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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 759 KB, 1170x1459, A9291CBE-7A29-47DE-A43B-5AFFEEC7357C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17064158 No.17064158 [Reply] [Original]

is the internet making food industry worker’s jobs harder?

>> No.17064168

Imagine having the audacity to stoop so low in life you work at Starbucks for a career and then complain about it on tik tok

>> No.17064176

Food "industry" workers are just nonmotivated people who live to spend their paycheques on marijuana and alcohol and then complain that landlords are "parasites". I envy someone who lays about all day instead of being a productive member of society who runs a successful business. They could do with their easy jobs being made a bit harder.

>> No.17064177

The person is complaining that the spread of information (via video) on TikTok has resulted in an increase in orders that are not on the menu.
'Secret Menu' stuff has been around for a while, but I guess people have the motivation to order those items b/c there is video evidence of someone else being successful.

>> No.17064180

>t. lazy, fat, moon-skinned NEET

>> No.17064229

How about you faggots just kill yourself if you are so superior.

>> No.17064230
File: 338 KB, 1536x2048, f445mkhx9h561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because americans order coffee like this

>> No.17064236

be nice to people who make food

>> No.17064242

This shouldn't be a problem if you're charging for mods (ie, don't mess with the menu too much if you still want value)
Order your silly drink if you want to pay for it

>> No.17064252

If these people are going into the store asking for "that drink that tiktoker made" or ordering it by the name the tik toker calls it by, then I can see the issue. But if these people are specifically ordering it with everything that makes it what it is i.e "1 pump of this, two of that" type of thing, then it shouldn't be an issue at all.

>> No.17064257

how about just be nice to people?

>> No.17064266

I'm sure that posting a picture of the order will keep others from copying it

>> No.17064267

>nooo you can't heckin order whatever you want! You're ruining the heckin industry!!!
Get a real job then

>> No.17064269

why not just be nice?

>> No.17064270

>offer the option to choose your own ingredients
>customer choose their own ingredients

Just fucking make people order off a menu if you can't take custom orders. Don't advertise shit you don't want to sell.

>> No.17064271

Well, link the fucking tiktok the, so that I can judge what the fuck this unlinked article is even referring to ffs.

>> No.17064275

Why not just be?

>> No.17064280

Fuck you that's why >:(

>> No.17064296

You're missing the crux of the issue
Starbucks corporate is fine with people ordering wild drinks. It is Starbucks wagies that seethe over it

>> No.17064301

Does Starbucks charge extra for all that shit? If they don't I don't see how corporate would appreciate this trend.

>> No.17064302


>> No.17064305
File: 107 KB, 1080x1080, E71D4705-105B-4B53-B8F1-C55948334339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, one order of your finest Ex Cbrl top, please.

And make it snappy.

>> No.17064316

Lol ok wagie

>> No.17064319

career landlords do literally nothing, at the most they might have to make a call to a plumber or electrician once every few months, how is that harder work than being a minimum wage stoner retard

>> No.17064325

Ok ty

>> No.17064326

The issue isn't retards ordering retarded drinks, the issue is that the company designed a system that allows them to do it. Retards are going to be retards, expecting them not to be is retarded.

>> No.17064329

Trying to get rent out of useless fucks like you is a lot of work.

>> No.17064332
File: 18 KB, 203x248, 4FD3688A-A5F3-4681-91EC-8D35C6375434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17064333

Owning a coffee company is fucking retarded, draws in all the faggot stoners with an art degree that couldn’t hack it in the real world

>> No.17064342

>get hired for a specific job
>complain that you actually have to do your job
Zero sympathy.

>> No.17064344

>raking in literal billions by peddling overpriced beanwater to millennials is fucking retarded
We seem to have vastly different opinions on what retarded means, anon.

>> No.17064345

Why do Americans do this?

>> No.17064347

coffee fags are utter cancer

>> No.17064359


>> No.17064389

You just cook for looks on Instagram, not for taste.

The "food industry" dug its own hole. All that's left is a "picture industry".

>> No.17064435

"Baristas" and their customers deserve each other.

>> No.17064452

i'd venture to guess that with a lot of Americans who are fat, it's because they're practically drinking desserts everyday, like this

>> No.17064463

i havent worked food service in over a decade, but i cannot imagine working at starbucks. that seems like you would have to deal with the biggest cunts ever.

>> No.17064471

welcome to 4chan, where literally everyone is a property owner making a six figure salary.

>> No.17064489

>he only makes six figures
Poorfags need to get the fuck out.

>> No.17064592

Get a job faggot

>> No.17064608
File: 56 KB, 1137x640, wagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT butt blasted wagies

>> No.17064636

>lazy deadbeat wagie whines about being forced to do her job

>> No.17064659

If they want to make customized, cheap coffee you can just pick up a coffee machine for like 25$ and then brew your own.
Just boil up whatever sugary crap you want in cream or milk to make a faggy creamer.

e-z p-z

>> No.17064668

>I don't see how corporate would appreciate this trend.
Tik thots are giving them free advertising with their "hacks" that score them an extra .001 cents worth of ice without paying.

>> No.17064681

i just graduated college and am making 200k starting in IT just like everyone else here

>> No.17064700

how is social media the food industry's fault?

>> No.17064810
File: 365 KB, 324x1231, 1633472429666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers don't like coffee
>starbucks not making monies
>starbucks execs hire a marketing firm to reach the zoomer audience
>what do zoomers like? mr marketing man asks himself
>zoomers like memes and tiktok
>do a forced tiktok meme for dumb coffee drinks from starbucks™
>have paid article with an outrage hateclick bait headline written about your forced meme
>screenshot your paid article and spam it on social media

You are posting in an advertisement thread.
Or maybe you're all bots and I'm the only human left and the internet is nothing but a giant advertisement with the illusion of interactivity.
Really makes you think.

>> No.17064826


>> No.17064840
File: 156 KB, 907x662, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds awfully lot like something a bot would say

>> No.17064890

I work with a guy who rented out his old house after he moved. Poor guy had a nervous breakdown over some shit tenant.

>> No.17064963
File: 107 KB, 1200x716, 1613418864994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do wonder about that, are there really bots good enough to get past the current captcha? Or is it just that there are so many active users that parroting morons are posting in such large numbers it feels like a bot raid.
And even then, is there really a tangible difference?

>> No.17065005
File: 127 KB, 595x585, 1634322980091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't need to fill out captcha if you have a 4chan pass, one pass is 20bux a year
You could have an army of 200 bots for $4000 per year, that's fuck all money for a shit ton of spam

>> No.17065020
File: 69 KB, 748x748, 1626705478691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming from someone who isn't marketing for a billion dollar industry I feel as if spending money on marketing here, on 4chan, isn't worth it. But then again what do I know. I guess the thinking is "cast a wider net, catch more fish".
Possible, but again, I don't know if it matters. How much of a difference is there between a robot programmed to advertise and a human programmed to talk about advertisements....

>> No.17065042

>Tr Icd coffee
>No Ice

>> No.17065108

>order black coffe

>> No.17065114
File: 76 KB, 408x1180, crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm going too far with my bot theories but I really don't think these articles and "memes" about huge corporate products are organic
Or maybe they are, maybe this is what people do for fun in [CURRENT_YEAR], they advertise shit for free

>> No.17065117

Zoomers dont drink starbucks? wtf I love zoomers now.

>> No.17065118

Name one person who drinks black coffee who isn't an edge Lord

>> No.17065127

If it's good coffee it's meant to be eaten black or with only a little bit of milk. No edgelording about it, tastelet.

>> No.17065139

all non-americans

>> No.17065152

I don't care about the employees or patrons there.

>> No.17065171
File: 9 KB, 284x177, as seen in your dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or maybe you're all bots and I'm the only human left and the internet is nothing but a giant advertisement with the illusion of interactivity.
welcome to the future, Fry

>> No.17065178


He said people, not animals

>> No.17065180

>All non-americans
Non-americanism is another edge Lord trait.
If they weren't obsessed with being against the status quo they'd be American and they'd drink coffee like a normal person.

>> No.17065183

Name one person who orders coffee in a coffeeshop black and isn't an edge Lord.

>> No.17065185

with loads of corn syrup and fentanyl?

>> No.17065186

jesus christ is it even a beverage anymore?

>> No.17065188

The insurance is really good. Half the people there are cripples and trannies waiting to get their dick cut off.

>> No.17065200

Your mom. She's too round to be edgy.

>> No.17065214

make the drink, wagie

>> No.17065219

based. especially coffeeshop workers . literally the scum of society .

>> No.17065227

If baristas are paid by the hour then does it really matter if they have to take extra time on a drink within work hours? It would suck for the actual business or other customers who have to wait longer because the person in front of them ordered a 10-ingredient beetus bomb

>> No.17065269

A shitload

>> No.17065297

That's how PR firms and ad agencys work now. You see it, good on you.

>> No.17065325

How the fuck is that "ruining the industry"?

>> No.17065330

Really. I dont know why they care anyway
if they're not dumping shit in one guy's coffee, they're dumping shit in The next guy's

>> No.17065334

It's technically a liquid

>> No.17065341

As an American, your pic is disgusting and makes me vomit.
Starbucks is cancer to coffee with how much basic bitch white girls love it. Give me a medium roast pour over or french press, black.

>> No.17065358

>______ fags are utter cancer
You can add coffee, whiskey, gin, beer, ice cream, or whatever FOTM that is pushed by normies. Actually, normies are utter cancer. Let me drink my coffee black and whiskey neat without being a faggot to what it tastes like.

>> No.17065364

I do this for a special treat, usually during Christmas time. I brew up some regular coffee, then make a mocha (stir in some hot chocolate mix) or buy some of that cheap International Delight creamer. Add a bit of whipped cream and you have something as good as Starbucks but way cheaper.

>> No.17065457

My Christmastime fatassed coffee drink is eggnog and coffee. It used to be eggnog rum and coffee but my doctor told me I wasn't allowed to drink anymore.

>> No.17065466

>zoomers don't like coffee
I don't know enough of them to tell if this is true or not but it seems like it wouldn't be the case?

>> No.17065474

Imagine being such a worthless cuck that you still wear a mask in 2021 when it hasn't even been required for almost a year.

>> No.17065480

Mandate's back in my gay-ass state for "Omicron"

>> No.17065643

Yeah. The drink in the OP was probably like $12

>> No.17065652

How does anyone have sympathy for people who work these minimum wage jobs? First of all its for teenagers and as an adult you should be ashamed of yourself, why would you even bother working a job with NO benefits, no retirement plan, ect? You can find entry level jobs that pay more, have full time & benefits, and aren't customer service and the only excuse is to be legit braindead or absolutely 0 motivation

which you can work on, and if you refuse, how can anyone feel bad for your choice?

>> No.17066722

In 2016 it turned out 4chan had quit a bit more market reach than they had bargained for...

>> No.17066765

I actually heard someone claim people stay at Starbucks because of their friendships with co-workers.

>> No.17066768

And besides just look on /tv/ if you don't brlieve it, bloody sir.

>> No.17066786

>the sheer seething in this thread over the existence of Starbucks workers

>> No.17066793

>one sentence acknowledges that they work
>the next says they're "lay about all day" and "unproductive"
which one is it

>> No.17066802

>You can order a few adjustments to your drink if you'd like

>> No.17066818

This makes me want to do a 20+ change order, record them setting it down on the counter, me picking it up and dropping it in the trash, and panning back to their face for their reaction. Your job is to make ridiculous sugar bombs to order. Doesn’t matter what the customer’s intentions or motivations are.
>make the “drink”, wagie

>> No.17066824

Do you think they give a shit whether you drink it or put it in the trash

>> No.17066832

fucking customers and their..........service expectation

>> No.17066840

couldnt be more Boomer if you tried

>> No.17066861

by asking this question, you've just reached the heart of the issue: the sheer narcissism of upper middle-class people

>> No.17066898

Why don't you stream it if you're so great.
>i have become tiktok, destroyer of beverages.

>> No.17066981

For me, it's a green tea frap.

>> No.17067028

>16 pumps of sugar
Just get a milkshake

>> No.17067062

>free advertising

>> No.17067085

I’m a zoomer and can confirm a lot of my friends cut back on coffee. However, I take a lot of pre workout

>> No.17067091

I never wanted to be in the restaurant industry, my older bro did and worked his way from bottom to the up at Hilton. If you have questions I can ask him.

>> No.17067108

I went for lockheed, aerospace is a lot more fun.

>> No.17067128

LOL imagine drinking coffee when Adderall exists.

>> No.17067146

i don't drink coffee but im gonna start doing this shit just to make their lives miserable

>> No.17067530

>making money selling coffee is bad because....it sells it to people that live their life in ways I don't like!

>> No.17067672

in a way
>learned to cook with the help of mum and the internet
>now i can do better than low-tier restaurants and don't want to pay for mid and high-tier restaurants
these days i'd actually rather eat a kebab than go to some shitty restaurant with 80 items on the menu and be served meat they've thawed from the freezer in a sauce made from some powder or boullion cube

>> No.17067792

Where does he work?

>> No.17068502

Not him but me b4 I realized how terrible Starbucks was without shit in it. I did in fact throw it out

>> No.17068508

Edward Bernays pilled

>> No.17068512

While I have no sympathy for the workers, you have to realize that these people are too dumb to follow customizations to orders. You’re just asking for your order to be wrong if you do this.

>> No.17068570

Jokes aside, if you aren’t making six figures by age 30 then you’ve fucked up badly somewhere along the way.

>> No.17068594

That' s supposed to be a guy?

>> No.17068603

>adding ice to your coffee

I dont get it

>> No.17068609

Not everyone lives in a cold climate, eurocel

>> No.17068638

>confusing people who make decisions with people who pour coffee
retard alert

>> No.17068650

>it's 90% sugar
Why are americans so fat i wonder

>> No.17068676

If everyone owned a successful business then all business would fail because everyone would run a business and no business would have employees to run the business. Employees--even wage-slaves, are required for a capitalistic (or really any) system to function at all. Without slave labor (the hilariously named "work force") then how exactly would day-to-day operations function? No grocery employees, no gas station employees, no fast food employees, no restaurant waiters/hostesses (which I think are worthless jobs in their own right, I'd prefer getting up to get my plate off the line when the cook is done making it). You literally require the people everyone mocks for the world to function.

I can't wait for fast food and service industries to crumble when people just stop working there entirely. It's starting, it's just slow.

Anyway nice bait, I replied.

>> No.17068697

no, that's an unrelated tiktok woman chosen to make the article more clickable

>> No.17068769

Why not?

>> No.17068813
File: 102 KB, 1200x754, ragiewagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sir i believe you ordered the large mocha frappe with no ice, extra whip cream,choc chip cookies, pineapple chunks, choc flakes, covered in blue sparkle sprinkles with a dusted sugar coating and a edible wafer straw with a signed picture of my asshole. O-ORDER UP!

>> No.17069165

my word those are some of the grossest thing I can imagine drinking

>> No.17069201

Good. If you're not living in a house, sell it. People shouldn't be allowed to hoard homes.

>> No.17069263

I own 18 houses and an apartment complex. I pay a property management company to run them now because dealing with poor cunts is so fucking frustrating. You people have no concept of time, no value of a dollar, and no care in the world. I want my children to live an amazing life so they don’t grow up to be worthless like you poors.

>> No.17069275

It’s not hard.
Drive a tanker with only 1-3 years previous experience.
Work in the trades for 5 years than start your own business or join on the big boi jobs.
Work your way up the management chain literally anywhere. My friends been at menards for 8 years and was promoted to assistant store manager. Almost 100k with bonuses and stuff
Actually learn a few programming languages and spend the 4 years getting a degree making projects or working on others. Google hires anyone who actually tries. I developed automated testing protocols for a few companies in my hometown for about 25 an hour in high school and they picked me up based on that.

>> No.17069276

No you don't. You don't even have children. I can tell by the way you write.

>> No.17069297

No. /pol/ and /b/ had significant outreach. If you think anyone rich or important is advertising to a board as small as /ck/, you’re dead wrong. Only another co/ck/sucker would.

>> No.17069323

You don’t have to be defensive, anon. Why are you so mad that other people have money? If it makes you feel better, I bought the first 6 from my dad before he died so I didn’t really work for my money ever.

>> No.17069341

I've no reason to be mad. You should research writing styles more if you want charades like this to be effective. You've said a lot that a person in the position you claim to be in would never say, and said it in a way they would never say it.

>> No.17069388

You didn't need to prove his point anon, we already know 4chan is full of liars.

>> No.17069515

Bruh. Just go to Baskin Robins and get a milk shake at that point.

>> No.17069527

But nothing I posted is exceptionally difficult. You don’t have to be smart. You just have to show up to work everyday or actually love your work and spend time outside of work in a hobby you’re passionate about.
Making 100k is not difficult by 30 if you started working at 18. You really aren’t intelligent or making a good point if you can’t stay in a career long enough to move up. Sorry you’re lazy.

>> No.17069534

Someone who doesn’t want to deal with renters wouldn’t admit to hiring a property management agency? Someone with kids doesn’t talk about their kids?
I’m a liar because you took psych 101 and think your professor is smart because he’s a teacher? Get over yourself anon. Your armchair analytics are worthless when you can’t prove your claims.

>> No.17069547

>just magically have 1-3 years experience
>just work for 15 years in a retail job, what's burnout?
>ASMs making 6 figured

stop, I can only take so much

>> No.17069623

You say that as if the service industry overlords didn't intentionally create a sense of entitlement that most Americans have today

>> No.17069628

I didn’t say magically get experience. Get your cdl and drive for a year then go drive a tanker. Is that so hard to understand?
Trades aren’t retail. You get what you put in. If you work construction, you make more than if you work service. Simple as that. I see contracts all year long about electric projects in Haiti that pay 60 an hour twelve hours a day 6 days a week. Do it for 3 months and don’t work for the rest of the year.
Menards isn’t McDonald’s. An assistant store manager for America’s largest construction supplier makes a lot more than an asm for a chain restaurant.
With the monthly profit sharing and bonuses, you clear an extra 30-40 thousand a year on top of base salary.

Get your head out of your ass and stop pretending like we were born with silver spoons in our mouths. You had the exact same opportunities and wasted them. Google what I say and please find a better job with mobility or save up for a degree.

>> No.17069689

>No sorry! We dont do custom drinks. Please order off of the menu!
Is it really that hard for cityfags to just tell people "No"?

>> No.17069697

women order dumb shit like this then wonder why their 500kcal quinoa & kale smoothie diet isnt working.

>> No.17069705

>advertisement thread
might be true for your shitty country but Starbucks went bankrupt here lmao
They can waste time and money advertising as much as they like, they literally got run out of business by Ma n Pa coffee shops here.

>> No.17069716
File: 34 KB, 720x720, 1637681638348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another food service thread where boomers seethe and mald about how workers are fed up with being treated as expendable because corporations are terrified of losing their infantile clientele

>> No.17069726

Honestly the term "secret menu" fucking triggers me because it's just ordering custom items but people call it a "secret menu" to feel like they're part of some "in" club or some shit. The weirdest thing to me is that it didn't even become a term until YEARS AFTER every single fast food place started allowing customization on all menu items. The term would have made sense if it came about in the days when customizing items was rare or not allowed in most places, but these days it makes no sense because you can freely customize anything anywhere and have been able to for decades.

>> No.17069754

Actually it’s wagies seething and everyone else laughing at them

>> No.17069834
File: 456 KB, 962x615, 4948251B-C080-4057-A2DE-8278F3B5F4AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just work for 15 years in a retail job, what's burnout?

>> No.17069846

lol boomer cope
If they could all be replaced by robots so easily there wouldn't be a "Great Resignation" happening right now

>> No.17069856
File: 77 KB, 578x382, F873226D-D1D0-4161-AA47-59F3653CAD2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they could all be replaced by robots
They are. That’s literally happening right now.

>> No.17069952

Of my friends that work low wage jobs (they live with parents rent free so it's less depressing cash wise), it seems way more social and carefree than office work. They hang out with their coworkers and fuck each other like bunnies. Whereas office work is filled with boomers and you can't joke around with the risk of offending anyone

>> No.17070033

I don't own a house but I make 120k a year. I could get a house in the middle of nowhere but I don't wanna be white trash.

>> No.17070091

Given how much of the USA lives in metro cities on the coasts where $100k isn't even a lot of money its really not that unreasonable