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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 341 KB, 1373x810, photo-1382954703948-f29d41159b5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17002190 No.17002190 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /ck/?

>> No.17002223

I’m old and need the calcium , So none .

>> No.17002259

nobody does this you absolute lunatic

>> No.17002276

you are going to eat those, right?

>> No.17002302

I love how deenz has caused the jannies such pain that they need to invent ridiculous stories and tales with no grounding in reality.

It makes me suspect deenz are a much better food than people think, because remember - jannies aren't people and they want you dead.

>> No.17002306

wtf is the drama around deenz?

>> No.17002309


>> No.17002313

My feeling is the prepared foods industry, who obviously heavily advertises on 4chan (at least since Google bought it from m00t) is extremely pissed off that nobody cares about their meme bullshit yet everybody loves deenz.

ADM and Monsanto make quite literally 0 profit on deenz. McDonalds, one of our heavier advertisers here, makes nothing on deenz.

>> No.17002342
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I just put about 1/3 of them on a frozen pizza.

>> No.17002352

The bones are soft and edible you autist.

>> No.17002383

I only buy beach cliff Herring steaks in Louisiana hot sauce

>> No.17002431


>> No.17002434

kek wtf is wrong with you

>> No.17002454

the picture is misleading: that's only 1 jar's worth of fish & bones; the other jar's just there ffs

>> No.17002477

not that, just eat the bones! it's not like a salmon or something
or why not just buy boneless sardines?

>> No.17002537

When they're that small, yes.

>> No.17002874

Last time I tried it, I cut my cock on the can.

>> No.17002888

Fuck off back to your containment board schizo >>>/x/

>> No.17003517

What if you don't like the bones?

>> No.17003524


>> No.17003891

>t. seething McShill

>> No.17004152

Not as long as I spend boning your mom. *close thread*

>> No.17004481

Love deenz. Eat them weekly.

>> No.17004500
File: 137 KB, 636x592, 1630843777424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lil pissbaby discarding nutrients
lmao pussy

>> No.17004518

bones scratching your throat doesn't bother you?

>> No.17004556

Can't say I've ever had sardine bones scratch my throat. They're too soft for that.

>> No.17004743
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 54730C12-7A39-41EE-B11E-2D3098D8458F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we eating the same thing ? I’ve never really noticed the bones . You’re not a very good advertisement for the brand you eat .

>> No.17004764

no. i actually like the bones. are you chewing your food completely?

>> No.17005144

Deenz nuts lmao

>> No.17005150

Excellent bait.


>> No.17005263

in my experience the higher quality brands use generally smaller fish and you cant even tell you're eating the bones. but chicken of the sea for example a tin is like 4 fish with a big crunchy spine that you notice

>> No.17005292

How do I start to like these bros? I've always hated canned fish, tuna, etc. and every time I've tried sardines it's like even if I can get them down with a lot of avocado and lime or something it's just... eugh, so fishy.

Anyone else acquire this taste later on?

>> No.17005337

I've never not liked them, they might just not be the thing for you.

>> No.17005362

Yeah but I would prefer to get all the good fats and nutrients and whatnot from actual food rather than taking fish oil pills and whatnot, so incorporating them into my diet would be great.

Do they hold up well in pasta dishes? I imagine they'd go well in a puttanesca or something, but that's not really a daily eat.

>> No.17005449

they go great in pasta. or just get some king oscar in olive oil and eat em on some ritz. they really arent very offensive

>> No.17005460

I believe it. /v/ has certain threads that always reach bump limit and they're always written in a specific way.

>> No.17005502

You might want to check out a sister sardines thread where people are sharing recipes: >>17001285
I was the same way: boring ol' "sardines on a cracker"...never could get into it. But once I tried actual recipes, it's opened up a whole new world of flavor lol.

>> No.17005515

>Do they hold up well in pasta dishes?
Absolutely. Maybe look into anchovies for that as well. Check out Spanish cuisine, they make heavy use of canned seafood.

>> No.17005557

>cracked pepper King Oscar
based. Where do you find those? I can only get the regular and the caper and white wine vinegar ones here.

>> No.17005983

I live in Alaska . I have to go online if I want any variety . I used Amazon because of free shipping .

>> No.17006138

Ah, gotcha. Usually I can get a few good ones but they pulled several flavors from my grocery store, I'll see if they're on Amazon. Thanks Alaskanon.

>> No.17006151

>you can't eat the bones of canned salmon
anon I have good news

>> No.17006163

Theyve been pasteurized and pressure cooked to incredibly high temperatures. The bones are entirely edible and if you werent such a picky child you wouldnt even taste them. We eat deenz for the nutrients not the taste

>> No.17006241

i debone whilst eating

>> No.17006348

you fucking retard.

>> No.17007176

OP is a boner and boners are based: >>17004152
Haters kys.

>> No.17007254


>> No.17007268
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>> No.17008068

Can you eat canned salmon bones?

>> No.17008178

Chew them you old sack of shit

>> No.17008188

i thought they would, so i was hesitant for a while but then i tried it and they dont scratch at all, im not sure what youre eating anon

>> No.17008442

it does, me