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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16989189 No.16989189 [Reply] [Original]

What is the absolute lowest temperature that you can cook meat?

>> No.16989194

70 degrees celsius

>> No.16989196

Red meat causes cancer.

>> No.16989197

You can "cook" meat with acid can't you? Fish anyway. So you could probably do that around freezing temperatures I guess. Cooking with heat, to kill the bacteria? I think around boiling temp is what kills bacteria, so I'd guess that.

>> No.16989198

What doesn't?

>> No.16989253

The recommended internal temperature for beef is 145 F. The USDA claims that you can safely use a slow cooker on meat at 170 F.
I suppose there is an altitude at which that is boiling, but I don't think anybody lives so high. Maybe if you are climbing the Himalayas.

>> No.16989255

blue meat

>> No.16989256

no it doesn't

>> No.16989268

cooking as in with a heat source? or as in it will be edible afterward? Faroese people age meat in the cold, salty air. You can smoke meat at 90-ish degrees celsius. There are many low temp preparations for meat.

>> No.16989273

just cook the cancer cells off

>> No.16989281

an animal died for this

>> No.16989477

This isn't what cooking means. What happens when you cook a piece of meat like fish is the proteins get denatured. Adding acid to meat will do it too, but it's not the same as cooking it, it just looks similar to the eye, and the texture changes a bit. It's not the same as cooking though, since cooking does more than just denature proteins in food. Specifically we cook most things because the foods may contain harmful bacteria or other organisms that can be killed through heat, whereas adding acid may not do anything to the bacteria.

>> No.16989489

You can dehydrate, sous vide, or reverse sear at pretty low temperature. Just takes a bit of time.

>> No.16989501

No. Like .03% of a whole cow died for this, the rest of it died for other stuff

>> No.16989511

Sausages are scalded at around 75°c. That's probably the lowest safe temperature.

>> No.16989548

Wow that didn't even look appetizing.

>> No.16989613

>implying this website hasn't already given you cancer

>> No.16989666

now I want an obsidian cooktop

>> No.16989687

don't north europeans hang raw salted meat off trees in the winter and it air cures below freezing? Is that "cooking"?

>> No.16989707

maybe it was not wasted and was given to a dog.

>> No.16989841

>The lava cooks the meat

>> No.16989931


>> No.16989946

Don’t be a faggot. Curing is a form of cooking. Cold-Smoking is a form of cooking. They are both, by definition, cooking processes.
It doesn’t require the protein be denatured by heat.

>> No.16990012

So does the vaccine

>> No.16990020

So do your posts

>> No.16990022

imagine being a steak and being able to live in so many peoples heads rent free

>> No.16990027

Sure does, Shlomo.

>> No.16990046

>imagine being a steak

>> No.16990063

Technically we're all made of meat so we are steaks

>> No.16990066

Brother steak

>> No.16990362
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these hang at room temperature I guess.

>> No.16990410

A little rare for my tastes.

>> No.16990415

Those are cured (salt), not cooked

>> No.16990542

>thinking shills go to /ck/ of all places

>> No.16990547

Curing cooks. Pickling cooks. A marinade is a short curing+pickling combo.

A large piece of meat will only cook on the surface of course, but steak tartare (minced by hand) will definitely be slightly cooked by the vinegar in the sauce.

>> No.16990550

And the vegan meat alternatives filled with processed shit and chemicals doesn’t cause cancer?

>> No.16990575

in that case then ceviche would be the coldest cooking method, you can do it at near freezing temperatures

>> No.16990589

No, Curing "cures" and pickling "Pickles". Words have meaning and you can't change them just to suit your needs. They don't accomplish the same result and see completely different

>> No.16990649

Don't you have a thread to make about your last trip to McDonald's?

>> No.16990734

That's why I put "cooking" in quotation marks, and also tried to answer the question according to the narrower definition. Because it depends on one's definition of the word "cook."

>> No.16990780

No it doesn't kike faggot

>> No.16990810


>> No.16990826

I would eat that.

>> No.16991027

you can literally just leave a skillet out in the sun for a couple of hours and it'll be hot enough to cook a steak and some eggs.

>> No.16991134

You can eat it raw. Define ‘cooked’

>> No.16991157

Then two animals died for this.

>> No.16991165

I feel like this definitely depends on where you live and the time of year.

>> No.16991167


>> No.16991191

It does, you can do it in places like TX, AZ and SoCal

>> No.16991198
File: 3.47 MB, 640x640, fry-egg-on-pavement.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot gif

>> No.16991205

Interesting question. Cows have a temperature around 39C. Just them having some fever will not cook them alive.

>120°F/50°C -- Meat develops a white opacity as heat sensitive myosin denatures. Coagulation produces large enough clumps to scatter light. Red meat turns pink.

So to cook meat, you need a temperature which makes the meat reach at least 120F/50C. 50C should be enough given enough time.

>> No.16991236

Only processed meat, correlation only shows when processed meat is tanlken into account, regular meat doesn't cause any problem. Ancestors have been consuming it for hundred of thousands of years, we've been adapted to it

>> No.16991256

we do?

>> No.16991327

>a couple of hours
not even that, 30-40 minutes is enough

>> No.16991561

>around freezing temperatures
perhaps significantly lower if you add enough salt to the acid

>> No.16991577

Grew up in Texas, we used to crack eggs on the sidewalk and watch them cook

>> No.16991593

The Greenlanders dry fish like that, pretty much.
But I guess that's not really cooking.
It's tasty, though, if you like a very fishy taste and don't mind doing some chewing.

>> No.16991883

the metal has melted

>> No.16992151

Words don't have meaning, Poindexter.

>> No.16992338

What did he mean by this?

>> No.16992359

even the processed meat cancer association is quite small and likely an artifact of poorly done studies. the only cancer / meat randomized trials I know of showed it had no effect. thinking primarily of the Polyp Prevention Trial and Womens Health Initiative but there are probably some others

>> No.16993217
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>> No.16993221
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Impossible to know since he didn't post an image, and words have no meaning.

>> No.16993243

jerk it off slowly at room temp for a few weeks

>> No.16993460

So does sunlight, if people want to avoid cancer there’s a lot of stuff that is higher risk than red meat to be cut out of our lives. You for example would need to stop getting fucked in the ass despite how difficult it would be for you to give up.

>> No.16993508
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>> No.16993551

360 degrees and walk away

>> No.16993563
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around 150 nano Kelvin

>> No.16993599

Oh fuck

>> No.16993907

>Red meat causes cancer.
Water causes cancer.

>> No.16993915

Still, it's a good way to go.

>> No.16994030


>> No.16994074

i always wonder how people do stuff

>> No.16994478

Stuff can be chemically cooked or termically cooked, it's just a different way to denaturate the components of the ingredients

>> No.16994485

just slather some 'chup on it and that's a fine meal

>> No.16994497


>> No.16994774

Not you Amir

>> No.16994818

Cooking as it applies to proteins is when heat causes them to fold, changing form. This clearly evident with eggs. Your brain does this at 106F so that seems like a likely minimum temperature.

>> No.16994823


>> No.16995056

That's why we cook it you stupid shit, so it's not red anymore

>> No.16996062


>> No.16996137

enjoy your hear disease

>> No.16996143

huh? speak up

>> No.16996147

>enjoy your hear disease

Are all you white liberal pussy faggots this brainwashed by the sugar industry to fear meat and fat?

>> No.16996337

This could have worked if he allowed the lava to cool into a still hot surface to cook the steak on. Pouring actual lava onto a steak is retarded.

>> No.16996347

>The recommended internal temperature for beef is 145 F.
Recommended by someone with no taste in steak.
One thirty two, FTW.

>> No.16996628

So does eating pussy, cocaine, heroine, and sunbathing. Doesn’t mean you should hide in your room all day being a sheltered fucking loser, you dumb faggot. You only get one life. Who cares? Being old looks fucking horrible.

>> No.16996776
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