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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 804 KB, 3000x2000, toad-in-the-hole-14205-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17021899 No.17021899 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17021903

Dip it in some ‘jon ‘stard

>> No.17021902

Something else. You throw the toad in the hole away and eat something better

>> No.17021984
File: 118 KB, 1228x808, Baked-Potato-with-Beans-and-Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beans covered potato?

>> No.17021995

Yeah, this is definitely one of those British cuisine horrors. I tried making it on several attempts including onion gravy from scratch, and man, it's just not good.

>> No.17021996

Mash or chips, and peas or sweetcorn, and onion gravy.

>> No.17021998

More like turds in a hole

>> No.17021999

>I suck at cooking therefore entire culture's cuisine bad

>> No.17022074

How could you possibly fuck it up? Face it: yorkshire pudding sucks, and bangers should just be served by themselves or with potatoes. The dish is stupid.

>> No.17022102

How do you even eat this? Do you cut it into slices like a cake?

>> No.17022106
File: 128 KB, 730x548, Chip-Butty-no-wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just don't understand british foods. Are you saying chips should be served by themselves rather than in a chippy butty?

>> No.17022112

I made a chip butty once. It's one of those things that sounds really good, tastes okay, but I find myself continuing to fantasize about making another.

>> No.17022126

Gravy and whatever kind of vegetable side you want. Roasted/glazed carrots and beetroot and parsnip and other root vegetables with asparagus and copious butter to dip them in, maybe roast broccoli, that sort of thing. Would go excellently with browned/caramelised onions too obvs. All super easy to do.
I love Yorkshire pudding but I personally agree that the combination of sausages with pudding is far too heavy.
On the contrary, Yorkshire pudding is an excellent way to soak up gravies and sauces.

>> No.17022148

>you don't understand my piece of shit thing
Lmao. A chip sandwich sounds like a waste of textures and flavors, but I've never had one
>Yorkshire pudding is an excellent way to soak up gravies and sauces

>> No.17022161

why did you even bother making that post lol
are you one of those people who feel a compulsion to reply to everyone who replies to them

>> No.17022164


>> No.17022168
File: 178 KB, 1300x650, three-cheese-and-bean-toasties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about the beanini? Are you saying you disagree with beans in a toasty butty?

>> No.17022187

You're not helping your case by bringing up nasty, shitty canned beans, anon.

>> No.17022193

anti bean posters are and always have been the most obese on this website.

>> No.17022218

Oh, it's you again. Bye.

>> No.17022239

why so rude obeseanon

>> No.17022243

Beaninis aren't a real dish, he's fucking with anon

>> No.17022350

ever try a little ketchup on a bean

>> No.17022358

no that sounds like overkill

>> No.17022361

This could work with some cheese on it. I'd eat it.

>> No.17022366

don't go wild but the ketchup gives it a tang

>> No.17022375

mash, peas and onion gravy is the standard

>> No.17022383

it's already full of tomato saucey stuff

>> No.17022388

I'm not suggesting you drown it. just when you have a big pool of beans put a bit of ketchup and try it. if you're American this may prove challenging so best to just eat your bean as normal

>> No.17022397

> if you're American this may prove challenging
The fuck you mean, we eat everything with ketchup

>> No.17022398

I'm English, this sounds dumb anon

>> No.17022437

the instructions were specifically not to drown it
you've never had ketchup and beans? you have to be 18 to post on this website. you've never accidentally mixed ketchup and bean on a caff fry up on tea break...?

>> No.17022448

No, why would I
I'm middle class

>> No.17022450

I am also English and it doesn't really sound dumb. I mix barbecue sauce in with my beans a lot, and my family like doing it with brown sauce. The logic follows with ketchup because it has much more of a tart tomato flavour than the more subtle taste of the bean sauce.

>> No.17022491

>americanised BBQ sauce eater
no one asked your opinion sugar addict

>> No.17022498

Those are at least different flavours, although it also sounds bad to me. Ketchup is just bean sauce but moreso.

>> No.17022536

A fork.

>> No.17022605

>anything that involves a tomato in a sauce is the same
I too put marinara sauce on hot dogs and use ketchup to make pizzas

>> No.17022624
File: 325 KB, 849x925, eggs_in_a_basket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17022634

Bong here, gstq etc, I have to agree with this one. Yorkshire pud is good, sausages are good, toad in the hole is just a pain in the ass that diminishes both elements.

>> No.17022745

Mashed potatoes with spring greens or cabbage mixed through them, carrots and onion gravy.

>> No.17022762

Thanks for the reply, lad. Chin up when you speak to a North American though.

>> No.17022776

based, would go to your place on a Sunday

>> No.17022823

I will cut you.

>> No.17023019

You wouldn't make it very far, even with a butter knife

>> No.17023187

sorry m'lud

>> No.17024413

At least he's not posting on 4chan at 5am like a total loser