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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17050666 No.17050666[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

200 cans sardines
200 cans tuna
120 cans tomato paste
80 cans of corned beef
50 fruit cocktail, peach slices, pear slices, crushed pineapple cans
35kg/77lbs raw honey
10kg/20 pounds of sea salt
38 cans of coconut milk
30 cans of delmonte vegetables
30 cans of beans
24 L/ 6 Gallons of Virgin Olive oil
40 cans of vienna sausage
20 cans of spam

20kg of frozen fruits
400 pounds of rice and beans in mylar bags and buckets

Did I miss anything?

>> No.17050675
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Average American shopping list

>> No.17050699

too healthy, not enough corn syrup

>> No.17050732

Quantity is pretty spot on.

>> No.17050742

A couple hundred pounds of vacuum-sealed pemmican.

>> No.17050748

Why do Americans always fantasize about the world ending

>> No.17050754

Is this a survival bunker? What am I looking at?

>> No.17050768

No, it's a hotdog factory, you dumb fucking retard

>> No.17050775

>adding coconut milk to hotdogs
Wow /ck/ is bizarre

>> No.17050780

def. missing variety

>> No.17050783

You have a garden too, right OP?
What about water? Flour and yeast? Dehydrated /condensed milk? Tea / coffee?

Also consider a small stash of "cheer food" (sweets) to help with morale when things are at their worst.

>> No.17050796

Yeah, and it'll all taste like shit. It's all processed canned shit lmao. What an incel

>> No.17050815

why do nonamericans want their governments to go door to door ass raping them with dildos?

>> No.17050817

salt and spices

>> No.17050827

>t. Since the early 1970s, the hourly inflation-adjusted wages received by the typical worker have barely risen, growing only 0.2% per year. In other words, though the economy has been growing, the primary way most people benefit from that growth has almost completely stalled
Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
You're from a much more corrupt shithole

>> No.17050828

Fair enough.

>> No.17050836

you know what correlates with that stagnant growth of wages? the 1965 immigration act, and the rise of new wave feminisms encouraging both parents to work. it's the lefties fault as usual so fuck your socialism, and I was actually talking about your attitude towards gun ownership not socialism.

>> No.17050842

>it's the lefties fault
Ah yes, the leftists are interested in crippling workers' wages, it's not the capitalists who want to make more money. Hot take!

>> No.17050851

Extra virgin olive oil shelf life is a year.

It's their religion, even when they're not religious it pervades every aspect of their cultural life. Even gastronomy or the lack thereof.

>> No.17050853

Literally yes. The "progressive" tax was invented by socialists with the intent of destroying economies.

>> No.17050855

And olive oil is perhaps the least shelf stable oil. Try peanut, or if you're willing to resort to vegetable oil in an emergency stock that.

>> No.17050861

The deindustrialization of American cities is unironically the fault of the left. So is the destruction of the nuclear family. The right and left double teamed American workers for decades though

>> No.17050870

>Democrats are leftists
Why are Americans like this.

>> No.17050875

giant 5 pound cans suck
you open one can of beans and then you are stuck with 4.5 pounds of beans that you need to eat before they go bad

smaller cans may be more expensive but you can cycle them out to keep things fresh and not have to try to use up five pounds fucking gravy
as for things missing
single serving packets of dry seasoning like chili/taco/french onion are fantastic for adding flavor to things
you have no flour to make breads or pasta, or just some basic pasta
water purification tabs, or just some pure bleach with the instructions on how to easily purify water with it
dry milk
granular sugar
more salt for canning things in the future, and it wouldn't hurt for it to be idoized

really you need to figure out what your daily needs/wants are and then hit a target of length of time sustained

>> No.17050886

Just because they aren't as far left as your shitty politicians doesn't mean they aren't lefties

>> No.17050889

Olive Oil that comes in Metal Cans lasts 3 years actually checkt he expiry date

>> No.17050895

They're capitalists

>> No.17050901

They're all the same. Massive tax hikes. Mass immigration. Diversity quotas. They're all the same.

>> No.17050903

work is subject to supply and demand, even if theres jobs for everybody fact of the matter is more work = less value for work. they would have to raise wages to compete for labor if not for lefties.

>> No.17050905

Guns and ammo.

>> No.17050906

Yeah, they're capitalists who don't give a shit about their people but only see them as cogs in the machine

>> No.17050907

Coconut milk is my milk substitute

I dont have any chocolate or tea or coffee. I only see value in them for bartering dont consume them myself

I only have a weeks worth of water. I need to get a water filter

I only have like 12 pounds of flour. I wanted to prep but also be healthy

i mentinoed salt I forgot to mention I have lots of different spices many pounds of every type they only last 4 years though

Olive Oil in metal cans lasts 3 years checkt he expiry date. Vegetable oil is bad for you

bread and flour is bad for you

youre right I have no method of water purification just a weeks worth of water

I bought lots of honey instead of sugar

I do have a little bit of iodized salt but I bought more regular salt cause iodized salt only lasts 4 years

I forgot to mention I had many pounds of cumin, pepper, etc

>> No.17050910

Do you actually think your government is any different?

>> No.17050926

No, I don't have any illusions. They're social democrats. They're still capitalists. But at least we're not America

>> No.17050929

>hates seed oils
Store them and if you don't need them, make soap

>> No.17050935

Yeah, deez nuts

>> No.17050945

>le temporarily embarrassed millionaire
The go-to faggot line for every redditor socialist.

>> No.17050971

lmao, and where do you live that's so much better?

>> No.17050989

>retard American spends thousands on "prepping" food and toilet paper in case of a global disaster

>> No.17051016

>rice and beans cost thousands

>> No.17051040

Whatchu doing there, rabbi?

>> No.17051047

>this is the other thing American'ts are constantly fantasizing about

>> No.17051048

people that prep like this are 99% of the time tinfoil hat cunts that live in an area with no natural disasters

>> No.17051055

because they have black people and didnt have the common sense to just either shoot them all or send them back like we did in other countries.
every day is a fight for survival for them.

>> No.17051056

This, when's the last time a global disaster ever happened anyways?

>> No.17051097

It's all the same dude. You're no better or worse off than us

>> No.17051117

What's even the idea here? In what fucking scenario are you going to have to survive in your basement for years?

If you look at any war, or natural disaster, you become a refugee almost instantly, or your house is destroyed, or some nigger comes and takes all your shit.

You don't survive these things by burrowing into the earth with your food stash like a squirrel. All that shit is a waste of money. You need guns, friends, family, people who will kill with you.

>> No.17051125

You need to think deeply about your belief that people who are prepared for possible hardship are crazy while people who live moment by moment, usually overgeared and on the brink of potential poverty without even realizing it, are sane.

>> No.17051135
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>i've been in a fucking coma the last two years

>> No.17051149

Congrats to OP on creating the worst thread /ck/ has ever seen.

>> No.17051166

Large cans are a bad idea, if one goes off somehow you lose a big chunk of food, it's unwieldy if you want to use it to trade, you have to eat the whole can after opening, etc, etc

>frozen fruit

>> No.17051168

just about every 300-500 years in the history of civilization some calamitous event happened causing mass starvation and/or the collapse of empires.

>> No.17051169

OP is opening a bistro that caters to mentally ill republicucks. Looks very realistic. Nice.

>> No.17051182

see 536 the worst year in history, at any moment a large volcanic eruption could end food production for a year

>> No.17051201

Don't expect an answer on that, they have to convince them that their prison is to their benefit.

>> No.17051207


>> No.17051214

do you honestly think someone that stockpiled this much food wouldnt have guns retard

>> No.17051296
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You need a garden, some chickens, maybe a couple goats and learn to can your own shit

>> No.17051319
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Yum, alien embryos

>> No.17051356 [DELETED] 

>being so paranoid you deprive other humans who are in actual need of product from said product to prepare for le ebin nuclear fallout
nigger behaviour

>> No.17051381

Meanwhile Euros don’t have enough money let alone space in their “flat” to prepare. They just have to keep their fingers crossed that their globohomo EU keeps them safe.

>> No.17051386

enjoy your botulism lol

>> No.17051396

where the fuck are your jar lids dude

>> No.17051407

>if you aren’t prepared for every possible disaster scenario and don’t have your own private bunker on a remote island than you shouldn’t bother doing anything

>> No.17051414

You don’t have to keep them on. In fact many people advise you remove the screw ring because they can get rusty, moldy underneath or create false seals.

>> No.17051422
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>> No.17051436

It’s true though. I can’t imagine living in some Euro city that gets browner every year and having to deal with a disaster scenario. What could you do but stay in your tiny apartment and hope the food lines don’t turn violent? What an appalling way to live it’s devoid of natural instinct and freedom.

>> No.17051442

Stocking up when there is no shortage, when there is in fact a surplus, is the opposite of what you say. You're the guy who is going to be pushing over old ladies in a panicked rush to get your hands on what you can.

>> No.17051456
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>> No.17051462

This. The people who pretend all is well and that preparing = panic are the retards who will be BTFO in any emergency situation. Sticking their heads in the sand will get them through normal life relatively fine but they will be the ones that panic and are caught with their pants down.

>> No.17051464

A nigger...cook.

>> No.17051486

>duddeee you're gonna be sorry when shit hits the fan
oh yeah, I'm imagining your fat unshaven greasy faces looking at the screen trying your best to justify your reckless greedy habits
Let me guess, you guys bought tons of toilet paper and face masks? Only way I could see you being so defensive

>> No.17051489

Just live rurally and you can self sustain indefinitly. I can fish, hunt and garden

>> No.17051497

huh no shit? I thought they helped keep everything tight

>> No.17051524

I did too or at least figured they’d protect the lid if bumped around. But the seal is done by vacuum and the screw ring is just unnecessary after processing. It is weird to see just the lids on but with time and depending on your climate the screws eventually rust.

Defensive? It’s common sense. Why wouldn’t you be prepared for a general emergency be it a power outage, earthquake or other natural disaster, PANDEMIC or what have you? Virtually all governments recommend that their citizens prep it’s just people are too complacent and naive to think bad things outside their control could ever happen on a large scale.

You’re like a child and the government/society is your mommy and daddy who will always keep you safe.

>> No.17051526

Europe is a big place.Not everyone lives in downtown Paris.

>> No.17051546

Where's the spuds, ye poofta?

>> No.17051572

>bread and flour is bad for you
>but all my cans of heavily salted and processed food is okay :)
Holy shit just fucking die,

>> No.17051606

It’s for prepping and non-perishable foods are invariably processed and this involves sugar and salt as a preservative.

Flour doesn’t keep very long

>> No.17051624

That makes sense but that sounded like a general keto retard statement rather than saying bread or flour is a not a good choice for prepping. Though obviously there is plenty of other foods in the prep that wouldn't be keto retard friendly.

>> No.17051631

lol, give 2 years and you'll have to start cycling through the expiring food. Enjoy eating spam

>> No.17051637

When was keto mentioned in this thread?

>> No.17051643

I thought the dates were just the companies saying they think the food won't taste as great by that date, but the food is still good for an inevitable amount of time.

>> No.17051644


>> No.17051657

Flour lasts one year. Better to have crackers and pasta and dried pulses.

>> No.17051671

It’s a good idea to cycle through your food but you’re right about expiration dates on canned goods and other preserved foods, they are best before recommendations not that the food is bad after that date.

I try to keep everything cycled before the best before date though. Except for powdered milk which I don’t use much of and lasts for a long time when properly stored.

>> No.17051685

It's really companies saying they will not be liable if botulotoxin buildup kills you.

>> No.17051695

Doesn't sound like a bad idea to go ahead and do that if they're items you'd normally eat anyways. Might as well have fresher food if something happens.

How likely is that to happen?

>> No.17051703


longer than the date, but there's so much food to consume and then replace, you would need to start the process sooner than later. Who wants to be eating 3 year old expire spam when the world isn't ending?

>> No.17051718

not him, but not very
practically unheard of with stuff like cram and deenz
some foods are more susceptible to it, though, like tamales
they've recovered canned stuff from shipwrecks in the, like, late nineteenth century that was, as far as anyone could tell, still perfectly fucking edible

>> No.17051729

Best to buy things you normally like to eat but I don’t usually eat canned meats besides tuna so it’s not easy for me to cycle through spam, corned beef and other things that I don’t normally eat but would like having around as part of prep.

I built a shelf in my basement so I could have my prep more accessible. This way I know what I have and can have the older stuff in the front.

With inflation, ongoing pandemic and overall uncertainty I’m happy to have a good prep. Makes me feel confident especially after seeing the bare shelves at times and people hoarding.

>> No.17051798

For properly stored cans from reputable manufacturer the chance is close to zero. There would have to be combination of manufacturing issue and going years over expiration date.
If you're delving into Cold War era military surplus, I'd recommend getting some pet rats...

>> No.17051919
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>iodized salt only lasts 4 years
Salt doesn't 'go bad'. You can ignore the expiration dates of salt. Ignore most foods expiration dates for that matter.

>> No.17052031

>spends thousands
It's not like that money is wasted -- if it reaches expiration date and society's still up and running, just eat it and replace it.

>> No.17052045
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>999 Doa Hoa Hong - Saimi remix [Buy = Free Download].jpg

>> No.17052095

Do you use a vaccum sealer for the mylar bags or just oxygen absorbers?

>> No.17052103

Who said the disaster needs to be global? Go look at how long people were without food,water, and electricity during something like Katrina. Thinking there will always be food at the supermarket is insane.

>> No.17052116

you forgot your meds

>> No.17052196

Generally speaking commercially prepared intact, properly stored cans aren’t going to magically get botulism. Spontaneous generation isn’t a thing.

People are so afraid of change and the idea that their world can turn upside down even briefly that they’d rather ridicule people who are prepared than consider negative scenarios. It’s the psychology of oversocialized urban humans who have been sheltered and removed from nature for too long.

>> No.17052262

mylar bags with oxygen absorbers and I seal it with an iron

>> No.17052326

>muh left
>muh right
You sound like a bunch of seventh graders having their first forced „debate“ in politics class.

It’s the kikes.

>> No.17052478

Thanks. I aspire to get on your level someday and just ordered a ton of mylar bags the other day so I have been researching quite a bit.

>> No.17052534

Why a bunch of giant cans of food instead of a bunch of small cans?
You really gonna crack open and eat five pounds of beans in one sitting?

>> No.17052696

>the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires
Get new material, commie. You guys all day the same shit.

>> No.17052703

you don't really need that much ammo or that many guns. if you're seriously getting into gun fights on a regular basis you aren't going to live long enough to use more than 4 or 5 magazines worth.

>> No.17053032

Basic long term prep can just be rice, lentils, beans, powdered milk, pasta etc in sealed Mylar bags with O2 absorbers. I put these in food grade 5 gallon buckets with gamma lids. This is sort of the apocalyptic prep stuff that you can forget about for years.

For canned goods and other stuff just incrementally increase your stock with each shop and keep an inventory. Cycle through and replace as needed.

>> No.17053037

To me it is more about hunting and then self protection. With the ammo shortages since COVID it makes sense to stock up a lot for both range shooting and having your stockpile.

>> No.17053059

>possible hardship
get a job you fucking hippie
>brink of potential poverty
learn to manage your finances better
>wah wah excuses cuz i'm a third worlder
there's never a shortage of jobs, only an excess of lazycunts.

>> No.17053063
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>his shitty country has logistics problems and shortages
you cannot make this shit up lmao
pays to live in a small, rich, isolated country that stays out of the limelight i guess

>> No.17053569

feds just marked your cache

>> No.17053583

haha for sure buddy, everything is normal there and the rest of the world will snap back soon!

>> No.17053590


>> No.17053598

nice, love a good boomerpost

>> No.17053660

>he's an auckland pleb

>> No.17053680

Thanks for stocking up for me. I'll come by to execute you when SHTF.

>> No.17053696

Because class antagonisms have intensified between the owning and working class as Imperialism slowly dies. The for-profit US media uses their information sector of the superstructure to create new religion from this change in the economic base. And because humans are social, the watch and absorb it even if we know they're lying because what else are you going to do? The owning class creates consumer demographics like Prepping to convince people the apocalypse is more likely than a revolution that puts the lowly worker in charge of the machinery of our species. OP is just a diligent neoliberal subject being a good little boy. Eventually, the class contradiction will intensify to a point of revolution (as is the case in many countries already) and the assholes who created to prepping will have to get out of their lazy mansions and go to work like the rest of us to build a real society.

>> No.17053700

Why the hell would I want to can my shit? fucken weirdo

>> No.17053708

Rent Free

>> No.17053724

You know an apocalypse isn't the only thing that can mess up the convenience you're used to, right?

>> No.17053757

the people who do this usually live far away from the rest of civilization, which is the next best thing to everyone else being dead

>> No.17053770

>popcorn butter on the top right

>> No.17053777

>crying that it's been right for forever instead of trying to disprove it
They never have to get new material if it's true.

>> No.17053781

anything that interrupts my daily jacking off/vidya routine is an apocalypse tbqh

>> No.17053933
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It's a shame I didn't get to use up any of my stored up toilet paper, paper toils, or dried goods here recently. I'm sure with things as stable as there there'll never be a shortage ever.

>> No.17053953

Not seeing a problem. It's a seasoned mix of fats that could make food more palatable to eat when cooked after a disaster. Not as temperature resistant as the shortening to the left of it though. Think outside the box monkey.

>> No.17053983
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two moar weaks to flatten the middle class i mean curve

>> No.17054009

I would never qualify as a prepper according to American standards.
I just pick up small cans of long lasting things whenever I'm at the store, got about a months worth of daily calorie intake of canned goods at all times.
Also have a 220 litre barrel of water that I refill once a year.

>> No.17054012

Nice digits.

I live close to woodlands and the sea and have a pretty good understanding of what I can eat and how to get at it in nature.
If SHTF to such a point that living off the land is not an option I'll just shoot myself. I don't want to live in The Road and I don't want to be holed up in a bunker eating tinned peaches.

What's the toilet situation in those bunkers anyway?

>> No.17054014

world war 2 prompted women to join the work force to help the war effort, this gave them a taste of independence that they never forgot
if you want to blame feminism for ruining wages you also have to blame nazi germany

>> No.17054026

>only one jar of pickles
Tsk tsk

>> No.17054030

Is that why Europeans all flock to work here in order to make real money?

>> No.17054056

>oh wow, a fun lively thread
>it's pol
Every time.

>> No.17054095

Ohhh, you're a racist. Got it. You should go back to the containment board.

>> No.17054100

you were fucked the moment suffrage happened
everything from that point on was inevitable
women are property, not people, and to pretend otherwise means extinction

>> No.17054111

>it's all the same dude
Who was the dude responsible?