lots of stuff pretty easily. You may re-think that. Food savings was huge though. The worse for me was going out to lunch at work. When I started brown bagging it I really started to save money.

>> No.17095551

Guess who's the dum dum? Retard.

>> No.17095558

I appreciate you're snark but your just not getting it

>> No.17095562

>non-granite countertops
Butcher block is nice
>no knife set
No, a knife set on the counter is definitely a sign of lesser means. They're always a set of cheap knives. If someone cares as has the money, it's going to be individual purchases for a good steak knife set and the specific cooking knives.

Other than those two, I mostly agree.

>> No.17095569

>Maybe wait a bit though the market is at record highs right but when it collapses it'll be a time to strike.
House prices are not going down. It's only up from here.

>> No.17095572

The type of response I would expect from a retard.

>> No.17095577

It's another bubble IMO, either the housing market will crash again, or the dollar will crash

>> No.17095580

precisely. how the esl coming along?

>> No.17095582

I started and then stopped brown bagging. Yeah I saved money but it was fucking boring and miserable. I went full jew mode for a while like I guess similar to you're doing, but I was having no fun and got pretty miserable. Think i've found a decent compromise.

I'm sure i'll learn to fix shit up but I have two left hands when it comes to this stuff. Luckily the gf adopts many of my habits with food batch cooking and being a frugal fuck so should be able to get someting that doesnt need too much work

>> No.17095596

I remember when you were a broke faggot.

>> No.17095625

where do i find tupperware with glass lids?

>> No.17095642
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>> No.17095655

imagine thinking buying a bunch of crappy sauce makes you a good cook

>> No.17095674
File: 102 KB, 500x395, 1566054779228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoyu in the fridge

>> No.17095676

>Casseroles are a staple
>don't have zip sauce, cocktail sauce, some other exotic sauce
Only ones that rang true when I was a poorfag.
Still sometimes make casseroles.
Might sauté a big onion tonight, toss that with slightly undercooked rice, beer, parmesan, and mushrooms, bake that until it gets nice and brown on top.

>> No.17095741

literally just google "tupperware with glass lid", just buy from Pyrex. but make sure its real pyrex.

>> No.17095770

Renting gives you geographic mobility for to easily move for better jobs.

>> No.17095801

Owning a home is nice because no one is above me or below me, but I have watched my neighborhood slowly go to shit for the last 20 years. Every 10 to 15 years or so my house and garage needs a new roof, and my home needs a new furnace / ac, new water heater, plus new appliances as they wear out. Your looking at tens of thousands of dollars on top of your mortgage every decade or so out of your pocket. Plus property taxes that the continue to go up despite my area going to shit, and home owners insurance, and flood insurance if you live in a flood prone area. I need my driveway rerocked, my lawn mower needs fixed. My house is older so it needs some remodeling / electrical work done. Its always something with a home.

>> No.17095808

The lid doesn’t matter as much as the dish, unless your food is overflowing when you put the lid on.

>> No.17095817
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This is my fridge rn

>> No.17095820

Did you know the water from the tap is drinkable?

>> No.17095822

What board do you think you’re on?

>> No.17095823

not here

>> No.17095829


Not necessarily but for example I have Sze-Chaun Sauce I use for fried shrimp and fried chicken. People who can't cook are frying shit at home usually. This is what I mean by that statement

Casseroles are good every so often but they are depression era food. They're okay once in a while i guess.

If you want that sure. I have no desire to leave my state and family, personally.

>> No.17095830

if you'd read the thread, or at least the conversation you're involving yourself in,
you'll learn that anon was complaining about being served food on a ratty old tupperware lid

>> No.17095852

schezwan sauce has like 5 ingredients in it that you should have on hand if you think you have any business judging other people's cooking

>> No.17095863

Where do you live?

>> No.17095867

I was the one who told him to switch to glass, retard. If they can afford tupperware, they can afford reusable ceramic plates from the dollar store.

>> No.17095872

not having any luck finding tupperware with glass lids though

>> No.17095896

Oh my bad, Hey guys how about them spicy mchickens?


>> No.17095898

what kinda monster is that?

>> No.17095903

You mean the one under his fridge?

>> No.17095937

Are you trying to find pure glass lids without even silicon for the seal? You could always use a glass lid like a decanter I guess, but wouldn’t defeat the point of tupperware?

>> No.17096017

ultra gold my friend

>> No.17096034

more like ultra gay

>> No.17096104

ugh, side-by-side fridges are the worst. So much happier that I finally got mine replaced

>> No.17096115

poor in wealth, but rich in spirit

>> No.17096194

For me, it's a nice O/U Fridge with the wood furniture.

>> No.17096333

why should I own szechuan sauce if Im not chinese nor live in china?

>> No.17096337

glass containers are too pricey to have many

>> No.17096357
File: 798 KB, 3264x2448, recessed sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-granite countertops
>I don't even understand why people give a fuck about this
what kind of countertops do you have presently and do you use your countertops for prep, or mostly just storage?
non-granite would be better said 'laminate', a cheap alternative to solid wood or stone countertops that is usually a thin printed sheet of plastic, or at worst just a fucking decal, slapped over plywood or particle board. they are unsanitary as fuck, scratch easily, melt and warp, and once the surface is damaged, the wood beneath absorbs liquid, further warping the surface and making places for mold and cockroaches to thrive. also laminate countertops keep you from enjoying the central facet of a good kitchen--a recessed sink

>> No.17096425

>i can't believe its not butter spray bottle
I'm disappointed in you anon

>> No.17096570

i do this kek
i get shakes and break ceramic so it's all plastic

>> No.17096722

Its like double the price to not leech/melt nigga

>> No.17096725

>>non-granite countertops
Unless you're making pastries, your countertops literally do not matter

>> No.17096867

dont make replies like this i hate this

>> No.17096899

granite countertops are tacky as hell and only in fashion with boomer retards

>> No.17096908

holy fuck my grandparents do this shit and their silent gen

>> No.17096931

factual, nice wood countertops are the way to go

>> No.17096935

always with the 'whipped topping' too

>> No.17096951

not all poor people are dirty
not all poor people practice poor hygine
not all poor people eat garbage
a potato is a potato and id rather eat boiled potatoes than American affordable processed garbage food

>> No.17096955

I was homeless and simply down on my luck

>> No.17096968

pou're household*

>> No.17096979

also a staple in any filipino household

>> No.17097070

The best thing about growing up a well managed poorfag is that you don't have to learn the skill of save first - spend later. Saving up a good emergency buffer budget you won't touch and making a plan of what kind of money you can afford to spend while still saving some comes easy with some impuls control and while people might see you as the poorfag you are for a decade until your savings for housing and backup are done it seems so much more comfortable than to live the other way around.

Badly managed poorfags and even richer families seem to grow kids that spend the mayority of their money (or money they don't even have) without planning on impulse buying or fancy things that only seem to be useful in appearing rich. Easy to waste most of your work that way and fall down if a job is lost, the dept reaches too deep or the parent sponsoring stops.

>> No.17097128

Not good as investment to quickly increase your money but it's a good safety measure, expecially if you rent it to older family members. They get nice landlords that won't throw them out, you get rent money and in the worst case scenario you can move in together and have a place to live.

>> No.17097320

Your thinking is why millennials can't buy homes.

>> No.17097327

it says 'keep refrigerated' on the bottle you weaboo retard

>> No.17097363

Yea it has nothing to do with the cost of homes bubbling over $1 million dollars and even in the outer suburbs you get shit like this https://www.seattletimes.com/business/real-estate/trash-filled-bothell-home-too-hazardous-to-tour-attracts-17-offers-and-fetches-high-price/

>> No.17097411

Yeah, I was homeless because I moved to a city for a relationship and when it ended I had to gtfo of her house. No friends or family in the country. I ended up in a men's homeless shelter, and I can tell you that the people there were a lot kinder and more decent than the ones in most places that are more prestigious. I'm a 7 figure certified sales pro, with significant holdings in real estate investment. If it weren't for Christ fags and their charity, I wouldn't be here today.

>> No.17097419

that's a garage fridge ya cunt

>> No.17097727

Do Americans really have multiple refrigerators?

>> No.17097755

>Anybody without a fridge gun

>> No.17097817

depends if it's the real shit or the american one
>dirty kitchen/fridge never cleaned out
>non-granite countertops
sounds like totally arbitrary
>no knife set
you only really need 2 knives
>no seasoning rack
sounds ok. But having too many seasoning actually put you on the low tier cook
>well done steaks
>ketchup with everything
>Acrylic nails
I agree
>they google simple recipes
nothing wrong with that. maybe it's ok if you only know 10 recipes
>Casseroles are a staple
>hot dogs with bread
>container of margerine instead of sticks of butter
>few sauces in fridge
that's the opposite. If you have more than 3 sauce your are a shit cook

>> No.17097836

>Do Americans really have multiple refrigerators?
Yep. I've had one entirely dedicated to beer and occasional large slabs of meat that don't fit into the kitchen fridge.

>> No.17097872
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>> No.17098107
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Here are the real signs that you are a poor/shit cook.

>doesn't own a tormek to achieve an exact angle on your knife
>meat isn't uniform in doneness
>thinks a convection oven is enough when combi ovens exist
>doesnt own multiple types of rice in bags at least 10 lbs in weight
>reliant on the local supermarket for all of their food and does not call around to local farms for fresh produce, dairy, and eggs
>makes the icky face for more than a couple types of food
>tells you to do the quickest method possible for any dish to "save time"
>doesn't make as many components of the meal from scratch as possible
>can't even imagine what a spice tastes like on its own because they only use spice mixes

>> No.17098136
File: 51 KB, 490x220, stupid material for countertop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe you mean this.

>> No.17098144

You’re like every prissy bitch who says tap water is poison when everything is around you is cooked with it or served.

>> No.17098154
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>> No.17098163

You just described the typical boomer in my country (Germany) kek. The only people in my country that can cook are old grannys, immigrants and young people who teach themselves because they have enough of being served overcooked bologna pasta or frozen pizza 5 times a week.

>> No.17098173

shit, i feel personally attacked by the first two images

>> No.17098204

this reads more like a list of boomer traits than poor person traits
every boomer kitchen i've been in knocks off several of these points, yet poor millennials avoid most of them

>> No.17098229

I can't find a picture but taping aluminum foil on the walls around a stove top.

>> No.17098232

>soy sauce in the fridge
spotted the poorfag

>> No.17098268


>> No.17098276

what's a fridge gun?

>> No.17098358

I always imagined that Europeans cook everything at home. Is this really true for Germans? I thought not cooking is only so popular in America because of the sheer number of pre-packaged foods and resturaunts
t. po American

>> No.17098413

how are you gonna defend yourself if you spot a robber during your 2am snack run?

>> No.17099304

Good thread

>> No.17099321
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is this why you are always so mean to us about the abundance of food choices we have :(

>> No.17099364 [DELETED] 

















>> No.17099543
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>> No.17099559
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it's good :d

>> No.17100014

yeah i mean you cant take it with you right? there's only so much time in your life, you're not going to own that house "forever"

>> No.17100024
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Words cannot express the bounds of my disgust

Use a mason jar if it bothers you so much

>> No.17100026

>they actually think this

>> No.17100053

I am not poor but I always buy my wife acrylic nails because thats what she tells me to get. What should I buy her instead ?

>> No.17100067

for me it's stainless steel
the industrial kitchen wageslave standard

>> No.17100133

Its not true. My mom cooks the best and so does my aunt. Maybe this anon is from a shitty lower class family without values. Many such cases

>> No.17100215

I know tons of frugal/poor people to the point that it might be a mental illness that do this shit. They use that fake butter container or cool whip containers as tupperware. They also steal ketchup packets from fast food places and creamer from mcdonalds so they don't have to buy it. One of my friends moms actually uses empty 24pack of coke boxes as their bathroom trash bin. I'm pretty frugal myself, but these people work way too hard to save pennies. They should be taking their money and investing it and letting it make money overnight so they don't have to worry about using White Castle mayo.

>> No.17100251
File: 70 KB, 886x886, 1601367194593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for one of the dumbest threads ever posted on /ck/ because your mentally ill OCD ass thought it was cool to throw away any leftovers.

>> No.17100256
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The worst part is that you don't even have to be poor for this mental illness to come about. I don't remember wanting for food, clothing, shelter at all in my life, and yet my mother is a hoarder and her main hobby outside of watching cable all day is stuffing away food and junk like a hamster. To the point where we have a perfectly fine basement and garage, but it's filled to the brim with junk that she'll cry and shit her pants if she sees you trying to scrape away some of it into the trash. Same thing with the fridge. The freezer is always filled to the brim with "I'll make it someday" food. The pantry is the same. The foods we do eat on a regular basis, we have to squeeze it in between everything else. The fridge is filled with all sorts of leftovers, the countertop is always a mess, etc.
I think the radical minimalism that you see younger people earnestly adopting is an equally insane reaction to the insanity of their boomer/genX parents. At least for me it is. I start sweating if I'm in a room with something useless in it.

>> No.17100291
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I have Quartz which is superior to granite and more expensive if you want to bring up that angle as well. Pic is one of the slabs used to finish my kitchen. I still eat frozen chicken nuggets

>> No.17100318

>being this gullible

Your parents are assholes who were trying to get someone else to feed their child. Your friend's parents were on to them and just served you in the shittiest manner possible so you wouldn't want to go back there.

>> No.17100353

Yeah I watch Hoarders and its all boomers. Buying shit from China. Shit they can't throw away because they'll never use. Neither of my parents or wife's parents are "hoarders" but they definitely engage in rampant consumerism and have storage bins full of shit they'll never use. They buy sit they don't need and send it to my house. Millenials and Gen-Z are a bit more minimalist and just against buying this shit they don't need.

>> No.17100365
File: 122 KB, 915x682, A4106A9F-9F1C-40F9-9879-5B01E7726805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam your wife got some fit legs

>> No.17100894
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Poorfag here. Only use my fridge ( its small) for cheese yogurt and more cheese and salads. I have some frozen 200gr salmon cuts and frozen berries in freezer.

>> No.17101336

>refrigerating your tomatoes

>> No.17101363

>depression era food
>tfw save my unusable veggie bits (cabbage cores, fibrous ends and tips of celery, onion stems, shit like that), whey from cheesemaking, bird carcasses, and shellfish shells in gallon plastic bags in the freezer and when a big fills up I use it to make a soup stock
>mom laughs at me and compares me to her grandmother who lived through the depression again
>can do nothing but grit my teeth and keep darning my socks because I know it's true

>> No.17101550


Based Lidl/Aldi shopper

>> No.17101563

Benefit of marrying a colombiana, you should see her in a pair of Louboutins

>> No.17101570

You do not understand the subject of water quality and the importance of filtration in areas of concern and are very stupid. Early death for you. I would break your fucking necks.

>> No.17101585
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>tfw original whipped topping

>> No.17101795

W-what's wrong with scouring pads?

>> No.17102063
File: 138 KB, 723x540, 1601148558376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is the best post in this thread.
OP should be banned for creating such a trash thread.

>> No.17102100

> poorfag
> using miso of the most expensive brand of the most expensive brand in one of the most expensive countries


>> No.17102104

* most expensive retailer

>> No.17102121


>actually throwing away leftovers

My family had money growing up and we still kept leftovers for at least a day or two. Its the smart thing to do. Why would you throw out perfectly good food?

>> No.17102173

I was broke but I wasn't poor. What I mean is it was kind of by choice, a lifestyle more than anything. I never went without anything except by choice and I always had a lot of free time. I was from a decent family so I always had a safety net and I appeared with a fully kitted out kitchen. I didn't quite understand at the time why other my fellow poor people didn't just make stock, bread, soak beans overnight etc. I didn't understand why they just didn't take some of the store cupboard staples and whip up a quick pasta dish. Most of them were working two jobs just to pay rent and the fridge contained one withered potato and some beer. Trying to give cooking advice to people without lightbulbs in the kitchen whose power was off so often they didn't bother using the fridge. People who didn't have a chopping board, a chefs knife or basically cooked with a plastic jug and the microwave. People also consider you really weird when they've never eaten anything exotic or strange before and you are like ... hey why not make a giant lentil curry for lunches at work this week? People would get bullied by the brain dead subhumans working at the warehouse for rocking up with anything strange.

>> No.17102571

Lmao based
OP is so poor he couldn't pay attention in school.

>> No.17103553

at least you found gold?

>> No.17103630

Based and thoughtful rich people. They shouldn’t buy their kids every new model of phone and they shouldn’t throw away decent leftovers, it’s wasteful and consumerist.

>> No.17103728

there's a difference between who you're thinking of and who they're thinking of.
you're thinking of the ultrawealthy shitlords who inherited everything and stole the rest. they do everything retardedly at all times and their defining characteristics are sociopathy, luck, impulsivity, and nepotism. typically going to be nw 50mm+.
they're thinking of people who have a relatively modest wealth and will never have to worry about money again, are liable to pass a fair amount on to their children, and will never again experience a circumstance where they do not have enough money to fix it. gonna be nw 5mm to 50mm.
the prior folks are almost universally retarded. the latter folks are typically smart, but sometimes they're just lucky. they usually don't spend what they don't have to, they live well under their means, they find happiness in doing so.
even upper middle class folks who have these attributes end up being pretty well off.

>> No.17103745
File: 149 KB, 600x600, 0004300000950_2_A1C1_0600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This specific cool whip container filled with spaghetti. The color warn by repeated washing, slightly misshapen and discolored by years of storing hot spaghetti

>> No.17103764

This is what rich people think to flatter themselves, and then think that driving a 60 000 dollar car is normal or paying 40k annually for kids private school is a souns investment.

>> No.17103768

Bruh people are poor for the lack of income and wealth. Thrifting 50 dollars a month with life hacks isn't what gets people from poverty to middle class.

>> No.17103776

how did you steal this word for word from my mind before i saw your reply

>> No.17103785

>non-granite countertops
sorry, no. i hate granite. amongst other annoyances, enjoy your literal gamma radiation.

everything else is basically correct

>> No.17103809

>t. financially illiterate

>> No.17103824

ur just jelus at all the time i sav

>> No.17103848

>t. europoor who has never had opportunity to fit an entire deer's worth of meat in their fridge

>> No.17103872

pointing out that the market is retarded right now destroys these people's perception that the market can do no wrong and prompts either an enraged rant about how the market takes time to correct and you're an idiot for not predicting it or an emotional cope about how you're looking in the wrong spot and you should just be prepared to move to a shithole valueless swamp in florida if you want to be able to afford a home in 2021

>> No.17103963
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>> No.17104116

if they had smarts they would have a reasonably stocked kitchen instead of spending it on beer and weed.

>> No.17104259
File: 8 KB, 125x221, overconfident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's glib anon, I rarely ate there but witnessed many a meal served to the children of that family and it was like Spaghetti-Os on a Cool Whip lid every fucking time


>> No.17104331

Coupons are great. I actually made $10 buying a few pounds of Beyond Beef.

>> No.17104336

Come on! That's not even acceptable if you're moving or even camping.
If you take care of a decent set of glass dishes they'll last for at least a decade.

>> No.17104344

In my defense, if you leave Panda Express in the cartons they're not sealed and the food gets dried out. I at least have a matching set of plastic containers.

>> No.17104374

Glass containers suck, all it takes is one mistake and your kitchen floor is covered in glass shards to the point that you'll still be stepping on rogue pieces for months to come. I use metal containers with plastic lids.

>> No.17104404

Dont be a silly butterfingers.

>> No.17104405
File: 249 KB, 384x406, 1508379001382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>served on on a tupperware lid
I don't understand people that punch down on this sort of thing, I personally find it heart breaking

>> No.17104407

>you'll still be stepping on rogue pieces for months to come
buy a fucking broom

>> No.17104674

why do poor people insist on hiding behind the word frugal?

>> No.17104686

>or paying 40k annually for kids private school is a souns investment
it absolutely is though

>> No.17104698

you will never make me like black people

>> No.17104741

my frugality has allowed me to buy a house on acres of oceanside forest

>> No.17104751

elaborate please

>> No.17104765
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers m8

>> No.17104789

the daily poorshit cope thread

>> No.17104945

if by frugality you mean acting poor then you were essentially living a poor persons life faggot

>> No.17105046

>buy cheap
>cook bulk
>save money
>take annual holiday with the 10 grand you put away

>> No.17105179
File: 846 KB, 1125x1500, PSX_20211209_112049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats acting rich like a debt consoomed, overworked city faggot

>> No.17105207

fuck i had roommate in college who did this and it always ended up molding really quick

>> No.17105210

Its pretty autistic to post how you live anon

>> No.17105219


>> No.17105221

does it upset you?

>> No.17105242

Only that I don't save money by still living with my parents too.

>> No.17105243

I'm not working and disabled from stage 5 kidney failure so I moved back with relatives and am a poorfag for the foreseeable future until I get a transplant, recover and go back to work. Am on food stamps. These are the signs.

Off-brand / Aldi / Lidl brand anything
Government Eggs that are 1.30 per 1 1/2 dozen
Kraft Singles
Frozen Vegetables
Pouches of that shitty instant rice that taste like chemicals.
The tupperware thing is true I have a good amount of leftovers in my fridge right now I save every scrap of leftovers for the next day's lunch/dinner.
Bar S hotdogs
Generic Apple juice that's 1 dollar a 1/2 gal

There's more but dialysis brain atm

>> No.17105259

Damn my dude my mother worked in a dialysis unit, you have my sympathies. That's no joke to go through.

>> No.17105267

absolutely seething

>> No.17105348

This post got me

>> No.17105351
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>no actual plates
>they give you these

>> No.17105359

And that's bad because?

>> No.17105362

My house did this

>> No.17105363

Ironically real plates are cheaper. Not so much poor people thing more like disgusting lazy people thing. People who do this are all fat

>> No.17105365

You could probably afford some better curtains, they're not going to break the bank. Just saijin.

>> No.17105371

Nice purse faggot

>> No.17105373

I get the chinnette kind and I compost them.

>> No.17105382

It's not like better rice is much more expensive
Real poorfag cope.

>> No.17105390

>two of the big bags of store brand frozen tilapia in my freezer right now
>bought a huge case of discounted granola bars from a store that resells damaged package food for cheap

>> No.17105393


>> No.17105414


No, rich people are rich because they were born rich and the economic system is designed to artificially funnel money to people who already have tons of it.

>> No.17105427

It would be over $2000 to replace the whole room and there's nothing wrong with them except they have ugly granny doily things on them
Sounds pretty unfrugal

>> No.17105435

The yellow looking thing behind the laptop. Or is that a chair, are there two chairs back to back there

>> No.17105439
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>> No.17105462 [DELETED] 

If you have money and show off about it youre ”new money” hence cringe and bluepilled

>> No.17105527
File: 1.95 MB, 3088x3088, picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my fridge fellow bongs.
and give me some good poorfag recipies

>> No.17105539

>total no frost
What did they mean by this

>> No.17105546

I dont even know. Pretty sure this was the former residents fridge.

>> No.17105564
File: 97 KB, 960x756, 167395958_5820174627996565_2506429286601438704_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frugalfag reporting. I only have a mini fridge to save on electricity, and I'm EXTREMELY careful with it. I only plug it in if I absolutely need to keep something cold. This is probably for 3 or 4 weeks max per year. I keep things out that you're "supposed to" refrigerate like cheese, processed meat, and fruit juice. Often, if I have just a small thing that really needs refrigeration, I'll Ziploc it and bury it about a foot in the soil that's outside my suite's window. I keep food outdoors in the winter, and if it's at least 85 degrees out, I keep hot food fresh by putting it in a reflective bowl in direct sunlight, and then putting it into an insulated bag and burying it in the soil again.

I think the cheapest thing I've ever done was, while preparing dinner for a guest, I had some cream I needed to keep cold for dessert, so I put it in the fridge and used the coils on the rear of the fridge to (dry) sous vide some cheap beef for the main course.

>> No.17105568

yeah that's a chair

>> No.17105831

Well it's a gay looking chair

>> No.17105846

And yet they still served you a meal despite being poor, you ungrateful cocksqueezer.

>> No.17105855

Very rarely is it because someone is down on their luck.
Even if there was a massive redistribution of wealth, the poor bastards will have money for some time and end up poor again. It's not because some greedy capitalist exploited them, they're literally too fucked in the head to understand fiscal responsibility.

>> No.17105879
File: 3.24 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20211209_134726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have a working fridge.

>> No.17105890
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>> No.17105898

It helps when you have friends and family that take up gardening and hand you tons of produce for free every spring and summer

>> No.17105901

>Very rarely is it because someone is down on their luck.
Not that rarely. Have you seen what healthcare expenses are in the US? Most of the country is one unfortunate accident or unlucky diagnosis from bankruptcy, regardless of how hard they pinch their pennies.
No one blames the system for irresponsible people making themselves broke. But the nature of the system makes it somewhat difficult for the responsible poor to work their way upwards, whereas irresponsible wealthy people have to screw the pooch non-stop to become poor. That's the dichotomy that people really have an issue with.
How to deal with irresponsible morons is a chicken-or-egg problem that I don't believe any country has quite figured out. On the one hand, you want to respect personal freedom wherever possible, on the other hand, some people will never put money into savings, be taken in by every scam that comes their way, and constantly put themselves into scenarios where they are in emergency medical care. They will always be a burden on society at some level, the question is just when and to what degree society should intervene in a way that serves both parties the best.

>> No.17105910
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Rate my poorness

>> No.17105925
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Question for anyone that feels like responding:
Why are some people so disgusted by the concept of leftover food?

>> No.17105931

Years of corporate brainwashing telling them to consooom new products and get rid of every product that isn't brand new right out of the box. Same reason they keep buying new phones even though they're all the same

>> No.17105947

The fuck? Do you think you have to make a deal with the blinds cartel?
>nyaaaaa it's curtains for you see?

>> No.17105953

It's probably also just shitposting. Reality is that as you get more proficient with bulk cooking all you're ever eating is stuff you've made in a previous season.

>> No.17105960 [DELETED] 

>Literally to lazy to put meat and bread together

>> No.17105974


>> No.17105979

>Literally too lazy to put meat and bread together

>> No.17105997

The problem I have is improper storage.
Have you ever put warm food in a sealed container and then into the fridge?
You're creating an insane nest of bacteria. If there's any condensation or dampness inside of it due to that, you're making a huge mistake.
That's my only issue with leftovers - retards not storing them properly.

>> No.17105999

I haven't seen the root cause, but I see it amongst people who didn't grow up eating leftovers. Usually the same people who say something like
>Anon, are you about to eat some of that chicken soup? It has been sitting out on the counter in that bowl all day, because you forgot to put it in the fridge this morning!
Yeah, you bet I ate that soup. A lot of people seem to think that you'll be hospitalized from food poisoning if you eat something that wasn't at most a few minutes out of a fridge or hot pan.

>> No.17106317

a costco pack of paper towels costs less and lasts longer than a costco pack of laundry soap

>> No.17106353

nothing's wrong with laminate frankly
put soap and sponge inside the tupperware, maybe some salt too, shake it vigorously, helps bust out stains at least that aren't too deep

>> No.17106362

>knife set
Honestly knives should be bought specifically, high end knife set is a waste of money. The rest of your points are valid.

>> No.17106366

this can't be real, why would one even be drinking in the bathroom?

>> No.17106393

Maybe he ran out of room on the loungeroom floor.

>> No.17106407

>proof your in a poor household
You are grammatically retarded. The true hallmark of poverty is poor education.

>> No.17106415

Kek, everytime
They think being born upper middle class means money magically flies into your bank account

>> No.17106511

Stove with coils that are at different angles

>> No.17106610
File: 41 KB, 285x554, gr1619383371579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they stupid because they are poor, or are they poor because they are stupid?


>> No.17106632

Everything just works out. I look at myself and my peers, none of us should be as comfortably off as we are. We've never put effort into anything. I just grew up around the right people, met the right contacts in college, didn't piss the wrong people off, and landed a cushy job delegating work and maintaining records. I'm not fooling myself into thinking I earned it, but I'm not dumb enough to give up what I've gotten.

>> No.17106644

Elaborate on your process for properly storing leftovers. Do you actively cool them before storing them, or do you let them settle to room temperature before refridgeration?

>> No.17106674

Room temperature is fine, or directly in the fridge so long as its not sealed. Just anyone sealing warm food in a container and putting it in the fridge is asking for botulism or worse.

>> No.17106691

Is this pasta or something? Why was this ignored? Anon, get some fucking help

>> No.17106699

You can't be poor and swiss, unless you're not born here.

>> No.17106713

Warm food in the fridge will also hurt the fridge :(

>> No.17106880


>> No.17107040

But up on meth?

>> No.17107200

>imagine not making your own ranch, teriyaki, cocktail and tartar sauces
Sucks to suck.

>> No.17107289

>hot dogs with bread

It's crazy when hot dog buns are the same price as bread and it's seen as a splurge.

>> No.17107699

what do i just THROW AWAY my leftover food? like an ANIMAL???

>> No.17107704

fuck that free ketchup

>> No.17107928

.... do you know what a vacuum is?

>> No.17107940

that's just tomato sauce, shit stains everything.

>> No.17108407

I guess they microwaved food in it as well, that won't help.

>> No.17108496

it means the freezer is frost free too

>> No.17108559

bruh you can get perfectly good plates at goodwill for $1-2 dollars each. Anyone who can serve you meat can afford some fucking plates. One who serves people on tupperware is just tacky.

>> No.17108666

Show me where to find several hundred square feet of insulating shades for less, I'm interested!

>> No.17108679


underrated post.

>> No.17109041

a fire watch?

>> No.17109053

>The accumulation of wealth is impossible!

Maybe for you, shitskin.

>> No.17109244
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I remember when I once thought like this...

>> No.17109253

It works. Expensive countertops are a purchase that does nothing notwithstanding residual home value price increase. You are better off investing your money instead.

>> No.17109260

No, trading. Investing is for boomers.

>> No.17109669

>paying walmart for water
Nigger buy a water distiller.

>> No.17110685
File: 267 KB, 876x758, poverty and conspicuous consumption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no. not in first world countries.
Poor people being so utterly shit with their money making them the perfect braindead consumers bears a heavy responsibility for the degradation of our society into the corporate socialism hellscape we now live in.

>> No.17110692

are you referring to the tupperware brand or just using it as an overall term for plastic containers? the real brand is expensive as fuck in my country

>> No.17110726

>punch down
kill yourself tumblr faggot

>> No.17110737


Stopped reading there

>> No.17111297

I dated one earlier this year. Best sex I've ever had

>> No.17111314

I've had to convince multiple adults of this. Your food will taste better if you don't eat sloppa out of a plastic box. Maybe even have some vegetables. God forbid you might even consider garnish before you sit down at the dinner table. wa la

>> No.17111337

Lots of adults these days are man children. They get excited over video games, marvel, and claim not to like something the next day because they have to re heat it. They’re basically children in adult bodies. This applies to food as well.

Your wife doesn’t cook much if she constantly has acrylics

>> No.17111343

I have a friend that doesn’t know how to cook and refuses to learn. Whatever, idiot

>> No.17111729

I hate niggers

>> No.17111734

fucking based

>> No.17111736

I'm kinda poor and I've never eaten left overs in my entire life.

>> No.17111747

hi op dont listen to those sour grapes blease give me handouts even pennys are okay.

>> No.17111751

Shut up nigger

>> No.17111761
File: 123 KB, 1280x821, chiyo_360_by_hina3zawa_de1garr-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our goal is to retire
unless you didnt get the jab you are retiring into a morgue. sure sucks being a poorfag but I am not poor in knowledge so I suppose in that way I am truly rich.

>> No.17111767

>costco pack of laundry soap

>> No.17111772

pic not related

>> No.17112136

>perfect braindead consumers
But that's what advertisement tries to create. That's what our economy needs. If people would only buy what they could affort some others would loose a lot of profits.

>> No.17112482

everybody that I've ever known has used tupperware as an umbrella term, anon

>> No.17112484


>> No.17112508

Yeah, we know. That's why they're killing the middle class under the guise of "ending poverty". Everyone needs to be in poverty so they don't do any of that pesky financially responsible shit like saving money, but blowing all their excess cash every paycheck instead.

>> No.17112541

you know white trash? congrats.

>> No.17112560
File: 87 KB, 720x698, racists on social media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be racist now.

>> No.17112562

I suppose you must be poor to call all cotton swabs Q-tips, as well

>> No.17112565

Nothing racist about being proud of who you are faggot.

>> No.17112572

Oh wow, you must be one of the good ones.

>> No.17112573

You are not being proud of who you are by being an ethnomasochist bigot, buddy.

>> No.17113169

Shit my thread is still up

>> No.17113416

What country is zis?

>> No.17113419
File: 44 KB, 620x632, kid thinks that what you just said is utter shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethnomasochist bigot

>> No.17113423
File: 1.10 MB, 1823x1080, Screenshot_20211211-023118_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hungry

>> No.17113430

Food safety autists are always overstating shit
I've been putting food directly from pot to tupperware to fridge for like a decade and nothing's happened

>> No.17113576

i regularly leave food in the pan and eat it for 24 hours or more and haven't been sick

>> No.17113735

Not even ice in the fridge?

>> No.17113751

Lurking redditors seething.

>> No.17113761

>dude I've been smoking for 40 years and nothing's happened
>dude I've exposed myself to radiation for all my life and nothing's happened
>dude I've watched propaganda since child and nothing's happened
this is why retards think cancer "pops out of nowhere"

>> No.17113783

Even after you /think/ you've got all the shards, one will turn up at random like 2 weeks later just to jam itself into your fucking foot.

>> No.17113785

>things that build into serious issues over long periods of time

>> No.17115241
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>> No.17116889


>> No.17116966

did you really feel the need to square (You)rself up against a general post that wasn't made towards anyone in particular on an anonymous website

>> No.17117008

>Casseroles are a staple
What's wrong with casseroles?

>> No.17117020

not me but basically any aspect of this

>> No.17117077


>> No.17118443


I also want to know
t. scourer enjoyer

>> No.17119504

Probably retards who throw shit in the microwave, dry it out or turn it to mush, and throw it on a plate.

The people whose minds are blown when you put cold pizza back in a low oven, or put saved fried food into a breathable wrap of paper instead of a sealed box to make it into breaded sludge.

>> No.17119573

having grown up poor i now have endless contempt for poor people because it's super easy to not wind up in poverty

>> No.17120002

wanna break into a poor person's house and take pictures of some stuff now

>> No.17120421

Why do people think being rich is good?

>> No.17120469

Rich people spend their money on pointless things a lot and they're still rich. Poor people can be wise with money and still struggle with it. Good or bad Income is the difference between the two

>> No.17120554

so you can afford to go to the dentist

>> No.17120646
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>Why do people think being rich is good?

>> No.17120654

It's the exact opposite in reality --> >>17110685 you ignorant fool.

>> No.17120752
File: 118 KB, 536x479, laughingadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's genuinely fantastic lol.

>> No.17120775

>T.envious poorfag
The only thing you don't like is you're not rich

>> No.17120798


Being rich renders you utterly immune to 95% of the shit that poor people worry about constantly until it kills them.

>> No.17120816

Poor people aren't sapient enough to experience worry. It's why they always go broke.

>> No.17120991

The most real post here, not white but my childhood was just like this

>> No.17121285

My grandmother does this with ice cream tubs, I’m constantly disappointed.

>> No.17121658

that's what the middle class does, not rich people kek

>> No.17121682

Keep telling yourself that. You're gonna make it, champ.

>> No.17121894

>2 incomes
>Own his own house
>Has a garden big enough to grow his own food
>Has time and tools to hunt and fish
You weren't poor in the first place

>> No.17122216


H-Hawaii anon?

>> No.17122449
