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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 928 KB, 2592x1936, IMG_5604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16997976 No.16997976 [Reply] [Original]

>go in McDonalds
>order on touchscreen.
>there's a line of people waiting by the cash register to order.
>no one even seems to notice the touchscreens.
>they're understaffed so every worker is making food for drive thru
>customers looking around confused
>worker finally comes to register and hands me my food.
>everyone in line looks pissed

>> No.16997983

Same happened to me last time I went to McDonald's. Ordered food on machine and got it before the people in line in front of me

>> No.16997985

I always use the touchscreen or the app. I want my junk food with as little human interaction as possible. I'm glad baby boomers can't figure the shit out to save their lives because it means less waiting in line behind a 45 year old soccer mom ordering happy meals for her family is brats.

>> No.16997995
File: 290 KB, 1080x1440, KosherMcDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat do

>> No.16998006


>> No.16998007

Cause a scene and say you feel discriminated against? It's like you're not even american!

>> No.16998017


>> No.16998028
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>> No.16998035

Ordering for yourself on the screen is convenient.
Ordering for your whole family is a pain in the ass.

>> No.16998049

Is this real?

>> No.16998053

Yes, look at the floor in the picture.

>> No.16998054

>wait for goyfeed number to be called
>collect goyfeed
Wait... do they still teach you things numbers?

>> No.16998055

Let's sue McDonald's for being racist against white people

>> No.16998082

last time I used one it was horribly slow with a bad UI

>> No.16998104

One of the benefits of these is your can easily bypass the one coupon limit by placing separate orders through the machines.

>> No.16998131

Come back with a can of expanding foam and blanket the entire machine.

>> No.16998161

It's an Israeli thing; about a third of Israeli McDonaldses follow strict kosher restrictions. The restaurants have their kitchens and service counters set up so there's no risk of products with dairy being served alongside meat. Those who don't follow kashrut can just make two orders and pick them up at two separate counters.

As an interesting aside, McDonalds in Israel also have access to charcoal grills.

>> No.16998206

Reminds me of how there were mass protests over Indian McDonald's because the news broke that their "vegetarian" fries actually contained beef extract for flavoring (in reality they had never used it at the Indian McDonald's but them being hush hush about it to the american market led to distrust from the international market)

>> No.16998236

Yes, I took it in Jerusalem on a Birthright trip I went on a few years ago.

>> No.16998245
File: 95 KB, 720x388, McD-McSpicy_Fries_720_388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually remember any protests like that. Sounds like the Sepoy Mutiny, lol.
That said, you did remind me of that they had periperi masala fries in India a couple years ago. Add that to the list of international McDonalds things that should be available everywhere.

>> No.16998259

t.father of 2

>> No.16998268

>traveling to work to small shitty town
>go in McDonald's
>type in my order on the touch screen
>notice a shaved head 50 year old guy has been standing at the counter
>4 minutes later, my food is done and they hand it to me
>the guy EXPLODES
>started hurling racial abuse at the fully Indian workers
>still heard him yelling on my way to the car in the parking lot

>> No.16998288

>go to Mcdonalds 7pm on a friday night
>only 1 person working
>place is empty, i'm the only customer
>order a couple of burgers
>burger is assembled like they're in a fucking hurry
>it's still fucking cold
>cost $17 for two burgers now, no meal or combos
>couldve just gone to the popular Ma n Pa place down the street that always has a line around the block, but I didnt feel like waiting an hour
>it wouldve been cheaper, hot, fresh and a bigger feed too
Company's slowly dying.
The only time you ever see people in a McDonalds these days is 2am or 3am when all the crackheads and drunks are trying to get food on their way home.

>> No.16998299

>The only time you ever see people in a McDonalds these days is 2am or 3am when all the crackheads and drunks are trying to get food on their way home.
This, and even then it's only because McDonalds is the only place open after midnight.

>> No.16998313


>> No.16998314

Crackhead don't eat

>> No.16998325

>>cost $17 for two burgers now, no meal or combos
What the fuck were you ordering

>> No.16998353
File: 90 KB, 634x476, 1626367175352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Angus burger (normal 1/4 pounder basically but with bacon on it) and a triple cheeseburger.
McChickens are $6.80 here.
Literally cheaper to just go to a Supermarket and buy pic related if you want chicken burgers.
can make half a dozen of the cunts for under $10.

>> No.16998366

>Bajrang Dal
These guys are certified nutcases.

>> No.16998375

>McChickens are $6.80 here.
You ought to specify that this is the international McChicken, not the smaller discount "McChicken" they have in the US. I can't remember what the name for that is in kangarooland.

>> No.16998377

based npc boomer
fuck poos

>> No.16998385

> too lazy to go get a real charcoal chicken and some coleslaw, then buy proper bread from the baker.
> buys the woolies garbage instead
You will never be a real Australian

>> No.16998407

good, fuck em

>> No.16998742

why can't boomers into touchscreens, contactless payments, and self-serve checkouts?

>> No.16998775

Refusal to adapt to technology. They see it as frivolous bullshit because they got by without it

>> No.16998793

Cash is cash, I'm not paying for fast food with credit you fucking retard. You want banks to profit even when I'm not using credit? How fucking stupid are you? Take my cash in the form of physical money.

>> No.16998811

ah yes, the bachelors handbag
I think that's called the chicken n cheese here?

>> No.16998813

when i go to maccy d's the only ones using the register are people in poverty paying in cash, everybody else uses the touchscreens no problem. you might be in a area of high brainlet density

>> No.16998819

>45 year old soccer mom ordering happy meals for her family is brats
That would be an GenXer, Anon. I understand entirely, though, I hate about 2/3nds of my generation as well.
BTW, why are you eating at a cesspit like McD's anyway? If you're going to splurge on some junk food, why not splash out one or two bucks more and get something that's not a complete bio-chemical nightmare??

>> No.16998848

They are holding back the tides of the digital ID/currency authoritarian nightmare. You are going to miss being a human when they are gone, anti-christ worshipper. This is bad tech.

>> No.16998856

They'll all die of covid soon, then you'll accept your microchip/mark of the beast like a good goy

>> No.16998862
File: 67 KB, 500x741, LONGPIGCUTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, all of these dumbfucks are ripe for the enslavement. Boomers, Mills and Zoomies, All of them don't hesitate to throw plastic or touchless payment at everything these days because "muh cashback " or "muh points"
not realizing the whole time that their money is getting less and less valuable each day for the already overpriced mass produced garbage they consume.
Oh well, the riots will be SPECTACULAR!!

>> No.16998903
File: 1.68 MB, 134x134, 1599320053089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst! (they aren't going to listen to you anon...for God's sake, they order food at McDonalds and have the audacity to look down on others for not pressing the buttons right!! Most of these NPC faggots will willingly shell out an absurd amount of money for an oven that cooks "gourmet meals" with only some assembly required, by scanning a fucking QR code stamped on the package.)

Ah well, Half a Gramme is better than a Damn!!

>> No.16998911

As well as your gf.
t.gf never knows what she wants despite going to McDonald's often

>> No.16998959

ah yes i remember the part in talmud where they said you couldn't order both meat and milk products using the touch screens at mcdonalds

>> No.16998970

lol why would the strictly orthodox be wanting to go to mcdonalds at all? isn't the whole idea of religion to hold yourself to a high standard of behavior, not force everyone else to put up with bullshit so you can cheat your own rules?

>> No.16998983

currency not backed by anything, which your country can print whenever they feel like, is on the same level as credit.

>> No.16998989

sometimes when it comes to the cultural parts of religion (food, methods of worship, rituals etc) it becomes less about strict adherence to scripture and more 'well this is how my mum and dad always did it, don't see any need to change things now'
credit card dominance is more of an american thing, in many countries when people are using card it's just debit cards to access their bank account

>> No.16999017

>is on the same level as credit.
You would posit that it's just as traceable/trackable??
That all your cash transactions are easily compiled to fully sketch out and anticipate your spending habits and their locations??

>> No.16999024

your mcdick just has poor management

my local mcd literally always has 10 people in the kitchen and 1 dedicated cleaner.
always fresh food, ice machine is never broken.
it's in a white neighborhood though

>> No.16999034


>> No.16999036

Just wash your hands after ordering on the touchscreen.

>> No.16999261

>cheese bites

>> No.16999313

I have never seen a McDonald's staffed like this. They'll have 1 on register+drive through, 2 in the kitchen and they're supposed to "clean when it gets slow" so the dining room always looks like section 8 housing with trashcans overflowing and shit spilled everywhere. The manager is usually out back smoking.

>> No.16999373

>45 year old is gen x
Well I aged myself today

>> No.16999398

Do amerilards really go to McDonald's for family dining? kek

>> No.16999413

I feel like my food is only ever a little cold when I go at like 2 in the morning because I can't be assed to cook anything. Granted that the manager seems to be a slave where I go and is seemingly always working.

Do you not have a debit card? Are you even 18 years old yet?

>credit card dominance is an American thing
eternally obsessed

>> No.16999415

Say you`re Muslim or a Buddhist and it is discrimination

>> No.16999428

No, that is just ones with bad maganement
>Big town mcd has no training rn
>No upstairs
> Other two do just fine with training

The new taco bell and wendys are almost as popular but they are much smaller, same with kfc, burger king, dominoes etc

The small chains seem to do well as do independents

>> No.16999488 [DELETED] 

>and without even noticing, I enter a shabby delicatessen on Second Avenue and I'm still confused, mixed up, sweaty, and I walk over to a short, fat Jewish woman, old and hideously dressed. "Listen," I say. "I have a reservation. Bateman. Where's the maitre d? I know Jackie Mason," and she sighs, "I can seat you. Don't need a reservation," as she reaches for a menu. She leads me to a horrible table in back near the rest rooms and I grab the menu away from her and rush to a booth up front and I'm appalled by the cheapness of the food - "Is this a goddamn joke?" - and sensing a waitress is near I order without looking up. "A cheeseburger. I'd like a cheeseburger and I'd like it medium rare."
>"I'm sorry, sir," the waitress says. "No cheese. Kosher," and I have no idea what the f**k she's talking about and I say, "Fine. A kosher burger but with cheese, Monterey Jack perhaps, and - oh god," I moan, sensing more cramps coming on. "No cheese, sir," she says. "Kosher... " "Oh god, is this a nightmare, you f**king Jew?" I mutter, and then, "Cottage cheese? Just bring it?" "I'll get the manager," she says. "Whatever. But bring me a beverage in the meanwhile," I hiss. "Yes?" she asks. "A... vanilla... milk shake..." "No milk shakes. Kosher," she says, then, "I'll get the manager." "No, wait." "Mister I'll get the manager." "What in the f**k is going on?" I ask, seething, my platinum AmEx already slapped on the greasy table. "No milk shake. Kosher," she says, thick-upped, just one of billions of people who have passed over this planet. "Then bring me a f**king... vanilla... malted!" I roar, spraying spit all over my open menu. She just stares. "Extra thick!" I add. She walks away to get the manager and when I see him approaching, a bald carbon copy of the waitress, I get up and scream, "Fuck yourself you retarded cocksucking kike," and I run out of the delicatessen and onto the street where this

>> No.16999520

>McChickens are $6.80 here.
I'm glad that I go to BK and get 2 whoppers for $6

>> No.16999541

Was in a taco bell yesterday, & the same exact thing happened. A stream of people came in & stood at the counter until being told to use the kiosk.

>> No.16999548

muslims are allowed to eat kosher.

>> No.16999551
File: 33 KB, 474x574, smg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and fucking based. I usually only see the poem posted, but this was perfect given the context.

>> No.16999767

>so you can cheat your own rules?

That's basically the entire lifestyle of orthodox folks.

Look up Kosher kitchen appliances if you want to go down a rabbit hole.

>> No.16999794

You pay the card off, dumbshit. Then you also get free stuff. The fact you’re a retarded financelet doesn’t mean everyone is.

>> No.17000198

>get something that's not a complete bio-chemical nightmare

>> No.17000316

>go to taco bell
>line of people at the touchscreen
>no one in line at counter
>person at counter saying "sir I can help you right here" to everyone that comes in
>get in line at one of the touchscreens myself

>> No.17000357

That's what I had for lunch today.

>> No.17000380

i can pay in cash when ordering on a screen where im from (eu)

>> No.17000394

why the fuck would any1 want to track the fries and cheeseburger you ordered at mcdonalds?? take the meds PLEASE

>> No.17000397

God damn I miss Australia and going to woolies.

>> No.17000416

what kind of ovens do they have

>> No.17000614

That exact kind of Data Farming is what Big Tech is built on you ignorant moron.

>> No.17000687
File: 168 KB, 375x375, golden god homer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this kind of scene.
>make appointment at restaurant, sometimes even on the same day just a few hours ahead of rush hour
>long line of people standing at the entrance, walk straight past them
>"hello im anon i had an appointment"
>ushered inside
>very nasty looks from most people waiting, sometimes theres a guy saying this is bullshit

>> No.17000727

At Dorsia? How’d you swing that?

>> No.17000734

I dont understand are normies incapable of thinking a few hours/days ahead

>> No.17000745

as long as there is a person to order from I will not use those.

>> No.17001049

>dishwasher can't mix meat water and dairy water and has two separate tanks that drain separately

>> No.17001058

i haven't been inside a mcdonalds in years

>> No.17001734

Just order each individual item seperately and make those wagies seethe

>> No.17001747

somebody post the webm of the urban youth interacting with a mcdonalds kiosk

>> No.17001801

it's a brand new Maccas. Only opened about 2 months ago.

>> No.17001815

order the whole menu and walk away

>> No.17002024

i use cash cuz my drugs require it

>> No.17002055
File: 322 KB, 546x700, pol2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17002100

>McDonalds in Israel also have access to charcoal grills
That would be cool, I like those kind of burgers

>> No.17002630
File: 169 KB, 375x500, 96e59736e551845e740feb1c2ec2622e-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you eating at a cesspit like McD's anyway? If you're going to splurge on some junk food, why not splash out one or two bucks more and get something that's not a complete bio-chemical nightmare??

your writing style proves you are gen x without a doubt

>> No.17002956

I experience this every time I go to the bank, my wells fargo branch has a bunch of high limit ATMs inside and there's never a line for them, even on friday afternoons when idiots are all waiting in line to cash their paychecks with a bank teller not realizing you can do it from their ATMs and even their phone app, leaving you almost no reason to visit a bank location except for large withdrawals and deposits.

>> No.17003404
File: 411 KB, 750x561, AE0C66FB-1455-4730-821C-71C08029B573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s probably a bunch of fecal matter on those touchscreens, I wouldn’t risk it.

>> No.17003435
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, 1629045796965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long pork
>beef terminology

>> No.17003445


>just moved to miami
>everyone here is totally retarded and only speaks spanish
>its basically a 3rd world country, nothing works right
>go to mcds for coffee, drive thru is shut down so have to go inside
>go to counter, old cuban bitch tells me i have to use kiosk
>everything is in spanish
>menu keeps glitching and adding shit
>finally figure out how to order a fucking coffee
>it tells me to enter my table number so they can bring it to me
>dont have a table, none of the tables have numbers anyway
>nice mom walking by says you just enter a random number and they call your number when its ready
>wait for like 10 minutes and finally go to counter
>cuban bitch asks for my receipt, kiosk never gave me one
>"oh sarry sir, we can no give you food if no have ticket"
>just walk out and go without coffee

>> No.17003711


>Big Fat Joe took 50 dollars out of his bank account in Main Street
>And look, Big Sloppy Jimbos Authentic Stle Eatery two doors down got an order for their 50 dollar gut buster all you can shit extravaganza 3 minutes later

This shit isn't rocket science.

>> No.17003730

George Clinton’s really let himself go

>> No.17005122

Funny how americans call credit cards "debit cards" because they are all in debt lol

>> No.17005135

>>order on touchscreen.
>>everyone in line looks pissed
zoomers will fap to this bwaaahahaha

>> No.17005212

Debit cards are a different thing from credit cards dingus; they pull directly from a bank account so you're paying directly with money instead of borrowing credit, hence debit card instead of credit card.

>> No.17005271

My friend owns a smaller restaurant in our hometown and ordered two touchscreen kiosks to speed up customer orders. We were talking the other night and he said that only 3/10 patrons would use them. The other 7 patrons would bitch about having to wait for service.
People are scared of change.

>> No.17005318

Aussie maccers is so shit I haven't even been since covid

>> No.17005455

Not be in Israel.

>> No.17005476

>anti-christ worshipper
Any credibility you may have had is now gone.

>> No.17005585

You're a fucking retard lmao

>> No.17005615

Better yet, look up the kosher switch. Tricking their god to skirt around their own religious rules is considered the height of cleverness in Judaism.

>> No.17005625

make another order

>> No.17005789

Americans on this board are so stupid they actually think this is in America

>> No.17005824

That's in Israel tho, nobody gives a fuck about discriminating against infidels.

>> No.17005837

keeping kosher is not a 'strictly orthodox' thing, also macdonalds outside of america are pretty good