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17087070 No.17087070 [Reply] [Original]

what does whale meat taste like?

>> No.17087080

idk but i love the planet earth where everyone in the sea feasts on that downed whale
shark team comes in HARD and FAST and just fuckin CHOMP THRASH and then the little fishes come thru after they leave and right when you think its over the crabboys come a scuttlin and my GOD what a fucking BOON that whale was to everything
fuck whales

>> No.17087088

ever had reindeer or moose or elk? like that

>> No.17087094

they're really interesting ecologically for sure
>lives mainly off of filtering tiny plankton, which it does more efficiently than any other animal thanks to its sheer size and gaping maw
>dies and feeds the entire ocean all the way down to the deep seabed

>> No.17087114

just blubber, had it as an accident, was doing a model gig in japan and they serv it, tasted like blubber, llike seal fat if you had any

>> No.17087119

t. krill

>> No.17087123 [DELETED] 

I have had whale sashimi. It had a texture like chewier tuna, and a flavor lih84a2ke venison.

>> No.17087125

you cant prove shit nigger

>> No.17087132

>fuck whales
go to bed Maddox

>> No.17087146
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It's like a steak with a slight marine taste. It's pretty heavy and rich. It tastes really good and you can serve it with the same sides as with a beef steak.

>> No.17087154

>if i saw a whale id cunt punch in it its face because im an alpha male xD
>you know what else sucks besides whales? not beef jerky!!
Ever couple of years I go and look at his site and just click around, dumbfounded at what I found funny as 13 year old. I think its been 3-4 years at this point. Is it worth a morbid revisit...

>> No.17087180


>> No.17087189

This, it has that hunted animal taste.

>> No.17087192
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makes sense

>> No.17087198

Like lean tougher beef with a slight liver taste

t. had it a couple of times in work cantina in Norway before someone complained

>> No.17087211
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Chitinous forelegs typed this post

>> No.17087222

im gonna go check it out now for fun too

but for me it really lost the magic when i saw him on video. seeing what he looks and sounds like in real life completely ruined it for me. he's just some skinny dork with a high pitched voice. I was imagining him being more of a MacAfee chad type tech guy but he's got major angry incel vibes

>> No.17087245

It tastes like fatty acids

i dont even like it but i order it every time i see it on a menu cause why not

>> No.17087331

sounds terrible

>> No.17087387

where can you even get it? isn't it illegal to hunt in basically every country?

>> No.17087420


>> No.17087421

>nigga so mad he's already COOKED

>> No.17087442

in Iceland and Norway you can get minke whale no problem, they're listed as Least Concern

>> No.17087449

Never had it, but if it's anything like dolphin, which I have had, it's kinda like a fishy beef or a beefy fish with a slight venison-y aftertaste.

>> No.17087450

you have to be an eskimo

>> No.17087460

>was doing a model gig in japan
This fucking board sometimes

>> No.17087469
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nip hands typed this post

>> No.17087493

Dolphins are whales you turbonigger

>> No.17087513

well, he was right about pepperoni.

>> No.17087523

>what does whale meat taste like?
it tastes like male wheat

>> No.17087562

I don't have hands.

Oh, okay.

>> No.17087580

Maddox Lost

>> No.17087611

>t. knows nothing about dolphins or whales, thinks they're the same

>> No.17087700

Dick is a cuck

>> No.17087744

dolphins are odontocetes along with sperm whales and belugas and orcas and all the other whales with teeth. they're even more closely related than whales with baleen like blue whales or minke whales if you want to get all pedantic about it

learn to taxonomy bro

>> No.17087747

Your mom has a baleen.

>> No.17087751
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>t. thinks taxes & finance have something to do with zoology

>> No.17087764

well since whales are mammals it will taste like chicken/steak

>> No.17087763

>what does whale meat taste like?


>> No.17087867


goddamn i hate you retards so much

>> No.17087878
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Steak! Chicken has never tasted so good!

>> No.17087909
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>chicken is a mammal

>> No.17087921

Norwegian here. I don't like whale meat too much. It's alright. I'll eat it. But I wouldn't buy it. Whenever you speak to some aficionado about it, they will tell you only poor quality whale meat tastes like cod liver oil. Apparently the fats in that meat goes rancid very quickly, so it hast o be eaten fresh. Maybe. But then I have never had anything other than poor quality, because it has a nastiness to it, that I can't abide. I might give it another shot...

>> No.17088047
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It's around the clock with this entire fucking website dude.

>> No.17088125

What wrong with it?

>> No.17088165

me 3rd from the right

>> No.17088173

based. my bond just ran out tho

>> No.17088276
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Norwegian here. Have had whale several times. Whale carpaccio, whale tartar, whale steak and whale stew.

Whale stew wasn't any good because I ended up overcooking the meat, whale is very easy to overcook. Whale steak is delicious, tastes like beef steak with a very subtle hint of ocean and slightly gamey. Its very tender. Whale carpaccio is good, very tender, tastes the same as regular beef carpaccio. Whale tartar is also really good, also tastes like beef tartar more or less. The restaurant I ate it at served it with in house made shrimp chips. Great appetizer.

>> No.17088312

What internal temp do you recommend you cook the whale to? Is it like chicken, where it needs t be blasted to 165 degrees, or can you undercook it slightly like steak?

>> No.17088457

Dunno about exact temp, but yes, it should be treated like steak. You want it around rare to rare-medium. I wouldn't reccomend anything above rare-medium.

>> No.17088524

his tryhard nature was worse than his actual opinions

>> No.17088552
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Japan stop eating dolphins and eat Chinese people instead

>> No.17088590

>be injun
>get drunk
>machine gun whale
>We will deal with this as a tribe as is our custom and legal right
>injuns sit around in their trailer park eating whale burgers and getting drunk, again, laughing at the stupid palefaces.


>> No.17088806

>it has a nastiness to it, that I can't abide. I might give it another shot...
Lol, you sound like me.

>> No.17088812

I've been considering moving to Norway. I have a Master's degree in the sciences and am part Norwegian (from MN which has a high frequency of scandinavian derived people).
Would you recommend life there?

>> No.17088873


>> No.17088902

Post seemed fine to me. Chill.

>> No.17088994

I'm sorry, but we've been full as of last Tuesday.

>> No.17090062

You're sure fond of putting chemicals in your system, huh?

>> No.17090089

Take some deep breaths ahab

>> No.17090489

They're more pozzed than the rest of scandinavia together but they hide it up with oil money.
You still need a legitimate reason to move there though, so unless you're brown and claiming asylum or got a prospecting job you wont be able to settle for more than half a year.

They also don't like high educated foreigners in the job market, expect to be paid a pittance (relatively) to do some menial labour.

>> No.17090501

It taste like beef liver.
It has that same iron flavour, only the texture is much more course.

>> No.17090638


>> No.17090643

I wonder how crispy the skin would get once cooked...

>> No.17090646

I like it when they film the deep sea region and find the remainders of these whales on the bottom of the ocean floor. It is fascinating how a creature so big dies and just sinks into the depths for kilometers on end while being eaten by whatever happens to live on that level.

>> No.17090656

I ate minke whale in Shibuya just past the 109 building.
Raw minke whale, fried minke whale, minke whale bacon.
It's fine. It's not delicious. It's not disgusting. Would I eat it again? No

>> No.17090663

True they're not the same, but both Dolphins and Orcas behave like sea niggers. Then again, so do otters.

>> No.17090784


>> No.17090791
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>> No.17090794

Like fishy bacon, I didn't like it

>> No.17090935

I've never had it so I'm not sure

>> No.17092100
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