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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, or was it gordon's fault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17052125 No.17052125 [Reply] [Original]

Did he?

>> No.17052165


It was his choice

>> No.17052199

Did marco choose to have gordon steal his own guest list and blame marco for it

>> No.17052211

Gordon said "The most amazing..." one too many times and Marco flipped out on him telling him "I'm a very quiet man. But you don't want to see me yell."

>> No.17052296

I heard he grabbed a stick of unsoftened butter, crammed it up Gordon’s bussy, and jackhammer his prostate over a delicately plated foie gras

>> No.17052340

Sounds like a nice meal, would eat it in front of Gordon just to see him cry and puke

>> No.17052360

it was his choice, really

>> No.17052496



Marco grew up under a domineering and emotionally aloof father

He has worked hard everyday of his life since he was about 9 years old.

Ramsey grew up in a shitty crime ridden neighborhood and came to cooking as a way of escaping the gangs and violence of his neighborhood.

I respect both of them but if I had choice of who to have dinner with it would be Marco hands down.

>> No.17052531

its your choice

>> No.17054571

Both these guys grew up with hard lives. Too bad they can't see what they have in common.

>> No.17054577

didn't ramsay also sabotage one of mpw's restaurants once?

>> No.17055098


Allegedly he did. The story is that he paid some one from his old neighborhood to ride up on a motorcycle and steal the reservation book from the matredee's desk. This was also right as he accepted a job as the executive chef at a restaurant that directly competed with with Marco's restaurant.

Rumors say Gordon still has that book in a safe deposit box in a bank some where in London.

>> No.17055253


Both of them openly admit he did, though Marco claims he can't remember specifically what it was, as he'd bollocked him in the same way hundreds of times before and it was Gordon's last night working for him anyway

>> No.17055393

>he'd bollocked him
What?? He fucked him in the ass?

>> No.17055407
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>> No.17055420
File: 1.08 MB, 1440x776, gordonbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel hurt gordon on a whole different level than mpw

>> No.17056465

quick rundown?

>> No.17056483

he admitted it himself. he says he still has it at home

>> No.17056517

>grew up under a domineering and emotionally aloof father
>has worked hard everyday of his life since he was about 9 years old.
>grew up in a shitty crime ridden neighborhood and came to cooking as a way of escaping the gangs and violence of his neighborhood.
Wow what if you're dealing with all three?

>> No.17056524

get a job

>> No.17056528

at a restaurant?

>> No.17056553


>> No.17056593

Marco is a mess though. Divorced with a huge alimony, kids are failures, forced to shill Knorr products. Ramsey's life is perfect compared to him.

>> No.17056596

>I respect both of them but if I had choice of who to have dinner with it would be Marco hands down.
This. Ramsay is just too low class to be good company

>> No.17056609

>Ramsey's life is perfect compared to him
Based on that grilled cheese he made, I need to disagree with you

>> No.17056761

it was his choice
>huge alimony
he can afford it
>kids are failiures
that was his choice, he chose not to raise them >forced to shill knorr products
nobody forced him, it was his choice. he chose to do it.

>> No.17056786

>that was his choice, he chose not to raise them
yeah i have to agree compare marcos progeny with gordons and that probably says it all

>> No.17056792

or just look at the roux family running a three star michelin empire. anglos are just fucked up cucks.

>> No.17056798

the only way anglos can cook is if they're trained by the french...but just give them some drugs and literal cuckoldry and its all over

>> No.17057836

Marco sounds like the type of bloke who can't banter.

>> No.17057868

I respect neither of them. They're good examples of why the lower classes should stay in their place.

>> No.17057896

If you aren’t in school or a cripple. Restaraunt jobs are for little bitches. And thats word to your mother.

>> No.17057913

Get cucked by his borderline retard of a coworker? Yeah.

>> No.17058026


>> No.17058055

my mother is dead, but i'm not a bitch, so i'm not sure.

>> No.17058107

If you are an abled bodied man and not pre occupied with something like school or a band or something. Restaurant jobs are gay. I only worked em because i am a borderline cripple alcoholic.

>> No.17058116

>i am a borderline cripple alcoholic
hmm im a cripple and a hardcore alcoholic.

>> No.17058121

It’s k.

>> No.17058127

Marco has like 5 kids and fucks whoever he wants
Seethe you will never have sex

>> No.17058131


the moment i saw that i stopped liking him

>> No.17058220

paco the guy who cleans my gutters has six children

>> No.17058394

paco also cleans your wife's gutters, if you know what i mean.

>> No.17058416

I actually went to Ramsay's restaurant in New York and stayed at that hotel. Stuck-up stuffy atmosphere, forgettable food. The hotel was excellent though, P Diddy was staying there

>> No.17058418

lamb sauce?

>> No.17058422

I can't remember what I had this was in 2008 and I was like 13 at the time, the waiters literally stood around watching you eayt was vey unnerving and OTT

>> No.17058540


>> No.17058587

Sir, I have sex with Marco everyday, mayhaps you are the one that needs to have sex.

>> No.17058822


Haha yeah whoever heard of Marco Pierre White running a Michelin star winning empire?

>> No.17059925

What are his kids doing? I remember him saying his son would be a too Chef.

>> No.17060537

Appreciate Gordon's ballsy move to blame him for an obvious self robbery, and allow him to soar to international stardom? Yes.
Or did he waste his opportunity to match him as a television and media personality, despite being the original rockstar chef? Also yes.

>> No.17060551

Did p diddy fuck you wife?

>> No.17060878
File: 44 KB, 728x530, Screen_Shot_2018-08-14_at_12.43.35_PM.width-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it was my choice to watch somebody else.

>> No.17060941

Why did he act like a prissy bitch during that special on him. Seems like a real douche to be desu

>> No.17061204

Lots of cocaine and the director probably asked him to exaggerate his douchy persona to make it more dramatic for television. All marketing since he already had that bad boy image at that point.

>> No.17061961
File: 2.05 MB, 3120x4160, 1638250005019795074516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked for both of them and I m for Marco all the way

>> No.17061999

He killed himself, but it was Gordon's fault.

>> No.17062018

>Brie with Truffles
There more to it than cheese with some truffle slices right?

>> No.17062025

Makes sense

>> No.17062031

No real recipe, really

>> No.17062059

Ramsay is now filthy rich and his descendants will more than likely be filthy rich and redefine their class.

>> No.17062068

Class and virtue are independent variables

>> No.17062081


Luciano is opening a restaurant. Junior is a model when he's not in court. Mirabelle is a dancer.

>> No.17062086

I would love to explain class to you but you genuinely need to have grown up in British society aware of your place or you'd just find the rules illogical and confusing.

>> No.17062115


Whole brie de meaux cut in half filled with mascarpone and truffles

>> No.17062122

>class is static
>UK is relevant
Full retard. You guys are going to stay in your shrinking bubble playing classism and pretending its the 1700s while being irreversibly browned. What losers kek

>> No.17062124


>> No.17062148

>UK is relevant
to class? of course it is. it's the only place that still has a functioning class system. if you're discussing class you're discussing the UK. what kind of stupid post was that?

>> No.17062150

Sounds... lazy

>> No.17062189

>still has a functioning class system
Kek clock’s ticking friend.

>> No.17062209

sometimes I wonder how much time I have wasted cumulatively watching Americans embarrass themselves talking about things they don't understand

>> No.17062334

>functional class system
Lulnah. Bongs pretend they do, but nobody under the age of 40 gives a shit about class anymore. It’s purely about ‘street (nigger)’ fashion, Nandos, the footy, and whatever American programme is on the telly. Bongolia had their working class revolution, now everyone from the Knights of the Round down to Sanjeep Al-Hamoud in an east london council estate all work their hardest to always look as low class as possible, because daring to try and emulate any level of Old British upper crust charm automatically marks you as persona non grata in greater society. All the dukes and lords are honorary titles that the average bong doesn’t know or care about, and they are rapidly dying out as well. Britain will become a Republic during Charles’ reign, mark my words.

>> No.17062348

thanks American retard. did you visit and were surprised you didn't meet anyone upper class? you people are raised on fairy tales and dumb as dirt

>> No.17062396

>the only place that still has a functioning class system
lmao india has more of a functioning class system than your island snaggletooth

>> No.17062401

Reminder that mutts exist because bongs fucked up.

>> No.17062490


>For you


>> No.17062497
File: 1.51 MB, 2500x3750, A989D2C6-387D-430B-8DD3-346D1F8DC9BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mpw is my favorite chef and nobody else is even remotely close

>> No.17062506

>didn’t meet any upper class folk
For the same reason if you went to LA and didn’t meet any Hollyjew queers. The rich and powerful tend to keep everyone else at arms’ length.
And before you say “that’s class!!!”, friendly reminder that you yourself stated that financial well-being and class are not the same thing. How many landed gentry and other upper-class folk of noble title and birth hold genuine political and social power in the UK today? Very few if any. Historically, those people decided EVERYTHING in the UK, top down. These days, it’s far more common for a nouveau-rich twat like Gordon Ramsay or Jeremy Clarkson to have cultural influence. Nobody knows who the archduke of counterbury is, everyone knows who the prime minister is. And the PM is from a middle class (the concept of a middle class being a modern fluid invention, mind you) partial-immigrant background (Boris is ¼ Turk)

>> No.17062508

Yes, he single-handedly ensured liquid knorr concentrate could never be sold state-side.

>> No.17062596

Oy vey. But the profits!

>> No.17062959

Post Marco having an autistic meltdown on MasterChef over the Indonesian dish wrapped in a banana leaf

>> No.17063018

>no, see, I do understand what class is
>just read my essay of Incorrect assumptions of what class is
I don't get why you are so obsessed with understanding the minor cultural points of a country you will never visit or live in? I don't pretend to understand your culture of being disgustingly fat and stupid. but I guess that's the American condition. stupid, don't know it, and ready to tell the world

>> No.17063052


>> No.17063189

Sounds like fire emblem character

>> No.17063227

>don't get why you are so obsessed with understanding the minor cultural points of a country you will never visit or live in?
Not him but can you fucking faggots stop making declarative statements and then for some odd reason putting a question mark at the end? Are you retarded? Have you never learned your own language?

>> No.17063830

It is pretty helpful because I can disregard the posts doing this as reddit tourists

>> No.17063848

ramsaybros... what the FUCK

>> No.17063866

It was an amerimutt, of course it was a retarded post made by a fat brown degenerate

>> No.17064692

but you're trans and also cope sneed and dilate?

>> No.17064748

let's hear it then bong, since you're hell bent on wasting time on here
what is class, and how do you mean "it works"?

>> No.17064789

Why do you believe this? Neither are especially bad or vulgar people, and it's not like the upper classes can't be vulgar or useless parasites (see: bullingdon club, the 'people' who star in shows like Chelsea).

>> No.17065772

Says the retard trying to portray a valley girl inflection in text. You're worse than the valley girl herself. She just grew up like that. You're as bad as people that type in ebonics. Maybe worse even because sometimes reading it like that can actually give a bit more insight on the point being made at least.

>> No.17065904

Id get some grilled lobby

>> No.17065906

but you're seething?

>> No.17065989

Fucking cringe Dali quote

>> No.17066026

Right now? Nah I'm drinking watching comedy and shit posting.

>> No.17066911

It was also his choice

>> No.17067035

Most based post itt

>> No.17067059
File: 990 KB, 1400x1400, 1636488967216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was his choice
>huge alimony
>he can afford it
