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16977419 No.16977419 [Reply] [Original]

I bought an old Griswold cast iron skillet from a pawn shop, I cooked off and sanded down what seasoning was on it down to shiny iron. I autistically have been seasoning the skillet for the last three weeks, it now has a glossy jet black sheen you can almost see reflections from.

I rub in a dollop of avacado oil and then wipe off as much as I can, then bake it upside down in the oven at 425 for an hour, then turn off the oven and let it cool in the oven for two hours before repeating the process that I do three times a day. My autism wants me to continue doing this, but I think I want to cook eggs on it in the morning without oil to see how 'non-stick' a cast iron is.

>> No.16977429

nooooo dude you fucked it up you have to sand it a particular way with a particular grit and always in circles never in straight lines and brooooooo avocado oil will ruin you pan you have to create a polymer maaaaaaannnnn and you better not use soap or you're screwed

>> No.16977430

There are no lines, it is smooth as glass.

>> No.16977443

>I bought X
>I autistically did Y
>but now I want to stop doing Y
Fake ass larping “autist” detected.
Post timestamped pic of griswold pan or go fuck yourself to the sound of your whore of a single mom coming through the walls as she fucks whoever it is this week who is giving her money/weed for her pill prescription.

>> No.16977449

so I have done what I was told on how to season cast Iron apox. 64 times. If my egg sticks without using oil I am definitively calling cast iron a meme pan that really has no use in a modern kitchen. if that egg glides off easily without leaving and crispy bits stuck to it I will concede that cast iron is a valuable cooking tool.

>> No.16977450

Very small amount of oil or butter in a hot pan then egg it up. You should be fine after what sounds like a bajillion coats. No acidic foods. No scrubby side of sponge or soap. Use salt and a paper towel if you need to scrub.

>> No.16977465

if it's too smooth it wont build the best Seasoning. you don't want a mirror finish.

>> No.16977491

this is not factual at all, when Iron reaches a certain temperature it opens up pores that oil seeps into and creates a polymerization with heat and pressure when they cool and close. When cast iron was at it's peak it was sanded down to a shiny finish and given two coats before being sent out. Your cast iron pans are made cheaply and sent out with a rough seasoning because it is cheap to manufacture. When and if you use those rough seasoned cast irons long enough they will develop a flat glassy finish as the oils, like water run to the path of least resistance to fill in the gaps.

>> No.16977595

OK but how are you supposed to build 20 layers of Seasoning when the pan has no more irregular surface after the first layer because you polished it all off

>> No.16977603

it's not polished at all when you get down to the microscopic level where Iron becomes a soft metal under a certain level of heat. You could polish it down to a smooth mirror, and once you heat it up it will still expand and create pores, and retract when it cools.

>> No.16977658

Because it still has tiny microscopic imperfections, even if you took 16000 grit finishing polish and got it mirror smooth, there would still be something for the seasoning to adhere to.

>> No.16977671

not true. the retard magnet stargazer pans were originally machined smooth, but their updated version is blasted with steel balls to give it a slightly rough texture because they found it allows the seasoning to adhere better.


>> No.16977676

No, they found it was easier to cut corners and charge the same amount of money and that retards like you would still fork out the cash, believing it.

>> No.16977680

how is it cheaper to add a step?

>> No.16977684

your brain just hasn't reached it's peak. They added by subtraction and you fell for it. I will take one of their original pans, you can have their 'I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE' pans.

>> No.16977692

yeah, stargazer texturizes their pans after machining them smooth. the guy explains here that it helps seasoning adhere to the pan whereas it would flake off of a smooth surface.


>> No.16977699

>People squabbling over cast iron pans
the cheapest cast iron is just as effective as the most expensive. fucking niggers that were enslaved had the same pans and skillets that you are using today. and they used the fat from chickens and pork feet.

>> No.16977725

functionality doesn't matter, what matters is that people they want to impress see a logo that tells them that you have money to waste on a logo.

>> No.16977735


>> No.16977770

well Biden destroyed our ability to project power, and is making the people that actually made the military the best functioning in the world into second class citizens over trannies, women, and niggers that don't even want to be there and hate the country. I hope you are ready to put your soul forward and hope for a kind judgement for the necessaries atrocities coming for you. God does not favor the meek, he favors the righteous.

>> No.16977806

I won't be there for you, your enemy will do everything they can to kill you. And you will just let them. I won't do your dirty work if you won't step up for yourselves. I spent 12 years in the Army, and now make a shitload of money from the stooges you elected.

>> No.16977818

Lolwut. If Biden continued to hemmorage money into Afghanistan ourvability to project power would be preserved? Good then, projecting power was way too expensive apparently. Focus on what's going on donestically.

>> No.16977840

Lolwut, you heard me. Biden didn't have a choice and still underminded a withdrawal agreement sanctioned by the UN that costs thousands of lives and hundreds of US military personnel. When the federal government starts killing their own civilians with drones, You will see the war veterans they threw away taking every major city hostage.

>> No.16977843

I use a hand cranked rotary buffer that I made myself using pocket watch parts, starting the sequence with guanaco fiber wheels charged with 100 micron monocrystalline diamond, followed by 50 micron, 25 micron, 10 micron, 5 micron, 1 micron, 0.5 micron, and 0.25 micron. I then send it to my child labor factory in Bangladesh where small children tirelessly (because they're forced to drink bottles of imported Thai red bull day and night) hand polish the surface 24 hours a day with their bare fingertips which are first coated with 100,000 grit cubic boron nitride and then using custom child-sized buffing gloves made of vicuña fiber. The pan is then flown under armed guard to my facility in Singapore where it spend the next 18 months in a 55 khz ultrasonic bath using a cleaning fluid so delicate and rare that if I typed the name it would cause 4chan to crash instantly and possibly bring down a large portion of the internet, so I won't say any more on that. After this I use lard made of obese 4channers who went to Japan to teach English but were slaughtered moments before they lost their virginity to busty Nigerian assassins paid by me to lie in wait on the streets of Akihabara waiting under the guise of street prostitution for these very same NEETS to show up. The virgin neckbeard lard is then rendered carefully using Mauviel Muh Heritage pans over a low bintochan fire, filtered through an aeropress, and finally infused with the finest herbs and himalayan pink salt in a Sous Vide Supreme under the supervision of Nathan Myhrvold himself, poured over Nigella McStranglewoman's pendulous breasts, and carefully painted onto the perfectly smooth surface of the pan before being baked in an oversize custom Easy Bake oven for three hours at 375. This process is repeated over 100 times before I would dare fry even the shittiest grocery store egg on it, let alone the more delicious and, needless to say, extremely rare and costly eggs that I eat as a matter of routine.

>> No.16977854

Military has always been used to dispose of undesirables amonst your own population.
Put all the trannies in it.

>> No.16977857

It will be Praetorian guard choosing the next emporer until states break up into their own feifdoms.

>> No.16977945

hell yeah

>> No.16979539
File: 600 KB, 1613x1210, PXL_20211113_154910440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent about an hour with the sander knocking down this modern lodge to a ~95% smoothed finish with 120 grit. I'm not getting down to each end every pore but it's going to be a significant improvement from what it was before. Didn't mess with the edges too much. I'm at seasoning coat 3 in this image and will be autistically applying like OP
I'm going to use a boomer phrase here, but unironically they don't make 'em like they used to.

>> No.16979567

>all of those voids
ugh, fuck lodge

>> No.16979604

Yeah they're pretty deep; it was a gift so what can you do. I could spend the time to make it look perfect but I'm a sucker for functionality and it just isn't worth the effort past a certain point on a ~$40 skillet. The one in the back is an unmarked chicago foundry something or other, and its cooking surface and walls were all perfectly smoothed out without any pores when I picked it up from a thrift store.

>> No.16979785


>> No.16979800

>I could spend the time to make it look perfect
Honestly, I doubt it. The voids in lodge are massive and go all throughout, you'll never get it evenly smooth because you'll always uncover another void that goes deeper, and if you sand that one down, you'll reveal more elsewhere on the pan surface.

>> No.16980192

it's crazy how many ways you tell someone you're autistic in the english language

>> No.16980223

take my money and shut up

>> No.16980252

Based, I'm gonna steal your cast iron.

>> No.16980318

Imagine how he’ll feel when his roommate puts it in the dishwasher.

>> No.16980440

Haven't seen that pasta in a few years

>> No.16980562

Sanding is pointless. The smoothness isn't what makes it "nonstick." Ck is full of complete retards like usual.

>> No.16980588

It 100% is what makes it non-stick.

Eventually you COULD get a seasoning thick enough that it fills in all the voids of a shitty lodge or similar pan, but sanding it down and then seasoning an already smooth surface is much much faster.

Cook eggs in a lodge cast iron, even one with a few months of use to build up the seasoning, and compare it to something like butter pat industries or similar tier cast iron and it's night and day difference.

>> No.16980661

No it isn't. Stainless pans are far smoother than any cast iron pan but they aren't considered nonstick at all. Meanwhile teflon and similar pans are less smooth than stainless, but they are considered the most nonstick. It's the material and the seasoning, not the smoothness. You just want it to be the smoothness so you can feel special that you spent time taking a sander to your pan like a retard.

>> No.16980679

it's smoothness + the seasoning, like I said.

There are plenty of comparisons out there.


>> No.16980702
File: 73 KB, 712x555, 1608863767819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have vintage cast iron that came sand blasted from the factory so it's already smooth.

That process costs money though, so lodge doesn't give a fuck about that and they just give it to you with all the casting imperfections right there on the surface of the pan cause fuck needing to be actually non-stick.

I like my cast iron to actually be non-stick though, so I wouldn't touch modern lodge shit.

But if I WERE to buy a modern lodge, i'd sand it down for sure, takes just a few minutes with a small orbital sander.
pic related is what your cast iron probably looks like.

>> No.16980723

seriously, you can find old Wagner Ware and Griswold cast iron pans at thrift stores for cheap and they are better than new store bought shit.

>> No.16980776

>buy lodge cast iron
>hand wash it
>cook shit with it
>wash it with hot water no soap after each use
works fine lol

>> No.16980790

I don't think anyone would say otherwise, simply if it were sanded smooth from the start it'd be much more non-stick.

>> No.16980820

autism autism autism
is this the new tranny

>> No.16980830

you picked the wrong first thing to cook in a fresh cast iron pan
you need to cook bacon and fatty meat first

>> No.16980841

you can use dish soap on cast iron

>> No.16980851

Not needed if you create a thick seasoning layer, which OP did.

>> No.16980866

This is generally true, the main reason it was to be avoided when your grandma was growing up was because a lot of soaps of the era had lye, which will strip the seasoning off.

Most modern dish soaps do not use lye because it can be damaging to the skin.

>> No.16980929

OP I tried what you did before. As soon as I started using it, the whole seasoning started flaking off.

>> No.16980931

I bought a dutch oven from walmart and it was a fucking return they put back on the shelf. It was rusted and burnt out and covered in fucking soot. I would have returned it but I live 60 miles out of town.

So now I gotta buff the rust out and reseason it. Kinda pissed, but it gives me a little project to do.

>> No.16980951

That's because you didn't use enough layers, or your seasoning with a shit oil and it created a super weak seasoning.

>> No.16980953

Used avocado oil. Did about 10 layers.

>> No.16980972

You might've used unrefined avocado oil which has a much lower smoke point and creates a pretty shit seasoning.

>> No.16980986

It was refined. I promise, I ostensibly did it right. Really thin layers. Let it cool over hours etc. still flaked off. Just saying be careful, but I hope yours worked when mine didn’t

>> No.16980988

i'm not OP, i've been using my cast iron for years with no issues.

last time I had to season was about a decade ago, used flaxseed oil, only did 5 layers. came out great.

>> No.16980996

I just went ahead and bought some LC stuff. Don’t have the time to worry about seasoning

>> No.16980999

That's fair, I also have some LC pans, though I still enjoy using my Griswold.

>> No.16981032

lard always works best for me when seasoning cast iron

>> No.16981049

lard is honestly not great to use these days, unless you have access to naturally foraging pigs that you can get the lard from.

A lot of commercial lard is just meh-tier because they're from pigs that eat manufactured feed which is not varied in nutritional or mineral content.

Modern society sucks.

>> No.16981086

i sanded my lodge glass smooth.

>> No.16981554

How much did it cost?

>> No.16981567

No it wouldn't.

>> No.16981573

nah, the non-stick properties don't come from the iron or the smoothness, it comes from the seasoning. There isn't any reason to polish cast iron smooth other than for aesthetics.

>> No.16981614
File: 1.16 MB, 1257x700, 1612960225577.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fantasy land, i already posted video evidence comparing sanded and non-sanded identical pans and the egg slides around on the sanded one, making it ACTUALLY non-stick.

>> No.16981658

Or you did a shitty job of seasoning the other one. Or you there was more oil on the other one. Or they were different temperatures and it hadn't released fully yet. You can absolutely slide around an egg on a brand new lodge pan that hasn't even been seasoned if you cook it right. Or any pan for that matter.

>> No.16981702

You're a tard, if you'd bother watching the video, he preheats them both in the oven at 200F for 20 minutes before putting them onto the burners.

It's about as equal as testing gets, the simple fact is having a fuck ton of bumps all along the cooking surface is detrimental to it's non-stick properties.

Yes, you can build up a seasoning that will eventually make those bumps and voids non-stick. But it's still not going to compare to a sanded pan except MAYBE after years of use if your seasoning builds up and fills the voids entirely and creates a smooth surface through the seasoning alone, but that'll take years.

>> No.16981722

That video didn't prove that sanded down is better, just that the Lodge seasoning was shitty.

>> No.16981727

so which is it?
>You can absolutely slide around an egg on a brand new lodge pan

>> No.16981753

Honest question: why the need for it to be non-stick? Sure it's easier to clean but 90% of the time you will fry meat in that skillet, which doesn't stick anyway and the fond is actually desirable. Also if you're then making a pan sauce potentially using acidic ingredients like vinegar, won't you ruin the seasoning thus making a cast iron skillet not a great option? I'm not trying to start the retarded argument of one type of skillet is universally better than any other, but it seems to me that you're judging this utensil by a standard that is not actually representative of it's main use.

>> No.16981760

I didn't post that you could slide an egg around on a lodge. I have never owned a lodge, that was a different poster.

>> No.16981765

>You can absolutely slide around an egg on a brand new lodge pan
I'm a different guy. You can slide an egg on literally any pan if you use oil and cook it until it releases. An egg is not a good measure of nonstick. Something that's actually sticky like rice would be a better indicator, but again that too depends a lot on how you cook it.

>> No.16981773

You still get fond in a well seasoned cast iron, it just doesn't become part of the pan and deglazes easier for pan sauces.

>> No.16981778

It has nothing to do with muh bumps. Cast iron is notorious for inconsistent heating. You can literally see on the right one where the egg was still attached to the pan and not done cooking.

>> No.16981783

Watch the video if you want to complain, he has his butter measured out, he preheats both pans to thermal soak them to identical levels, he puts the burners at the same level, etc.

The fact you can't seem to understand basic fucking physics, it's fucking basic friction. Smooth surface is OBVIOUSLY going to give less friction than a rough bumpy surface. Ergo, sanded will ALWAYS be more non-stick than not sanded.

Can you still manage to cook a decent egg in a non-sanded pan? OF FUCKING COURSE, that's not the point. The point is if you DO want non-stick properties, sanded IS demonstrably superior.

>> No.16981790

watch the fucking video, they're both pre-heated for 20 minutes in the oven at the same temp, and both brought out onto the burners at the same time and set to the same temp.

The same amount of butter is used for both as well as cook time.

>> No.16981821
File: 21 KB, 385x295, skillet-heating-patterns[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast iron pans heat inconsistently you moron. Ovens heat inconsistently as well. All the faggot video proved was that he's too retarded to cook a fucking egg.

>> No.16981828

you fucking think preheating cast iron in an oven for 20 minutes is going to be inconsistently heated?

How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.16981839

Apparently it was if he did everything else the same. Maybe he has a shit oven? How the fuck should I know, I didn't make the video. The point is something was done differently at some point. Considering the fact it is indeed possible to slide an egg around any fucking pan. The only reason it didn't slide was because he fucked it up like a retard.

>> No.16981841

this is the dumbest image made by a retard, cast iron is still used because of it's heat retention.

>> No.16981844

no you fucking can't
they get snapped up by all the fucking millenials that want to make a quick buck polishing them up and flipping them on etsy

>> No.16981849

fuck you you god damn fucking retard do you not understand the difference between PREHEATING A PAN IN AN OVEN and heating a pan on the stove?

>> No.16981850

I bought a wagner ware for $15 at my thrift store last year, they had a Griswold but I didn't buy it because it was warped.

>> No.16981854

Yeah, the difference is sanded and not sanded you dumb prick

>> No.16981857

>The point is something was done differently at some point
lmao yeah the part where one of the pans isn't sanded
that's the variable
that's how an experiment is supposed to work

>> No.16981869

Then why am I able to slide an egg on an unsanded pan and the retard in the video isn't? Hmmm couldn't be that he fucked it up, no that's not possible at all. Some random faggot on ck has never fucked up cooking before no sir that's never happened! Oh wait he is indeed just too stupid to cook an egg. Never mind.

>> No.16981871

You are the blackest gorilla nagger I've seen all day.

>> No.16981876

His did slide around slightly if you actually WATCH THE FUCKING VIDEO

it just wasn't nearly as easily sliding as the sanded one.

and as I have said before, if you do build up a lot of seasoning over time eventually a non-sanded pan will become more non-stick. It just takes a long ass time.

>> No.16981877

My cast iron is so well seasoned that it is the darkest gorilla nigger black I have ever seen.

>> No.16981878

Nah the difference is also the seasoning. You can literally see the entire pan of the sanded one is completely a different color. He obviously put more effort into seasoning that one. And there are probably also other fucking minor differences in his faggot experiment that you are too brain damaged to pick up on.

>> No.16981880

of course he did, he was testing his seasoning against an out of the box lodge pan

>> No.16981881

You can do it day one out of the box if you aren't completely retarded.

>> No.16981882

Well no shit, it's stock factory seasoning (how 99% of people will use their lodge), and then sanded and his was reseasoned (because you can't buy a lodge pre-sanded and seasoned)

>> No.16981889

It will stick. It still needs a little oil.

>> No.16981890

Again, no one is saying it wont slide around AT ALL, but it wont compare to a sanded pan out of the box and you're simply a coping retard if you think otherwise.

Show us your gritty cast iron so we can laugh at you.

>> No.16981893

Oh shit so you're saying the SEASONING is actually what's important?! NO SHIT?! It's almost like people have been telling you that for literally fucking decades! Holy fucking fuck! Stop the presses! It's the seasoning that makes it nonstick! Hey everyone! It's the seasoning! Kill yourself dumbass.

>> No.16981898

>was reseasoned
Really made me think.

>> No.16981901


Of course he had to re-season when he sanded the original seasoning off.

>> No.16981903

>out of the box
Really made me think.

>> No.16981904

The one guy thinks a polished smooth cast iron makes it more non-stick. I'm just saying it doesn't matter and the seasoning is the factor in whether a pan is non-stick. Teflon pans are just aluminum/steel pans with toxic seasoning.

>> No.16981907

>gritty sandpaper texture cast iron makes eggs stick
>sanded smooth cast iron doesn't make eggs stick


fuck off retard

>> No.16981912

No shit you fucking dumbass. I've been saying the entire thread it's the seasoning that's important.

>> No.16981915

I said it was the seasoning, retard

>> No.16981918

lol this >>16980679 video literally shows a "modern lodge" performing like teflon.

>> No.16981923

Yeah, when it's been sanded

>> No.16981925


>> No.16981927

ah, my bad just caught that.

>> No.16981928

I'm making fun of you, not agreeing with you.

It's not JUST the seasoning.

It's seasoning + it being smooth. If you think smooth vs not smooth has NO difference you're a complete and utter moron.

>> No.16981932

>It's not JUST the seasoning.
It literally is.

>> No.16981935

smoothness doesn't matter, there isn't that much rough texture to matter, it all about the seasoning. What pisses people off is that a few minutes with a wire brush and sand paper you can turn a $20 dollar pan into the same exact thing as a $200 pan and reseason it to a higher quality with very little effort.

>> No.16981940

It is the seasoning, it's only the seasoning.

>> No.16981941

It literally isn't, buy two lodge pans yourself and prove me wrong if you want.

They're dirt cheap.

Sand one, leave the other bare, remove the seasoning from both and re-season them both identically, then do the egg test.

Preheat oven to 200-250f, let them heat soak for 20+ minutes, put them on identical burners at identical temp with identical butter/oil and cook an egg.

>> No.16981944

It literally is, no matter how much you want to cope about it.

>> No.16981946

>muh egg test
You can slide an egg on literally any pan. It proves fucking nothing.

>> No.16981947

Why not just buy a carbon steel pan instead?

>> No.16981950

it literally isn't and anyone that actually has used both knows as much.

Just wiping a normal lodge pan with a paper towel and you get fibers of paper towel stuck in the bumps on the pan because it's so fucking coarse.

If you don't think that makes it less non-stick, you're just mentally challenged.

>> No.16981952

Jesus christ you are seething about nothing other than being wrong.

>> No.16981954

Apart from needing a little oil the temp has to be perfect such that its hot enough not to let the egg sit there liquid before it sticks vs not too hot so it burns immediately.

>> No.16981966

I agree, you really are.

Sad you've never used a smooth pan and have to rely on your half baked knowledge of your shitty gritty cast iron.

Again, post some pics of your cast iron i'd love a good laugh.

>> No.16981971

Yeah. Unfortunately half of the retards on this board can't cook so they aren't going to understand this fact. They'd rather spend their time sanding pans like a mental patient rather than learn how to actually cook an egg.

>> No.16981972

I own several cast iron pans and dutch ovens, some for the house and some for using while cooking over an open fire while camping. I know more than you because I fucking have used them and your words on the shittiest board on the stupidest website on the internet are not going to convince me that my literal experience is wrong.

>> No.16981984

I have literally DOZENS of vintage cast iron pieces.

I have a 16" fish fry, a 14" skillet, 4 or 5 12" skillets, a half dozen 10" skillets, 4 or 5 waffle irons, as well as plenty of enameled stuff from LC, some vintage, some more recent.
But hey, I'm sure you know better because you go camping with your shitty cast iron.

>> No.16981997

I bought a lodge to use over a campfire, gave it two coats of flax seed, and two coats of avacado. nothing sticks. I have old griswold and wagner ware for my home kitchen that are polished. really no difference, I just baby my vintage cast iron at home only because they are older than my dead grandparents.

>> No.16981998
File: 337 KB, 1024x768, 1617473837286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold this waffle iron for over $200 not too long ago

>> No.16982004

They have one of those at the pawn shop, they want $145

Prices have skyrocketed recently because people are collecting them now.

>> No.16982007
File: 215 KB, 768x1024, 1605813222692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't notice ANY difference you're simply delusional or just don't give a fuck and never cared to notice.

There is a clear difference though, having cooked with my vintage directly next to a modern lodge, it's literally night and day.

also, pic of a cauldron i don't know what to do with.

>> No.16982016

Yup, this was the worst one of my waffle iron's as well, I'm keeping the nicer ones.

>> No.16982017

boil seawater and sell sea salt?

>> No.16982021

Seems like it'd be a pain to import sea water...

>> No.16982026

just go to a river and fill it with water, then add salt and boil it down. How stupid are you?

>> No.16982060

why did you do it, it was already perfect :(
the good thing about vintage cast iron is that they have a natural slick (but not too slick) finish.
you still need a bit of surface imperfections (even if invisible to the naked eye) for the seasoning to easily stick to.
Sanding only makes sense for cheap rough cast iron pans like Lodge.

>> No.16982073

Vintage cast iron needs to be sanded down when restoring in many situations, surface corrosion can destroy the surface, and a lot of vintage cast iron hasn't been maintained in decades potentially so it's had plenty of time for the previous seasoning to completely wear away leaving bare iron to oxidize and corrode.

Sand it all down and re-season is the proper steps to take.

>> No.16982083

Man the rest of the world hasn't seen the US military as strong since they dropped a bomb on Japan and got in a cold war with the USSR. Then they were just bullies in a dick waving contest

>> No.16982110

Probably the thrift store or pawn shop he got it from got it from a dead grandma's house that hadn't used in in decades and the seasoning had worn away.

>> No.16982182

you don't have to sand it down, just bake it at 500 degrees in the oven for an hour, anything left will be gone and you will have bare cast iron.

>> No.16982185

>seasoning had worn away.
Do you know how seasoning works? It's not a one time thing. If it's worn away you just season it again. You can do it literally as many times as you want.

>> No.16982192

>he trusts used items sold 'as is' to cook food that he will eat
please don't throw a bitch fit about this too.

>> No.16982218

If the iron itself has corroded it wont be even at all, you should 100% sand it down to give yourself a clean surface to season.

>> No.16982223


>> No.16982231

you can get rust off with vinager and some scrubbing, you want a clean surface before you season or your seasoning will flake off

>> No.16982241

i'm not talking about rust, i'm talking about corrosion

What do you think makes the rust? it's IRON.

Guess where that iron came from? The surface of your pan, guess what that DOES to the surface of the pan? It makes it pocked, pitted, and fucked up.

There is nothing wrong with sanding down your cast iron and is 100% standard practice when restoring a vintage piece. To claim otherwise is simply ignorance.

>> No.16982245

The biggest brain in the thread. Ever since getting carbon steel pans I have no need for meme iron.

>> No.16982250

>Guess where that iron came from?

>> No.16982260

Carbon Steel is a meme pan, Cast Iron is just what retards want to argue and meme about because it is actually useful.

>> No.16982261

They do different things.

Carbon steel is fine for an egg pan, but cast iron is nice for baking shit and other tasks that benefit from it's thermal mass, something carbon steel pans simply can't compete with.

>> No.16982275

>normal people: this lodge I bought is pretty handy for cooking bacon and eggs on the weekends for my children

>> No.16982329

What else would we do other than post about McChickens, pizza, and genelets who think cilantro tastes like soap?

>> No.16982361

patty melt is a grilled cheese sandwich, a burger is ground beef patty on a bun, tacos aren't burritos, and hot dogs aren't a sandwich

>> No.16982451

Do people really argue that this isn't objective fact?

>> No.16982459

a lot of people will argue that grilled cheese is JUST cheese and bread with an oil.

Anything beyond that becomes a type of melt and no longer classify as a grilled cheese.

Slice of tomato on your grilled cheese? That's a tomato melt.

>> No.16982466

>reddit spacing

>> No.16982469
File: 143 KB, 1010x1272, 1612719949836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just called formatting

do you think it's "reddit" spacing when it was being done a year before reddit even existed?

>> No.16982476

>It's called formatting
>doesn't indent the first line of his paragraphs that has been standard practice for hundreds of years
nice try jew.

>> No.16982484

>on 4chan

I do what i can anon, you're asking for the impossible.

>> No.16982496

I was going to double tap the enter key to format my idea with reddit standards

but then I remembered 4chan has no standards so I double tapped it again for this post

>> No.16982501

you need to go back

>> No.16982503

Grandma never did that aut shit with her cast iron and the food always turned out great.
But if you enjoy it, more power to you.

>> No.16982509

>he doesn't know that we are pretending to be retarded for lulz and (You)s
Used to be an artform.

>> No.16982604

You're wasting your time, the smooth brain of the irontard ceases development shortly after birth and new concepts simply cannot be introduced. It can squawk out "EVEN HEAT!" and "NATURALLY NONSTICK!" but if you show it an unknown object like a seasoned raw aluminum pan the irontard can't even see it, the brain simply filters it out. If you ever want to see a cast iron zombie have a mental breakdown ask them what the griddle is made of that their local diner uses to cook their eggs.

>> No.16982656

>calls people stupid for using a pan with heat retention
>thinks he is smart because he "FUCKING LOVES SCIENCE" for a pan that immediately cools when lifted from the heat source and only retains heat in the areas where the heat source makes direct contact.

>> No.16982756
File: 335 KB, 1414x854, dk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could understand the concept of conductivity you would be feeling pretty dumb right now.

>> No.16982760
File: 85 KB, 735x809, you-cant-work-a-shift-with-4-hours-sleep-me-laughing-drinking-monster-energy-drink-leonardo-dicaprio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16982767

>posts dunning kruger
>doesn't actually post anything to back up his claim
This guy heckin' loves science.

>> No.16982776

We're not talking thermal conductivity.

We're talking thermal MASS.

Thermal mass and capacity is what mainly contribute to heat retention, not thermal conductivity.

>> No.16982833

I've really grown to like carbon steel pans. I don't get but they have more even heat then cast iron.

>> No.16982846

Because they're thin as fuck so the heat transfers throughout faster than cast iron which has a lot of mass that needs to soak up heat before it spreads out to the surrounding area that isn't getting direct heat from your range.

>> No.16982867

I got a bunch of cast iron but for must things I reach for my 9 inch carbon pan.

>> No.16982891

I never said one was better than the other, simply they're different and should be used for different tasks.

You're probably not going to bake deep dish pizza or corn bread in your carbon steel pan, but either can easily be done in a cast iron skillet.

>> No.16982941

You've swallowed a meme. Heat retention is not desirable. You want the heat to transfer from the heat source to the food. For this you need a conductive material, which cast iron is not. Cast iron will get too hot in the center of the pan because it is not conductive enough to spread the heat evenly throughout the surface. The solution is to add more mass or to use a more conductive material. Since the cast iron would have to be ludicrously thick to provide even heat, materials with higher conductivity are more suited for cookware. But by all means, please continue to prove me right by compulsively bleating about the merits of cast iron.

>> No.16982952

Nigger, you're a retard. heat retention CAN be desirable, it just depends what you're doing.

Again if you're baking something for example, cast iron skillets are super handy for deep dish pizza or certain desserts.

You're simply retarded if you honestly believe carbon steel is superior in every scenario.

>> No.16982982

>120 grit
thats pretty high already

>> No.16982990

The ONLY stovetop situation where heat retention is desirable is if you want something to continue cooking after you remove the pan from the heat. Maybe you like to take your skillet outside with you while you have a smoke?

>> No.16983033

>you have to use it on the stove top only, you're not allowed to put it in the oven, that's against the rules
LOL okay

>> No.16983391

Why would you bake in a pan you fucking brainlet. Just pre-heat a baking dish in the oven and transfer. Ceramic baking pans are 200% better than meme iron.

>> No.16983783

Make a nice shakshuka.

>> No.16984236

my god, this is some dumb shit right here.

>> No.16984267

The absurdly ridiculous amount of autism that goes into a pan makes it meme worthy. illiterate retards used cast iron to cook with for ages and they didn't worry about sanding it down or what types of oils to season it with.