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17037432 No.17037432 [Reply] [Original]

In my pantry/fridge you will only find fish, berries, green veggies, oats, bananas, teabags, honey, skim milk and yogurt. I literally don’t buy anything else. That is it.

>> No.17037437

I prefer raw water.

>> No.17037458

holy shit how is
the diabetes fatass

>> No.17037468

Fat fuck

>> No.17037472

enjoy your additives bro loose tea is where its at

>> No.17037480

> teabags
>skim milk

>> No.17037481

enjoy mercury poisoning

>> No.17037509

Better be hyper oats

>> No.17037513

> only find fish
what fish? it makes a huge difference
> berries
For the quantity you normally eat them, I wouldn't consider them healthy, but it's still fruit so it's ok
> green veggies
good for you. You should also specify which vegetables and how you eat them
> oats
> bananas
> teabags
microplastic in your drink. Switch to loose tea
It's just sugar. Not bad if you eat a couple of spoons a day max
> skim milk
milk is controversial for nutritionist. Assuming it's not bad for you, skimmed milk is worse than whole, you should get it
> yogurt
which yougurt? plain white yogurt (also greek yogurt) are good for you. Any other kind of yogurt have an ungodly amount of sugar

> I literally don’t buy anything else.
And that's bad

You don't have enough carbs, and also the lack of legumes/red mead suggest a diet that will cause you iron deficiency

overall good list, but you are borderline keto, therefore not healthy

>> No.17037543

>skim milk
gross. honey on greek yogurt is too based though and I need to restrain myself from constantly buying it. whenever it’s in my kitchen I would legit eat only that all day

>> No.17037566

Anyway you should add to your list
> legumes (beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils)
> eggs
> bread (or other forms of carbs like pasta and rice)
> more fruit variety, at least apple, pears, oranges
> nuts (chestnuts, almonds, hazelnuts)
> Brazilian nuts for selenium
> your high protein sources list is too limited. you should add and rotate red meat, white meat, seafood like clams, mussels, oysters
> include offals once a week in your diet, like liver and heart

Again your list is good but too limited to be healthy. It contains healthy things for sure but overall is not healthy

>> No.17037581
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I only drink whole milk, kefir, water, and 4 cups of coffee per week and I get loose leaf tea when I can.
My diet consists of mostly "organic" ground beef, potatoes, tomatoes, some pork/chicken, eggs, blueberries, beans/lentils, soups, and plain yogurt.
I very rarely eat fish or seafood of any kind.
Greens are usually things like peas or broccoli.
Rate my diet, nutritionalistanon

>> No.17037586

berries are relatively low sugar fruit. bananas not so much

>> No.17037654

> only drink whole milk, kefir, water, and 4 cups of coffee per week and I get loose leaf tea when I can
It depends on the servings, while milk is better than skimmed but as I said milk become a little bit controversial in the last years, some say it's ok and encourage its consumption, other say to limit its consumption to a glass and a half a day max (counting also milk-derived product like cheese).
Kefir is a good probiotic

Coffee is overall very good for you in moderation (a cup a day) for hearth protection and a good dose of antioxidants.

tea is good for you (especially green tea), just be careful to drink it away from eating (especially black tea), it interfere with non-heme iron absorption from vegetable source.

> mostly "organic" ground beef
red meat should be consumed with moderation, but don't eliminate it.
> potatoes, tomatoes
good for you. try to eat also the skin of the potato just wash it carefully

> some pork/chicken
white meat should be consumed more than red but still in moderation and in rotation with the other animals meat

> eggs, blueberries, beans/lentils, soups
If you buy dry legumes be sure to soak them over night in water to get rid of "antinutrients", and cook them well. Throw away the soaking water but be sure to not throw away the cooking water for whatever reason

> I very rarely eat fish or seafood of any kind.
That's a big no. fish (especially small fish like anchovies, herrings, mackerels) should be consumed in every diets, a little bit more than meat

> Greens are usually things like peas or broccoli.
peas should be considered in the legumes.
Broccoli and any cabbage should be consumed more in diets. Eat them raw and cooked

> Rate my diet, nutritionalistanon
It's not my job, I just only give suggestions.
On top of my head, you should add more fruits and the seaproducts if you are not allergic. Also nuts are good for you

>> No.17037684
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thanks, bro, this is actually quite helpful.
I really hate most seafood tho and I don't know how to incorporate it more.
really do love me some almonds, pecans, and cashews tho, forgot to mention that.

>> No.17037732

diabetes is more about overconsumption in general to the point of obesity. maybe it'd be easier to consume too much honey but i don't think anyone has become diabetic from fruit.

>> No.17037802

you're welcome. I just share what nutrition students told me during the years, since my faculty shared the same building with them and I became friends with some of them. If you want more solid advises go to a real nutritionist.

regarding the organic meat, it may not be sufficient to know how good is meat for you, depending on which state you live in, the regulation can means different things.

Anyway if you really want to get the best, you should consider 3 factor
- diet of the animal (grass good, cereal/soy bad)
- wellness of the animal
and if what the animal ate was organic or not.

Technically if the animal ate organic cereal, the meat can be labelled as "organic", but you still pay more for the meat.

>> No.17038160

big difference between natural "fruit" that our ancestors wouldve eaten versus what we get in the supermarket today. the fruit we eat now has been selectively bred to maximize sugar content etc etc. also bananas are the most diabeetus fruit

>> No.17038176
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The Daily Dozen is aimed at vegans, but it's a good foundation to build a diet around. Add some fish and chicken, dairy in moderation, but nearly all you need is already there.

>> No.17038181

To be fair, more meat means more sugar by default. Fruits are supposed to be mostly seed. It's like us carrying 60 liters of blood because vampires engineered us like that. Are we the fruit sugar vampires??

>> No.17038356

>big difference between natural "fruit" that our ancestors wouldve eaten versus what we get in the supermarket today
All the foods in the supermarket are unnatural. Let me explain that since this is a complex topic: ALL foods in the super market are unnatural.

>> No.17038359


>> No.17038499

>boomers are still scared of mercury in fish
just die already

>> No.17038501

>all sugar
Try again retard.

>> No.17038517

learn portion sizes

>> No.17038518

God I wish I lived in the universe where vampires raised us like grapes. Just being this fat, happy bag of blood lounging around until my masters deemed me worthy of eating. Imagine the joy of being the main dish at their thanksgiving feast where they tamed us wild apes into happy care free blood sacks eager to breed more blood sacks

>> No.17038594


>> No.17038619

>he doesn't have a leg day with the boys where everyone is forced to eat 1 whole pizza (or two italian size) and workout the legs

>> No.17038638

>not having good locally roasted coffee on hand for pourover or batch brewing

in the trash you go

>> No.17038639

>severe lack of meat/eggs

>> No.17038707

No one has ever gotten diabetes from eating bananas. Prove me wrong.

>> No.17038736

Me. Hamburgers, pizza, tendies, nuggies. It's all healthy.

>> No.17039315

this. this is such a good guideline. it's helped me incorporate a lot more variety and healthy food (plants basically) into my diet. it essentially changed my entire perspective on diet.

>> No.17039328

40 to 90 waking minutes out of every 960 wasted on arbitrary physical activity? Ok chud.

>> No.17039342
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Yes. I eat
2 cups local spring water
1 oz each of grass-fed beef liver, organs and bone marrow
12 free-range eggs with cheddar cheese cooked in ghee (stainless steel pan)
1 pomegranate's worth of pomegranate seeds
3 ml virgin cod liver oil
plain whole fat yogurt (about 16 oz) OR raw milk (3-6 cups)
2 grapefruit
10 oz prosciutto and feta tortellini
1 lb of 100% grass-fed 90% lean ground beef with cheddar cheese cooked in ghee
100% cocoa dark chocolate
maybe one more cup of spring water before sleep
all the best ingredients, absolutely no soy, industrial seed oils, artificial colors or preservatives

>> No.17039346

every day. and salmon on fridays.

>> No.17039528

need vegetables

>> No.17039578
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>berries are relatively low sugar fruit.
wtf did you say to me

>> No.17039661

Don't lie fag you'd be happy being as you are now and kept by a vampire for blood.

>> No.17040474

grapes are not included in the term berries

>> No.17040629

I do my best, but honestly I love a greasy and nasty fast food meal from time to time. Still have lost 40 pounds since covid and look a whole lot better than years past.

I eat oatmeal every day for breakfast and that will be a habit for me until I croak.

Really people like OP don't know how to have much fun in my opinion.

>> No.17040638

all the food I eat is healthy. there's no such thing as unhealthy food.

>> No.17040659

>berries (candy), bananas (candy), teabags (who eats teabags), honey (candy), skim milk (sugar water) and yogurt (sugar goop).

>> No.17040672

it's possible to buy or make plain yogurt

>> No.17040678

>it's possible to buy or make plain yogurt
judging by OPs food choices he doesn't know about that.

>> No.17040977

We'd be like clockwork oranges.

>> No.17041378

Plain yogurt still contains a lot of sugar

>> No.17041787

You should incorporate legumes into your diet. I don't understand why you'd shy away from non-green vegetables like beets either, and some white meat and moderate amounts of red meat wouldn't hurt if you're not avoiding meat for ethical issues.
>there's no such thing as unhealthy food.

>> No.17041965

I wouldn't consider 6g per cup to be a lot. Most people won't eat more than a cup or so as a serving. Plus lactose doesn't seem as bad as other types of sugar.

>> No.17042030

4-6g per 100g of sugar isn't much.

>> No.17042046

even if those foods are all healthy, it's not good for you if you only eat a limited sample of items. you need to diversify.

>> No.17042074
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>> No.17042092

Plain yogurt is more like 4-6g of sugar per 250g.

>> No.17042102

yeah. but that's lactose

>> No.17042218

Are you able to read?

>> No.17042715

Yeah. What am I missing?

>> No.17042784

you're probably missing the ([*]per 100g) somewhere on the pot.
There's no way plain yogurt has less 6g sugar /250g, unless it's processed to have less sugar
It has double that amount on average

>> No.17042836

Hmm. I looked up the nutritional information for storebought plain yogurt and you're right. Strange. I was recently reading about the lactose content of cultured dairy products and a study said yogurt only had about half the lactose content of fresh milk, but that was when they made the yogurt from scratch instead of buying it from a store.

>> No.17042866
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>skim milk
>no red meat
>no eggs

>> No.17042957

mostly my diet consisted of beans rice wheat oats potatoes and nuts i consider that pro healthy

>> No.17043057

No activated almonds? No homemade coconut?

>> No.17043067


>> No.17043075

op would ve better off eating fastfood, their gonna die from that diet, lmao my sides are in orbit