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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17058592 No.17058592 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Time General — The Hand Grinder Edition

>Our culture runs on coffee and gasoline,
>the first often tasting like the second.


>> No.17058613

what kind of grinder is that?

>> No.17058718

Breville goes in all fields

>> No.17058773

they make a hand grinder?

>> No.17058925

why did you photoshop an arm onto the breville smart blender

>> No.17058967

I made a bad decision and had an energy drink instead of coffee

>> No.17058988

Make Monster™ pourover for that extra kick of energy

>> No.17059004
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Good morning I love my Mocca Master

>> No.17059068
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was it at least coffee-related energy drink?

>> No.17059165
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What's funny is with Biden's supply chain, those are the only coffee drink you can find in a lot of gas stations right now.

>> No.17059219

Turns out this is the fake schizo thread and the real thread is the older one

>> No.17059282

Where can I buy this hand crank for my Breville SGP?

>> No.17059329

this looks like the /ctg/ to me it even links to the old (archived) thread

>> No.17059338

>the voices in my head are telling me that this is the false /ctg/ and that the one I made is the real /ctg/ because.... because it just is okay!!!!!

>> No.17059365

Ethiopia natural V60 for me today
Bought some med roast tanzania beans from lidl yesterday because these tend to be surprisingly good for the price
Gonna bake some cinnamon biscuits to munch on with my morning cuppas

>> No.17059470

Its just the kingrinder guy shilling. He does that shit on reddit too.

>> No.17059484

fucking grinders are like assholes these days; everybody has one and no one admits that theirs is only good for cock

>> No.17059489

The Breville SGP is the only one with comprehensive data analysis backing up its grind quality however

>> No.17059516

t-minus 4 weeks until I get to start shitting on everyone who doesn't have a key.

>> No.17059559

Stop copypasting my posts faggot, wtf

>> No.17059564

Well I fell for for his shilling, and it's not bad. Good grinder

>> No.17059571

>reeeeee how dare you say thing good

>> No.17059579

>had to steal content from the actual thread
Holy kek

>> No.17059640

>meme grinder

>> No.17059649

How is it a meme?

>> No.17059660

This thread:
>has more replies
>has more images
>has more posters

Who’s the schizo again?

>> No.17059670

I had to use my Lido 3 over Thanksgiving and was reminded of how fucking godawful that piece of shit is. It was suffering. It made me hate coffee for the time that I had to use it. I hadn't had suicidal thoughts in over 2 months and then immediately started having them again as soon as I tasted the first cup of swill borne from that wretched machine. FUCK YOU ORPHANESPRESSO FUCKING NIGGERS

>> No.17059685
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I’ve got a pair of his pepper mills and I’ve never regretted buying them

>> No.17059748

this thread also copies entire posts from the other thread where they have an earlier timestamp

>> No.17059761

OP from the other thread here. I decided that the other thread sucks and this one is better actually. I'm gay btw in case you were wondering.

>> No.17059838

we knew that all along, anon

>> No.17059942

i'm waiting for the flair classic to arrive
i can't wait to make a mess of my kitchen to make undrinkable liquid out of good beans

>> No.17060068

how does a flair compare to aeropress?

>> No.17060074

It's a bit heavier

>> No.17060181


>> No.17060313

why only the classic, why not pro2? I remember hoffman saying all the extras make a big improvement

>> No.17060322

expensive too

>> No.17060438

Not him, but probably cause it's twice the price

>> No.17060446

I'm at the point in my PhD where coffee is becoming a must to grind out the nights. I'm not looking to go insane so I have a soft budget of ~$150 with willingness to put in more, if convinced, for a setup at home to brew decent coffee with. What is the general consensus for brewing/instrumentation for coffee that's worth while for a beginner with room to improve?

>> No.17060477

One of the hand grinders anons keep shilling and a v60

>> No.17060486

Seems to be a few variations of the v60. Are the sizes based upon a particular grind that the individual enjoys?

>> No.17060501

Nope, only difference in size is how much it can hold. You're pouring the water through so the size of the vessel underneath is what really matters. You're using about 60g of coffee per liter of water

>> No.17060505

Great! Thanks for the advice and information, anon.

>> No.17060679
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Ive heard the "ticks" are slightly mismatched on the latest indiegogo sale for those but the key is using a different production line. Those are def on the list to snag but I kind of want a new knife or three first.
v1 of the brewbar is done. Seemed real fucking gay to put a $2000 grinder on plywood so I had some 2in maple butcher block shipped out and finally got around to finishing it. v1.1 starts tomorrow.

>> No.17060866
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Is there a more SOVLful method of making coffee?

>> No.17060905

i rike cofe :)

>> No.17060909
File: 514 KB, 1170x1463, BE61B789-56B5-4622-9DB6-700DF2A9C6FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liek coming up with my own woodworking solutions to minor problems as well
i'm currently working on a storage box for 18" cling film because i'm kinda insane like that

>> No.17060922

What are you getting your PhD in? I'm a particle astrophysics PhD student that started with a V60 and a cheap hand grinder, but upgraded to a flair + 1zpresso. I like espresso and espresso based drinks more than pour over

>> No.17060931

How the fuck do I clean my burrs properly

>> No.17060960

Stiff bristled brush. Maybe grab a firm toothbrush and leave it with your coffee shit. You can use a little bit of water, just make sure to properly dry so theres no rust and pitting.

>> No.17060971

Soak in water overnight and air dry

>> No.17061061

you should be vacuuming your grinder every day after use it really helps avoid needing major cleaning

>> No.17061065
File: 1.40 MB, 2742x2152, 8F784DD8-299E-40AF-94BF-DE8FFBDF5534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to fire up my evening Bripe; got some St. Helena on deck. I love you guys.

>> No.17061078

do you actually get tasty coffee with that thing

>> No.17061083

did your bripe come with a free dildo?

>> No.17061115

In the words of your god Hoffman, “Why wouldn’t it make great coffee?”
Having good coffee grounds intermix with good water while applying heat will make food coffee.
Triggering faggots like >>17061083 is a bonus you get for free.

Do you count my dick going into your whore of a single mom? If so, yeah. My bripe gave her a free dildo.

>> No.17061123

if you got pulled over with that thing sitting on the seat next to you, how the fuck do you explain to the officer that's going to arrest you what it actually is used for??

>> No.17061157

I actually have some ultra-firm toothbrushes I recently bought so I'll give them a try. I don't think my bottom burr comes out though so it's a pain in the ass to clean.

>> No.17061168


I have a small kitchen so I made some hangers for my measuring cups and a magnetic knife block , all from food

>> No.17061186

If the officer has had any experience with actual degenerates, or even experience with anyone who smokes a pipe of any sort, I wouldn’t have to explain a thing; he’d know that absolutely nobody would ever try to smoke anything out of a pipe made from copper.
Think about it; people have smoked tobacco pipes for how long now? And even though metalworking was a common practice in that time, metal pipes didn’t become commonplace?
That’s because it’s a shit material to hold while using a flame to combust and inhale something.

>> No.17061205

>"That's for making coffee."
Depending on how retarded your cop buddies are, there's several steps that they'll actually take, but as long as you don't have actual drugs on you they'll have to let you go eventually, and the harder they go the stupider they'll look when they have to let you go.

- They look through your windows for drugs and see nothing
- They call the drug dogs, who can't sniff anything
- They can signal the dog to act like they smell something (a false hit), but they won't find anything from searching your car
- They can plant evidence on you, but the entire thing will unravel when it comes out that you didn't have a bong, just a weird coffeemaker

>> No.17061259
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you remember this guy who had kitty litter but got to spend the night in jail because the cops were watching too much breaking bad? the thin blue line doesn't require much intelligence of its membership

>> No.17061315

Look how fucking smug he looks. Guarantee he was a dick to the cops which is why he got arrested

>> No.17061362
File: 181 KB, 794x635, 1E4BBEC0-C822-4B4E-B1CA-C1E2140F1E7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where I’m at with it right now

>> No.17061444

Is coffee good for you

>> No.17061531
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>> No.17061562

Yes, atomic era coffee machines

>> No.17061565

just imagine sucking on something called a "bripe"

>> No.17061582

>Work actually shelled out to get decent coffee makers for the office
>Every retard who works there is too fucking stupid to operate it
Why were we born just to suffer

>> No.17061668

tape directions to them

>> No.17061690

in small amounts yes
In large amounts no

>> No.17061711

was dat supposed be a pun on grindr?

>> No.17061736

if u just want regular coffee u can pick up a decent hand bur grinder pour over kit and kettle for well under a hundred bucks. not gonna reccomend brands rely on urself

>> No.17061775


>> No.17061838

my house (c. 19th century) has one of these built into the wall, very nifty. I assume it was originally intended for some sort of linen

>> No.17061900

Man the Kingrinder k1 is actually really good. I can only compare it to my broken bialetti, but it does everything I want so far.
completely close and open 7 clicks - Turkish very fine grind
20 clicks - fucking perfect for my brikka
Hell yeah this will do nicely.

>> No.17061917


>> No.17061935

Not a shill, just an over excited poorfag
Want me to show you my broken old ceramic grinder or something?

>> No.17062078

Yes. Toss in a current paystub too.There's a reason why that guy is banned from /r/coffee and /r/espresso.


>> No.17062097

Just imagine making coffee with some gay sounding shit like “vee-sixteey”

>> No.17062105
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For me it's Folgers Black Silk

>> No.17062131

I like Folgers coffee in general. Remember the key to making great coffee is the water used. Best tasting results I'v had are from using spring/drinking water in the gallon jugs.

>> No.17062159
File: 3.66 MB, 2910x3256, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked for it.
Listen, I don't use reddit. I'm the anon who broke his Bialetti ceramic grinder in one of the previous threads.
I'm glad I got a fully metalic grinder for about the same amount of money I paid for the ceramic one, 46$. If I would have broken it earlier, I might have gotten the 30$ Timemore instead.
I'm just satisfied because it is way better than the piece of shit I had. Maybe I got shilled to, but this is a decent product that does all I need it to do and seems high quality.

Though I get what you're saying. There is a shill and I'll tone it down.

By the way I'm going to return some expired coffee I accidentally bought, but I also threw away my receipt. Wish me luck.

>> No.17062170

Shill me a coffee grinder famalams elec and fine enough for espresso

Budget up to around 800

>> No.17062181

Niche Zero or one of the higher end Sette models are in that range but I'm not sure what else since new startups are popping up every single day making some sort of new meme device and claiming that it is the best invention since the blowjob

>> No.17062187

>KING barely exists, doesn't seem to have generated a lot of credible reviews, and seems to get namedropped oddly frequently in outlier negative reviews of competitor products. In quick scanning, it was easier to find KING references in negative reviews of competitors than it was to find positive reviews from platforms robust against gamed submissions.
From a sperg who cares more than me. Fishier than puerh lesbians.
>Maybe I got shilled to, but this is a decent product that does all I need it to do and seems high quality.
You're saying this, having run how many lbs through it in the short time you've had it?

>> No.17062191

Nuova Simoneli MCF.

>> No.17062193

>fully metalic grinder
>the same amount of money I paid for the ceramic one, 46$
>30$ Timemore
>this is a decent product that does all I need it to do
>seems high quality

>> No.17062196

This was really tasty. The cherry and black tea really comes through.

>> No.17062203
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>> No.17062217

I've made coffee with it only two times, but I don't see how my opinion might change. It won't snap if I look at it funny like the bialetti did. Even before it fell on it's side and the ceramic burr broke, I had the knob on the handle break and the plastic coffee holder on the bottom crack.
I'm just a pleb, I'll learn, but I won't annoy you with this chinkshit company that triggers you no more.

>> No.17062236

>I've made coffee with it only two times
Sounds like you really know the product well.
>but I don't see how my opinion might change.
How about if the potentially shit tier burrs start wearing out over 10s of lbs instead of 1000s?
>It won't snap if I look at it funny like the bialetti did.
>seems to get namedropped oddly frequently in outlier negative reviews of competitor products.

>> No.17062258

Eh fair enough. I just hope the burrs last until I can afford a comandante.
I was just comparing the new grinder I got to the old one I had for a while.

>> No.17062264

>just comparing the new grinder
By running 35grams through it and hopping on 4chan to sing its praises?

>> No.17062282

And look at how stupid they ended up looking when they eventually had to let him go, as I said
If you tried to arrest me for having kitty litter I'd be pretty shitty to you, too. And I'd look that smug knowing you had absolutely nothing on me, and that the worse the treatment I received the more of a payday I'd get when I call my lawyer.

>> No.17062303

holy shit the schizo is real lmao
this nigga really thinking grinder out to get him

>> No.17062329

Textbook deflection. Keep on shilling.

>> No.17062332

what tasting notes do you guys enjoy?
I like the "brightness" of lighter roasts but I don't really understand or even recognize when the bag says "floral" notes. I can almost always taste (and very much enjoy) any sort of chocolate notes. Fruit nuts and chocolate are pretty recognizable to me but like florals I'm not understanding.

>> No.17062376

You just can't let me be happy with my new product not being an instant disappointment, eh anon.
Oh well. At least they let me exchange the bad coffee I bought. I got some Lavazza thing instead of a German Davidoff espresso.
After I'm done with this lavazza I'll start paying attention to roasting date and try get freshly roasted stuff.

>> No.17062440

Don't let that autismo dissuade you. A cup of joe is about the most cringe thing you can sperg out on. Coffee's a learning curve, and there's a broad range of coffee between 'good' and 'world-class' that won't cost you an arm and a leg to access. Keep on learning and sippin brother

>> No.17062451

KINGrinders™ are the patricians choice. Absolute kingpins of the $35-$45 price bracket. I know this as a random other shill recommended it and I took the bait hook line and sinker and I have ran several beans through it without it imploding in my hand.

>> No.17062509

Thanks lads. If that actual redditor thinks I'm still a shill after I posted my old personal broken grinder that I've replaced, then he's probably a genuine retard too.
I do have some plans for cringe coffee things to buy though. Flair machines look nice, but for now this KINGrinder™ K1 coffee grinder is just perfect for my setup of a brikka and a cezve.

>> No.17062510

Floral often comes through more in the scent of the grind and the bloom while brewing than in the cup, although it often pops back up in some coffees as they cool to room temperature. You have to get your face all up in there to pick them up. Florals are more delicate and rare so anything that's really strongly floral is going to be expensive. I've run into coffees with smells I interpreted as orange blossom, jasmine, or honeysuckle. They can be harder to pick up on as they get mixed with fruity smells. Get sniffy on your grounds and huff the hot, wet crust of a pourover. I sometimes when I briefly walk out of the room, then walk back in mid-brew I get hit harder with scents.

>> No.17062519

Apologies for my weird cadence and grammar. I'm not in a verbal frame of mind today.

>> No.17062575

> thinks I'm still a shill
You made 10oz of coffee and came to suck the grinder off. Lets be honest here. How many grams did you grind before running off to post about it?

>> No.17062602

Doing it in Physical Chemistry at the moment, focused on single-molecule microscopy.

Thanks for the reccs anon

>> No.17062618

Just let it go, you're fucking obsessed.

>> No.17062687

They can still say you failed a field sobriety test, order ''blood work''....and hold you for up to 48 hours until the results come back too.

>> No.17062692

Ad hom faggot. Kingrinderkun, answer the question.

>> No.17062798

Why does coffee cause autism?

>> No.17062831
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Are you the same guy used to fume at people enjoying Robusta beans on here years ago?

>> No.17062894

>tfw just ordered some fine robusta
Oh boy

>> No.17063206

robusta is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.17063232
File: 468 KB, 969x1453, Moka ornament .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no there isn't
no one will ever have a christmas ornament of an aeropress or a flair or a bripe or any of the fucking grinders you fags fight about but the moka pot is truly iconic in design and culture

>> No.17063341
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coffee grinders & cold brew are know causes of autism but no one can say why

>> No.17063378
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Why should I drink coffee if it won't get me drunk?

>> No.17063413


the irish have a solution for you

>> No.17063430

But it does get you buzzed.

>> No.17063461


You just gave me an idea. Has anyone ever done a coffee sweetened with honey? I can imagine that some interesting flavors could be arrived by using different honey from different sources and complement the tastes of different beans?

>> No.17063503

it's not common but it's been done
i imagine the issue is that you'd want a milder, more watery brew like a pourover or a french press for the specific taste of the honey to come out, and most people who are into these brewing methods don't add sweeteners

>> No.17063593

i've made coffee with honey and i thought the flavor was far too intense

>> No.17063650

>the worse the treatment I received the more of a payday I'd get when I call my lawyer.
Lol it’s cute you think that.

>> No.17063723

i think it's expensive for what it is
the classic is the cheapest machine with a BPF.
the pressure gauge, from reading various user feedback, is fragile and not really needed once you learn how much force to apply, and you can do that with a bathroom scale easily too. or maybe not, i'll see.
as for the different brew chamber, i can still buy it separately, and have a machine that can do two shots back to back for cheaper than an actual pro2 model

>> No.17063781

>have no experience or knowledge on a topic
>shill product after using it for 5 minutes
>get called out as the retarded piece of shit that you are
>"wtf why are you so obsessed??? why are you such a schizo????"
Kill yourself SGPfag

>> No.17063941

Honey flavored lattes are insanely common at hipster cafes

>> No.17064175

could you brew the coffee with honey infused water or would you want to add it after brewing?
what is would be a good ratio on honey to coffee (by weight)?

>> No.17064186

You can use piloncillo and cinnamon to make a “cafe de olla” which is a traditional super sweet coffee

It’s usually for brewed coffee, not espressos… I don’t know how you’d add the cinnamon tho

>> No.17064323

add cinnamon to the espresso grounds

>> No.17064337

You just add honey like any other sugar/flavor syrup. Add as much as you want depending on your taste, it's sugar.

>> No.17064473

either way, what an inconvenience to go through just so you don't gotta be sippin' on a charbux cup as your driving

>> No.17064531

>grrr you're not allowed to like your new thing. It is bad. you will see. You just haven't used it enough. Trust me you will hate it. I've never even physically interacted with it yet I know you got a bad thing. How many english poons have you grinded with it? Heh, come back when you did at least a 10 thousand
I tried being nice, but you're deranged. You're not getting more replies from me.
And the fuck is an SGP. You're literally being hostile because of some reddit drama nobody cares about, you enormous faggot.
>no experience or knowledge on a topic
When I talk about my broken grinder I had plenty of experience with, you call me a shill because I say negative things about a competing product. So what the fuck do you want?
Actually I will post more about my KINGrinder K1 in the future, just to spite you, you autistic redditor nigger.

>> No.17064556

I'm a coffee snob and had to drink instant coffee all week at my parents. It's honestly not THAT bad. Like the anon below you recommenced, just use bottled water instead of shitty tap and it comes out half-decent.

>> No.17064598
File: 2.78 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211130_202541045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hasn't posted a picture of the grinder
>Hasn't posted a picture of the grinds
>Made two cups of coffee with it
>Vehemently defends it as he's butthurt he's the first moron to fall for viral marketing here
>buys out of date coffee from the supermarket and tries to return it
Think this is enough beans to evaluate the quality of a product?

>> No.17064612
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, chino3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make pourover with 3 scoops of beans for literally years
>one time run out of coffee and make it with 2 scoops instead
>tastes the same
>make more coffee but with just 1 scoop of beans
>tastes the same
>half a scoop
>tastes nearly the same, but you can start to tell it's being diluted somewhat

Have I been wasting all that coffee?

>> No.17064643

Based scoopfag

>> No.17064733

>make pourover with 3 scoops (20-25g) for years
>one time say fuck it and use 4 scoops (35g)
>tastes better wtf?
>eventually use 5 SCOOPS
>holy shit it's even better, tastes less diluted
>realize 45g:12oz is the ideal pourover ratio

Have I been making pissy coffee half my life?

>> No.17064749
File: 44 KB, 980x980, 1259-3b72ba7a-700e-4115-84f1-344988be215b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had my coffee with rum, Kahlua, and honey mixed in plus some cream liqueur on the side as an option.

>> No.17064751

My Kenyan coffee for today tastes like buttered raisin bread toast with orange marmalade. It's nice.

>> No.17064759

Turkish or French press?

>> No.17064773

Hey I'm happy for you, you sound fat as fuck.

>> No.17064834

Try some sweetened condensed milk next time.

>> No.17064981


>> No.17065017

Newfag moment

>> No.17065097

Anyone actually googled kingrinder k1? I get zero organic discussion and 5 pages of fucking thai/vietnamese aliexpress clones before google tells me
>In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 45 already displayed.

>> No.17065237

imagine my surprise

>> No.17065308

It hasn't really reached westoids market yet.
If it ever does I hope it won't spike in price.

>> No.17065350
File: 459 KB, 1628x591, SEOmanipulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been out for over a year. If shilling was going to get it any western attention, it would have happened already. If I were poor and indonesian it might be worth, but when the owner of the company is responding immediately to any "review" theres a whole stink around it. FWIW 1zpresso did the same shit early on so its probably the same marketing people selling second quality 1z parts screwed together.

>> No.17065371

Finally get to go to my favorite roaster/coffee shop. Going to get some coffee & a latte and some good beans to bring home. https://www.sumpcoffee.com/collections/whole-bean-coffee
What looks best I can't make up my mind?

>> No.17065388

>Gora Kone
Sounds delicious. Alma Negra too. A complex winey espresso sounds cash right now.

>> No.17065415

I was actually thinking about those myself, appreciate it. Going to get a subscription/ order some shit for delivery sometime soon, this shit is too good to only get like once or twice a month.

>> No.17065513

They're definitely on my list to order from so make sure to lmk what you think. I know you're the big sump guy here. I'm just across i-70 in KC so getting it quickly is np. Kind of sucks that just as I'm getting ready to retire the franken popcorn roaster and build something new, the greencoffeecoop goes down and my cheap supply gets fucked.
>this shit is too good to only get like once or twice a month
Exactly why I've mostly avoided just getting great shit shipped in weekly vs roasting myself. That small time investment keeps my retardo brain from just ordering 2lbs of everthing off sump or sey.

>> No.17065520

yes, this. i own this model

>> No.17065826

i don't think so, i've never even heard of it until i saw it here

>> No.17065996

All coffee causes autism it seems

>> No.17066062

I'll definitely let you know sometime tomorrow. I'm definitely that guy, I've only seen Sump mentioned one other time here and it was pretty high on some anon's list. I actually found it by chance a few years ago because I was downtown and started searching nearby coffee shops and it was the closest and it completely ruined me because it's just that much better than anyone else.

>> No.17066261

When I get lazy I drive down to the roasterie or parisi and pick something up fresh. I'd def say give parisi a try if you haven't.

>> No.17066274

>the roasterie
excellent taste sir/maam

>> No.17066721

I'll definitely check them out pretty soon, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.17066888
File: 1.02 MB, 4656x3492, coarse because it's for a mokapot-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I was told there was a sale, so I got it. The K1 is their lower end model. I got it because it was still in my budget and this one is supposed to be able to make espresso unlike the most basic one.
The main Kingrinder videos you see on youtube are reviewing their highest end model and some comparing it to the timemore.

>> No.17066905
File: 643 KB, 3300x3416, dirty stove-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just good for my setup, since half-assed espresso or maybe even slightly coarser is ideal for mokapots.
I guess it's hard to fill without spilling. I wrap my hand around the top so it works like a funnel. Also it doesn't seem to have much capacity. That picture is about maximum beans it can take in grind form.
Still I like it since it works for me.
Honestly, coffee was kinda shitty today though since I overfilled it. It even stalled for a bit. I need to add less coffee.

Preemptive fuck you to the autistic redditor, who now mentions twitter too.

>> No.17066967
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Fuck me this is strong. It's blacker than a fucking nigger.

>> No.17066968
File: 142 KB, 1500x1150, 20211205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 espresso

>> No.17066990

Is there a material for a grinder grounds container that will result in less static? Like theoretically glass should be better than plastic?

>> No.17067006

Strong taste-wise, right? Chicory is kinda bitter, but I love the taste.

>> No.17067308

you can mist the beans with ONE spray of water before grinding
a very tiny atomizer is important, not like some big spray bottle

>> No.17067678

I believe plastic is the worst for it, glass is only slightly better, and metal is best, but either way

You can also just use a very slightly wet spoon or chopstick or something and stir the beans a bit before grinding.

>> No.17067890

What's a good budget electric grinder & dripper machine combo I can get for my boomer dad so that he makes some better coffee?

>> No.17067936

If I order 2 bags fresh from the roaster, can I stick one in the freezer and use it for the second half of the month?

>> No.17067988

Cuisinart grinder
Kitchen aid drip

>> No.17068003

Alright, not bad. Thanks.

>> No.17068016

Drip coffee out of a dirt white $25 coffee machine is the only true coffee

>> No.17068028

Breville SGP, the only grinder backed by real science experts

>> No.17068046

Get him a shitty plastic hand grinder and tell him to hook it up to his drill for peak boomer power, then brew in a piece of shit mr coffee from Walmart.

>> No.17068049

>local Starbucks still won't let me *nudgenudgewinkwink* them into grinding my non-Starbucks bags of beans anymore
They started off by saying it was covid bullshit but now I think their corporate office must have cracked down on them for breaking policy. The grinder at the grocery store is literally always broken. I simply refuse to believe there's a home grinder that matches what comes out of those bulk ones.

>> No.17068059

For me, it’s a vacuum insulated tumbler to keep my coffee warm until lunch

>> No.17068157

Grind freshness is much more impactful on quality of the final product than the difference in grind uniformity between home and industrial grinders.

>> No.17068161

don't do it, he's going to say "thanks son" and then never use it

>> No.17068204

>vacuum insulated tumbler
Thanks to a guy I worked with, I will forever associate the phrase "double-walled glass vacuum insulated tumbler" with the most horrific screeching sound known to man.
We were digging up an alleyway to put in a new underground service, and they warned us that the gas lines in the neighbourhood didn't exactly run straight due to the geography and age of them.
Anyways, the site super showed up one morning, standing on the edge of the trench and sipping coffee from his brand new "double-walled glass vacuum insulated tumbler", as he made a point of explicitly calling it every time he mentioned it.
>"New coffee cup?"
>"Yeah, it's a "double-walled glass vacuum insulated tumbler". Really keeps things warm way longer."

>"You guys should really look at getting one of these "double-walled glass vacuum insulated tumblers"."
>"I swear, I've never had my coffee stay this warm before I bought a "double-walled glass vacuum insulated tumbler"."
>"Hey, you know they sell "double-walled glass vacuum insulated tumblers" at..."

Suddenly one of the guys in the trench helping guide the excavator slammed his shovel in the ground and yelled "CAN YOU STOP FUCKING SAYING THAT?" at the top of his lungs. In the second he looked away, the excavator went in for a scoop of the trench wall and fucking KABOOM.
Caught a rogue nipple from the elusive gas line and wrenched it back half a foot, cracking the pressurized pipe. It sounded like a combination between a bomb going off and a jetplane taking off. I couldn't hear myself screaming, let alone the guy scrambling to get out of the trench. Holy shit, we all just ran like the idiots we were

Everyone was okay in the end. Ears rang for the next day, but I had my hearing back in time to deal with the gas company when they showed up. Fucking asshat super and his "double-walled glass vacuum insulated tumbler"...

>> No.17068215


>> No.17068431

>I simply refuse to believe there's a home grinder that matches what comes out of those bulk ones.
I can't imagine that the bulk grinders used by grocery stores are particularly high quality

>> No.17068437

It's not about the best quality, it's about the autistic sameness and consistency.

>> No.17068438

This sounds like some shit I would do

>> No.17068524

That's a nice brikka. The new ones removed the weighted valve.
Unrelated but I kinda want to mod a bottle cap on my moka's nozzle, to prevent it spitting coffee everywhere.

>> No.17068526

My mom has this portable humidifier thing, sounds like it'd be perfect.

>> No.17068616

anyone have a link to a spray bottle good for this purpose? I have a ton but I feel they all spray too much to the point the beans get stuck in the hopper, and too much water can be good for metal burrs

>> No.17068764

God damn lol

>> No.17068802


Small shit like this is going to be best.

>> No.17068814

>ctrl-f twitter
>1 result

You got shilled a shit quality grinder pal. Most people wouldn't admit to falling for such low hanging marketing. Do you buy infomercial shit too?

>> No.17068815
File: 380 KB, 960x720, 1638381637256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon who copped the Eureka Mignon Filtro here, it just came in today and I spent a very short time setting it up and testing out a few different grind settings on my lunch break. First impression is that I have no idea why people don't talk about this> brand more often. This thing is built like a brick shithouse, all metal and heavy, easy to open up and the motor is bigger than the entire old shitter grinder I was using before this. Surprisingly quiet and so far the grinds look really consistent. Here's an example of about the finest setting out of the box.

>> No.17068821
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Here's one full rotation of the adjustment dial coarser

>> No.17068828
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Two full rotations up from the finest setting

>> No.17068835
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Three rotations

>> No.17068846

>First impression is that I have no idea why people don't talk about this> brand more often.
They do, its just on the euro side of discussion. Glad my rec for the manuale led here. How big of an issue is holding down that toggle?
>This thing is built like a brick shithouse
Def big, ugly, and boxy but it reminds me of a fucking tank. Why fuck around with chrome plated plastic when you can just bend a metal box together?

>> No.17068848
File: 319 KB, 960x720, 1638382161211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's what I settled on for my first test brew in my v60, about 2.5 rotations up from the finest.

Definitely need to do some more fiddling around to get it just right but holy shit, it's like I was drinking mud before compared to how clean this tastes. I was using some older grocery store beans I had lying around so I'll be interested to see what it's like when I use some of the newer locally roasted stuff I have.

>> No.17068875

It's not too bad to hold down since it grinds pretty damned fast, but it's pretty dumb that they put the button and the hopper gate on the same side, makes it a pain in the ass to start the grinder then open the gate. Definitely gonna want to look into modding that to a switch soon.

I don't honestly mind the look of it, it's not nearly as sexy as a niche but if you leave the ugly grinds catcher off and use some kind of dosing cup it's not too bad. I was thinking about adding one of the tilt stands I've seen people making for it to emulate the zero retention model and making it tall enough to use a nicer metal cup, and if I'm really feeling it maybe adding some wood accents.

>> No.17068920

>make "latte" with a small amount of milk
>it just tastes like coffee
>add more milk
>it just tastes like milk
what gives

>> No.17068954

Based parkinson's enjoyer

>> No.17068971
File: 561 KB, 1080x1592, Screenshot_20211201-133929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glad my rec for the manuale here
I think you recommend that to me, I bought the crono and I love it
Thanks for that
I ordered one of these single dose with bellows off Etsy, it's on sale for a few more hours (pic rel, won't let me post link for some reason)

My only OCD complaint is I use a dark roast at night and a light roast in the morning, when I grind for my morning brew I can see some dark roast grounds coming out which tells me retention is there but not really an issue from a usability stand point since you generally get out what you put in even if it has some old grounds mixed in. I can't say it affects taste but you could say it's an OCD thing

>> No.17068986

You are going to be pretty happy with that order, I had both and got some for the house. Even got me a kalita wave because all I have besides my drip maker is a broken ass moka pot. I even got some of the Yemen Sanaa but I'm not having any until tomorrow morning because I'm all tweaked out now from getting like 6 drinks while I was there.

>> No.17068990

I was thinking about getting one of those but I'm not 100% sold on it cause they're kind of ugly, and also I might just print something myself once I've got my printer up and running.

>> No.17068997

>single dose with bellows off Etsy
Glad I refreshed before posting. Almost shilled the same link lol.

>> No.17069047

I wish I had a printer, nearly considered buying one. I think eureka sells an official single dose hopper + bellows but that shit is way overpriced, though it looks nicer.

>> No.17069086

Yeah, honestly would love to just buy the one they're doing for the niche ripoff zero retention model they're working on but like you said that shit is stupid expensive for what it is. I'll probably just end up trying to make my own version eventually.

>> No.17069135

I'd just bite the bullet at that price. You're going to spend $15 on something else to steal the puffer after printing a better chute so might as well start with something usable and optimize with the printer.

>> No.17069149

I can likely just print the bellows myself, that's what the Etsy guy selling them did, just need the right filament for it.

>> No.17069160
File: 267 KB, 706x936, 188a9153-eureka-single-dose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'd like to do ideally is basically just mod it into one of these

>> No.17069189

I think he switched from printed bellows to just stocking silicone from someone else.
>If you had a 3D printed TPU version of this bellows fail, we offer replacement silicone bellows for $20 USD.

>> No.17069227

Interesting yeah I hadn't caught that. Might go ahead and grab one then, worst case scenario I replace it with something else later

>> No.17069253

>which tells me retention is there but not really an issue
That may change as the burrs season or you may have to go and really hammer down the alignment(which you two should probably just do anyway at some point.)

>> No.17069457

Thanks anon. Do the new ones work okay aside from the spitting everywhere?
My Brikka is genuine, but I'm convinced it's from the chinese factory. It stalls often and instead of pouring coffee it just whistles loud as fuck and ruins my grinds. Also the print on the weighted valve and the bottom wore off really quick.
Man, brikka in general is such a pain for only a slightly better and foamier coffee than a mokapot.

>> No.17069528

how much is small amounts? 1cup a day?

>> No.17069572
File: 30 KB, 480x640, 21165_img_6861 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my coffee to have a 1:0 ratio. I allow the fluids of my mouth to extract all of the flavors naturally, starting with brilliant acidity, slowly giving way to satisfying bitterness with a rich body.

>> No.17069677
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 7PF8N49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you get the grind just right
Also, what's the best value automatic grinder for under 500?

>> No.17069702

400 mg caffeine is the upper limit which is like 2 big strong 8 oz cups. I think even 400 daily over the course of decades is still a lot though.
One big cup and one smaller half cup daily I think is generally ok. there's a lot of gray area. If you have a family history of high blood pressure you might want to avoid going near the upper limit.

>> No.17069711

also to expand on this I'm talking mainly about the heart, the acidity of coffee is also really bad for the teeth (bad teeth are also linked to heart problems). But other than that it's beneficial to your brain and keeps your digestive system running smooth.

>> No.17069719
File: 3.00 MB, 4160x3120, 20211201_153313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wife doesn't really drink coffee but she loves anything from pic related. She drank more coffee today than in the last few weeks combined. Wasn't sure how pic related was going to be like but I'm glad I picked it out. It's just as good or better than some of the other stuff I got today.

>> No.17069746

Mignon manuale prolly.

>> No.17069864

Ooh nice I'd love to try some yemeni, unfortunately I'm in a third-world shithole in the middle of nowhere so it's pretty difficult to get a hold of. Does it have a noticeably unique profile?

>> No.17070128

Yeah the tasting notes are spiced grape and grahm cracker. It's pretty damn smooth too. Just about everything at that place is ridiculously good.

>> No.17070158
File: 53 KB, 1024x1024, flair 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is a piece of shit right? 570$ just for the shitty Chinese heating body and a disk with holes you put on top of your grinds

>> No.17070208

It also takes a standard portafilter which is nice but overall seems like a really poor value for the cost.

>> No.17070251

I've got it. Its pretty great.
>really poor value
Any other electric heaters with pressure profiling in the price range?

>> No.17070296
File: 46 KB, 684x1050, 51r3jjXwk1L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pull shots of this. Can I do better?

>> No.17070344

Maybe. Can you get that with a very recent roasting date?

>> No.17070420

They're about 20days and it's not local.

>> No.17070888


>> No.17071484

what should I buy next an espresso machine or a grinder? whats more important grind or bean quality?

>> No.17071495

You can't make espresso without a grinder anon

>> No.17071499

i can if i buy preground coffee

>> No.17071506

>whats more important grind or bean quality?
>jk I don't care about either one

>> No.17071642

Espresso, especially bare espresso without milk to hide faults, is a fickle bastard of a thing to make, and very slight grind changes can have big impacts on shot times and consequently taste. Buying coffee and having someone grind it, it's unlikely they will guess the right grind for your machine, and as the coffee goes stale - much faster with ground than whole bean - it will also affect the shot time, so you're starting from a position of probably not right and then getting worse. Buying pre-ground coffee, not having it ground when you buy it, you make both problems even worse.

I would suggest a grinder before an espresso machine, assuming you already have a way of making coffee that will take advantage of a grinder - you'll improve your experience with whatever method you're already using.

>> No.17071916

The new ones work just as well, they just don't look as nice.
Spitting is because I either grind too coarse or overheated it. It's not supposed to spit. But I wish there was something to stop the mess in case it does spit.
Ah well the design is like a century old by now, I guess they just don't want to change it.
Also if it's made in china it'll say made in china on the box. This isn't something companies would lie about. One of bialetti's selling point is that it's made in romania or something iirc. Probably the only way anyone can justify paying more than $10 for a basic moka pot.

>> No.17071991
File: 30 KB, 473x508, 20211212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latte art

>> No.17072042

Good grinder first. You can't make good espresso without a good grinder. Depends on how good the coffee is and how bad the grinder is. Bad grinder will knock the goodness out of a good coffee. Good grinder will preserve how good it really is. Bad coffee can't taste better no matter how perfect the grinder, but it can taste worse with a bad grinder.

>> No.17072190

I don't think I really like coffee, I hate bitterness/astringency.
is there any stuff out there that I might actually enjoy?
also since I only want to try and see I dont want to spend much to make it happen.
any Reccs?

>> No.17072231

>So this is a piece of shit right?
If you mean “so I can’t afford this, right?”, then I suppose you probably can’t.

>> No.17072249
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>> No.17072256

Find someplace close to you, a good, well reviewed coffee shop that offers several ways of preparing coffee, that roasts their own beans. Go there when they're not busy, and tell them you're interested in seeing what coffee is like when it's not bitter, and that you've heard perhaps fruitier lighter roasts might interest you. If you pick the place right, you'll find they'll be more than happy to shoot the breeze talking about all the different ways they brew it, and what might work for you, and you'll be able to try a couple of ways to see if there's a spot on the coffee spectrum you can enjoy. At that point, you'll be able to ask them about how you can go about reaching that point with a v60 - which is about the cheapest entry into good coffee.

>> No.17072289

Finally brewed a cup for myself with my kalita, definitely some of the best coffee I've had in a while. Got a new lil miir travel mug and it's the perfect size for a pour over.

>> No.17072483

It's not that I can't afford it, even though I can't actually afford it, it's just that I don't to pay an extra 200-300$ for a halfassed water heater in my manual espresso machine.
I'd rather just fiddle around with a kettle. Having to plug in a manual espresso maker defeats the purpose

>> No.17072533

So you can buy it for a few dollars cheaper without the heating element and use it like a normal Flair or other lever machine. Its party trick is a 58mm basket and the flexibility to using commercial baskets and tampers and accessories, that's its primary source of appeal to coffee nerds - because there's a good chance a lot of the people buying one already have a favourite tamper and an OCD tool and VST baskets etc, etc - it's a hobbyist item that leans deeper into the hobby side. It doesn't render the rest of the Flair line unavailable, you can still pick up one of their cheaper models and make perfectly serviceable coffee- if the heated or non-heated models don't appeal to you, then you're probably not their market - but that doesn't make it shit.

>> No.17072585

Having to plug in a manual espresso maker means I don't have to fiddle with a preheat ritual. I press a button, come back, and can pull as many shots as I fee like no issue. I went from a flair signature to this and I can tell you its every bit worth.
>halfassed water heater
Its not a water heater. It just keeps all the cold steel parts hot to keep from sapping the heat out of your kettle water on contact. The whole "convoluted" external wiring coffeefag doesn't like is exactly what I do like. My electronics are all away from heat and water and if anything ever burns out its all modular to replace/upgrade it.

>> No.17072590

You pretty much answered what I clumsily tried to ask with my original post. Thanks, anon.
So aside from being compatible with serious business equipment the basket size doesn't affect the quality of the coffee you make much?
The disks with the holes for more even distribution of water seem important. I wonder if they'll start making those for the cheaper models

>> No.17072596

That's fair. I imagine the whole ritual being fun, but I've never seen a flair machine in person.
It's just that it didn't look that nice to me in the James Hoffman video

>> No.17072639

Oh look I'm sure there's a difference, the anon above you has said as much - and dialling in and having the support infrastructure of all the 58mm accessories makes consistency easier to achieve for home baristas. 58mm also means that you can dose higher and therefore get a higher yield - you're probably going to be pulling 25-30mL espresso shots out of a smaller Flair as opposed to 35-45mL out of a 58mm basket. But plenty of people like and love their smaller Flair machines - like anything involving espresso, the limiting factor is human input and coffee bean/grind quality.

>> No.17072907

yeah, the workflow is super finnicky for the same price as an europiccola, i don't get the appeal. buy the lever machine with an actual boiler and an actual steam wand.

>> No.17073297

Have you ever used a europiccola? They're junk. Uninsulated pressure bombs with shit thermal stability and proprietary sizes. You can put a heat sink on them to help with this but it gets even uglier and you're still going to burn yourself on their shit 1940s design.

>> No.17073614
File: 366 KB, 1920x1440, cofe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my dirty cofe corner

>> No.17073642

backsplash tiles are ugly
but cool gear

>> No.17073749

rented place, everything about the kitchen is ugly

>> No.17074044

>french press

>> No.17074123

>store beans in hopper
those aren't air tight you know

>> No.17074131

faggot those get ground and refilled within days
how do you make coffee nigger

>> No.17074135

>for the same price as an europiccola
Almost twice the price. People are replacing their LPs with f58s, not the other away around.

>> No.17074136
File: 332 B, 34x37, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moka pot

>> No.17074137

called it, a nigger

>> No.17074143

incorrect, poseur

>> No.17074325

Is it actually good? I'm honestly thinking of getting one.

>> No.17074334

Luckily its perfectly possible to drink coffee and alcohol at the same time.

>> No.17074957

>spiced grape
>and grahm cracker
These are not flavours I normally associate with coffee

>> No.17075089

Any recommendations for a good quality coffee maker that won't break the bank? Dad's ancient Capresso finally crapped out on him, and I'd like to buy him a replacement for Christmas, but I'd also like to keep it at or under $100. Do I *have* to pay twice or thrice that for a decent cuppa brew...?

>> No.17075324

what does he look for in a coffee maker?what seems most appropriate for him?
is he groggily throwing a 1/2 cup of folgers into the machine to start his day? or is he a total faggot about coffee like everyone else in this thread and needs some really convoluted method of making coffee?
is he smart enough technologically to use a timer on a coffee maker so he's not groggily making coffee every morning? or would he really appreciate a fully automatic coffee machine that handles grinding beans and everything?
would the coffee maker in question look good in his kitchen? does it fit his style? is he willing to take care of something a little nice or is he going to treat it like shit?

>> No.17075336

Do NPCs really feel "groggy" in the morning? I have never understood this meme.

>> No.17075364

I used to feel that way, then I realized I was a night owl and got a job with afternoon shifts and I'm a much happier person. I don't function if I wake before 10.

>> No.17075386

You're probably accustomed to South American coffee flavors like chocolate, nuts, and caramels. Wilder flavors in natural process coffees. Yemeni coffees have wilder flavors even for natural process coffees. They aren't always pleasant, but they are almost always interesting.

>> No.17075406

Is coffee a trigger for you to consume sugar?

>> No.17075481

He likes Peets. He already has a grinder. To hell with style and what the hell ever else -- a good tasting cuppa brew is paramount. Yes, he knows how to set a timer and how to take care of nice things.

Now that I've jumped through all your hoops, can I get some good-natured advice? I'm in the market myself.

>> No.17075544

Absolutely, and I can't stop. Making Latte is too fun

>> No.17075545

Everything sub $200 is going to be the same basic aluminum heat coil shit. If you buy your dad a moccamaster, brevile precision brew, gevi, or ratio 8 you'll probably pick it back up off his will. Probably shot yourself in the foot by 25-30% by asking this a week after black friday.

>> No.17075744

Yeah, you might as well get a machine
>connect the flair
>connect the kettle
>connect the grinder
>run hot water
>grind and tamper
>pour hot water
>pull the lever

>> No.17075780
File: 10 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>connect the flair
>connect the kettle
>connect the grinder
Kek. How often are you unplugging appliances? They kind of just stay "connected".

>> No.17075843

The flair is just a fancy Wacaco dude, just let it go

>> No.17075860

Maybe if you're shooting for 15g in 45g out in 3.5minutes.

>> No.17075977
File: 2.14 MB, 2208x3106, 1638336677719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, no more so than any other "jus as good" drip, but they last a long time.

>> No.17076034

Yeah brikkas are finicky like that. I feel like the new one is more convenient, but the weight on top is fun to play with.
Yeah I don't know where it's from exactly, but I've read plenty of articles to know they don't make em in Italy anymore. For example:
But it's not too bad, I guess. They still make them up to standard.
I had a bootleg, definitely Chinese, no brand moka pot before and it was awful. It'd leak hotter-than-boiling water directly on the hand that was holding the thing

>> No.17076054

If you want some authentic italian memery its still available.


>> No.17076059
File: 21 KB, 256x454, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's some good light/med roasts for a plain ol good black cuppa? Nothing too fruity. I really like pic rel. I use pourover / aeropress, paper filter always.

>> No.17076090

I have the size 2 V60 and you can easily brew 2 to 4 cups of coffee in it at a time. Keep in mind that a 'cup' of coffee is close to 4oz than the 8oz of a standard cup. I use Tetsu's brewing method and get consistently good results.

>> No.17076163

Those look nice

>> No.17076189
File: 22 KB, 488x488, GUEST_d703703a-fb28-489d-9bbf-0f2e8240e10d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good k-cups flavors?

>> No.17076220

This looks like it probably works but it's also an extremely autistic way to make kafei

>> No.17076222
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>Sometimes forget to make my coffee in the morning and have to have the office keurig
>More often than not, a k-cup is left in the machine after whoever used it last

It's the equivalent to the 'putting the cart back after using it'. If you can't be fucked to throw out your used k-cup, you are not human. sinple as

>> No.17076229

Is it weird that I don't drink coffee? I refuse to introduce a drug into my body. No thanks, I can stay awake and alert without some stimulant.

>> No.17076235

Do you also not drink tea? There's caffeine in there too, and sometimes it's way stronger than coffee.
Stop being a faggot. Tasty things are tasty.

>> No.17076242

>Do you also not drink tea?

Only when I got sick as a kid.

>> No.17076249
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>> No.17076251

Its weird you felt we'd give a shit.

>> No.17076263

>This looks like it probably works
Well it won the World Brewer's Cup 2016 so obviously it fucking works retard

>> No.17076415
File: 3.37 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211203_043353825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late nite coof


>> No.17076479

oh man I hate that, it's not hard to just fucking take out the damn used coffee cup

>> No.17077032
File: 171 KB, 735x1156, f805a963afecd793c1fcf1079f99d09f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 8 coffees yesterday
I've had 8 coffees today
And by God I'm gonna have 8 more tomorrow
I hate coffee

>> No.17077061

What's a decent coffee grinder? Planning on doing pour-overs

>> No.17077151

Kek I have that $5 chinese moka. It definitely leaks coffee on the handle.

>> No.17077192
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Some people are scum

>> No.17077197

those k-cups seem very wasteful. I still don't understand if 1 cup = 1 serving or is it supposed to make multiple cups?

>> No.17077210

It was definitely unique, I've never really had anything like it but I've never got really good coffee from that region before. Probably the most expensive coffee I've ever bought but it was worth it, it tastes amazing. Can't wait to have another cup in a bit here.

>> No.17077213


>> No.17077402

No I always drink it black because I get good coffee. Why get single origin shit if I'm just going to fuck it up with sugar, milk or any other shit.

>> No.17077410

Why is it so expensive?

>> No.17077628
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>Wacaco Macropresso

>> No.17077641
File: 1.49 MB, 498x498, peepo-sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have more beans than i can use, what do i do with them?

>> No.17077643

T. Can't afford either

>> No.17077784

put in airtight container

>> No.17077796

What's your budget?

>> No.17077803

It's one use per pod, the whole idea of them is single-serve. And yes they're very wasteful and also not very good.

>> No.17078319
File: 793 KB, 564x843, letsfuckinggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All us units going on a ship soon.

>> No.17078630
File: 80 KB, 551x640, 5A951367-4172-4CAA-948C-A00C0D215ED1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, my Gaggian classic came with a 7 and an 18gr basket, I regularly use the 18gr with 17grs as the 18grs make contact with the shower, is my grinder the issue here? I tamp with NSWE motions then twice with considerable strength and still can’t manage to get over 17.2gr
My pucks come out perfect, no cracks, no soggy ness and my espressos are coming out with foamy crema (nothing too wild)
>I’m going insane
Pic is double espresso shot 17grs

>> No.17078671

>I tamp with NSWE motions then twice with considerable strength

>> No.17078688

Dunno. What does the long spout give?
I've bought this one for matcha tea a few years ago and it's still trucking along, despite my housmates regularly mistreating and overfilling it.
I think OXO is another brand that makes them without any plastic bits

>> No.17078715

Like tamping in each cardinal direction? Applying force north south west and east then a big tamp

>> No.17078769

1 level press, 1 small twist to polish. You don't need to freestyle tamp or try to reinvent the wheel.


>> No.17078938

>What does the long spout give?
convenience, making pourovers with a normal kettle is annoying

>> No.17079044

I don’t but I just want it to be super tamped, i had bad experiences with water shooting out like it was a super soaker and shiet

>> No.17079101

Then grind finer. You adjust for flow with grind, not pressure.

>> No.17079323


>> No.17079401

Does getting whole beans and grinding them yourself really make much of a difference compared to just buying pre-ground coffee? If so, what's a good, inexpensive manual grinder that you'd recommend?