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File: 218 KB, 1707x2560, Absolut-Vodka-70cl-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17013160 No.17013160 [Reply] [Original]

How do I increase my alcohol tolerance I want to consume countless shots of whiskey without feeling a thing

>> No.17013162

Btw I feel alitrle buzzed after downing a bottle of sake with a little bottle of jack daniels

>> No.17013194

no you don't

>> No.17013206

I wanna outdrink my giant friend

>> No.17013211

It's an ancient trick called "being fucking huge". I'm 6'8" and 330lbs, and it takes a frustrating amount of booze to blackout,

>> No.17013217

Lucky, in a different life I want to be 6'8

>> No.17013218

So bulk up and lose fat, got it

>> No.17013228

No, no, fat is good for delaying drunkenness.

>> No.17013231

Okay, so become wide,

>> No.17013249
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>> No.17013447

Take acid

>> No.17013449

Drink some castor oil before you challenge your friend into gay strip poker.

>> No.17013470

shitty drinks like absolut won´t help you, you are supposed to recover as fast as possible.
Buy real vodka

>> No.17013845

Or you could just be Irish

>> No.17013906

>wanting to increase your alcohol tolerance
fuck off
t. 16 drinks in and not even back to normal

>> No.17013920
File: 10 KB, 480x360, wildandcrazykids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont eat anything before you drink. Drink the entire bottle. Proposition romanian cam girls for marriage. If they dont already have fake tits, then promise to buy them fake tits as part of the marriage deal so you can slap her fake tits around. Repeat this every night for about 10 years. Congrats, now you have a high alcohol tolerance.

>> No.17013962

you joke but that's not a bad idea

>> No.17013984

literally everyone knows the answer to this question what the fuck

>> No.17014198
File: 96 KB, 359x308, why99942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to spend lots of money to damage my body

>> No.17014930
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>buy picrel
>mix 50/50 with cranberry juice
>slowly add more gin
>soon I'm drinking straight gin

>> No.17014953


>> No.17015195

i have a pretty solid tolerance i approach a fifth of vodka like most people come at a bottle of wine and can put down a pint in under an hour no problem. just drink more stupid. every day. that's it.

>> No.17015210

Who /sober/ here after years of alcoholism?
Being drunk or high is the only way I've been able to find pleasure in anything since I was like 14. Didn't start drinking until 19.
So fucking bored bros.

>> No.17015214

if you want to increase tolerance, drink more every day, that's literally it

>> No.17015277


Im sober for over a year. Down from 2-3 bottles vodka a day for the last 25 years to nothing just like that. Withdrawal sucked. But meh, i almost died one night because of alcohol and decided to stop it. It's all a matter of mind over body, corona is real, mc donalds sucks, burger king is even worse and i so hate chicken burgers. Like you wouldn't believe Shiggydiggydi.

Thanks for reading another nonsensical blogpost

>> No.17015285

it's all genetic. some people can drink a twelve pack and feel nothing others get hangovers from 1 drink

>> No.17015289

funny image

>> No.17015335
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>> No.17015499
File: 12 KB, 600x315, Ek6jgeF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, muscle mass is what increases blood volume, meaning the alcohol being more diluted in the body. Fat tissue is low hydration and doesn't have a lot of capillaries, meaning a person heavy with fat won't really have a higher alcohol tolerance. Of course, having to lug around more weight from fat means they'll develop more muscle mass anyways, but it's not the body fat that makes a difference.

>> No.17015521

tell us more details of your amazing life

>> No.17015525

You really don't want to get to this point. It takes many, many years of daily hardcore drinking. Be happy you can get wasted off of a half pint or some shit.

>> No.17015528

That's just a little story about a guy named Spawn

>> No.17015532

You do not want to do that. Alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you, it's happened before.

>> No.17015542

How many drinks does that take? At my worst I was drinking like a fifth plus at least a six pack a day. At the very very least a 12 pack a day for weeks and weeks straight and I never got withdrawal. I have gotten benzo withdrawal and shit in the past so I should be more susceptible too.

>> No.17015557

You have to do it for years to get withdrawal not weeks.

>> No.17015685

Take lots of n-acetylcysteine. It speeds up the metabolism of alcohol and acetaldehyde so you don't get as drunk and you don't have bad hangovers.

>> No.17015693

This isn't true at all. If I drink heavy even for just a few days I'll have bad anxiety and sleep like shit for 2 or 3 days after. Just because you're not getting DT doesn't mean you're not experiencing withdrawal.

>> No.17015751

That isn't withdrawal. That's psychological dependence not physical. You get the same shit from quitting weed.

>> No.17015759

play "beer staff" with a bunch of your friends
basically you start out with a giant pack of really cheap beer. when you finish one, put it to the side. when you finish another, duct tape it to the one that you just had. longest staff wins.
when you can't feel anything off of the cheap beer, move to craft beers.
if you can master at least 10 cans of the staff, start playing beer pong with house rules that include physical challenges (i.e. if you call and make a trick shot, everyone does a shot and 20 pushups). eventually start replacing beers with shots, and you're golden.
>t. 145 lb 6'2"

>> No.17015839

Modafinil taken before drinking makes you be able to drink 2x your normal limit.

>> No.17015941


This guy here >>17015542

Pretty sure that's just whats called "Rebound anxiety". Very common with benzos and alcohol. Even my first times drinking I remember awful anxiety during the hang over and subsequent day or two

>> No.17016042

Lift, don't get fat.

Also alcohol isn't something you want to be a big part of your life.

>> No.17016079

Drink every single day. Tis a curse. you don’t want any part of trust me. I am alcoholic to the point where I don’t crave anything else but alcohol. I don’t like food or water I like alcohol. I will die young.

>> No.17016086

Just wanna say its not inevitable you'll die from this but I never would have stopped without some huge fucking wake up calls.

>> No.17016105

Don't, it will fuck up everything.
I am now on detox and my shakes are unreal.
Seems like a fun thing being able to drink absurd amounts but it isnt, you think you are hard but in fact you are the circus attraction when you drink your shit and everyone knows its really a crutch

>> No.17016113

Just keep drinking. Then even if you quit it'll come back quick. A long time ago I couldn't even finish a bottle of wine on my own. Then I quit for a month because I had to. Then I stated again, a week ago, and now I'm almost done with the bottle I'm already on, gonna switch to beer after. Nothing else to do today.

>> No.17016122

You seen a doctor, man?
If your shakes are real bad you could for sure die of a seizure. Get checked out at the emerg if you haven't already and its not too expensive. They'll give you meds to make sure you don't fucking die

>> No.17016125

Or do a beer taper but I never had the self control for that

>> No.17016133

I took 2 years off so as to not fail university and i also had a young kid. It was tough and I became a tightwad asshole for sure but it was definitely good for my GPA and my interest in taking care of the kid. Now the bitch left with the kid and I'm NEET despite graduating with good grades/work experience so it's hard to not get properly drunk like 3-4 times a week.

>> No.17016137

snort a rail of coke on the toilet when you start feeling buzzed

>> No.17017845
File: 37 KB, 720x800, four-loko-gold-5f4a2d7ceea170d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds dangerous