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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 819 KB, 1922x2560, mrbeastburgerpic1-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17045965 No.17045965 [Reply] [Original]

Just tried this and honestly probably the best chicken sandwich Ive ever had.

>> No.17045980

Fuck off too jews, fuck your phantom kitchen

>> No.17045986

That is because those are burgers, anon.

>> No.17046093

I haven't tried the chicken-strip sandwich, but the Beast Burger is surprisingly good. Fries were a complete waste of time and money..

>> No.17046121

Based. I know anons love to shit on mrbeast burger for obvious reasons but it's honestly a great burger. They just refuse to admit that a youtuber does burgers better than most professional chefs

>in b4 muh ghost kitchen

>> No.17046125

that is 2 hamburger and 1 cheeseburger not chicken sandwich

>> No.17046211

MrBeast Burger RULES!

>> No.17046220
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so now that e-celebs are in the food industry, will /ck/ see their own share of shills?

>> No.17046318

Yeah its good. The Autist on /ck/ can only eat bagged chicken though so of course they hate it

>> No.17046339

>American "cheese"
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.17046345

It's better than whatever third world cheese you can buy

>> No.17046348

lol not understanding the magic of Emulsifying Salts.... maybe get off this board until you watch some more adam ragussea and get educated


>> No.17046378
File: 39 KB, 474x474, OIP.83FxSSyw70vIHe-9ZvhyagHaHa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I do enjoy the texture and flavor of snot

>> No.17046386

how do you know that is a slice of american cheese? a lot of cheeses in the world are dyed yellow and orange

>> No.17046426

The only food I eat is Mr Beast Burger

>> No.17046435

It's really not that bad anon, it's no different than any other cheese.

>> No.17046459

>chicken sandwich
It's a fucking chicken burger.

>> No.17046463

they partner with random restaurants to sell the food they normally would but with different branding on the packaging. when you order from them you arent getting an original "Mr beast burger" you're getting a burger from a pub with his name slapped ontop

>> No.17046525

A burger has ground meat.

>> No.17046532

a hamburger has ground meat

>> No.17046535

ground meat isn't real

>> No.17046548

Shut the fuck up

>> No.17046554

>best chicken sandwich Ive ever had
posts pic of meatloaf sandwich. you're dumb, anon.

>> No.17046560

get scienced BITCH

>> No.17046799
File: 660 KB, 1650x846, CheeseProduct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17046974
File: 1.37 MB, 1704x997, salmonella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17048171

It's no different than any other chicken sandwich. In fact that specific chicken sandwich isn't a "mr.fag chicken sandwich" it's the same one you'd get from the restaurant

>> No.17048187

Mr. Beast Burger is fucking awful, and even if the food was good, quality, with staff that were competent and accountable to making good stuff (none of which is the case), it's a broken business model because everything on the menu will turn out like hell after sitting on the floor of a car for 20 minutes while Abdul drives around looking for your house. If you live in cold climates it's 2x worse.

>> No.17048188

Did that guy just the foresight to assume it was undercooked, hence slicing the burger in half or is he just lying as is usual? Who is Mr. Beast?

>> No.17048194

It's not a "mr fag" chicken sandwich, its a "Mr. Beast" chicken sandwich. Please read the OP before posting thank you

>> No.17048210

The only good about Mr.Beast Burger is that the buns aren't completely drenched in oil so you don't immediately get your hands filthy by gripping the burger. Beyond that, it's a mediocre burger that you overpay for. I'd only recommend Mr.Beast Burger if you really like the taste of bread, cause the buns are so fucking dense that it ends up being the most prominent flavor.

>> No.17048296

The meat looks real, so I might try it.

>> No.17048299

He bit into it and realized it was raw.
The parts that he could have bitten into are turned away from the camera, since they're on the onside.

>> No.17048300

It's real but they're smash patties so you don't get that much meat unless you add extra patties

>> No.17050067

I ordered from here and thought it was a real place for pickup. Drove with my brother to "the location" and ended up learning that Beast Burgers are made in hotels lmao

>> No.17050084

Based non-retard

>> No.17050160

I'm glad yours was good. The one time I ordered from there I received a soggy bun with a wet, microwaved school chicken patty on it

>> No.17050212

You've probably got low standards.

>> No.17050285

The only reason you believe this is because fast food companies deduced you would be more likely to buy the new imported american product if they labelled it as a type of burger instead of what it is, a sandwich

>> No.17050481

I wonder if the faggot who made this picture knows what false equivalence is.

>> No.17050503 [DELETED] 

You're just eating modified red robin kek!

>> No.17050519

Red robin do it too lol

>> No.17051258

Don't always count on that. You're going to get wildly varying degrees of quality everywhere. In my city, there are two "locations." One is a sloppy rundown hole in the wall gyro joint and the other is a Red Robin.

>> No.17051276

How are you just now learning what ghost kitchens are? It's been a popular trend since the plandemic started.

>> No.17051315

im a food delivery person and I think ghost kitchens are a weird concept

it only highlights the fact that normal fast food workers shouldn't be preparing online shit

>> No.17052061

Those look better than most fast food burgers. They at least have substance and the appearance of being hand pressed.

>> No.17052071

Post your bmi

>> No.17052082
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>so it melts better
>kraft singles

>> No.17052085

Quality varies wildly depending on location of course. But I had some a few weeks ago and it was honestly great.

>> No.17052104

>shilling for this rich man baby jewtuber

>> No.17053483

Is no board safe from e celeb shilling?

>> No.17053486

It's happening in this very thread, what ck poster would ever mention a youtuber food even if they had eaten it? The whole gloat about product shit is obvious shilling.

>> No.17053514
File: 40 KB, 650x487, wifeymaterial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they melt extremely well, just like Velveeta