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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17075799 No.17075799 [Reply] [Original]

when did chipotle become so bad? i remember craving it in high school

>> No.17075826

around the time they started importing australian-chinese proxy beef

>> No.17075887

what's wrong with Australian beef?

>> No.17075932

I thoguht it was good in like 2012 thru maybe 2013
been a long long time

>> No.17077093

Shitty management and shitty workers. The one down my street used to be delicious. Since COVID, it has been a disaster, and there's always something wrong with my dish.

>> No.17077105

Any beef will get worse after 3-4 months in deep freeze. And they don't bring it from Australia by planes.

>> No.17077322

During times of inflation, companies have 4 options.

1. Raise the price (lol)
2. Shrink the size
3. Use cheaper ingredients
4. Discontinue the item and sell something else

Taco bell is the most glaring example of this but for any publicly traded chain restaurant the quality has decreased a lot this past year.

>> No.17077461
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USA bros is the world just going to shit and does everything fucking suck now or is it just me?

>Subway, now terrible
>McDonalds, purely inedible
>Chipotle no flavor anymore
>Taco Bell is basically dog food and never hits the spot, its like they took the MSG out
>Burger King makes me physically ill
>Applebees food is microwaved
>Panera Bread has shit lunchmeat now and doubled all their prices
>The internet has made everyone crazy
>Lots of big chains have indoor dining rooms still closed because they can't find workers or they are covid cucks
>All restaurants getting rid of old vibrant look for new post modern black/grey look
>Planters Cheesy Poofs, Squeez Its, Dunkaroos, Oreo Os, all discontinued
>Wendy's got rid of the BIGGIE
>Chicken Tenders Supply chain shortages

Its not just food, before the internet people used to talk to each other and you couldn't just watch a video of someone cooking something you didn't know how to cook on youtube. It was something you looked forward to going to your friends house for because his mom made it really good or something.

It makes me sad and nostalgic.

I know we can't go back.

But how can we build a better future?

>> No.17077546

I've come to realize that nobody really wants to make food for me. Maybe that's always been true on some level, but this year it has become undeniable. All I buy from restaurants are the Arizonas in the fridges, while I still can. I give a few specialty ethnic places some business (Jamaicans were covid-era rude prior to covid), but any place with a teenager behind the or grill counter is a hard pass these days.

>> No.17077577

i've never seen a restaurant not do all four at once

>> No.17077602

tastes like liver

>> No.17077664
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>But how can we build a better future?
i don't know

>> No.17077681

>But how can we build a better future?
Take the natsoc pill, white man

>> No.17077686

Everything is on the decline and will hit rock bottom soon once we hit an actual depression similiar to back in the day. But if you survive it things will get better, they always do. Life works in cycles, we just happen to be at the low point right now

>> No.17077711

>During times of inflation, companies have 4 options
But never option 5 which is take a profit cut. Big business is a fucking joke and so are the brainwashed masses that support them

>> No.17077718

>is it just me
It's not just you. I'm not a christian but the bible was right about money being the root of all evil. Every problem in this day and age can be traced back to money

>> No.17077720

>profit cut
cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.17077745

>when did chipotle become so bad?
When you graduated high school and got adult tastes.

>> No.17077747

>fast food is low quality
>that means the sky is falling

>> No.17077753

They're legally obligated to their stockholders to not cut profits.
How would you feel if your employer (I know, it's a stretch) cut your pay because "times are tough"?

>> No.17077760

no way bad optics.

I just want to bring back small local businesses and have a strong community.

My town recently BTFO'd McDonalds and only has 1 chain remaining, a Hungry Howies. Everywhere else is locally owned. 10,000 people.

I think the key is telling these megacorps to get fucked with your wallet and support mom and pops. And stop buying from Amazon.

I hope people fucking revolt when they can't eat. Haven't had any good stream entertainment since the 2020 riots.

No I'm pretty sure a lot of these mega corp chains change up their suppliers or start charging more or change something.

I think the most based 'on the up and up' fast food joints out there currently are
>Jersey Mikes
>Chick Fil A

White Castle luckily hasn't changed shit in 50 years and mighty whities will always hold a place in my heart.

>> No.17077766

Your opinions are subjective and should not be used as a metric to judge "society"

>> No.17077768

>fast food quality
>sit down chain restaurant quality
>everything losing its flair and becoming bleak
>48% of americans working
>abandoned mom and pop and box stores everywhere since amazon killed them
>government surveillance
>everyone being retards on social media for attention.

I just realized I am living in a dystopia without all the neon lights.

>> No.17077776

Awww, baby's first existential crisis!
Most of what you posted is either not true or woefully out of context, but don't let that get in the way of your doomer tirade!

>> No.17077798

If everything is rainbows and lollipops please tell me where I can get quality fast food and make comfy memories with my family like playing in the McDonald’s playscape.

The only chain restaurant I have fun at anymore is Texas Roadhouse, their cinnamon butter is 10/10 and you can Chuck peanuts at each other

>> No.17077806

>comfy memories with my family like playing in the McDonald’s playscape.
If that's your idea of a good time, there are still plenty of McDicks playplaces around.

You've given away the game though: you can't make memories like that because you're not a little kid anymore, you're an angsty 20-something.

>> No.17077812

>fast food

These things are, by design, mutually exclusive.

>> No.17077817

No game anon I just want thinks to be less soulless and bleak. Have a nice day

>> No.17077827
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>transnational corporation's slop no longer tastes good
>therefore civilization is in decline

typical amer*can

>> No.17077853

>doesn't know common turns of phrase
You're too stupid to help.

>> No.17077941

>I just want things to be less soulless and bleak
Yes, and that's entirely the result of your perception. Stop being a retarded doomer and you'll realize things aren't as bad as the internet tells you.

>> No.17077953

were chain restaurants and junk food ever really spectacular? they're okay once in a while but i can still find good local places that seem to be worth supporting.

>> No.17077983

I think it’s a presentation thing. McDonald’s used to present things with cartoon mascots and bright colors. It was crap food, but excusable because it was presented as a place for kids to play when mom doesn’t feel like cooking. Now they’ve shifted to a more adult coffee shop/cafe aesthetic, so I expect the food to taste better than what I can cook at home, and it doesn’t live up to that.
And because of the aforementioned mom not cooking, we have a society of adult-children who don’t know how to cook, so they rely on the fast food for less expensive decent food, even if fast food is only decent compared to their cooking.

>> No.17077989

Why would they ever learn to cook? The family unit is well on it's way to complete destruction, as is the housing market.

>> No.17077990

>Now they’ve shifted to a more adult coffee shop/cafe aesthetic, so I expect the food to taste better than what I can cook at home
Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder!

>> No.17077994
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Not much of a thinker are ya bud.

>> No.17077999

Don't know how publicly traded corporations work, do ya bud?

>> No.17078034

idk i always get chicken and it still seems good to me. it probably went to shit around 6ish years ago, that is when i noticed a relatively big dip in quality from 'really good' to 'serviceable'

>> No.17078037

>But never option 5 which is take a profit cut.
Publicly traded businesses literally can't do this since profit is their 1 and only goal

>> No.17078058

They don’t learn to cook because the family unit is destroyed and they were never taught to cook.
I could’ve said something like “they try to provide the subconscious expectation that their food…”, but if you’re not a cripplingly autistic nigger you’d understand the intention of my words.

>> No.17078059

They don't work

>> No.17078063

>literally can't do this
They could but it would bruise their fragile Narcissistic egos.
If all their money was buying their happiness they wouldn't treat their customers and employees the way they do

>> No.17078093

If you EVER think fast food would be better than you can cook at home, you're retarded.

>> No.17078098

No, they literally can't. It's not about "want" it's about "legal obligation to the stockholders"

>> No.17078102

They work well enough to make you salty on a Tibetan sand art forum
They make beaucoup money, which is the only thing they're trying to do.

>> No.17078282

I think its the downfall of some of these companies.

Take K-Mart, if they would have taken a hit for a few years and rebranded they might have had a shot. But instead they burned their enterprise to the earth.

>> No.17078288

agree if you market yourself like a small local nice little restaurant you shouldn't serve horse shit. I think the presentation thing is throwing people off. When I go to a truck stop subway I know what to expect. But if I go to a sandwhich shop in a downtown my expectations are higher. McDonalds and some of these other mega corp fast food joints want all the aesthetics of a Kitchen Nightmare rennovation but serve food I wouldn't give to my cat.

>> No.17078308

Indian here. McD's has just kept improving in India. Fucking love it but limit myself as to not turn into a fatass.
OTOH burger king, taco bell, domino's ... all have turned to donkey shit over here.

>> No.17078553

>implying our civilization has been about anything else since most people on this board were born
If the sugary drinks leave the shelves there will be little to keep most motivated/rewarded.

>> No.17078565

It was never good in the first place, it was like starbucks for morons that want to be seen standing in line.

>> No.17078570
File: 315 KB, 285x161, prööööh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet your weight starts with a 3