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17079318 No.17079318 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Time General — The Robusta Edition



>> No.17079333

When a bag says "ground for filter coffee", do they mean I can make pourovers with it or is it for those standard coffee makers only?

>> No.17079355

you can make pourovers with it
if you're a big enough coffee faggot to be making pourover instead of just using a machine, you probably ought to be a big enough faggot to have some kind of coffee grinder at home

>> No.17079387

Yeah, I was just wondering in case anyone gets me some for Christmas or if I have an emergency and I need to buy supermarket coffee (whole beans are really rare in supermarkets here).

>> No.17079418

Does getting whole beans and grinding them yourself really make much of a difference compared to just buying pre-ground coffee? If so, what's a good, inexpensive manual grinder that you'd recommend?

>> No.17079450

Yes. What's inexpensive to you? Lotta buzz about the $100 1zpresso q2.

>> No.17079457

Anything bought from a supermarket probably isn't any good anyways, whole bean or not. You may as well buy ground if you are going to buy supermarket coffee.

>> No.17079469

Yes it's the biggest difference you can make for the least amount of money. If you want to save as much money as possible I would get a grinder matched to the way you make coffee. If you do something with a coarser grind you don't need to spend much to get a grinder that will work great for you.
Good choice, maybe also consider timemore and kingrinder.

>> No.17079470

I was hoping for around $20 or $30. Is there actually much difference between low and high end for a grinder to warrant a $100+ price? I might consider a higher-end one if there's something that actually makes it worth it. I moved from kuerig pods to an aeropress mostly to save money in the long run

>> No.17079472

>Does getting whole beans and grinding them yourself really make much of a difference
yes, as soon as coffee is ground it stales way more quickly

>good, inexpensive manual grinder
why does it have to be manual? you obviously have access to power or you wouldn't be on your computer
the fact that you're asking questions like these makes me think you don't really need to get caught up in the absolute autism that surrounds manual grinders
buy an electric burr grinder (not blade) that fits your budget, unless you're getting into niche brewing methods (like espresso or turkish coffee) you don't really need the greatest set of burrs

>> No.17079475

>Is there actually much difference between low and high end for a grinder to warrant a $100+ price?

>> No.17079484

>why does it have to be manual?
Saves money, less noisy, electric grinders don't keep your beans fresh as long as a sealed bag.

>> No.17079487

>why does it have to be manual
I was under the impression that a manual would be cheaper I guess

Oh no, this is one of *those* hobbies, like audiophiles or fountain pen enthusiasts, isn't it?

>> No.17079491

>mostly to save money in the long run
People don't understand how saving money works. You don't save money to have more, you save money to use it more efficiently. Is dropping a bill on yourself for christmas going to put you in the poorhouse? Probably not, but it will ensure that in 2022 you're making much better coffee than 2021. $8.30 a month if you use it for an entire year.

>> No.17079502

you don't need to store your beans in a hopper-style grinder it's perfectly acceptable to scale out what you need, dump them in, grind them, and move on with your brew
I've been using an $80 capresso grinder for the last decade for pourover & coldbrew

>> No.17079508

>You don't save money to have more
maximum retard posting

>> No.17079510

>audiophiles or fountain pen enthusiasts
Kind of. An audiophile dropping a few hundred on a pair of headphones is going to listen to them daily for years. Pretty hard to actually fuck up drivers unless you're sticking toothpicks into the cone. Same with a machined burr of decent quality steel. Unless you're grinding rocks, its going to last as long as you'd like.

>> No.17079513

The one I used wouldn't feed the last bit of beans effectively, the last bit of grind always took forever cuz they keep jumping up.

>> No.17079523

> Oh no, this is one of *those* hobbies, like audiophiles or fountain pen enthusiasts, isn't it?
but we've already established that you're better than that so buy what works for you to fit your budget and don't take recommendations from spergs on an albanian basket-weaving forum

>> No.17079524

Having more money doesn't benefit you jackass. You can live in bsolute squalor with your pockets fat, or live paycheck to paycheck with nice shit you've "invested" in. Things don't improve until you utilize that extra cash.

>> No.17079531

Coomsoomer brain.

>> No.17079540

There is a noticeable difference between >$100 manual grinders (entry level) and $200-$300 grinders (about as high end as manuals get). If you want a decent electric grinder then expect to pay bare minimum $200 for entry level with the mid tier $500-700 and the higher tiers going upwards towards $2000 for consumer grade, much higher for industrial grade stuff. To my understanding severe diminishing returns start around grinders costing $1000-ish but keep in mind that at that price range the burrs themselves are the selling point rather than the machine itself and they are usually bespoke

>> No.17079565
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So is something like this just absolute dogshit?

>> No.17079567

well i don't think decent, solid headphones under 100$ exist. same applies to grinder

>> No.17079577

>about as high end as manuals get
You've got the malwani livi, weber hg1&2, craiglyn hg-1(used to be lyn weber until they split) Kinu m68, OE Pharos, and the old Helor Stance Manual. HSM, livi, and the HG1 and 2 all use the big three phase Mazzer robur burrs.

>> No.17079587
File: 468 KB, 1240x828, malwani-livi-grinder6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. You're looking for consistency and proper alignment so cheap manufacturing usually fucks that all up.

Forgot to post the livi.

>> No.17079593

At $40 you can spend $2.50 more and get a K1, there's a 28% off coupon on amazon right now. It'll "upgrade" you to steel burrs.

>> No.17079605

Quit spamming this retarded garbage. And quit shilling your retarded chinkshit grinder too, nobody cares.

>> No.17079608

Stop fucking shilling kingrinder junk. We've already talked about this.

>I'm just a pleb, I'll learn, but I won't annoy you with this chinkshit company that triggers you no more.

>> No.17079612

Is that junk he posted really better than a K1 though?

>> No.17079628
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I don't know which coffee-autist to listen to

>> No.17079633

No it's not but a K1 isn't a significant upgrade. Just buy something that is actually serviceable instead of jewing yourself out of a decent experience. From my understanding bare minimum recommended these days is whatever that grinder made by 1zpresso is called I forgot, which is chinkshit but apparently good by chinkshit standards. I haven't used a manual grinder for a while now so I haven't kept up with that world.

>> No.17079650

I've used a $200 kinu phoenix for years. Its getting replaced in a few weeks. The kingrinder shill just received his, has made 3 cups of coffee and thinks its the $42 next coming of christ. Only problem is kingrinder is known for abusing coffee forums to shill their shit tier products. Zero discussion if you google "kinggrinder k1" just indonesian aliexpress links.

>> No.17079667
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>> No.17079670

but dude it has STEEL BURRS

>> No.17079724

you want to grind plastic into your coffee?

>> No.17079740

>$8.30 a month if you use it for an entire year
Besides that, a little more spent up front almost guarantees that whatever you’ve bought is probably going to last a little longer than something cheaper
It’s the whole “cry once” thing

>> No.17079766

The point is that you're a retarded newfag who thinks that STEEL BURRS is a selling point and somehow an indication of high quality when it's actually standard and you can still have shit tier STEEL BURRS (which you do).

>> No.17079777

Not to mention ditting makes some pretty good ceramics.

>> No.17079781

Does the Breville SGP have steel burrs

>> No.17079824

i get your point but why are you trying so hard to be annoying, calm down my dude

>> No.17079870

>bro clam down
>Actually I will post more about my KINGrinder K1 in the future, just to spite you, you autistic redditor nigger.

>> No.17079941

Anybody here ever grow their own beans? I was thinking of trying it out this season just for the hell of it

>> No.17079949
File: 362 KB, 1333x1000, top-adjustment-product.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the JX pro and while it's a good grinder for the price, the beans that get caught in the adjustment wheel are a bit annoying. I know it's not a big deal, but I still don't like it.

>> No.17079973

Yeah theres going to be little gripes like that. I've been telling myself I'd make an anti popcorning lid for the kinu since august 2019. Never happened.
Not to mention a little more spent up front means a little bit more you get on the backend when you sell and upgrade. I fully intend on getting $160 for this kinu in a few weeks when the key gets here. Would you rather use a kinu m47 for $15 a year, or have to trash a $42 kingrinder since noone is going to buy it off of you?

>> No.17080072

I don't have one but I've heard the really cheap timemores can be pretty good

>> No.17080086

Do you live in Africa?

>> No.17080087

>really cheap

>> No.17080163

I dunno about you but I consider $40 pretty cheap

>> No.17080202

that's how you know it's quality

>> No.17080222
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>Material: space aluminum

>> No.17080246

Yeah a Chinese knockoff Amazon site has had English who knew. I'm just saying if he wants something cheap as fuck I've heard it's not a bad option.

>> No.17080250

If you want something cheap as fuck then get a different hobby. Why even bother trying to get into a specific hobby if you don't give enough of a shit about it to buy decent equipment?

>> No.17080295

is a baratza encore good enough for pourover
i have one but i don't know if it's good

>> No.17080324

The fuck does that mean? Do you enjoy it?

>> No.17080391
File: 171 KB, 735x1156, f805a963afecd793c1fcf1079f99d09f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 8 coffees yesterday
I've had 8 coffees today
And by God I'm gonna have 8 more tomorrow
I hate coffee

>> No.17080441
File: 1.44 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20211130_093018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love coffee
I love my favorite book

>> No.17080452

Yes, so don't let jet fuel near it

>> No.17080568

Less than the rocks glass I just bought.

>> No.17080613

>Oh no, this is one of *those* hobbies, like audiophiles or fountain pen enthusiasts, isn't it?
Yes in the sense that there are plenty of losers who are more interested in talking about how much they spent on gear than listening to music/writing/drinking coffee.
If you're asking these questions you won't even notice the difference between grinders. Timemore or 1zpresso whatever steel burr is fine.

>> No.17080836

t. aeropress enthusiast

>> No.17080886

Enjoying your headphone cable?

>> No.17080912

Arca released 4 albums in the last 5 days. What do you think sneed?

>> No.17080936

That's a whole lot of troon tunes for a guy who doesn't use an aeropress desu

>> No.17080963
File: 469 KB, 620x520, aeropress5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take my HRT drops intracochlear. Less buildup of microplastics in your throat that way presslet, but I'm sure you're loving the built in dental dam.

>> No.17080988

I have an aeropress, a v60, a couple of Espro French presses, an espresso machine and a filter machine and I use them all, varying depending what I feel like doing and how much coffee I need.
>and you can't stop me

>> No.17080994

I've never once seen an espro p7 posted here and I've been memereccing them to poors for a long time.

>> No.17081020

Nice guns on that lass, maybe the aeropress works both ways.
Listening to a funktion one tonight btw I'll ask what they spent on cables.

>> No.17081028

I have a 32oz P7 in brushed stainless that I've really liked, and a Ultralight travel press that was actually my first step into coffee that wasn't espresso, a few years ago. I think they're a great choice.

>> No.17081040

She's 100% got a small dick pal. Take some pics of the setup. Half the reason I'm still willing to drop ~20k eventually on the 1266 setup I posted a few threads ago is to not have to worry about placement and dampening. Seems way simpler to endgame.

>> No.17081043

>I think they're a great choice.
Anything stainless with replaceable filters is top tier in my book. I haven't picked one up because it would sit around 350 days a year.

>> No.17081052

>I haven't picked one up because it would sit around 350 days a year.
I know that feel. As I said, Espro was my introduction to anything that wasn't espresso and the fact that filtered coffee could be something that wasn't cheap nasty acidy hotel coffee - they don't get used enough now I learned I liked pourover better and got a reasonably decent filter machine, but I do enjoy using it when I do drag one out.

>> No.17081255

>dropped my Kinu M47 Simplicity last week
>plastic handle and o-ring separated and catch cup popped out
>feared the worst, checked for burr misalignment and dents
>reassembled handle with only issue being the detached adhesive inside handle
>grinds like nothing happened
Holy shit, these things being tanks was not just a meme.

>> No.17081260

My phoenix fell off a shelf and turned a bong and quartz banger to dust. Left a little scuff on the body.

>> No.17081350

>still calling me a shill for buying the best cheapest product available at that time and posting my impression from it.
Holy shit. A whole another thread later, and you're still seething about me liking things.
furthermore you are a reddit-browsing troglodyte and your opinion isn't relevant.

I've made more coffee since, and I still like it. Kingrinder k1 was a good purchase. I'd post more pictures of me making coffee with it, but I am currently out of milk.

>> No.17081493

having a hard time getting something drinkable out of my flair classic. the beans taste ok in a french press but it could be they're just too stale/low quality for drinkable espresso. and also my technique sucks
do you still drink your "bad" shots? i had an upset stomach yesterday and i'm starting to think they were the cause

>> No.17081785

Based robusta poster

>> No.17082203

How do I get started with espresso /ctg/? Lets say I were to get a machine, either the Barista Express or a Bambino Plus, what else do i need outside of what is in the box? Scales, a bottomless portafilter, and different cleaning supplies I think are the most obvious, but what else?

>> No.17082248

grinder matters more than the machine

>> No.17082516

this is true, but the quality of the grinder should be commensurate with the quality of the machine (ie. your not going to get better results using an EG-1 with your moka pot)
a good espresso grinder should offer consistency and repeatability in its output of grind

>> No.17082594

>unironically suggesting a steel burr isn't an immediate upgrade over fucking ceramic burrs
the schizo has resorted to lying

>> No.17082603

Supposedly ceramic burrs can be good and consistent for coarser grinds, but they are definitely terrible for anything starting to become fine.

>> No.17082606

What's wrong with the shots? If it tastes good prepared other ways the issue probably isn't the beans, at least not entirely.

>> No.17082610

This is what happens when newfags have surface level knowledge of a topic.


Why are these ceramic flats 7x your kingrinder?

>> No.17082614

>posting electric burrs in a discussion about manual grinders
have fun grinding those espresso shots by hand with ceramic burrs lmao

>> No.17082624

Electric burrs? You mean flats? You use a fucking mokapot so please don't talk about espresso grinds.

>> No.17082627

you must be mistaking me for someone else, i don't own a moka pot lol

>> No.17082642

Do you know a kingrinder?

>> No.17082649

afraid i've never met one.

>> No.17082655

Then shut the fuck up. There's a reason people like ditting ceramics for bag grinders. Good luck running a kilo a time through a dog shit Chinese hand grinder.

>> No.17082657

kingrinder is not chinese

>> No.17082676

Context retard.
You think the $10 ceramic burr being discussed isn't the absolute bottom of the grinder barrel?

>> No.17082687
File: 18 KB, 887x124, yeahtheyare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're a spinoff of 1zpresso like everyone claims, they're absolutely made in china. "Designed" in taiwan.

>> No.17082692

According to Taiwan, Taiwan IS China.

>> No.17082693

$25 and yeah. Its dogshit. But replaceable nip ceramic>chink steel any day.


>> No.17082704

>We have a factory in China. And the office located in both Taiwan and China.

From 1z facebook. Chinkshit, sold under various names.

>> No.17082733

poast rinku

>> No.17082735

the convo was not about z1spr it was about kingr

>> No.17082752

They're the same company selling second quality parts under a different name.



>> No.17082764

i can't take a gulp without my face flincing shortly after
my last attempt was decent while hot, but had a very bad aftertaste that just lingered forever. my palate isn't very trained but it sounds like bitterness/overextraction.
for next i'll try one of: go a step coarser, don't press as hard (though i'm aiming for the lightest pressure that gives a laminar flow rate) or lower my ratio.
i'm not timing my shots yet, i'm still getting used to the process and there would be a lot of variance anyway.

>> No.17082769


>> No.17082781

>i'm not timing my shots yet
Time your shots. I ran an old signature(used to have the same basket as the old classic) for years. Very low pressure for the first ~10 seconds until you get the puck hydrated and drips in the cup, then ramp up. Shoot for 30s and tweak from there. Taste 25s, 35s, 45s. The taller skinnier baskets rely on preinfusion and longer shot times.

>> No.17082797

Just made a pour over with some Yemeni beans and it is better than usual. I added a bit more coffee than I usually do so I'm going to stick to this new method.

>> No.17082829

If you want to compare it back to the audiophile shit. SMSL, Topping, Aune, Xduoo(among others) are all owned by the same chinese brand presenting as japanese. Aoshida audio. Its legalized racketeering.

>> No.17082848

You're the issue here not the beans, keep practicing. Time your shots, if you have a pressure gauge pay attention to it, if not use a bathroom scale. Learn what the right amount of pressure feels like, adjust your grind to get your shot time where you want it.

>> No.17082923

What do you think about Hario? They sell products both labeled as being made in Japan and in China (cheaper items).

>> No.17082972

My $6 plastic v60 has made in japan stamped right on it. I think they make junk grinder bodies in china to shove in korean ceramic conicals from kyocera. You should always be aware of what you're buying. I've said it in a few other threads. Hario isn't a coffee company. They're a lab glass factory that capitalized on making a better siphon brewer. They're probably not taking up production space for little shot glasses so they send excess production across the sea. American pipe "companies" like gravlabs do the same shit. Import cheap chinese glass and bake on labels.


>> No.17083016

They literally never presented themselves as japanese. Everyone only ever knew them as chinese brands.
Never even heard of the japanese company until now.

>> No.17083068

>Everyone only ever knew them as chinese brands.
Yet they didn't know its all coming out of the same factories. This is by design. They've spun out companies to compete with themselves to capture market share. That being said, theres not a fucking chance the smsl IDOL+ compares to the topping a90, despite being very closely related on the ownership side and coming out of the same factory. Kingrinder as a company was designed to capture poor indonesians who couldn't afford 1zpresso grinders. A year later, they're trying to expand westward with shady marketing.

>> No.17083119

That's nice but there's no actual proof of any of this.
No conspiracies theories aren't proof.

>> No.17083154
File: 50 KB, 695x795, noproof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>K1 New body of 1zpresso Rs
>K2 A new figure of the former hit 1zpresso RK.

>> No.17083187

>Not allergic to seniors

>> No.17083203

The other translation I get for
> ปรับละเอียดไม่แพ้รุ่นพี่
>Finely adjusted as seniors.

>> No.17083392

it says javapresse but still kek

>> No.17083397

why would they make it without some kind of cover though? the final grinds always popcorns up some of the beans. fucking annoying

>> No.17083402

>(ie. your not going to get better results using an EG-1 with your moka pot)
because thats not an espresso machine

>> No.17083440

neither is an aeropress
neither is a flair

want me to keep going or are you done being a pedant?

>> No.17083442

>Neither is a flair
I don't have one and have never used one but how do you figure, schizo?

>> No.17083471

Dark roast coffee.
Good or Bad?

>> No.17083477

Nice try sweaty. It says espresso maker right there.

>> No.17083482

>neither is an aeropress
i agree
>neither is a flair
scientifically false.

>> No.17083489

>The Flair Espresso Maker is a series of four manual espresso makers that produces professional quality espresso at home.
>espresso makers

hey look at that even the people who make them dont consider them espresso machines

>> No.17083508


>> No.17083511

>hurr durr i win on a technicality
autism, not even once. hope u get your shit kicked in irl faggot

>> No.17083525

Their glass pourovers and microwave-safe servers say made in china right on the website.

>> No.17083549
File: 22 KB, 768x513, japanese coffee machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guise
so is this the best coffee machine i can buy??

>> No.17083565

this autist is bathing in his epic win over the maker vs machine debate. congratulations you fucking nigger. take your victory medal and leave the thread

>> No.17083601
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And their lab glass is made where?

>They're a lab glass factory

>> No.17083662

you got blown the fuck out dude dont accuse me of being autistic
i knew what i was doing the whole time and you took the bait like the autistic schizo fish you are

>> No.17083704

Tell me how a hydraulic press isn't a machine please.

>> No.17083726

>food & cooking
>coffee time general
>a hydraulic press
one of these things is not like the other
dont get fixated on things that dont matter its what autists do

>> No.17083806
File: 1.57 MB, 1008x876, gearpump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a strada mp with a gear pump modded into it for greater flow control. I think slayers use an external rotary vane pump for the same reason. Generates hydrostatic energy from a mechanical source. Turns out hydraulic presses do the same thing. How is it not a machine?

>> No.17083875

Congratulations on not understanding what a machine is I guess

>> No.17083880

Its the same guy who thinks ceramic drippers hold heat better than plastic because the ceramic gets hot...

>> No.17083888

>Glass Dripper, Silicone Rubber Holder: Made in Japan
>Wood Holder: Made in China
>Glass Bowl, Metal Parts: Made in Japan
>Wood Parts: Made in China

>> No.17083891


>> No.17083918

I don't think you understand your argument. I told you they're a jap glass company and you're showing me glass products they're making in japan. I don't give a fuck where they're having wood lids and handles made.

>> No.17084001

i was just asking what you thought dude

>> No.17084051

I think alot of their glass is made in japan, as they are a japanese glass company. Turns out they also make plastic and ceramic v60s in house. Since the silicone is also made in japan on that first dripper, it would appear they're buying large quantities of chinese olive wood holders,handles, and lids but finishing assembly in "Nihonbashi (Tokyo) and 6 other factories around the country."
>i was just asking what you thought dude
Did you forget to tack a question onto your post?

>> No.17084072


>> No.17084078

Yes. Read my answer directly below

>> No.17084082

Makes sense along with >>17084051
I did not know all that stuff!

>> No.17084128

I got Dallmayr Prodomo. I don't really like it. That's my story. Making a blend right now between it any my usual dark roast and hoping it works for me or I'll just have wasted $15.

>> No.17084564
File: 8 KB, 341x77, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does STAINLESS STEE compare to stainless steel?

>> No.17084841
File: 72 KB, 1000x995, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad i got a tiny monitor with bad resolution on my laptop but it seemed like the most perfect chinese thing to do to call yourself JAPANESE COFFEE COMPANY

>> No.17085116
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>nooooooooooooooooooo there's no actual proof kingrinder is 1zpresso and chinese

>> No.17085125

Would I be missing out if I stick to mokapots and frothy milk forever?
It's really tasty and enjoyable and better than a lot drinks I buy at coffee places, even when I use supermarket beans.

>> No.17085128
File: 27 KB, 600x388, 56352661_1395645393911191_3632938670467579904_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought some Green Mountain Caramel vanilla and Cinnabun for my K-cup machine


>> No.17085164

Do what makes you happy fag

>> No.17085226

mdr-v6/7506, obviously you can buy better headphones that are an improvement but don't give me any shit that they aren't decent.

>> No.17085233

something like your picture makes it look like you are spending money on a large steel body rather than anything that does the actual grinding

>> No.17085253

>accusing others of surface level knowledge
>high price = good

>> No.17085277

I mixed it but I didn't like how it turned out. maybe im just a dark roast pleb or something

>> No.17085329

I think your "coffee places" are just bad. I too took to long to learn the difference between places that serve coffee, and cafes that survive on their coffee being good. However in a small town one or two mediocre cafes can survive, that's what took me so long to get an idea of what the ceiling of good coffee is. Try real cafes out of town if that describes your situation.

I own the rarer brikka pot which has a weighted valve that produces stronger coffee. My issues with mokapots, even the brikka, and mechanical frothing is the coffee concentration is just not anywhere near espresso, and the milk bubbles are so large that the texture is worse than flat milk.

Did nespresso + stovetop steamer after that. I never explored how to get the best tasting espresso because it was still too weak and watery, probably because 5-7 grams of coffee for 40 grams of liquid lmao. I could make good milk with the steamer but the wait on electric was ridiculious and it wasn't induction compatable.

Got a gaggia espresso machine a while ago and I'm still learning and I need to mod it, but I can finally make milk drinks I'm happy with. But even buying refurbished it's painfully expensive despite being one of the cheapest options for "real" espresso, especially if you intended coffee to be a simple low cost thing.

>> No.17085400

Its an incredibly well aligned body holding a set of these.
Yes dipshit. Those $200 burrs in any body is going to give you better results than $40 rebranded chinkshit.

>> No.17085653

Bought the flair pro 2 since it had a discount recently. Soon, I'll be able to drink swill for a few days until I figure out the perfect grind and procedure!

>> No.17085717

If you wanted to be out $200 and not know why you could just give it to your wifes boyfriend

>> No.17085719

Most coffee places I visit are indeed bad. I think I had decent coffee once or twice, and still somehow I prefer mine. Maybe not prefer, but I like it just as much.
Mechanical frothing too, is somehow tastier than steamed milk to me. Flat is only for making coffee art no?
Well I got plenty of time to think about maybe getting a proper espresso set up. Flair is an option, used modded gaggia seems very fun too. I just watched the hoffman video about that actually.
I use a weighted brikka too. Even if I buy a proper espresso maker, I think I'll keep using it every now and then since the coffee it makes is special.

Thanks bro <3 cheers

>> No.17085779

Internalized cuckoldry will kill you pal. Get that sorted out.

>> No.17086106

>Mechanical frothing too, is somehow tastier than steamed milk to me. Flat is only for making coffee art no?

It's a texture difference. I can't stand the large bubbles the airy feeling I get in my mouth, like I should squash all the bubbles before I swallow. Microfoam is smooth and fluffy yet still wet and you don't feel the bubbles, as far as I know you can only make it with a steam wand. If you've had decent coffee once or twice you've probably never had microfoam, even places I've liked the coffee don't do it right. For some reason most baristas don't watch a youtube video on their job ever. It's not hard and the milk heats in the same time.

By flat milk I just mean heated milk with no aeration.

>> No.17086122

>as far as I know you can only make it with a steam wand
well that didn't age well


>> No.17086125

Any recommendations for buying beans online (in US)

>> No.17086180

you can't own slaves anymore anon

>> No.17086196
File: 109 KB, 860x849, 413-4138672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I mean coffee beans

>> No.17086352

wow racist

>> No.17086652

What they seem to be saying is that the kingrinders look similar to the 1zs, which they do. If what I've heard about how kingrinder was started by a guy who used to be with 1z then that would kinda makes sense.
Unrelated but their lineup has also changed since. Plastic cup K1 is no longer and they have an even cheaper k0 now.

>> No.17086705

yeah, for all we know shizo anon could just be freaking out over poorly written english

>> No.17087061

A damn fine cup o' joe. Damn fine.

>> No.17087100

My favorite place ships anywhere in the US and I doubt anyone would be able to find anything much better. Drinking a cup rn actually. https://www.sumpcoffee.com/collections/whole-bean-coffee

>> No.17087141

What are the best espresso machines you can get for your private convenience?

>> No.17087168

La Marzocco GS3
Slayer Single Group

>> No.17087257

>install 5 stage RO system without remineralization step
>make morning cuppa
>too watery
>need a 2nd cuppa
>add 2g extra bean to make up for milder water
>excellent cuppa
nice upgrade

>> No.17087277

without all the rust and salt in the water to balance out the acidity of the light roast i'll have to adjust my recipes, but it's not a big deal

>> No.17087304

They're the exact same grinders down the the number of steps and the pitch of the threads. The rs and rk lines didn't sell well in SEA so they had new silicone bands and boxes made to rebrand.

>> No.17087401

>8 oz for $20
bro I live in the north east and that's like 3 times more expensive than what I normally pay, which is like $18 for a pound

>> No.17087437

If you live on the east coast there is a smaller selection but I have been buying from Brandywine coffee roasters for a while because I like almost all of their stuff that I have had. It's around $15-25 per 340g bag and once or twice every week they give out a 15% off coupon in their newsletter which almost covers shipping. They used to do free shipping offers but switched to the 15% off during covid for some reason. If you live on the west coast there are a lot of different and solid Californian roasters. My gay black Californian friend swears by Ritual but I have never had their coffee.

>> No.17087477

I can't seem to get any tastes out of my V60. I grind very finely and do 15g to 250ml water. My brew always seems to end within 2:15 minutes. What could I be doing wrong?

>> No.17087483

what's it taste like

>> No.17087489

Like nothing but very slight bitterness or sometimes it's a wooden taste. It's fine to drink but I really can't taste most of the notes.

>> No.17087496
File: 137 KB, 478x492, 1638685264130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jungle cat eats coffee berries and shits them out
>poor coffee farmer doesn't want to lose his crop so makes his workers pick through shit
>Marks it up 1000% and sells it as a boutique
Best coffee?

>> No.17087503

Coarser grind, double the coffee.

>> No.17087519

>The traditional method of collecting feces from wild Asian palm civets has given way to an intensive farming method, in which the palm civets are kept in battery cages and are force-fed the cherries. This method of production has raised ethical concerns about the treatment of civets and the conditions they are made to live in, which include isolation, poor diet, small cages, and a high mortality rate.

>> No.17087539

You can adjust flow rate with different filters. Cafec lights are slower than origami cafecs which are slightly slower than cafec mediums. Or you know, grind a little finer and add 5g.

>> No.17087546

I'll try an extra 5g.

Part of me thinks my scale is also awful. I'm reusing my mom's old scale which doesn't update really quickly and seems really easy to overload.

>> No.17087560

2:15 sounds normal for that amount of coffee and water. If you are grinding very finely and still getting little flavor it is probably channeling and underextracting. I have no idea why that other guy told you to double the amount of coffee, I do 15/250 in my V60 all the time, but you should try a coarser grind and inspect the bed to make sure there aren't channels forming.

>> No.17087583

I don't like weak coffee. It tastes of nothing. That tells me he's using a lot too little. Bitter is too finely ground. Too strong? Throw some warm water in there afterwards. Why make another weak guesing game cup? Why not just know the correct ratio direction in one attempt?

>> No.17087607

Let me further explain: Make STRONG. Take sip. Too strong? Add warm water. Weigh. Take sip. Repeat. Upon satifactory concentration, recalculate. Make the cup you wanted next time. No bad coffee made. No wasted coffee.

>> No.17087637

Because doubling a ratio is insane and it's going to be impossible to judge how the ratio needs to change based on how much hot water you add to it? I wouldn't recommend using any more than 17 or 18g for 250g of water because after that it's going to be gross and a lot of the coffee is going to get wasted and a lot of your water is going to be absorbed by it so you will end up with a smaller cup at the end.

>> No.17087723

I said it was probably better than anywhere else not cheaper.

>> No.17087753

Ridiculous. Impractable.

>> No.17087759

I legitimately can't believe the prices online. I just placed an order at stumptown because they offered free shipping. probably first and last time I try this.

>> No.17087765

Give this method a try

>> No.17087771

And I mean this truly. If a person has access to a scale (and this person does) and a brain, that entire post is utter bullshit. Don't give me a bizarro voodoo combination of dogma and hard measurements. You can't have both at the same time and be taken seriously.

>> No.17087856

>Part of me thinks my scale is also awful.
Real possible. Get a $10 weightman from amazon.

>> No.17087896
File: 117 KB, 1460x1279, 1638430045405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this scale no longer made? i can't find it anywhere
is there another model (with a timer) that fits under a flair?

>> No.17087908

might be a higher price point than that one but the Acaia Luna is a pretty solid choice

>> No.17087916



>> No.17088037

It's just a generic chinkshit scale.
They're still being made. Sells for like $8 or so.

>> No.17088280
File: 70 KB, 540x960, 263338051_10159961373164885_5283999411935242036_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the new wacaco scale will do great under a flair. Might be worth checking out if you haven't ordered the weightman. ~Twice the price but looks a little better made.

>> No.17088732

Eureka Filtro anon back again, been using it for a few days and still figuring out what setting I like for my v60 but I'm still liking it a lot. As expected the push button is a huge pain in the ass, especially since I like to let the grinder start running then use the hopper gate to drop the beans in with the burrs already spinning, the switch and gate are on the same side so it's really awkward to do.

I can now confirm however that 2 minutes with a Phillips head screwdriver has fixed that though, grabbed a pack of these and it fits perfectly


Switch was just using push connectors so braindead easy to do and switch back if I ever need to use the warranty, it was the 4 pin version. Very happy I decided to cheap out and skip the crono, I prefer this to a timer switch anyway.

>> No.17088864

How is the Flair in a busy morning? I'm looking at my first espresso machine, and I kinda am looking at one of those small personal machines like the Gaggia Classic/Bambino/Silvia/etc. but the Flair also seems kinda nice. I like tea normally and the preparation of tea is kinda easy for me, but I hate making tea in the morning, which kinda makes me wonder if getting a flair will just be the same problem.

>> No.17088901

If you have a problem with making tea in the morning the flair would be a nightmare for you. You've gotta grind the coffee, preheat the brew chamber, boil your water, fill your basket and tamp, assemble the brew chamber and fill your water quickly enough to not lose a bunch of heat, put in the piston, then press. Then after all that you've got a decent number of pieces to disassemble and clean. Then consider you're gonna have to do this a bunch of times just to dial in your technique before you'll even get anything decent. If you need something simpler than making tea for the morning espresso is already not gonna hit that mark, but a manual machine is just going to exacerbate any/all of the inconveniences.

>> No.17088977

Unless I misunderstood you and you were just saying you don't enjoy having tea in the morning, but still a flair will be a decent amount more complicated to deal with on your typical morning compared to an automated machine.

>> No.17089202
File: 3.08 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211206_012110774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start kettle, grind beans, use either hot kettle water or steam to heat your brew chamber, dose, tamp, pull. If you spring for the 58 you could let everything preheat while you shit/shower.
Good shit, glad you got it modded. Post some brew beds tomorrow. Given anymore thought into the single dose etsy shit?

Got a couple lbs roasted up while the weather was nice. I'll let these rest until the key gets here.

>> No.17089239

>let everything preheat while you shit/shower.
>shitting before morning coffee sends you back to the shitter
Brave move anon

>> No.17089289

I didn't end up springing for a single dose hopper yet, I've definitely noticed a small amount of retention but I've tested propping the machine up so it leans forward a bit like Eureka's niche zero ripoff and that seems to make a big difference so I think I'm gonna try making a base for it to hold it in that position first to see if a bellows is even necessary, because if I can get away without it I'd rather try making a hopper that looks a little nicer.

>> No.17089364

The goal is to shit while you're getting paid. Squeeze those cheeks until you clock in.

>> No.17089372

Godspeed anon. Get some private /ctg/ stls ready.

>> No.17089578

Sound theory but our work shitters are not worth it lol

>> No.17089615

When you're salaried and work from home you shit whenever you want. I don't do any actual work before 10am and generally finish everything I'm going to do for the day by 3 at the latest, the rest of the day is just doing whatever I feel like.

>> No.17089650

Sounds like theres no time you'll have a busy morning then. My mornings work consists of checking my crypto in bed and going back to sleep until I feel like coof ,spreso, or brekie. Preheating the flair signature wasn't an issue.

>> No.17089773

I upgraded from fokgers instant coffee to basic Folgers made with a French press.. Am I a coffee noob?

I only drink it once a day when I wake up so I can have a nice morning shit right after

>> No.17089785

Swap from Folgers to literally any decent freshly roasted coffee, you can even just grind it at the store or let the cafe grind it for you, it won't be amazing but it'll still be about 1000x better than what you're used to.

To answer your original question, yes but the only person whose enjoyment you're hurting is your own so who gives a shit.

>> No.17089793

Well I only get that because its the cheapest for the most quantity I can get at any store

>> No.17089818

that's like telling someone who only drinks budweiser that they totally need to get into neipas, brah
people who drink shit coffee and enjoy it shouldn't be judged for it

>> No.17089933

>people who drink shit coffee and enjoy it
shouldn't ask questions. They should keep their head firmly in the bubble of mediocrity. It would be like going to a cigar forum and asking if white owls are good.

>> No.17090528

For a perkulator can I just rough chop some coffee beans instead of buying a grinder?

>> No.17090556

>running out of coffee
>no money left for beans
Back to instant it is. Literally 5 times cheaper, and I didn't even get the cheapest type.

>> No.17090913
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Best cowboy percolator? My grandma has this coffeemate percolator and almost everytime the coffee taste so damn good, I think i prefer it to my moka pot and coffee maker.

>> No.17091028
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Today's results

>> No.17091765
File: 1.01 MB, 767x1372, latte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my art
t. 9barfag

>> No.17091777

what coffee tastes good? i need to buy new one

>> No.17091892


>> No.17091934


>> No.17091980

1/10 offensively bad, would look better w/no art
picrel is mine. better but not impressive still

art on milk bevs is such a stupid fucking meme anyway you end up pouring for art instead of focusing on making a good drink. doing one or the other is easy but good coffee with good art is hard

>> No.17091982
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>> No.17092187

Hell yeah hows it taste.

>> No.17092226

Very clean, but I think still a bit under extracted, gonna keep pushing it a bit finer probably. I'm not sure how I feel about these beans to be entirely honest, it's a blend I'd never tried before I picked them up and I'm still on the fence about it but I don't want to switch until I'm pretty confident I've zoned in on the grind I'm looking for. I think next I might break out the french press and give it a try, I haven't used that thing in like a year partly because the old grinder was producing so many fines it was like drinking mud.

>> No.17092246

>t. talentless pourlet fag

>> No.17092267

Keep in mind your pourover "number" is going to drift as the burr edges roll over(and if you ever go in and shim your burrs to align better). Don't get locked in to something that worked before. I've got too many beans laying around so I don't know what I want to drink lol.

>> No.17092290

Oh I know, I'm more looking to firmly find my "starting point" that I can adjust from going forward. The next bag I was going to open up is supposed to have some smokey bourbon barrel flavors which is pretty different from what I've been drinking lately and I feel like if I make the switch too soon I'll be confusing the process with too many variables.

It's funny it took me a long time to get my wife to come around to the idea that it was worth just spending the money on this thing to get rid of our old piece of shit because she was really hesitant to put more than like $100 max into a grinder, now after about a week with it she's already expressed interest in the idea of maybe getting an espresso machine at some point in the not too distant future.

>> No.17092361

>maybe getting an espresso machine in the not too distant future
Fuk. This is why I was trying to push you and cronoanon towards the manuale.
>if I make the switch too soon I'll be confusing the process with too many variables
That's kind of why I went with the key over a p64. I've heard big conicals are "better" for fucking around with different beans and flats are "better" for dialing in one specific coffee at a time.

>> No.17092414

The only difference between the filtro and the manuale is the burr design, right? I know technically speaking the filtro is marketed as being designed for filter coffee, but I don't think it would have any issue doing espresso based on what I've seen so far. It can definitely go fine enough and I've seen reports from other users saying they were able to go fine enough to choke their machine when I was looking for reviews to decide what to get.

>> No.17092451

Different burrs, different feed I believe. The ability to grind fine enough to choke a machine isn't relevent. You could regrind shit in a hario mini twice and do that but you're not going to enjoy the cup.

>> No.17092508

I know there's more to it than how fine it grinds, but I haven't seen anyone who's tried it reporting issues with the results. Seems to me like it's probably a case of it being best suited for filter, but that doesn't mean it's going to be bad for espresso, even if others do it better.

Something that I found interesting is that even though it's marketed for methods with coarser grinds, most people seem to note that the grind appears to be a lot more consistent the finer you go, and I've definitely noticed that too.

>> No.17092570
File: 72 KB, 1262x684, eurekabro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you're right. Buy/print a portafilter fork. This guy apparently does the warranty work for eureka.



>> No.17092633
File: 67 KB, 780x1196, technivorm_moccamaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My folks have a Technivorm Moccamaster and they love everything about it except for the mouth of the thermal caraffe because it doesn't pour evenly and gets coffee everywhere.
Has anybody tried replacing the caraffe with something DIY or aftermarket?
There's a switch at the bottom inside of the machine that must be held in while coffee brews, so the caraffe has to roughly fit the shape of the bottom stand.

>> No.17092691

Was already planning to go the stand/dosing cup that fits a portafilter route to mimic the niche because I like that setup better than a portafilter fork personally. I thought I must be missing something or going crazy when I was looking into the different models because it seemed like there really was no meaningful difference between the different 'tiers' within each grinder line other than a couple different included accessories or the switch type in the case of the filtro vs crono, but it really does seem like Eureka is just pulling the age old trick of adding a couple cheap pieces and jacking the price up to suck in people who fall for marketing. Sucks for the people who get fooled, but pretty great for the people who spend months obsessing over trying to find the best deal before purchasing like I do.

>> No.17092708

>pulling the age old trick of adding a couple cheap pieces and jacking the price up to suck in people who fall for marketing.
We call this the 1zpresso/kingrinder route now. I figured if anything they'd cut different threads and redesign the burrs. I can't find any concrete evidence on the burrs being the same, but I'm pretty sure I read an amazon comment where eureka told the guy his filtro already had the manuale burrs. Either way, godspeed. Can't wait to see the mods. Next mission is to convince your wife you guys need a flair58 kek.

>> No.17092739

The 58 is pretty aesthetic which is tempting not gonna lie, but for the price I think I'd honestly prefer to just grab a gaggia classic or something, I like the option of being able to fuck with milk drinks without needing another dedicated machine for it, and I think an automatic machine would be better if I want to do back to back shots for when I have company and such.

>> No.17092771

lmao retard


>> No.17092855

I've seen some pretty impressive latte art in the flair facebook group from people frothing with french presses. Keep it in mind. I've got no problem pulling back to back shots in my 58, but I'm not a milk guy. Occasion cortados are as far as I go.

>> No.17092862

I've done the manual frothed milk and it's fine, but just doesn't compare to what you can get out of a real steam wand in my opinion, the texture isn't quite right.

>> No.17092905


>> No.17092975

I'd agree with that. I've had a bellman on my list for a long time but I'd really like confirmation on if I can rig one of these on the tip instead.


>> No.17093060
File: 1.88 MB, 3072x2681, 20211206_183010925~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My v60 got choked when I tried to brew this really dense coffee today. After I did my final pour the draw down alone took over 2 minutes. The cup wasn't terrible it was a little bitter but annoying more than anything. I'm using the same grind setting I've always used for light roasts and never had this happen before. The bed looks a little muddier than normal and possible evidence of channels around the sides idk. Any ideas

>> No.17093105
File: 21 KB, 512x512, 6vvuoo1vu9x31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm searching for a new hobby and I always loved the smell of coffee. Though, I'm not a big coffee drinker but that may change(?) and I could reduce my energy drink addiction probably.

What's the best way of getting into it? Probably one or two cup of coffees are enough for me per day. Grinding beans and so on sounds fun too. I want to learn a good technique and make the most delicious coffee

>> No.17093182

v60(or any other pourover cone/flat bottom brewer) and a nice enough hand grinder you won't feel like replacing it. Add on a gooseneck kettle and you're set for years. Whats your budget?


Very muddy.

>> No.17093186

Do you already have an idea of the kind of coffee you like to drink in terms of preparation? Stuff like pourover, french press, aeropress all pretty equally easy to get into.

>> No.17093193

My dude it looks you you're brewing with chocolate pudding

>> No.17093209

Also what grinder?

>> No.17093243

eureka mignon crono like I said same grind setting I normally use for a light roast and never had this problem. never noticed excessive amount of fines either. you think I should go coarser?

>> No.17093253

Thank you! No real budget, if necessary I could safe up.. I'm not in a rush. Just as you said it's good to be set for years.. not buying twice because I cheaped out

Not really.. complete beginner. I had a 100€ Nespresso machine some time ago and thats about it

>> No.17093290

Pair that v60 with as nice of a grinder as you feel like and you're golden. Getting a based grinder up front sets you up for espresso if you ever feel like going down that rabbithole later. Hand grinders will give you a bigger bang for your buck + no motor to potentially go out later.

>you think I should go coarser?
Definitely. You paid for that adjustability so use it.

>> No.17093304
File: 89 KB, 450x450, 01c7ac6dd0fd8199f4a634a05d529513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought this shit
what am i in for bros

>> No.17093378
File: 71 KB, 723x723, 34824_img_20200701_083728_503_resize_43_hb1615MR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasteful filters that smell like chlorine, long drawdowns and prepare to have it sag into the spout and choke. Most people deal with this with a chopstick or bar spoon or something. Rinse the fuck out of the paper before brewing or you're going to have a bad time.

>> No.17093387

so glad i didn't get a chemex. my mom wanted me to get one because it looks prettier.

>> No.17093552

Your crema looks really light with little color variation, whats going on?

>> No.17093578

Tried to dust my cap with cocoa today and fugged it, so I mixed it in

Cocoas flavor is ridiculiously compliant with coffee and they just blend. I'm really mad chain coffee uses chocolate syrup and I thought I hated mochas.

>> No.17093589

Honestly this thing is the best if both worlds to me


>> No.17094137

is this bait or have you never seen a latte before?

>> No.17094156
File: 168 KB, 1418x1500, 71u325+A4ZL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I didn't know how I felt about hand grinders, so I went with a $34 JavaPresse; picrel
If you decide you do like hand grinders because of it and you upgrade, you'll still find use for it since it's a great little unit for camping. Fits inside an aeropress nice and snug, and really fool-proof to clean.
I think I'll be getting a 1Zpresso K-Plus or a JX Pro next.

>> No.17094164

This handgrinder discussion reminded me of something. I bought one recently and people kept saying that they were time-consuming but it never takes me more than a minute or two to grind 15g, what the fuck are people talking about?

>> No.17094173

its a milk bev bruh might even be a single. crema color/contrast with milk depends on a lot of factors anyway. guessing you haven’t worked coffee

thanks bub bet ur pours are consistently amazing

>> No.17094180

little babbys with weak arms make cri that it isn't done in .5 seconds.

>> No.17094181

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.17094185

Ah fuck. So is that true that kingrinder is a 1zpresso knockoff then? Well at least it was way wayyy cheaper and it still seems quality.

>> No.17094189

a lot of people like drinking a lot of coffee at once/make coffee for more than just themselves, if you need like 60g it’s kind of a hassle

>> No.17094190

Some people are grinding more than that regularly (I do 45g pretty much every morning) but also understand that a lot of the people who complain about hand grinders taking too long consider like a 15 second vs 30 second grind to be a big deal because they think they're working in a cafe or something where that might actually matter.

>> No.17094195

I don't personally like V60, it's a muddy cup compared to most other methods, even other pour overs.

>> No.17094202

If your v60 is muddy you're the defect in the equation dude

>> No.17094204

Is this bobber worth getting? It looks just like every other cheap vibrating coffee frother.
40$ is alright I guess, but it doesn't seem that much more impressive than my regular frothing press, and I don't mind the big bubbles either.
Also I lol'd at the guy calling himself Prometheus

>> No.17094207

Coffee exploration classes at my local roaster. Compared a dozen different brew methods that day explaining the correct method for each.
Maybe you just mad

>> No.17094212

If you went to a "coffee exploration class" and they served you a muddy v60 you got scammed by Starbucks wagies

>> No.17094231

>hurdur muh local roasterrr
>golden standard of coffee preparation is bad
shut the fuck up you retard how fucking stupid do you have to be to claim v60 is ‘muddy’ LOL neck yourself already, you literally know nothing about coffee. quit shitting up the thread faggot

>> No.17094247
File: 262 KB, 1000x667, k+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a K-plus for several months now. It continues to be pleasant to use. It's a really nice manual grinder.

This little dial on the top of the shaft is the burr adjustment ring. The grind size adjustment dial is a numbered exterior ring. To zero the grinder press on the bottom of the inner burr on the other end of the grinder and rotate this little dial. They even added little spanner holes if you're too fat-fingered to turn it. The inside of the crank handle lid is magnetic so it clicks in place and the handle cannot fall off when turned upside-down or work its way off the shaft while grinding.

>> No.17094251

for me, it's the kasuya model

>> No.17094275

K-plus shill again. My k-plus does 45g in 60 seconds. My previous (shitty) electric grinder literally took longer and had an obnoxious amount of grounds retention (5-10g) and I had to tap, shake, and blow for at least another minute if I wanted to get it all. And I do because I never drink the same coffee twice in a row. I don't undertand the appeal of electric grinders anymore.

>> No.17094305

I said muddy -in comparison-
With al the other options stacked beside it, the brew I got was decidedly 'thicker' than the others in a way I disliked, and it had a less clean strong flavor. I can kind of understand the appeal, but it's not the best I've had.
Stay mad tho.

>> No.17094318

Ymmv. Seems to be 1zpresso selling second quality shit at a lower price. If you translate their taobao page their slogans are
> "to support the made in China products" and "to heal the worship of western culture"
Real strange all around.
Just recing him a cheap entry point the first thing I told him was
>v60(or any other pourover cone/flat bottom brewer)
I like my origami. They're launching a plastic v2 soon but I won't get it until my ceramic one breaks.
Origami over the kruve carafe is based

>> No.17094319

It's paper filtered retard, if it was anything you'd describe as muddy even comparatively, either you're defective or you fucked up the brew. Likely both based on your posts thus far.

>> No.17094328

>to heal the worship of western culture
That's really fuckin weird.

>> No.17094337

>thanks bub bet ur pours are consistently amazing
holy shit you're so mad jesus

>> No.17094344

The ceramic ones are legit, I went with a Kalita wave myself, but only neg I've had with v60 was one with the plastics, not sure what difference it really made but it was noticeable.
The Kalita though is definitely one to consider if you're a pour-over fan. Very consistent, I hold back my coffee much more than the Wave does.
Calm down moron, people can like different shit than you.

>> No.17094373

>Calm down moron, people can like different shit than you.
You're objectively wrong that the V60 is somehow "muddy" in comparison to "other methods." Quit trying to deflect and make your retarded incorrect assertion seem like it's just your opinion.

>> No.17094376

Glad to hear you like it anon. I'm after that unicorn grinder where I never have to buy another crappy electric again. Would you say it's a bitch to take apart? so far I've only heard positives for grind quality and the nice dials like you pointed out, but good equipment might mean more finicky parts.
Nothing worse when you don't get the opp to make coffee that often and every time you go to brew you have to spend a solid amount of time just cleaning it rather than enjoying your coffee.
I feel like after I cut the cord I've been able to spend a lot more quality time with a mug, but I wouldn't be opposed to babying it if the quality is worth it.

>> No.17094378

The amount of milk you pour into espresso doesn't make the crema lighter retard

So which factor is making your crema light? Guessing you don't have a clue, you ask people for opinions then doubt their knowledge with no refutation

>> No.17094388

pardon me for not knowing how else to describe v60 shitwater anon, maybe don't use the stick up your ass to swizzle your coffee, my 2c

>> No.17094402

This thing is like $5 from china

>> No.17094412

You don't even know what you're talking about and yet here you go spouting retarded nonsense again you fucking stupid Dunning-Kruger faggot moron fuck off back to the coffee subreddit you came from

>> No.17094423

>you ask people for opinions then doubt their knowledge with no refutation
i haven’t asked for anyones opinion, like i’d ever trust any of you tards when it comes to coffee

>milk doesn’t affect crema
yes it does u retard, just not necessarily. depends on the texture of the milk, how the froth distributes and pouring technique, milk pulls the scum down into the drink

t. barista of 5 years

>> No.17094426

>> "to support the made in China products" and "to heal the worship of western culture"
Just ew. Why aren't there any affordable and well built European grinders.

>> No.17094430

It's a machine translation of course it's weird.

>> No.17094431

Eureka, kinu, and commandante seem to be doing it just fine.

>> No.17094433

There are. You just have to not be a worthless poorfag and put up the upfront cost for a quality product. But instead faggots like you would rather buy a bunch of chinkshit because it's "more affordable" then it does a shit job, breaks, or both, and then you complain about coffee being too hard of a hobby to get into and having too many autists. The world would be a better place if people like you just fucking killed yourselves. Go find a different hobby that is designed for poor retards like you.

>> No.17094440

I've only taken it apart once so far. I spent about half an hour because I was investigating, but it should really only take 10 minutes. It disassembles with no tools. Everything unscrews from the main body with a reverse-threaded collar segment. I did not take apart the outer grind adjustment dial mechanism because it appeared to be press fit somehow. There is a little hex screw on the bottom of the inner burr to remove that from the axle shaft. I did not see a reason to remove that. I did not try to remove the outer burr from its ring collar for the same lack of reason. Upon reassembly I wished I had rubbed a little machine oil on the axle shaft because it's a perfect fit up through the bearings. It's well-made.

Gripes: the grind adjustment dial drifts off zero a little bit after about 1kg of coffee. It takes 5 seconds to recalibrate it though.
The silvery plating on the catch cup magnet inserts is wearing off, leaving a coppery/brass base metal.
The wooden crank handle knob rotates very smoothly, but it is not perfectly centered on mine.

I have never used another premium hand grinder so I can't say how well the taste compares to other premium hand grinders. It completely blows away low-end and middling electric burr grinders though.

>> No.17094449

I wonder if the calibration drift is a mechanical flaw or if this is simply the burrs being broken in after grinding 20ish lbs of coffee. Hm. I will report if it keeps happening or not in another few months.

>> No.17094458

And yet it's actually not half bad.
I was expecting a lot worse than what I got.
Ceramic burs, the grind size is pretty consistent once you get it dialed in.
Fine grind doesn't take a significantly long time, can be a little tricky to get good course ground though but the result is better than much more expensive [but not decent] electrics I've used before.

The main draw for me though is how compact it breaks down and how cleaning is a breeze. The whole thing comes apart in two minutes or less, really simple mechanism.
It's one glaring drawback is that 'dialing in' your grind is 100% guesswork until you do shit like sharpie in guidelines for yourself. It's just a little plastic nut you twist on the end that tightens or loosens the spring loaded bur.

>> No.17094462

oh u real mad.

>> No.17094467

Please do, thanks for the feedback!

>> No.17094486

It's not inexpensive so I'm being very critical.

>> No.17094490

I'm just saying $34 is too much for that thing, the generic version is way less.

>> No.17094498

Mine was a gift, so I can't really speak for it.
I also have a very jaded impression of taobao/aliexpress so I don't use either anymore. I'd rather have a bit of a markup and a product I can return.

>> No.17094543

>no argument
>u mad bro??? umad?
You must be at least 18 to use this website.

>> No.17094550

I had a couple bad and surprisingly consistent experiences and I decided v60 wasn't for me. It was muddy- to me. Can you get over yourself or will you remain forever a whiny baby that needs everyone to love his specific variety of bean juice?
Get over yourself bro.

>> No.17094556

Perhaps you could expand upon what you describe as "muddy" because perhaps you two have a different idea of what you mean by that word

>> No.17094564

Keep ignoring the point and doubling down, retard, you're only making yourself look more and more stupid with each successive post

>> No.17094591

Your point that the season baristas I've gone to did it wrong? Sure, very possible.
I ask myself though, if they got it this wrong more than once, then is it really worth it for me to buy it and try?
No. I'll just go get myself a better unit, like my Kalita Wave which is awesome and never gives me the thick crap I've had out of plastic v60s.
You can suck my chode.

>> No.17094604

The point is actually that you are unironically retarded and don't understand what words mean. V60 brews nearly identically to the Kalita Wave, there is no way that you could possibly somehow get a "thick" result from a V60 but not from a nearly identical brew method. You're a retarded fucking nigger and you need to die.

>> No.17094610
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>> No.17094625

Ok fuck it, only one way to resolve this and shut these two up:


>> No.17094644

>season baristas

>> No.17095339


>> No.17095427

normcore scale fits under a flair

>> No.17095431

horrible bait