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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17029732 No.17029732[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I make dumplings

>> No.17029738

Make dough, roll out dough, stuff dough, form dumpling, cook dumpling.

You can buy wonton wrappers at the store if your lazy and you want that type of dumpling.

>> No.17029739

she can pippa my middlehurst if you know what i mean

>> No.17029740

this dumb bitch knows nothing about eastern european cuisine, what a retard

>> No.17029769

eat enough fibers

>> No.17029798
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>no one replied "because you didn't"

>> No.17029802

I hate hate hate all leftists and liberals. I dont care what race or gender they are they're all hypocritical scum

>> No.17029804

>becoming so woke you inadvertently turn racist

>> No.17029808

>recipes can't cross borders
asian women moment

>> No.17029810

buy her book

>> No.17029812

I like these. I scrape them straight into the broth to make chicken and dumplings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fgExMjs1Co&t

>> No.17029813

Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.17029822
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>> No.17029847

>make dough
>make filling
>roll dough flat
>spoon filling onto dough
>roll dough around filling
>crimp the top a few times
>fold in the loose dough on the sides

>> No.17029954 [DELETED] 


>> No.17029958


>> No.17029963


>> No.17029978

awwwe poor baby is crying. It's okay you little bitch just stay on your white trash containment board.

>> No.17029995

lemme hear it

>> No.17030011

Ha, a "no u" post. I haven't seen one of those in years.

>> No.17030015

why did an asian man make a video about hungarian food

>> No.17030029

your raids suck on this board too

>> No.17030042

He said in a video that he grew up with a kid that had a Hungarian grandma and got to eat her cooking so guess he just wanted to make some of the dishes he had with them.

>> No.17030049

It’s so strange. White women annoy me, but I also really hate the woke shitskin types who use terms like POC and Latinx. What do I do bros?

>> No.17030053

Kill yourself and all your problems will be solved

>> No.17030055

Be gay

>> No.17030056

underrated fpbp

>> No.17030057

Tranny projection

>> No.17030061

She doesn't look jewish at all, and I am fairly sure Middlehurst isn't a jewish name. Why do you accuse every white person you see of being a jew, regardless of what they look like, their actions, or even if they actually are one?

>> No.17030078

> White women annoy me,

Consider carefully whether it's limited to the white ones. There.

>> No.17030093

>thinly veiled /pol/ post
>normie socmed screencap
>mobile filename
The newfag triforce.

>> No.17030095
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>> No.17030102

I don't know about asian dumplings but I do know about dumplings that go on top of stew

>> No.17030109

You cant tell who might be a cryptojew, better safe than sorry

>> No.17030120

I bet you're the stupid mother fucker who made this shit thread, please I implore you KYS

>> No.17030142

if only that book had any european recipes in it.
Fucking retard. Try reading books rather than burning them fucking nazi.

>> No.17030145

I live here faggot. and no amount of screeching will change that

>> No.17030157

What the fuck brah? Why is nothing about her flattering in the slightest? Pure uggo

>> No.17030184

Doesn't that bitch know you HAVE to be a asian to like dumplings? Fat huwhite piggu stop appropriating my small chink dick recipes REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.17030187


>> No.17030191

these freaks even manage to make the male form look horrid

>> No.17030196
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Ahh fuck no wonder. The face is just like the meme

>> No.17030199

Her braveness. That is what is attractive.

>> No.17030225

That's an awfully point nose and gummy smile for a white woman... could it be?

>> No.17030234

That's the US Marine guy who revealed how the American army was drone striking children in the Middle East, gone crazy and turned into a tranny. Don't know zer name.

>> No.17030237

is trannyism a u.s government super non lethal weapon

>> No.17030242

wait i completely forgot it leads to suicide

>> No.17030246

america is dog shit

>> No.17030263

You guys are a bunch of softheeled faggots lol, I am *this* close to shoving my tits onto the thread and derailing everything because you thought it'd be chill to disrespect an American hero like Chelsea

>> No.17030269

no one wants to see your ""tits""
ywnbarw, many such cases

>> No.17030286
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get fucked lol apologize to Chelsea and to America or I will grow more obnoxious and titillated. A ban will only refresh me.

>> No.17030299

>everyone on twitter called her an idiot for saying this
>she started begging for money for therapy saying she was being harassed by nazis over this
>people called her an idiot again and laughed at her
better than expected

>> No.17030304

clint eastwood would never have fucked you.

>> No.17030305


>> No.17030308
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>> No.17030319
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I really hope you're a tranny because otherwise you have no excuse to have such massive man-hands.

>> No.17030327
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>tfw man with small hands

>> No.17030333

From your shoulders, hang and the small portion of your face (especially your browline) I can 100% tell you are a man. The implants, holding one shoulder/arm back and spreading your legs to make it look like you have hips are a good try though but your face tells the truth.

>> No.17030334
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The more salient point is that I would be fucking him of course. I want a fistful of of doll hairs and he's looking like a ken doll.

you don't get to look away. you insulted a good part of my country. I'm not through yet. I demand satisfaction sir.

I did not force you to have weak, girlish hands, that's between you and God my friend.

I can improve you, but apologize to America first. I'll not help an enemy.

>> No.17030337

It's okay when we are forced to transition we will be the envy of all the troons.

>> No.17030340

How come the ugliest fucking dregs always have an attitude? There is literally no reason

>> No.17030350

I am not a man, I am a transwoman. That is biological reality. Accept it. Number 2, my hips are literally 13 inches my waist. You are upset, but I am correct. When I am banned I will keep the hips and you will keep the anger. This is life :]

Tbqh transphobes lack the guts for that and the ones that do sack up enough to troon out, are troons.

Because I am deliberately feasting off your annoyance while coming off a long night of railing someone? Because my lived experience contrasts enough with local commentary to give me genuine giddiness at the frustration? Because Chelsea manning is an american hero? Take your pick lol

>> No.17030357

How's your dad?

>> No.17030358

The only true attribute you share with a woman is your obsession with superficial looks.

I cannot fathom what it must be like for your entire day, goals and life to revolve around your appearance. Obsessing over "passing" ie being mistaken for a real women which is a subconscious admission that you are in face an ersatz women. More to the previous point it must be exhausting to be so singularly focused on cultivating external appearances especially when your real goal (womanhood) is unattainable and when as you begin to age the finish line will start moving away from you, especially when your hairline starts receding.

I don't think it's healthy to have this kind of obsession especially when it involves cosmetic surgery and hormone modulation. It's like a Cronenberg movie.

>> No.17030360

Guarantee her single tweet still got reported as a "massive woke backlash".

>> No.17030362

It's the broad shoulders. they can carry the heavy loads.

>> No.17030363

Ha! Let's see your Wurst.

>> No.17030364
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He's good dude, love that man. I showed him how to make cheladas on my birthday, hes a salt of the earth type.

>I cannot fathom what it must be like for your entire day, goals and life to revolve around your appearance
hold up

then what's with the rest of the post and your fantasizing about my day? Creepy my friend, creepy. I'll forgive you but don't do it again, ok?

>especially when your hairline starts receding
Mhm mhm tell me more about what you think hrt does, also what's your hairline like? is it good? are you happy? proud?

also i am literally stealth *shrug*

>> No.17030368

Liberals are incapable of viewing things without the prism of race

>> No.17030377

>I am not a man, I am a transwoman. That is biological reality.
Schizophrenic people are biologically schizophrenic but that does not imply that their delusions are rooted in reality.

Just because you suffer from body dysphoria because of feminization from chronic exposure to endocrine disruptors from uteros to puberty doesn't mean you are actually a woman or that this is innately who you are. If this was the case then genetic studies would have found correlations in trans genomes but they so far have come up short. My guess is they have to start looking at their transcriptomes because it is an epigenetic trait resulting from exposure to endocrine disruptors. BPA is just one of many identified endocrine disruptors and xenoestrogens that we are surrounding children with. We know they cause feminization and other issues with normal sexual development.

You are almost certainly a product of these epigenetic changes and I hope that eventually our scientific and regulatory community has the guts to look deeper into this chronic toxin exposure and make changes. We should not be embracing the consequences of toxin exposure we should be protecting our children. But big industry calls the shots hence gender dysphoria, reduced sperm counts and sperm quality and other issues will continue to increase.

>> No.17030378

>conveniently cuts out face
I think we all know where this little ruse falls apart

>> No.17030383
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Yes it's true, I was designed to take heavy loads.

Im not so sure you can handle my average, my best or wurst would be beyond you, no? Are you American, or a freedom hater like these fellows?

>> No.17030385

>also i am literally stealth
No offense but I could tell you were a dude just by your eyes and forehead. You think you are stealth but you simply live in a polite society where people aren't as likely to call out a tranny as they would in the past. Someone in my neighborhood is a literal troon and I just play along with it, I'm not going to call him out or make him feel uncomfortable. So he probably thinks he is "stealth" because we all play along and don't say anything.

>> No.17030388
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>o shit we got a live one

>> No.17030390

Why is there a tranny spamming pics in this thread?

>> No.17030395

Because this is 4chan.

>> No.17030397

Why do non-white people engage in clearly white activities, such as using the English language and writing books?

>> No.17030403


>> No.17030407

Schizophrenia does not alter sexual characteristics, hormone replacement therapy does! Quite literally I have altered my sex down to the cellular level through bio-identical hormones that triggered a second puberty.

My secondary sexual characteristics such as my soft skin, large breasts and expanded hips are female typical secondary sexual characteristics. My primary characteristics like my cock are male. Put together the only sexual category I comport to is the transhumanist condition called "transwoman"

its just a fact jack

No no, lol, look Im sympathetic to your POV. I am. But that doesn't fit at all with how people behave around me, quite rude and angry people too. I have stories if you like! There's been too many times I've angered people (specifically rural/small town men) and they've fumbled for an insult when tranny would have been perfect. Sorry but while I can probably be clocked by 4channers online, it's not happening irl. Which is actually admittedly kind of a rush.

For my nation's honor and for the glorification of Chelsea Manning as well as my large breasts. Obviously.

>> No.17030431
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Fat pyrocynical

>> No.17030437

by reading a cookbook about dumplings, preferably not a third-rate one that costs 35 bucks, like the one you posted

>> No.17030438

I googled them and got pictures of them crossdressing and looking cute in makeup. Did you just try to own me by pointing out my fat ass and comparing my face to someone who is paid for looking femme?

>> No.17030441

>they've fumbled for an insult when tranny would have been perfect.
Because LGBTQ propaganda reaches far and wide and people are afraid to get cancelled or be viewed as homophobic or racist. This is our new reality, where tolerance isn't enough but we must accept everyone too. This is why most people will never call you out or use your tranny appearance as an insult, it would be going to far. 20 years ago it would be excellent fodder but not anymore, they have to avoid the elephant in the room hence the fumbling for an acceptable insult.

I don't wish you any ill will and I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for, although I hope your quest is not simply body modification to resemble a woman. That is a hollow path. People who embrace transhumanism are often behind a screen way too much and out of touch with nature and IRL. I believe this is a symptom of oversocialization and modern live. There is a void (call it spiritual, emotional or whatever you want) that cannot be filled by going deeper and deeper into narcissism but this is the path many people go down. They think only of themselves and wonder why no one sees them as the center of the universe too or why they are unhappy.

Anyway, I have a very tolerant view of others so I don't mean any insult, but I cannot embrace your lifestyle. To me it would be the equivalent of celebrating flipper babies instead of banning thalidomide.

>> No.17030454

>Because LGBTQ propaganda reaches far and wide and people are afraid to get cancelled
How much MSM do you consume daily to believe that this is how small town America works? You'll get upset by this and probably try to say I'm doing a bit but these cases I'm taking about, they quite often include MAGAoids. I'm talking about like, I've basically had 10% of the tritown area's male population over 25 come onto me. Autistic projections but I think the math would bare out? idk i don't do numbers

>People who embrace transhumanism are often behind a screen way too much and out of touch with nature and IRL.
I'll ask my bible study how they feel about your opinion but I just don't think they'll feel the same way after I've explained my vision of living in God's image by being the creative forces he designed us in his perfection to be. Anti transhumanism is anti God, it need only be democratized and wielded directly by mankind and not the Mammon market-machine of international commerce.

God bless, I hope you get over this soon

>> No.17030461
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>explained my vision
yep, YOUR vision. glad we are clear on that.

>> No.17030466

That's no white

>> No.17030478

Well of course we are, it would be sin to claim I'm divinely inspired or speaking for God on absolute terms rather than confidently and passionately relaying the findings of my God given senses and life. I don't buy into all this anthropomorphized deity business or the whole thing where we pretend God is a dead force that we do not carry within us as the holy spirit; that reeks to me of the worst sort of earthly corruption designed solely to propagate early models of social control. Useful at the time, no longer, freed from those shackles we can know God better.

Just like how we can by slipping free from our genetic shackles and living in his image. Anything else is literally satanic and in service of Mammon.

>> No.17030483

>I'll ask my bible study
This proves my point. LGBTQ is unambiguously forbidden in the bible (eg Deuteronomy 22:5, Leviticus 18:22, Deuteronomy 23:1) yet modern Christianity is seeking to "update" the scripture to conform to the most modern social beliefs that it contorts, misinterprets and ignores scripture to appear to be inclusive. If LGBTQ propaganda can radically alter ancient religion then it can surely influence small town America.

>> No.17030487


>> No.17030498

You're citing the old testament lol, my friend you are a pharisee and you are only angry at the lose of your social control. But it was never yours or anyone's to claim. That throne is for God alone my friend. And as humanity as evolved under God's watchful eye so too have the laws given to us been molded to fit our battle against Mammon in the current era.

God is not dead and you are in error for trying to kill and bury him like this.

>If LGBTQ propaganda can radically alter ancient religion then it can surely influence small town America.
You are correct insofar as the hope of humanity lies in the spread of God's love for all of his children reaching out into the most remote corners of the species :]

>> No.17030501
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>Just like how we can by slipping free from our genetic shackles
yeah that's pure vanity. you were born as intended. simple as.

>> No.17030507

So how about those dumplings

>> No.17030510

dangerously based

>> No.17030512

I also forgot to mention, you are aware of course that there is no male or female within Christ yes? Human controlled transhumanism was always presaged as a holy endeavor. Transcending the material world, that is heavenly.

That is the most correct thing you have ever said itt!!!!!

Yes anon, and I was born with a body, mind and soul that would come to desire to be a woman and to transition. I was born with the faculties to pursue this and make it happen. And so I have. I thank God frequently for this.

Shame on those who hate God so much as to try and strip away his gifts.

>> No.17030514

> I don't buy into all this anthropomorphized deity business or the whole thing where we pretend God is a dead force that we do not carry within us as the holy spirit; that reeks to me of the worst sort of earthly corruption
That makes sense given you're trying to hide away from God while altering his message

>> No.17030518

Good thread

>> No.17030520

>my desires come before God's commandments
If you pursued everything you desire you'd be hellbound as you already are.

>> No.17030525

Why is there a tranny blogposting on a oooking board? Go to /soc/ you fuck.

>> No.17030528

fucking reddit spacers

>> No.17030532

there is literally nothing wrong with burning books

>> No.17030534

I speak only of love, charity, humanity, God and the future yet to bloom. Enemies of God speak of death, cruelty, domination, murder and the deadened past.

This was never stated, you are projecting in the absence of an argument :]

It's amusing how you say that while trying to wield God as a cudgel against his beloved creations

I specifically warned you all what I would do to you if you did not apologize to Chelsea Manning and to America.

You didn't listen.

Now you fucked up because I'm in a manic mood, my dick literally hurts from last night and I can kill 10-20 minutes more here easy while still getting my daily run in

sneed, now you are all going to learn about God.

>> No.17030538

If you had braces I'd cum on your teeth

>> No.17030541
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>desire to be a woman and to transition
see, that isn't part of it, retard. vain cope. people were born with the ability to murder and rape others, too. guess that was the intention, right? the ONLY thing about you that is woman-like is your sense of logic and reasoning.

>> No.17030543

You're a mentally ill male in a time of history where your mental illness is more useful as a political bludgeon than getting you the help you need

>> No.17030551

>the ONLY thing about you that is woman-like is your sense of logic and reasoning.

>> No.17030552

The tranny is christposting.
The irony is lost on him. Perhaps some day god will forgive him for his sins.

>> No.17030561

This is now the 2nd time someone has tried to say there is only one part of me that is feminine and you two didn't even agree lol

Trans people have existed globally across all points in history, you live in ignorance.

do you not understand Jesus' sacrifice?

Ok if I'm doing bible study, nonnies line up, I need to hear you denominations so I know what I'm working with. You guys sound like you're mostly saying memes so I'm guessing what, you were baptized protestant then slowly fazed out of the whole thing?

>> No.17030563

>Mentally ill people have existed globally across all points in history

>> No.17030579

That is also a correct statement. However I'm talking about recognized social roles like the salzikrum, fa'afafine, hijra and gali priest(esses) that served as gender non conforming slots for the queer in ancient society.

What's amazing is the contempt some people have for their ancestors while they try to summon them in their quest to kill the future!