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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17074171 No.17074171 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17074174

>Be bong
>Eat a pie

>> No.17074175

Burn him at the steak!

>> No.17074203

Why are white ppl so weak?

>> No.17074228
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>> No.17074253
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There's literally nothing wrong with eating raw meat. This seems like another false flag to smear the primal diet.

>> No.17074303

Every black person I met has cooked their steaks to shoe leather and looked at me like I was crazy for ordering something above medium well. They also couldn't drink whiskey or really any hard liquor without drowning it in mixers. But I will admit, one of them knew how to make some pretty good shrimp

>> No.17074305
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ground beef that isn't processed on-site is unsanitary af, needs to be cooked thoroughly, you fucking primate

>> No.17074312

How the fuck do you die from undercooked beef?
There must have been contamination, what was the cause of death?

>> No.17074341

I snack on raw ground beef all the time. Melts in your mouth and tastes great.

>> No.17074350

>How the fuck do you die from undercooked beef?
When you're 92, your body is just lookign for an excuse to stop.

>> No.17074366

How do you die eating a pie? lmao

>> No.17074380
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British food is so fucking bad it kills you.

>> No.17074401
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also, after reading the article it sounds like he's still working as a chef. How? Why? Wat?

>> No.17074404

It had rotten, undercooked meat in it that gave over 30 customers extreme food poisoning. An elderly woman puked and what herself to death.

>> No.17074427

and they couldn't smell that shit? Its really obvious when a place is serving you rotten food, like from the moment it leaves the kitchen

>> No.17074438

>be bong
>eat ground meat
>get salmonella and vCJD and fucking die

>> No.17074445
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never would have 'appened at Greggs

>> No.17074448

>Be burger
>eat tacos made by pablo with the anus of a unknown animal, barely cooked
>Don't even get the taco shits

Bongs are pathetic

>> No.17074451

For people that don’t know, you have to cook ground beef to well done temp because when you grind the meat you’re basically mixing around all surface bacteria into the whole of the meat. With steaks you can get away with med rare or rare because the steak is a slice of animal tissue that gets (hopefully) cooked at high heat on the exterior which will kill all surface bacteria. No pink ground beef lads

>> No.17074453

Unless you've cut it yourself. Then you can eat your beef tartare

>> No.17074462

Wow tartare? Might as well eat rotten meat. I go up to my cows and take a few bites. Now THATS fresh

>> No.17074477
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American abettoirs wash their beef and chicken with chlorine. This allows them to engage in less hygienic, more intensive, more profitable and morally dubious farming practises.

>> No.17074487

Who mentioned beef or chicken? The meat is a mystery. Might be horse,pig, dog or a prostitute who didn't breath so good

>> No.17074494

Point is you can consume American meat with abandon without worrying about poisoning because it's pumped full of antibiotics, chemical treatments and hormones.

>> No.17074503

I can confirm, I was slaughtered in one.

>> No.17074507
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the article said Shepard's pie.
that narrows it down a bit.

>> No.17074509

Not if it's taken from the street. Which is what the cheapest dirtiest taco places and Chinese joints serve.

>> No.17074511

It was shepherd's pie. Should be minced lamb

>> No.17074514


That anon was talking about mystery anus tacos, you goofs

>> No.17074518
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If you buy it from the street it will still have been raised on antibiotics and roids

>> No.17074525

English isn't your first language is it? Anon is implying the cheap ass Mexicans and Chinese are taking wild animals/strays and cooking them, not going to some market to buy meat like you do in whatever South American shit hole you crawled out of

>> No.17074526

You have zero reading comprehension, ESL

>> No.17074530


>> No.17074531
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whatever. I ruled your "food" out a century ago.

>> No.17074541

>American abettoirs wash their beef and chicken with chlorine.
It's only chicken, and many countries do this including Australia. It's strange that bongs got scared of this especially since their entire drinking water supply is chlorinated. It's almost as if they're just a bunch of pasty fucktards that don't know anything.

>> No.17074545

I'm french

>> No.17074552

Still eating horse, Nigel?

>> No.17074556

>he got bullied so hard in his own thread he's now going to other treads promoting his raw meat fag youtuber


>> No.17074564

>It's almost as if they're just a bunch of pasty fucktards that don't know anything.

The problem isn't the use of chlorine. The problem is that it allows poorer standards of animal husbandry. "It's ok to leave chickens festering in their own feces because we're going to wash them with chlorine later"

That's what peeps had a problem with. But of course you knew that.

>> No.17074660

I thought shepherds pie was only made with ground lamb, and if it was ground beef, it was cottage pie?

>> No.17074899

Part and parcel

>> No.17074932

Holy fucking seething

>> No.17074949

How do you even fuck up Shepards pie?
Also who orders this when eating out?

>> No.17074995
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>not eating then dry with the flavor dust sprinkled on top

>> No.17075030

That's not my experience with blacks at all. Ur weird

>> No.17075031

How do you undercook the meat in that?
Did he just assemble the pie with raw meat like a fucking lunatic?

Also, to all the retards talking about raw beef; that's not what goes in shepherd's pie.

>> No.17075034

This "n*gga" has life figured out.

>> No.17075131

>“Croucher was the chef that night. The mince was not cooked properly and was placed into a pan with iced water. Croucher needed to leave, so put the mince in cling film and put it in the fridge overnight. Having left it, he cooked it again and added warm mashed potato. He did not take the temperature when it was served.”

>> No.17075184

Posting your entire AMERIMUTT folder isn't going to change the fact that your country is soft as shit.

>> No.17075259

cheese: melted

>> No.17075377

This. If someone dies from food from your kitchen you should be barred from food handling jobs for at least 10 years.

>> No.17075388

Luv greggs me. Luv me pies.

>> No.17075397
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The bongs used to boil chefs alive if they fucked up

>> No.17075404

No you don't

>> No.17075454

It really joggins the noggin how different Henry VIII was from his father. This was essentially unrelated to him, but he made it a special case of treason with one form of punishment.

>> No.17075487

Sheohards pir don't have beef

>> No.17075495

>tfw you try and get farm workers more rights and all you do is get cleaner food

>> No.17075621

>yfw no Greggs

>> No.17075680

>he doesn't shepherd his beef

>> No.17076191

>Defending himself in court, Croucher, 40, said: “I hate to say it, I really hate to say it, but I think I was rushed. I was rushing.” He said he had worked in kitchens for 20 years and was now “a better chef” because of the “horrible, horrible circumstance”.
What kind of bizarre statement is that? Why couldn’t he have prepared a new batch instead of using old shit?

>> No.17076206

>Cooked meat is overcooked
>Raw meat is cooked

Many such cases. I wonder why "chefs" are like this.

>> No.17076276

>The problem isn't the use of chlorine. The problem is that it allows poorer standards of animal husbandry. "It's ok to leave chickens festering in their own feces because we're going to wash them with chlorine later"
Hur durr the problem is something else associated with a thing even though. 41% of fresh chicken in the UK is contaminated with campylobacter, so you can't look down on any other countries practices.

>> No.17076290
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Wrong, as long as the meat is handled with proper hygiene standards, it's safe for healthy adults with normal immune system.

Pic related, a burger I made with ground beef I bought at the supermarket.

The reason this happened was because of this:

“Croucher was the chef that night. The mince was not cooked properly and was placed into a pan with iced water. Croucher needed to leave, so put the mince in cling film and put it in the fridge overnight. Having left it, he cooked it again and added warm mashed potato. He did not take the temperature when it was served.”

When first cooking the mince improperly it created great conditions for bacteria to multiply fast. Then when he used it the following day, it seems he didn't heat it up enough to kill that bacteria.

>> No.17076344

hey it gregg

>> No.17076577

They literally sold noodle packs intended to be eaten this way when I was a kid in australia. No cooking instructions on the pack. Literally just pour the powder and push the cake out slowly of the pack as you eat

>> No.17076581

I thought heat killed bacteria?

>> No.17076692

The heat of the rice kills the bacteria

>> No.17076705

anon i.. Darwin will come for you eventually

>> No.17076709
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>> No.17076713

How do you know they weren't brown people he deliberately targeted....

>> No.17076718

I remember this. You’d be able to buy them at the school canteens for cheap.

>> No.17076719

It's in Europe.

>> No.17076722


>> No.17076833

don't interact with blegppl

>> No.17076853

I cowherd my beef

>> No.17076859

well it was probably spoiled, right?

>> No.17076865

british police don't confiscate raw meat in their weapons sweeps?

>> No.17076874
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>> No.17076889

Someone dieded eating a shepard's pie this time instead of being kilded and turned into kebab.

>> No.17076892

what the hell were those things. what company made them

>> No.17076905

Otogi ppushu ppushu?

>> No.17076920

Dont think so, i think aus had its own one, much more plain packaging

>> No.17076973
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i believe it. a while back, some company tried to sell croutons in a bag here in bulgaria but everyone would just eat them as snacks instead of putting them in soup, so they gave up and just started putting out different flavors.

>> No.17076993

>meet the shepherd pie

>> No.17077011

Old people typically can't smell or taste and are generally pretty fucking dumb (specifically our current brand of entitled western elders) those dumb old bastards wouldn't have noticed if you served them a partially decomposed skunk.

>> No.17077019

Anyone who eats raw minced beef is rolling the dice. No matter how much "hygiene standards" you follow.

>> No.17077091

What does "contravening food regulations" mean?

Do restaurant workers really temp every piece of food served? If it was a genuine mistake yeah it's sad people died but like serving tens of thousands of dishes and mistakes will happen sooner or later. Criminal charges seem unfair here, workers are always rushed.

>> No.17077095

she was 92 for fucks sake, all it would have taken was a loud bang...

>> No.17077098

>What does "contravening food regulations" mean?
It means not fucking up like the idiot chef did by 1) Not cooling it down properly 2) Not storing it properly 3) Not reheating it properly 4) Not throwing it out and redoing it instead of being a cheap cunt 5) Not realising he'd fucked up before serving it again.

>> No.17077099


>> No.17077194

Brown people wouldn't eat a shep's pie

>> No.17077231

How is this even possible? People eat rare burgers all the time, steak tartare, etc. For one death and 31 ill, there must have been something really fucked up in their ground meat.

>> No.17077232
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based crouton eaters, my dad did this and i would get pissed of until i ate a bag myself and learned to stfu

>> No.17077237

you can also split them long ways and make crunchy sandwiches

>> No.17077308

people also have food poisoning all the time, they just don't come tell you that on 4chan after they were being idiots with their fucking raw meat burgers and finally caught a germ

>> No.17077341

What happens if you eat raw beef. Growing up my and I used to have impromptu braais and he used to eat sausages and chops uncooked. He never got sick

>> No.17077344

How do you undercook a shepherd's pie? The meat goes through like 50+ minutes of cooking from start to finish

>> No.17077348
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Yeah croutons are great crackers, I eat em all the time. I also like that they don't cover my fingers in flavor dust

>> No.17077370

>so they gave up
I doubt they "gave up". If that were the case they would have stopped selling. The marketers realized what people were doing with the product and rebranded it.

>> No.17077378
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>> No.17077408
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>cutting your mouth up with hard blocks of ramen
Why? Who are you retards trying to impress? Do you feel "folksy"? I'd call you white trash if you weren't trying to impress asian third worlders who taught you to do it.

>> No.17077409

got called racist in gregg's earlier today

>> No.17077419

It's just like eating crackers or chips. Also see

>> No.17077474
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>Anyone who eats raw minced beef is rolling the dice
getting filtered by raw beef...
lol we eat raw minced pork and no one dies.

>> No.17077508
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>> No.17077598

Meat must’ve came from a shitty source or was left out. There’s no way England has 3rd world country tier meat handling regulations. Hell, in the states people must be unlikely to get sick from raw ground beef because I have never in my life heard of someone getting sick from it

>> No.17077605

Anglos are not white.

>> No.17077620

What? Why? You can't just take away someones life long career like that, most of these lads go into kitchens at 15 and don't know anything else. He should be sent on a food safety course but taking away his job is well harsh.

>> No.17077636

It's not always the bacteria that's the problem. It's why you still can't eat rotten meat even if you cook it to the point of burning. The bacteria produce waste chemicals that are unaffected by the cooking process and are very bad for humans in large enough doses.

>> No.17077639

How did they find out?

>> No.17077914


>> No.17077939

Nor are you muhammed

>> No.17078364

the heat DESTROER the bacterial

>> No.17078438

The two worst food poisoning I remember both involve ground beef Jack in the box undercooking hamburgers and the UK letting mad cow get into the food chain both back in the 90s

>> No.17078439
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good times

>> No.17078463

>Why couldn’t he have prepared a new batch instead of using old shit?

Restaurant and/or chef cutting corners to save money and time.

>> No.17078509


red = RAW

>> No.17078678

I was being racist

>> No.17078694


>> No.17079334

You fuckin dummy, the problem was he cooked it and impoperly reheated it, giving the bacteria time to fester, it would have had less of a chance of killing them if he had served it raw

>> No.17079421

>Roose claimed that he had been given the powder to add to the food by a stranger, and claimed it was intended to be a joke—he thought he was incapacitating his fellow servants rather than killing anyone