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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17019777 No.17019777 [Reply] [Original]

I never knew why it's customary to always have a drink, the food is where the boldest flavors are at and drinks just needlessly take up extra space in your innards.

>> No.17019779
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>Wasted trips
Heaven for me people drink right you nigger fuck

>> No.17019811 [DELETED] 

Water aids digestion. That being said I usually drink water before and after a meal, not during.
If you’re talking about alcohol that’s another issue entirely.
Caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee - some sodas - are consumed for the stimulation.
If you’re talking about juices and smoothies and sweet sodas that’s just more food.

>> No.17019856

Great thread. Keep up the good work

>> No.17019858

I kinda agree, except I more hate how they tie into cost. Like a combo is always cheaper then buying the 2 food items separately. But I don't want the drink ever and would rather it all be like a $1 or so cheaper. But that's never the case.

>> No.17019861
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Idk what's more embarrasing. All the bait threads or all the "n*gger" replies.

>> No.17019880

carbonated drink, it can even just be water, adds immensely to the flavour

>> No.17020013

some fast food aren't digestible without soda to help break it down

>> No.17020054

Yeah I just drink water. Only spastic Americans have anything else. I wish I could meet an american, I'd cave their fucking head in.

>> No.17020060

Post you physique

>> No.17020063

Why you wanna suck my dick or something faggot? Get the fuck outta here loser

>> No.17020084
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Too bad you don't have the means to travel anywhere. Aww shucks, maybe next time.

>> No.17020097

why do food "influencers" always apply this shitty filter?

>> No.17020099

have sex incel

>> No.17020102

Redskins play today

>> No.17020134

Liquid is good for digestion, it keeps the sloppa in your stomach churning. Like a cement mixer you dont just put in dry cement.

>> No.17020145
File: 389 KB, 750x870, LZKAziN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need liquids to digest food. Your body can break them down just fine.

>> No.17020151

Try eating a bowl full of dry oats and get back to me.

>> No.17020173

>saliva doesn't exist
How fragile are you? You can eat dry foods and digest them without a drink. You're just a weak pussy

>> No.17020186

You realise dry things attract moisture? saliva will quickly run out, like i said, eat a bowl of dry oats and get back to me when youre in the ER with an intestinal blockage. I dont know why i am responding to this obvious troll thread but whatever.

>> No.17020206

kek this weak neckbeard can't eat solid food without dying
Even as a kid sometimes I would forget to pack a drink and have no problems eating dry food. Yes you can eat that and anything without a drink, pussy bitch.

>> No.17020210

If you pair a wine with food, it helps open up the tastebuds.
Fuck lolly drinks however, they just ruin your tastebuds.

>> No.17020287

Saliva should not quickly run out. Ask a doctor to check your glands.

>> No.17020639

Where is op's pic from?

>> No.17020723
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Is there a reason to not have a drink to go along with your food? Is this one of those "why are people different?" situations?

>> No.17020759

Stop ordering fast food, you lazy fat fuck.
I can understand you being against soda, fruit, or cocktails. But what's wrong with a glass of water?

>> No.17021277
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Even if you're not thirsty, drinking water cleanses the palate so that you can continue to taste your food without all the flavors mixing up.

>> No.17021333

also slows digestion down though.

>> No.17021351

>drinks just needlessly take up extra space in your innards.
You're not supposed to completely fill up your stomach when you eat, retard.
To see how fat you are and laugh, retard.