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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.03 MB, 3024x2016, empty-shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17080534 No.17080534 [Reply] [Original]

WTF bros there is no flour at the store.

>> No.17080537

i hate bitches with that style of handwriting
you can just tell shes a bitch

>> No.17080541

Just don't live in a third-world country.

>> No.17080679

But the US makes sure that food is stocked in the 3rd world countries. Our Pres is cool like that.

>> No.17081945

As a resident of the 3rd world, I say "thank you for your service, sir."

>> No.17082825

>thank you for your cooperation

I havent cooperated yet

>> No.17082963

Your president is a dementia riddled diaper man. He's done nothing good so far for his country or the world. Oh wait, he gives Israel like 3 billion USD all the time, completely wasting the money. Because why? I don't know.

>> No.17082996

we only elect diaper men. we need the diaper men to tell us what to do

>> No.17082999

Good fuck gluten eaters

>> No.17083042
File: 232 KB, 700x525, 1634923800129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we LOVE Israel instead of helping people on our soil we LOVE ISRAEL MORE. Mass unemployment? Homeless as far as the eye can see? Stagnated wages?! Yep. That's an Israeli donation moment right there. Problems at home are NOT MY PROBLEM but Israel's problems are MY problems.

>> No.17083085
File: 80 KB, 1300x953, angry-supermarket-employee-yelling-telephone-isolated-white-background-copy-space-area-76933151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you WILL cooperate

>> No.17083182

>posts picture taken in April 2020 from Newsweek

Why did Trump do it bros?

>> No.17083190

There is no chunky peanut butter near me for some reason. Plenty of creamy though.

>> No.17083480

>complaining about Israel getting moolah when her country also gets gibs from the US
Mfw we're not allowed to just worry about ourselves, but it's cool that all you useless shitbirds can fight over which non US country gets
US money.

>> No.17083648

>Mfw we're not allowed to just worry about ourselves
This. It’s even worse in Canada where I know many people in their 20s/30s who say they don’t want kids because of climate change and overpopulation but they are almost hysterical with vocally supporting mass immigration. Saying you’re concerned about your own life and family is like a dog whistle here.

>> No.17083690

trump lost

>> No.17083692

Who would ever use this image? Why is stock photography so ridiculously useless?

>> No.17083732
File: 90 KB, 522x720, 3VB3YcG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no flour at the store.
I just spent 5 minutes checking, and both my local grocery stores and Amazon have plenty of flour.
I live in Virginia, and I keep hearing about shortages, but the ONLY case I've ever seen of a shortage, is if I go to Hardee's, and order a _medium_ Dr. Pepper, they have to give me a _large_ because they don't have medium cups.
Oh nooooeeees! America is done for!

>> No.17083778

Sorry pal. I bought it all. Sitting pretty on a 50lb sack of bread flour, plus 5lbs of AP and 2lbs each 00 and semolina
>That's a half pound of bread per day for a year
I'll weather the storm and eat tasty artisan breads and homemade pasta the whole time.

>> No.17083784
File: 31 KB, 620x463, sPleqm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gives Israel like 3 billion USD all the time,
In America, CONGRESS holds the "powers of the purse strings", not the POTUS.
But yeah, the only reason anybody ever liked him is because he's not Donald Trump.
And the minute Trump isn't in the Oval Office, that really doesn't carry much weight.
Overall though, while he hasn't done anything impressive, he hasn't really betrayed or embarrassed America yet either.
He did a poor job of getting us out of Afghanistan, but he fucking DID it, unlike Bush, Obama or Trump.
He's pushed for the biggest governmental help for the American people in living memory, and Congress came through.
Overall not bad, almost certainly better than _you_ could have done, certainly already better than any Republican President since Ike Eisenhower.

>> No.17083816

The economy is fucked and his campaign/party relies on gibs, of course he poured money into social welfare.

>> No.17083868
File: 45 KB, 807x271, G7abPsO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his campaign/party relies on gibs,
The American people pour tremendous resources into federal coffers while billionaires and Fortune 500 companies pay literally nothing, but sure, it would be tragic if a tiny fraction of that money were to repair infrastructure and help the people who are actually paying the bills.
You're a monumental asshole.

>> No.17083874
File: 61 KB, 480x752, littleblondehottie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The economy is fucked
Remind me who was in office when that happened?

>> No.17083916

Damn, Biden already got the work done?
I thought he was just signing away money that isn't his on it so far. No idea the roads already got fixed with it.

Every time there's a "crisis" in my country people hoard yeast and all the stores run out.
There's never a shortage of flour or sugar. Just the yeast.

You know, that thing you can grow endless amounts of if you have one pack to start you off?

People are just idiots, and once the shelves start looking empty or they sport signs like the one in that pic they will assume that "they had better stock up" on whatever the fuck is going missing
It's a lot more about the retardation of the average person than it is about supply chains.

>> No.17083941

>Damn, Biden already got the work done?
>I thought he was just signing away money that isn't his on it so far. No idea the roads already got fixed with it.

Absolute gibberish.
Take the cock out of your mouth and try again.

>in my country
Why do you 'tards never tell us what actual shithole you live in?
I honestly don't care if it's the UK or North Korea, your dishonesty just makes me want to write you off as a loser.

>> No.17083996

Economy was doing extremely well until COVID hit. Which was China’s doing and the WHO helped cover up. Besides shutting down the borders first and Operation Warp Speed Trump’s handling was abysmal but you can’t put all the blame for the pandemic on him. He shouldn’t have diminished the severity and not encouraged masks but Warp Speed and throwing it back on China was 100% correct.

>> No.17084151

like half of that 'infrastructure bill' is reinstating the SALT tax deductions, which are almost all for rich people in blue states. so who is paying for the infrastructure bill again? it's a disguised regressive tax through inflation, you got played congrats

>> No.17084163

>Overall though, while he hasn't done anything impressive, he hasn't really betrayed or embarrassed America yet either.
He did a poor job of getting us out of Afghanistan, but he fucking DID it, unlike Bush, Obama or Trump.
The troops were already scheduled to leave afganistan under Trump. Biden fuckled it all up.
>He's pushed for the biggest governmental help for the American people in living memory, and Congress came through.
Everything he pushed ruined the economy, and people only recieved less than 1% of the money spent on gibs.
>Overall not bad, almost certainly better than _you_ could have done, certainly already better than any Republican President since Ike Eisenhower.
He's a great president for other countries, and terrorist, but not one for America the country that he is suppossed to be working for.

>> No.17084193

> He shouldn’t have diminished the severity and not encouraged masks
Early projections by the cdc, who showed that if the US followed pandemic protocol than the spread would have been contained. The democrats refused to follow protocol, and stop flights, because trump was "racist", and instead made people mert up to catch covid, and send tge infected to nursing homes.
Also the cloth masks do not protect against covid. Everybody knows this invluding Fauci who admitted that he pushed them, because he did not want the important people to run out of masks.

>> No.17084200

>because he did not want the important people to run out of masks
The real masks that was able to protect against covid (and goggles).

>> No.17084371

This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.17084388

You're just a retarded faggot hopped up on estrogen and cnn.
Last year you were probably anti vaxx, but changed your oppinion after being told to.

>> No.17084406

yes i just do whatever cnn tells me
in actuality, its just the case that cnn newspeople have the most informed opinions and so of course i will agree with them since my opinions are also the most informed and correct

>> No.17084417

>its just the case that cnn newspeople have the most informed opinions
Like seasonal flu is worse than COVID and don’t wear masks and don’t stop foreign travellers and the vaccine offers sterilizing immunity?

>> No.17084421

I don’t think it could have been contained because it was probably circulating in the US for weeks if not longer. But the minimum action should have been stopping international travel at least from known hotspots. I agree the Dems dangerously made this into a racist issue and stifled his response because of anti-Trump politics.

>> No.17084429
File: 139 KB, 605x800, 1638368311518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the Bidenflation hits too hard bros

>> No.17084467

I live in Denmark.

Which part of the first thing you replied to do you need me to explain?

>> No.17084472

>yes i just do whatever cnn tells me
>in actuality, its just the case that cnn newspeople have the most informed opinions and so of course i will agree with them since my opinions are also the most informed and correct
Trust the science (except when the science and fact contradicts the narrative).

>> No.17084476

You need to go to the store and start a protest over their lack of flour and demand that they get more in, I think coming up with a chant would help. Just keep shouting "What do we want, White Flour, when do we want it, Now."

>> No.17084502

>Let's Go Baking!

>> No.17084507

>The troops were already scheduled to leave afganistan under Trump. Biden fuckled it all up.

how did he? there were no real plans to get out , he either keeps to the schedule or keeps the troops there and breaks a promise

>> No.17084513

American's don't know Greenland from Cambodia. Naming a country doesn't mean anything to them.

>> No.17084635

Other countries mean nothing to them.
Pretty based, but unfortuatly it's untrue since the USA's top export is love. The US is the biggest donator to the world in terms of charitable contributions.

>> No.17084679

>how did he?
there were no real plans to get out , he either keeps to the schedule or keeps the troops there and breaks a promise
Nah. The troops were on a schedule, and were steadily decreasing while training, and being replaced by the official government. The point was to not create a vaccuum of power that could be filled by the terrorist, but then biden withdrawn all the troops at once, and left the government with no way to defend themselves while giving the terrorists all the cool toys that they ended up spreading across their international network. Almost as if Biden got paid to.
Well at least iran's back on track to becoming a nuclear capable nation, peace in the ME is once again strained despite the Abraham Accords, and opec can once again fuck everyone over oil (cheap fuel from the US is illegal to produce again).