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16996375 No.16996375 [Reply] [Original]

The most disgusting liquor.

>> No.16996382

baijou? never had it personally

>> No.16996390

Moutai is quite nice if you're predisposed to the flavors. Chocolate, hazelnut/walnut, soy sauce. If you like the oxidized sherries you'll probably enjoy Moutai.

>> No.16996403

it tastes like fermented urine

>> No.16996407

just mix it with coke then

>> No.16996409

good for the golden shower enthousiasts

>> No.16996418

I hated it on its own.
Then I licked it off a Chinese woman’s toes. I now love it.

>> No.16997043

Tastes like sucking on a sharpie

>> No.16997051

Tequila is a close second for me but you are correct.

>> No.16997248

this shit is stupid expensive

>> No.16997589

Thank you for clearing that up, Chang!
.05 Good Citizen points have been added to your social credit score. Please keep these anti-racist posts up and inform about the Glorious CCP! Our dear leader thanks you

>> No.16997639
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You ain't even close.

>> No.16997646

That's not Talisker 10.

>> No.16997827

Sorghum baiju is the most aggressively mineral-tasting liqueur out there. Not bad in fruit-heavy cocktails, though.
>China is non-White and opposes us politically
>therefore nothing from China can ever ever be good, nyehhh icky chinky
Grown-ups are talking, faggot.

>> No.16997871

Agreed. I like a lot of different shit, including a lot of bitter liqueurs (was given >>16997639 by some Chicago friends as a joke and was like, "eh, it's just bitter grapefruit; not bad, but really one note", while they thought I was going to spit it out in disgust). But this chink stuff I just don't understand; it's literally undrinkable to me, and I drink half a handle of bottom shelf vodka every day like it's water.

>> No.16998561

Anything out of China is a poor attempt at duplication.
It belongs in the bin.

>> No.16998691

Malort is nothing special if you're familiar with bitters.

>> No.16998700

I've always been curious to try this. Does anyone genuinely like it or is it just a novelty?

>> No.16999078

i couldn't even tell you the name of the liquor but i used to go this absolute shithole bar for karaoke and i swear to god they were switching bottles. well was like old crow but 10x worse, i could never do a shot there without puking a little bit in my mouth

>> No.16999091

Came here to post this
It’s literal sewer gutter water with ethanol

>> No.16999449

It might be because I'm a non-discerning alchy, but I tried Moutai 'Prince' (one of the cheaper versions) and it wasn't *horrible*.
Made me want to try that fancy expensive version.

>> No.17000098

I love cheap baijou. There's some kind of fermentation byproducts in it that numbs the lips and gets you a different kind of drunk. Probably poisonous somehow, but I don't do it very often. This shit goes great with a sweet-and-sour crispy whole fish

>> No.17000154
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*a challenger appears*

>> No.17000157

wow that's enough ouzo for twozo

>> No.17000163
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>> No.17000212

You do know you're not supposed to drink that neat, right?

>> No.17000218

I do, ot reminds me of campari or aperol if you buy the cheap off brand knock offs, just way more harsh

>> No.17000239

why would you ask that in such an effeminate way? are you a bulgario?

>> No.17000259

Would it have been better had I formulated my reply thusly: "nigga u tweakin, mix that shit with water like a civilized person"?

>> No.17000605

it tastes like shit even diluted

>> No.17000676

Not my fault you're an anise tastelet bro.

>> No.17000680
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bet you like this garbage too

>> No.17000690

if your cranium wants a date with some floor tiles then keep talking pal

>> No.17000694

i'll fill up a glass with my liquid diarrhea, im sure that'd be suited to your taste buds too

>> No.17000704

you were warned anon and you did it anyways. I'm speechless. Why don't you cut the malarky and grow a pair, or go find yourself a toy to play with.

>> No.17000712

I don't, actually. Haven't tried the meme special reserve ones, but I disliked the 5 and 7-star ones.
I generally don't like barrel-aged spirits anyway.

>> No.17000895

It's fucking grim. Mate of mine brought a giant case back from China and he couldn't give it away, it blew my mind when I saw how much they charge for it.

>> No.17001091
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So I have had this which is also a sorghum based Baijiu and I actually really liked it I still have like half a bottle from when I brought some back from Taiwan.
My question is why is this shit so expensive? Honestly I want to try it but it is crazy what they charge for it.

>> No.17001100

it was at one point something peasants and farmers would drink, but after the communists took over it was favored by party members as unpretentious and appropriate for marxists, and this made it gradually rise in esteem until the situation was essentially reversed

>> No.17001106

That's not malort

>> No.17001721

Yeah. Tastes like diluted kerosene.
Don't you dare badmouth ouzo, you tasteless little shit.

>> No.17002200

so the price is basically just the party elite mogging the middle class?

>> No.17003592
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It tastes like fucking rubber

>> No.17003614

>liquor with moonrunes on it
the fuck’d you expect?

>> No.17003800

Well I think sake and soju are really pleasant and smooth to drink. Moutai is something else. It just tastes like poison.

>> No.17003813

Chinese lighter fluid?

>> No.17003820

No negroid would ever say "civilized person", like real niggas is what you meant.

>> No.17003824

is that that korean cough-syrup quality shit that has about as much redeeming value as wine coolers?

>> No.17003859

Ironically, Shaoxing rice wine, which was the elite drink during imperial times, is now seen as an old peasant drink.

>> No.17003864

its a function of normal market pricing economics for conspicuous spend goods.

>> No.17003870

A trick I've found to drinking moutai is to keep your mouth firmly closed at all times, for as long as you have taken a sip. It reduces interaction between air, saliva enzymes, and the various dissolved compounds, noticeably decreasing the acetone funk.

>> No.17004036

They are probably more into little boy eggs.

>> No.17004200

Yes I also remember cowchop

>> No.17004262

sounds like what a lawyer would say to defend his clients usury

>> No.17004387

Lived in China for years. The more expensive ones like Maotai good. They hare an acquired taste but honestly not that bad at all. If you'd never had vodka or gin before you'd also find them disgusting. Several Chinese people I met (heavy drinkers) found whisky absolutely disgusting.
The fucked up thing though is that they have lots of cheap ones which are for the plebs. 3 yuan for 125ml of 56% Baijiu. Without exaggeration I probably bought around 500-1000 of these in my time there. Sold everywhere, so cheap, and so effective. But they are without question disgusting.

>> No.17005946

the virgin shit fan v the chad piss enjoyer

>> No.17005958
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rite me right

>> No.17005974

It kinda grows on you. It's a chicago tradition to serve it unexpected with no context to someone on their 21st or from out of town, just to watch their disgusted reaction. If you know what it is going in, and you try it a few times, you start to appreciate the herbal spicy character which is pretty pleasant, but there is a strong quinine-like bitterness to it that takes getting used to. I feel like Italians who drink bitter sodas like spuma or amaro would like it.

>> No.17005988
File: 30 KB, 600x800, Shellelet-Zahle-Arak-750ml-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anise is the best flavor for spirits. You're just a contrarian faggot. I'll bet you don't even like licorice candy

>> No.17006024

Nah. The most disgusting liquors are digestifs like Underberg. That shit tastes like a handful of fucking dirt and twigs.

I also personally think jager is nasty as fuck.

>> No.17006036

What I remember about Chinese food as a young kid growing up in Hong Kong was not really that it was “bad” (which it often was, of course) but that the stuff my parents ordered for us was almost all frozen, and that I would generally throw out whatever that they brought home. This was in the days before a proper kitchen, and there was a tiny freezer unit that could only hold what was on the top shelf, and often that was some random combination of Chinese or Indian takeout. A couple of times a week we’d have what seemed like the best of everything, but the rest of the time it was pretty terrible: a frozen piece of some meat and whatever was frozen with it, a tub of rice, and maybe a can of green peas, and maybe a can of baby corn. There was a few times in my childhood when we were treated to something really good, like fresh fish that one of the waiters brought home in a plastic bag. So for my first couple of decades, I never actually ate a lot

>> No.17006095

Anisettes are the fucking best thing ever invented

>> No.17006126
File: 164 KB, 1200x2125, 838AF3CB-EB29-4D37-9942-16A4FFAF4CD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am from Kentucky and it is and has always been a meme understood by everyone.

>> No.17006571

Straight, it's swill, but it mixes well enough.

>> No.17006820

>bottled by barton distilling
those cats make the vodka that tastes the closest to rubbing alcohol so im sure thats some quality whiskey

>> No.17006940

You may be surprised to learn that Barton is a very large company that sells a wide variety of products, of varying quality. 1792 bourbon is quite good.

>> No.17008323

Plain soju just tastes like weak vodka. I haven't tried any of the flavored ones.

>> No.17008335

>he doesn't like Underberg
I can smell your unpleasant and extremely noticeable ethnic body odor through the internet connection.

>> No.17008686

baijiu is 99% of the time utter shit liquid fire but the 1 percent of the time it's good by god is it good. My communist party member grandfather unearthed an ancient unlabeled bottle of something once and it tasted like liquid human soul in a bottle.

>> No.17008713

I remember reading that, while most spirits don't bottle age, those with high amounts of dissolved aromatic compounds can (though it's a bit of a dice roll, like wine).
Is baijiu like that as well?

>> No.17008743

there it is
why do you lie
Malort is leagues different and more offensive than anything else. Its more offensive than drinking Angostura straight by like a powerful exponential factor. Underberg and becharovka don't even remotely compare.
Bitters taste bitter and herbal. Malort tastes like toxic carpet glue.

>> No.17008759

love me an underberg, simple as
you can buy it in bulk on amazon. It's not considered liquor in the states

>> No.17008761

yeah. Old cases go for a lot more than new ones. There's no vintage on the label usually, since it's usually blended from several different years.

>> No.17009067
File: 96 KB, 792x1556, 551237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost posted Jeppson's Malort but that's too easy, and I have a bone to pick with this cobweb ass tasting pisswater

>> No.17010826

this korean guy i worked with constantly raved about soju and eventually brought a couple flavored bottles in on a friday for everyone to sample after work

they tasted like jolly ranchers only worse just sickeningly sweet syrupy nastiness

as much as everyone gets down on americans for putting sugar in everything, i've never had any korean cuisine that wasn't way too sweet for my taste

>> No.17010854
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Moutai is actually quite nice compared to cheap Baijiu

>> No.17010873

I actually like the taste of jiangxiaobai, one of those in a cup of coca cola gulped down in a couple of seconds is enough to last me most of a night out.

>> No.17010888

there was a brand that tasted almost like a really shitty tutti frutti flavour
can't remember the name but yeah a bottle or two of that with a few bottles of soft drink were always enough for me

>> No.17010918

I was drinking mine about the same time as the HK protests started so I called it the Free Hong Kong 'cause it's like a Cuba Libre