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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17087194 No.17087194 [Reply] [Original]

>award winning chili
>most ingredients come from cans

>> No.17087209

>can of beans on the counter

>> No.17087213
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>award winning chili
>has beans

>> No.17087218

tehas chilli is the worst, me a true chilli veteran would never dream of putting beans in a chilli

>> No.17087229

Just stop talking.

>> No.17087237

Big bean shill trying to pretend chili is supposed to have beans in it. Pathetic.

>> No.17087254

>chili is spicy bolognese sauce

>> No.17087372

Beans and tomato sauce are perfectly fine to get from a can, just makes it easier. He's getting the vegetables and onion fresh which is. what matters the most

>> No.17087388

Chili is just shart curry.

>> No.17087413
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what does chili con carne translate to in english? certainly not Bean Soup, thats for sure

>> No.17087434

There is carne and beans in chili.

>> No.17087945

thats fucking stupid, a chili has paprika in it, a bolgognese has wine. thats it.

>> No.17087973

Chili "competitions" ban the use of fresh ingredients for some autistic reason, it's all just canned or powdered shit.

>> No.17087974

i make Cincinnati chili with cinnamon

>> No.17087979

the more offensive part is the 'chili kit'

>> No.17087980

Retards shouldn’t breed. They do nothing but bring down property value and not only their children, but themselves become everyone elses burden.

>> No.17087983

ive wondered if i could win a chili competition by combining all the precanned chili into one pot

>> No.17088005

looks like SOMEONE isn't getting any chili

>> No.17088032

The most important part about running a professional kitchen is consistency. Canned foods and condiments are excellent tools to reach that goal.

>> No.17088046


Imagine eating pasta-less meat sauce and calling it chili. Chili has beans, period. Fuck you faggots.

>> No.17088058

Exactly. I don’t understand these no bean homos. Why even bother if you aren’t going to include them

>> No.17088061

This thread is why I'm anal about chili. So many faggots who get it wrong.

>> No.17088083

Cane a chili anons in the thread please redpill me on chili do's and don'ts?

>> No.17088161

Put beans in it
Not put beans in it.

>> No.17088201

That's what I thought, thank you. Can you use whatever bean you want like black or white beans or do they have to be pinto?

>> No.17088211
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I'm a fire believer that meat AND beans belong in chilli. Making some proppa sloppa right now, it has an hour left in the slow cooker

>> No.17088213

>chili con carne
literally chili with meat

>> No.17088214
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Meant to say firm lol

>> No.17088219

Checked, very nice. I've never seen mushrooms in chili before, it sounds like a really good idea, hearty shit, gotta try that. Thanks anon.

>> No.17088220

did Jack actually lose weight?
looking good my man

>> No.17088223

Jack can't use his right arm anymore anon

>> No.17088225

how the fuck can a soup with an award for chili?

>> No.17088230

Good. It's not chili without beans.

>> No.17088258

I think this is honestly the first time I've done mushrooms in chili, but I love shiitakes in my stew so figured it wouldn't hurt a chili.

>> No.17088328

Where did you find that ground venison

>> No.17088331

Congrats, you made stew, not chili

>> No.17088351

words of truth

>> No.17088355

>most ingredients come from cans
That's every American recipe. Three preprepared foods from packages mixed in a casserole dish.

>> No.17088358

you can but pinto and red kidney are the standard

>> No.17088361
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Beans piss you off? Well I add elbow macaroni to mine

>> No.17088363

it can work as a meat sup if you're cooking for veggiefags

>> No.17088376

You get that chili mix from Rural King? I use the same one

>> No.17088377
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Local all natural market

>> No.17088380

wtf kind of pasta has corn in it and is spicy

>> No.17088382

Nah walmart, it's a good base for adding extra ingredients

>> No.17088422
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I add carrots to mine, adds a nice bit of crunch and some sweetness.

>> No.17088470

I refuse to believe this is true.

>> No.17088491

>Local all natural market
Alright same for me normally, I just figured I'd see if there was something new to look for

>> No.17088521

Yeah, hunt for them retard I have 2 deer in my freezer

>> No.17088546

no idea what cincinatti chili is but you're supposed to use cinnamon in chili, did you think you invented that?

>> No.17088560

>stew not chili
A chili is a stew(ed dish). If he's making chili, he's definitely making a stew.

>> No.17088605

Yeah basically the alternative is either hunt or ask to buy some meat off of a friend who hunts if they're willing, which not all hunters are

>> No.17088610

I didn't even bother replying, the pic was from when I first put everything in and turned on the crock pot >>17088377 was after 4 hours on low before I gave it a final stir

>> No.17088620

>vendor changes the product to be cheaper
>your product sucks now

>> No.17088628

>take your hat off when you're inside, young man!
>wears a fucking hat inside
why do boomers do shit like this?

>> No.17088631

He’s hiding his bald head

>> No.17089133

I thought cinnamon is unusual depending on the region, I just use my mom's recipe that she adapted from an article

>> No.17089143

Very based, chili mac is god tier

>> No.17089181

Regardless, mushrooms do not belong in chili, it is no longer chili with that. Beans are debatable, mushrooms are not

>> No.17089219

>uuuumm if there's pineapple on it it's no longer a piizaa
what is wrong with you homos?

>> No.17089420


>> No.17089427

i like the texture of beans but putting shrooms in chili is fucking retarded. like some kind of down syndrome retard level.

>> No.17089477


I refuse to make chili out of canned tomato's. Every time I have tried it the tomatos are always rubbery out of the can and you end up having to cook the tomato for hours before they break down properly. Instead I use a mason jar of homegrown stewed tomato because the quality of the tomato is much better. This is how you make the best chili. With real stewed tomato and not tomato from a can. Tomato is the most important ingredient because there is so much of it in the chili. So you need to use a high quality tomato sauce for the best chili

>> No.17089503

Its as if pizza has a myriad of options for toppings whereas chili is a certain subset of ingredients that make it what it is
Fucking moron.

>> No.17089505

you should kill yourself.

>> No.17089512
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You should learn how to cook. Oh wait, its /ck/, no one here actually does that

>> No.17089538

i do know how to cook, idiot. my restaurant has 5 Michelin stars. kys.

>> No.17089546

Go back to twitter, gordon

>> No.17089702
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>I'm anal about something because other people aren't

>> No.17089747

>umm it's almost like.... uhh OK!?
hope you're feeling ok, faggot

>> No.17089851

Nice rebuttal, shitlord

>> No.17089942

mmmmm.....chili stew....

>> No.17089994
File: 2.08 MB, 4608x2080, IMG_20211205_172001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it was my first time ever putting shrooms in chili. I quartered the shiitakes which were able to keep shape and absorb all the flavor and then became extra soft without breaking down. Definitely didn't degrade the chili but added antoher texture that wasn't unwelcome and complimented the overall flavor

>> No.17089996

those kits are basically just chili powder in a box. it's probably higher quality than the chili powder most people use in their recipes, and the quantity is premeasured instead of being completely inadequate like most recipes. of course making your own out of dried peppers is better, but I would use one of those kits over a bottle of mccormick.

>> No.17089999
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Nice foot

>> No.17090005

>Tomato is the most important ingredient because there is so much of it in the chili.
this is the second biggest mistake people make after including beans. a good chili should have little to no tomato in it.

>> No.17090015


>> No.17090035


lmao what is your chili just meat and spices?

>> No.17090041
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It doesn't work. Trust me.

>> No.17090044

Ummmmm sweetie this is not how we talk to Tim Roth

>> No.17090103

chili con carne literally means peppers with meat. how could those not be the two main ingredients?

>> No.17090152


>> No.17090572

i once accidentally grabbed cinnamon instead of cayenne and put it in my chili.
It didn't taste like it when we ate it

>> No.17090586

the concept of chili is you throw what you got in the pot, it's trail food and add peppers to cover the shit flavor

>> No.17090598

>main ingredients
yea but others can add to it

>> No.17091536
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How to make actual chili on a stovetop
>Make a chili paste
>I use serranos, fresnos, and dried chipotle in mine along with some garlic, though I'd remove the seeds from the dried chipotle unless you want it to be super hot
>Dice 1 large white or yellow onion
>Brown your ground beef
>Throw in onion
>Add tomato paste
>saute for a bit and then add chili paste
>saute some more until fragrant
>Add one can of diced tomatoes (fire roasted works best)
>Add your beef back in
>Add one can of drained beans of your choice
>Add dry spices such as cumin, paprika, etc.
>Stir to combine
>Add beef stock until everything is covered
>Bring to a boil, then let simmer and reduce, stirring when needed
>Usually ready in about 2 hours, but the longer it simmers, the better
>Wa la