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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17060925 No.17060925 [Reply] [Original]

>when you grab a slice of pizza and all the cheese falls off

post terrifying food moments

>> No.17060930

I can’t think of anything worse desu

>> No.17060939

>eat bacon
>chug an energy drink
>smoke a bowl
>edge for 5 hours
>feel like im about to have a heart attack

>> No.17060940

What about if you drop your sushi in the soy sauce and it goes everywhere

>> No.17060951

have you tried not being an obese retard?

>> No.17060959

When you take a bit of burger and the whole patty comes out, so you take a bit of it real quick before it drips everywhere, but you get more than you thought but you're already committed so you eat it anyway then you're left with a couple of sad half empty buns and didn't even get to enjoy the burger.

>> No.17060968

The wide burger reigns supreme, resolute and steadfast, while the tall burger falls apart at the slightest breeze

>> No.17060974

im obese, but not very much so

>> No.17061221

You deserve it for using soy sauce

>> No.17061239

wgaf about the cheese, the worst part is the beef and ''italian sausage'' falling off.

>> No.17061271

When you slice off the turkey breast and there’s still blood in there and everyone’s watching

>> No.17061291

>When you have to take a shit in the middle of cooking a dish you have to pay attention to

>When the fire rises cooking on the ol propane bbq

>When the smoker stops smoking

>When you are eating a hot dog in a while shirt and you see the ketchup falling off onto your shirt

>When someone spills milk

>When you’re peanut butter and jellying the bread and you push too hard with the knife and poke a hole in then bread then it comes out the hole when you just wanted the outsides to be bread

>when you think your reheated microwave dish is hot and the middle is still a bit cold

>When you can’t eat the ice cream fast enough and it starts to melt and get all messy

>When you eat Cheetos and forget a napkin

>When you eat a cupcake and the frosting party complete separates from the cake part

>When you forget to ask for no pickles (pickles are disgusting and anyone who eats them deserves to have their children die in a car fire while they watch helplessly)

>> No.17061353

>>When you forget to ask for no pickles (pickles are disgusting and anyone who eats them deserves to have their children die in a car fire while they watch helplessly)

>> No.17061421

This is a 2 hour long video anon. I’m not watching a 2 hour video. What’s your joke, sports fan?

>> No.17061452

>bite unto a pretty crispy and delicious looking chicken
>raw inside with blood

>> No.17061459


>> No.17061786

it's timestamped retard

>> No.17063252

Damn that's grim

>> No.17063279

kek wtf

>> No.17063411

just pick up the slice of pizza the right way, instead of like a moron

>> No.17063467

>eating burger
>almost done with the burger but the final piece is slightly too big for one bite but i would look gay eating it in two awkward little bites
>start sweating because i think other people in the place are looking at me and judging me
>attempt to eat it in two bites and the last bit of burger meat slips out of the bun into the burger wrapper
>have to sort of mash the meat and remaining bun into my mouth
>get burger sauce all over mouth
>drenched with sweat

>> No.17063483

when you bite into a tumor in a chicken nugget

>> No.17063566

I am going to rape you

>> No.17063596

>when you break the yolk while trying to flip an egg
I have actually gotten so angry at this I throw the eggs straight in the trash, wash the pan and don't eat.

>> No.17063645

DUDE, same. Nothing in cooking enrages me more than breaking a yolk.

>> No.17063702

Based pickle hating homeless man

>> No.17064529
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>eating something chewy
>bite down on something crunchy

>> No.17065092
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>eating the good ol mash potatoes
>all creamy
>bite a solid piece of potatoes

>> No.17065226
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>Biting into a slice of pizza and all the cheese and scalding sauce hits your tongue and pallete ruining the pizza and numbing your sense of taste for up to a week

>> No.17065244
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>Chewing delicious food happily, bite cheek or tongue

>> No.17065248

>when you think you're gonna eat some tuna
>instead you get spotted dick

>> No.17065264

Fucking cheese crystals, man. Those things should not exist.

>> No.17065809

When you bite into a big mac and accidentally pull out 3 pickles with your teeth which immediately flop down and deposit sauce all over your chin.

>> No.17065818
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>dip a dorito
>it breaks
>send in a salvage chip
>that breaks too

>> No.17065839
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>> No.17065843

This but tomatoes. Absolutely do not belong on burgers, I always end up yanking the whole thing out sending sauce everywhere.

>> No.17065855
File: 52 KB, 800x533, rage-12186783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take bite out of burger
>patty falls out from other end

>> No.17065861

reminds me how I hated pizza for a long time since I ate it as a kid and all the cheese came off with one bite

>> No.17066156

>eating doritos
>hand suddenly pulls out disgusting ball of dorito cheese

>> No.17067220

>he doesn't let his pizza cool for 20 minutes before eating.

>> No.17067228



>> No.17067235
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I too, am an anime girl

>> No.17067238

wrap your burgers, mongoloid

>> No.17067239

>Eating frozen burger
>There's some kind of unchewable piece of vein in the patty

>> No.17067329
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>eating a burger with something like a big leaf of lettuce or slice of bacon
>you didn't bite completely through one of the stretchy/chewy bits of gristle or stalk and it pulls out the entire slice of bacon/lettuce out (or some of the other fillings) as you withdraw the burger from your face

>> No.17067907

wtf kind of doritos have you been eating? I've never had that happen to me in years of eating doritos

>> No.17068041

>inflammation causes you to do it repeatedly after

>> No.17068525

>eat a pineapple
>eat too much of said pineapple
>mouth feels like a french kissed a razor

>> No.17068548

Lmao is that a parody channel

>> No.17068558

>too fat to wait for the food to reach consumption safe temperatures
you deserved it tbqhwy

>> No.17068563
File: 46 KB, 680x501, Meme+gear+rememenace+200+memes_e0645d_5476241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat Döner Kebab
>Meat keeps falling out of the sides

>> No.17068572

>When you take a bit of burger and the whole patty comes out
My teeth are for shit and I've never, ever encountered this. How is such a thing even possible.

>> No.17068586

weak grip in combination with excessive sauce/ketchup/we working as a lubricant

>> No.17068596

Just blow on it you actual fucking retard

>> No.17068606

Again, in all my years of burger consumption, i've never had this happen. What kind of ass quality burgers are you guys eating?

>> No.17068619


>> No.17068672

When you're eating a sausage and bite down on a bit of bone.

>> No.17068807

Nobody in that burger place was judging you, but I am. You're a confirmed beta cuck for taking two bites instead of just stuffing the remaining burger into your mouth and washing it down with some Dr. Pepper.

>> No.17069053

tbdesu I find it easier to use my pinkies to keep the patty in, wrappers are kind of annoying to deal with while eating

>> No.17069466
File: 20 KB, 400x416, 20211201_141628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a bite of pizza
>pull all the cheese and toppings off

>> No.17069987

>When you have to take a shit in the middle of cooking a dish you have to pay attention to
This is a special kind of hell

>> No.17070010

A bowl of what? Meth?

>> No.17070193

That would be pretty based

>> No.17070201

motherFUCKER this pisses me off

>> No.17070687
File: 235 KB, 321x311, 1613349565474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the booze for a few days
>hangover sobering up
>decide to cook a good meal, loads of veg, some potato, nicely made meat
>take bite, start eating
>3 bites in gut notices solids entering
>shit pants
>run to toilet, shit everywhere
>meal ruined
it has happened more than once

>> No.17071477

>when you have to ask for everyone's plate of food back so it can go back in the oil

>> No.17071532
File: 117 KB, 1024x683, 61230dc8701bee3e68a586eb10b4e3c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have just finished eating your homemade meal and are impressed with the results.
It was cheap to make, and really tastes better before it goes into the fridge, so you ate a lot
You feel heavy and comfortable, ready to go to sleep
The thought of walking to your bedroom and jostling the food around nauseates you
>"Maybe I could just rest here and digest..."
You lay your head on the table. Not comfortable, but good enough.
>Suddenly, you realize you forgot about this

>> No.17071540

This is why cooking is a scam. Prepared food is for those who value their time.

>> No.17071576
File: 111 KB, 1280x850, moldy-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>leftover tomatoes in fridge from last recipe
>decide to look for a recipe that utilizes the tomatoes
>prepare a list of other ingredients I need to complete the new recipe
>Go to the store and get everything
>Get ready to make the new recipe with the tomatoes
>Take them out of plastic bag
>see this

>> No.17071724

that's the best part
little more solid chunks

>> No.17071730

>alman not knowing hot to eat kebabs

>> No.17071743

>storing veggies in a plastic bag
you deserve this

>> No.17071852

you deserve this for not cleaning while cooking you dumb shit

>> No.17071878

How much soy sauce do you fucking put in the bowl? If it's splashing then you added too much. A little goes a long way, and using too many condiments is an insult to the chef.

>> No.17071891


>> No.17071910

when u hear something explode in the oven
happened to me with limes before

>> No.17071948
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>> No.17071968
File: 79 KB, 768x1024, Oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17071970

That most likely means you're eating pizza for drunks and children. Fittingly so, you make a mess like one.

>> No.17072480

You mean charge a cone right cunt?

>> No.17073934

>when you think your reheated microwave dish is hot and the middle is still a bit cold

>> No.17074061

This makes me rage

you're on a cooking board you half a meatball

same happens to me with crunchberries oops all berries

no this dude is the worst youtube cook ever

>> No.17074085

>When you eat Cheetos and forget a napkin
Just use chopsticks

>> No.17074150

>when you bite into a sandwich with bacon and start getting that floppy bit trying to pull it and all the rest of the internals out of the bread.

>> No.17074644

wow. ive had a '79 of this bottle. what a tragedy

>> No.17074653

>when you reddit post

>> No.17074721

>food and cooking