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File: 95 KB, 750x500, TeaWindow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16956540 No.16956540 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing tea, teaware, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

Previous thread:

>> No.16956546

Brown Edition
What's your favorite tea that brews up nice and dark?

>> No.16956926

Tried powdered hojicha. It tasted like an ashtray. Is it supposed to taste ashy or was it just low quality?

>> No.16956931

just brewed some tea

>> No.16956947

today's sale alert/thread bump
is doing 25% off all tea. they ship from the usa and have free shipping over $75. they are not exactly a super high end Japanese tea vendor but they are well know and may be good if you are looking to pick up some "daily drinker" grade teas. no production dates listed but the tea is stored in nitrogen flushed packaging so it should probably still be reasonably fresh.

>> No.16956953

>Tried powdered hojicha. It tasted like an ashtray. Is it supposed to taste ashy or was it just low quality?
some hojicha can be pretty intense so i can imagine the powdered stuff being pretty strong.

>> No.16957160

>no scale, measured with cups
>no thermometer, "measured" by eye
>no timer, counted in head
>still got the leaf/temperature/time perfect for a silky smooth session
Tonight is gonna be a good night.

>> No.16957252

>US shipping
>$8 or free over $75
>Canadian shipping
Guess I'll just die.

>> No.16957355


>> No.16957418

Canada has the honor of having the xiaguan factory store.

>> No.16957586

>all puerh
I'm sorry, I am not a lesbian.

>> No.16957596

Have you looked at capital tea from the pastebin, i thought that they looked like a pretty decent store in Canada

>> No.16957627

I've ordered from them before. Their fulfillment was a little slow as a nitpick; the tea is pretty good quality for the price.
My primary complaint is of course the limited selection. They only have a small handful of teas available, which is completely understandable as they are likely a smaller business and can't afford to source and stock thousands of teas but if I want something they don't have I'm rather out of luck.

>> No.16957644

Yeah pickings for Canada have been pretty slim, ive looked through a bunch of shops and wish there were some more big yunnan sourcing style stores up there. Unfortunately instead there are a bunch of meme puer shops of varying quality and some weird overpriced hipster stores, then there are the typical flavored tea types that i usually try to steer people away from. Before covid fucked up global shipping i used to tell everyone, including in the us to just suck it up and order from japan/china but it's much more expensive and slower now than it used to be.

>> No.16957761

I only drink black tea, so convince me to buy their Organic Wakoucha.

>> No.16957822

I should brew up some YS red pig this week, my first and only ripe so far. First brew after rinse is a super dark brown

>> No.16957824

Why are you licking ashtrays?

>> No.16957886

any reason why https://camellia-sinensis.com/ is not on the list?

>> No.16958014

I have a deep seated hatred for the québécois

>> No.16958234

are both running some 11/11 discounts (11% & 10% off respectively)

>> No.16958368

Ameribros, 99% of the tea for sale in your country tastes stale and nasty af but I found a brand on amazon called 'VAHDAM' that vacuum seals their leaves in india and it's by far the best tea I've found in the USA. Would strongly recommend.

>> No.16958391

Fuck off you street shitting shill

>> No.16958422

Keep drinking cardboard then.

>> No.16958441

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.16958726
File: 366 KB, 1153x2048, FDuXB2cWEAIBDax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a nice sample from yee on tea I can't wait to try it, also the golden osmanthus oolong is nice.

>> No.16959114

are there any good cardamom tea?

>> No.16959116

i fucked ur cardamom last night

>> No.16959244

That is a pretty interesting sample, make sure to post about how it tastes

>> No.16959247

I will, I might have it tomorrow if the roof of my tongue heals from being scorched by hot pizza

>> No.16959587

Went for an extra strength 30 gram cocido infusion steeped for 30 minutes at 80 C° (I took the temperature afterwards, it was at around 70 C°) in my kettle.
It tastes completely different from yesterday. It has some kind of toasted barley feel going on instead of the usual grassy feel.
It's very pleasant. Reminds me of barley coffee a bit!

>> No.16960009
File: 84 KB, 800x800, gunpowder tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this green tea in a asian store, what should I spect?

>> No.16960038

Tried to make another infusion with half the water, but there was nothing left.

>> No.16960087

The elemental sulfur will not hurt you and will pass through. The carbon will also pass straight through you because your intestine has no way to absorb it. The nitrate can be a problem, especially if it becomes partially reduced to nitrite. It depends on how much of course, but in the short term, too much nitrite can produce methemoglobinemia which can be fatal because it prevents the red blood cells from transporting oxygen. In the longer term, too much nitrite ingested without sufficient ascorbic acid at the same time, can be transformed to nitrosamines, which are known carcinogens. It’s best if you don’t eat gunpowder.

>> No.16960094

Eh, saltpeter was long used for pickling meat. It's not the healthiest thing ever, but it's far from poisonous.

>> No.16960097

try it then

>> No.16960222

>Gu Shu puer
>dry leaves smell like a cow barn
this might turn out good
>wet leaves smell sweet and a bit minty
very nice
>tea smells like a fish market
what the fuck get me out

>> No.16960233

what a rollercoaster. Smells from the plains, smells from the mountain and smells from the sea :^)

>> No.16960452
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>1 l water
>5 g karkade
>5 g minced ginger
>1 tbsp honey
>1 crushed clove

>> No.16960566

honestly, blind buying a pound of Wakoucha seems like a bit of a gamble if you don't already know you like that type of tea and there is nothing else you want to get from them. its probably a fine tea though and it is very well priced for a casual daily sip. it would probably also work well for cold brew or iced tea.

it tastes like cheap green tea. i would recommend using it to make Moroccan mint tea.

why is everybody so afraid of fish? i swear people call things "fishy that don't even taste like fish.

>> No.16960573

We’re in the middle of a Cold War and you’re still buying Chinese tea. Shame on the lot of you.
Stop giving the enemy money

>> No.16960644

>t. sent from a device which was made in China.

>> No.16960647

K. I hope you're not buying electronics, then, for the sake of your mental health :-)

>> No.16960671

What time period are you from? Also fuck all governments. None of them are our friends or allies, they're all molesters waiting to fuck our asses and dump our corpses in the sea. The chinaman can provide good tea, the man ruling my country can only provide me misery directly or indirectly, through incompetence or malevolence.

Sure, if I was living beneath the china man, he'd give me misery to. But as I am not a chink, the only thing I get is tea and Cultivation Web Novels and TV dramas.

Until he either takes over my country and fucks me in the ass or ceases to exist. Doesn't concern me

Anyways what you lads drinking today? I'm slurping the new purple voodoo pressing. It's good, can taste the difference between it and the older pressing I had before

>> No.16960673

>Any huangpian drinkers here? This stuff seems to die off pretty fast in terms of flavor.
i have not had that problem but i have also not tried that many productions of huangpian. the YS "Spring Morning" cake i own has ok longevity but is not the most dynamic. huangpian is generally considered to have a bit less stamina than top quality sheng but i don't think it should be super weak either.

>my first and only ripe so far.
well how was it? ripe tends to be kind of finicky and is something acquired taste so don't feel bad it if you did not love it right away.

>> No.16960695

Koreans Japanese and Taiwanese make green tea superior to China. Why would anybody buy Chinese tea ? Hell, even India makes Green Darjeeling and Assam.

>> No.16960704

Cause I prefer other types of teas to green. it's always the last in my "Cycle", and I skip it as often as I don't. Need to be in a certain mood for green tea

>> No.16961081

>honestly, blind buying a pound of Wakoucha seems like a bit of a gamble if you don't already know you like that type of tea and there is nothing else you want to get from them. its probably a fine tea though and it is very well priced for a casual daily sip.
I just noticed the size of the package just now. A pound is a LOT of tea to me, and it takes me a while to even get through 200 grams for daily drinking personally.

>> No.16961083

unironically this.

>> No.16961101

I'm drinking Ceylon BOP from a sample from Upton. It tastes like boring grocery store bag tea and leaves a bit of dust in the liquor because of how broken the leaves are, slipping through the shitty tea strainer that my pot uses.

>> No.16961156

Im going to pick some mint and try it this week, thanks for the idea

>> No.16961402
File: 882 KB, 950x686, templeofheaven-packet-ad-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with how ubiquitous the brand is it would not surprise me at all if they actually use "Temple of Heaven" brand gunpowder green in Morocco.

>> No.16961497

I know every harvest is a little different but from my experience with gunpowder, err on the side of caution and steep it for short periods of time. I find it gets insufferably bitter if you oversteep it with water that's too hot. There will still be some degree of bitterness regardless, that's the type of tea it is, but it can get REALLY bad.

>> No.16961502

I only buy Japanese tea, like a responsible consumer.

>> No.16961505


>> No.16961511

Temple of Heaven isn't a brand, it's a "classification" meant to quantify that it is the highest quality of Gunpowder tea. Whether or not that's true, or whether or not "Temple of Heaven" actually means exceptional quality is up for debate but it's not a specific brand.

>> No.16961638
File: 121 KB, 576x651, Temple_of_Heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Temple of Heaven isn't a brand, it's a "classification" meant to quantify that it is the highest quality of Gunpowder tea.
you are wrong here "Temple of Heaven" is a trademarked brand that at least used to be used by the state owned CNNP for gunpowder green tea. its unclear to me whether or not "Shanghai Tiantan International Trading" who owns the current trademark is still state owned or was privatized.

>> No.16961639

But muh biluochun

>> No.16961644
File: 671 KB, 950x713, templeofheaven-packet-ad-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the back of the vintage advertisement i posted earlier >>16961402

>> No.16961650

those are some crisp ass kanji

>> No.16961686

that's in Chinese not Japanese Anon.

>> No.16961696

it's <asian>

>> No.16961749

It means jack shit then because I purchased a "Temple of Heaven" gunpowder that has nothing to do with that brand, and there are plenty of online tea sellers listing it as a quality index like Orange Pekoe.

>> No.16961876

Calm down

>> No.16961887
File: 335 KB, 2480x3520, Temple_of_Heaven_Trademark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says its trademarked ® right on the box. just because some western vendors erroneously call their tea "temple of heaven" (and may in fact be selling the same stuff) does not make it a standard name for the tea. the "temple of heaven" moniker just gets tacked on because it has been associated the type of tea for so long and it sounds good. wheres your evidence? why don't you show me some proof that "temple of heaven" was used historically as a generic grade indicator for gunpowder green tea and not as a brand name.

>> No.16961900
File: 1.04 MB, 4937x3420, Temple_of_Heaven_Trademark_Specimen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus pic.

>> No.16962152

>sip some earl grey
>instant boner

>> No.16962377 [DELETED] 


>> No.16962453

It's the bergamot

>> No.16962475
File: 858 KB, 1536x1152, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pot of tea helps to pass the evening.

>> No.16962484

Based glass teacup anon

>> No.16962579
File: 189 KB, 1359x767, flkfmglkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disappointed with my order from Upton so far, other than the fast shipping. I find the teas to be weak and boring. In all fairness, I haven't tried all of the samples yet.

>> No.16962603

What stuff did you get?
If people aren't happy with them i might move them to the extended vendor list, its seems like they are preety good for some kinds of tea like indian and english style blends but their Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese teas don't seem to hit the mark as often.
They do ship fast and have reasonable prices but i don't like that they don't have harvest dates for every tea, and i generally wont add new vendors that don't do that.
Anyway what ate anons thoughts on upon these days, i haven't used them myself in years but i know a few people have ordered from them recently

>> No.16962611

I don't like Lipton tea

>> No.16962625
File: 2.42 MB, 4084x2529, 20211109_181904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jasmine gang
2020 YS Jasmine Pearl's, I believe these are the highest quality ones he sells.
Its very subtle with the Jasmine flavor, not the biggest fan, the cheap ones with flowers are such a kick this is like green tea la Croix.
Just threw in a few pearls until I thought I had enough, no idea how many grams, but likely 10 considering how much of the gaiwan it takes up. 160ml gaiwan, 80C water. Doing a lazy brew, kinda just 15+5s but it's been doing +7 or +12 whatever, not really doing it scientifically just wanted it to unfurl.
I just want to finish the bag while it still has flavor

>> No.16962686

I concur that their Chinese teas are hit or miss, for me more misses than hits. The blacks like keemun and souchong were passable, but I got other stuff like oolong and it was Asian grocery-tier at best. They seem to be bad at sourcing from China. Since that's the main tea I drink, I was disappointed. I realize though that it's not their specialty, their specialty is English (or colonial American) style tea. With earl grey type shit they seem pretty good. So I would give them credit there.

>> No.16962691

>Its very subtle with the Jasmine flavor
i think its a preference thing. i have heard others praise certain higher quality jasmine teas for not overwhelming the tea with jasmine. is the green tea side of it ok? the picture makes it look nice and tippy.

>> No.16962707

Yeah that seems to be what others have said as well, i guess i can add a disclaimer but i hate having vendors listed with a big list of teas not to buy from them next to it.

>> No.16962720

Not him, but I the Ceylon BOP was just an optional sample and it was disappointing. I typically order Earl Grey varities, St. Isaac's Blend and one other one,, and also drinking Kandy OP, and like all off the above. I have found Upton to be extremely reliable, but I should expand my horizons a bit when it comes to tea varieties.

>> No.16962731
File: 574 KB, 320x220, pepper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my tap water is hot enough to steep green tea

>> No.16962738

>i guess i can add a disclaimer but i hate having vendors listed with a big list of teas not to buy from them next to it.
to keep it simple you could phrase it the opposite way and say that the are only recommend their black teas (particularly western blends and Indian tea).

>> No.16962744

Yeah that's a good idea

>> No.16962833

are there any fellow white Yerba mate enjoyers here?

>> No.16962836

the place i got my black tea blend is closed-down, what can i do bros it came all the way from Iran and i dont even know whats in it

>> No.16962840

The green is fine, very soft flavor though, not very strong in general.

>> No.16962887

Did it have a name or any other info on the packaging? Can you find the website on the wayback machine and get more info there?

>> No.16962896

Where can I buy a decent lapsang souchong in the US? Not really a tea drinker more of a coffee guy if that matters.

>> No.16962897

We had some lively mate discussion last thread, what brands are you into? You like the bitter ones? Smoked? Stems or no stems?

>> No.16962911

If you want one that not really smokey at all yunnansourcing.us
If you want one that's really smokey your local Asian market, the stuff in the tins with the sailboat on it.
You can take your chances on harney and sons tea off Amazon, i guess check reviews to see if it is smokey or not.

>> No.16962950

Taragui, unsmoked with stems. You have any experience with a gourd? I have a question. Also, are you white?

>> No.16963005

Im white, i might be able to help but ask anyway, we have had a few south American bros post so i can't help check back tomorrow and maybe somebody else will have answered

>> No.16963014

speaking of lapsang souchong has anyone here ever tired Mark T. Wendell Tea Company's famous Hu-Kwa blend?

>> No.16963026

Looking for something smokey. Might give the Amazon one a shot for $6 but I figured everything on Amazon would be shit and the reviews are mixed.

>> No.16963029

No i haven't but i will now, pine smoked Taiwan black tea sounds great and prices are good.

>> No.16963031

What's better, English breakfast, Irish Breakfast, or Scottish breakfast?

>> No.16963033

>Looking for something smokey
Luckily anon came to the rescue

>> No.16963040

>I figured everything on Amazon would be shit
This is usually a pretty safe bet, it's actually kind of hard to find smoked lapsang these days, the Chinese don't like to drink it themselves and they use that tea for more premium production black tea these days, also allegedly the Chinese govt banned pine smoking tea because of deforestation. I just wasn't sure what else to suggest for smokey ones.

>> No.16963100

Just ordered some, cheers.
>the Chinese don't like to drink it themselves
Makes sense. I tried some teas from Yunnan sourcing before, they were good but not what I'm looking for I guess, there were a lot of options though.

Also this thread is much comfier than the coffee generals.

>> No.16963126

No, don't think too hard friend. I am glad you're white. I don't want to talk to coloreds. Regardless, how can I get my Yerba to slope to the side of the gourd and stay there? It feels like my gourd isn't big enough but I bought a mass produced one that many people seem to enjoy and recommend. It's integral to the quality of the drink so you can pass more water through it and maintain flavor, but I cannot seem to maintain the "mountain".

>> No.16963160

>Just ordered some, cheers.
tell us how it is when you get it.

>> No.16963215

It might be worth watching some YouTube videos. The biggest things are when you add the mate you cover the gourd with your hand and then flip it on its side to get the mate to pile up against the wall, then when pouring your hot water you always want to pour slowly and into the empty part where you keep the straw, don't pour over the mountain. Depending on the texture of the mate you can lightly compress the mountain with your fingers to help form it and keep it more stable when you are filling the gourd, just don't push too hard or it will get too compact and the water won't soak into it properly.
Really i think watching some videos is probably the best way to get a hang of the technique.

>> No.16963934

I can't seem to brew Shui Xian without it coming out weak

>> No.16963944

Just had a good tea time. That is all.

>> No.16963952

How long you steep it for?

>> No.16963955

Why does gunpowder green tea always taste 100 times better on the second steep.

>> No.16963963

4-5 minutes, I brew it in a french press so I add 2-3 tsp for 8oz of water but still comes out weak but the faint flavor is so good, I added another tsp after and it still came out weak.

>> No.16963987

I don't think its anything your doing on your end, 4-5 minutes should be plenty of time. Might just be the flavor profile is subtle. Never hadshui xian

>> No.16963992

Is your first steeping long enough for the leaves to open?

>> No.16964004

Drink coffee instead. Tea is kinda wack anyway hehe

>> No.16964291

>2-3 tsp
If you really mean teaspoons as in the measurement that's probably too little. It's pretty voluminous tea. Use more

>> No.16964364

goddamn that windows & speakerset. what a throwback

>> No.16964367

It was a simpler time.

>> No.16964982

>Might just be the flavor profile is subtle.
Shi xian at least the ones ive had usually has a pretty potent roast on it, i wouldn't call it mild

>> No.16965306

Making laurel tea for the third time. All the recipes I looked at used different weights so I'm trying to experiment.
The first time I used 10 grams of leaves in 1 liter of water. It went well, it was a bit strong but enjoyable.
The second time I used a handful of leaves in a liter of water. It was hot water.
This time I'm back 10 ten grams but I'm bumping it up to 1.5 liters and throwing the stems in too, 5 grams of leaves and 5 grams of stems.

>> No.16965492

Alright, that wasn't bad, but I'm feeling like I could have gone for 15 with the stems.
2.5 grams for each cup seems like a decent choice.

>> No.16965568

Nice anon, thanks for the notes, i might start collecting more info about brewing herbs in the pastebin, did you use dried ones or fresh?

>> No.16965573

Fresh, my laurel's getting too big and I gave it a trim an hour ago.

>> No.16965714

just ate an entire gaiwan of leaves and I don't feel so good

>> No.16965724

but why?

>> No.16965733

It was an expensive oolong and I didn't want it to go to waste by throwing the used leaves in the garbage

>> No.16965741

What's the rawest tea you can buy, white tea? When I say raw I mean the least amount of processing/aging, like the only way you could get less processed would be to pick it directly from the tree into a Gaiwan and brew it on the spot (could you do that? Would you get a drinkable tea?)

>> No.16965793

I'm now drinking a sample of Darjeeling BOP from Upton. Pleasant, smooth taste, but I feel like it doesn't do Darjeeling teas justice, but this is my first step into Darjeeling tea.
Which has me wondering, how can I reuse use tea leaves, instead of throwing them away?

>> No.16965814

> how can I reuse use tea leaves, instead of throwing them away?
Simmer them in a pot on the stove, put them in a salad like the Japanese do.

>> No.16965819

On a more esoteric note, does anyone else take Iodine before drinking tea?

>> No.16965824


>> No.16965830

Sprinkle them onto (fried) rice.
Only works for Japanese green tea.

>> No.16965843

Teas are supposedly high in fluoride, which binds to your pituitary gland. Iodine is an antagonist and if taken beforehand will bind your pituitary gland and prevent uptake of Fluoride.
Iodine is also just insanely useful for your overall health and most people's diets lack it, so there's really no reason not to supplement it.

>> No.16965890

sweet, sweet pesticides.

>> No.16965903

Not much you can do about that if you're drinking Chinese tea.
I'd maybe trust Japanese tea to be organic but if you want to drink any of the Chinese styles of tea you're fucked, Chinese culture is to lie and cheat if you believe you can get away with it (it's only shameful if you're caught.)
It's especially encouraged to cheat gweilo, so just like Gushu is a made up bullshit term I would not trust any Chinese tea to be free of pesticides.

>> No.16965927

>none of the teas I like have an organic label
>look around in the pastebin for """organic""" labeled tea I like
>they cost twice, if not three times as much
I'm just gonna have myself a monsanto infusion and pretend nothing is wrong.

>> No.16965945

Yeah you pay too much for organic. I'm honestly just resigned to the fact that yes I am going to ingest some harmful pesticides like with everything else I eat.

>> No.16966155
File: 83 KB, 846x1000, 612C9t78JyL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember drinking this big fucker in college and I'd rinse the leaves before adding hot water, probably shortened my lifespan by just a little bit.

>> No.16966354

on the flip-side, perhaps that stuff actually follows government regulations on allowed pesticide residues because that brand is exported so widely internationally that if there was a major safety problem someone would have likely noticed it.

>> No.16966427

I've had the same fucking tin of Earl Grey since last Christmas and it's just now getting empty, I'm gonna stick with three ounce tins to get some more variety.

>> No.16966555

I don't disagree about china but japan is one of the top 5 consumers of herbicides and pesticides per hectare of farmland.

>> No.16966653
File: 741 KB, 840x676, 2t9ehpk2y8111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of tea would a plantation/slave owner drink in the 19th century? I want to become a southern aristocrat in all ways. Traditional sweet iced tea? It's very hot there so I can't imagine they'd drink too much hot stuff but there must be some info on the topic, I just can't find it

>> No.16966793

Looks like untill around 1900 the vast majority of tea came from china, before the world wars green tea was fairly popular in the states but after ww2 soldiers came back used to drinking black tea and it became the most common type.

>> No.16966838

I don't doubt non-organic Japanese teas are sprayed, but the Japanese have honor and pride so if they label something organic there's a very good chance it actually is. You will probably pay a King's Ransom for your organic ceremonial grade Kabeuscha or whatnot but I would trust it to be organic if sold as such.

>> No.16966855 [DELETED] 

Yeah sure, my biggest issue with organic tea is that it's usually worse.

>> No.16966968

I want to get into tea. I enjoy a nice cup (i probably don't know what a nice cup is) and there is a shop nearby that sells lots of interesting blends. What do I need get into it?

>> No.16966997

Not much, buy some tea, i encourage you to not buy flavored teas with bits of fruit and colorful blue flowers in it but if it makes you happy go for it.
Lots of info in the pastebin,
The easiest thing to do is get a box if fill your own teabags or get a brew basket for a mug like the ones made by finium or for life, that's all you need, maybe a electric kettle if you drink lots of tea.

>> No.16967257

For me, it’s Lesbian Breakfast Tea

>> No.16967268

I'm so confused. For oolong the sticky says 99C and random internet sources say different ranges: 180-200F. Just wondering wtf. Aren't oolongs more like a range of oxidization? Does that impact the best temperature?

>> No.16967333

Yeah oxidization and the roast level affects the best temperature, bright green/ lightly oxidized oolongs should be in the 80-90°c range, darker or lightly roasted 90-95°c heavily oxidized or high roast oolongs should be full boiling water

>> No.16967341

What's the difference?

>> No.16967513

For me? It's Indian Breakfast.

>> No.16967614

This is good stuff. Thanks. The Tie Guan Yin I have is pretty green looking. Not very well versed in oolongs

>> No.16967683

Yeah 80-90°c should be good, you can usually tell if the water your are using is too hot as you get more experience as the tea will taste weird

>> No.16967812

What are good tea shops on Amazon to order from? Don't feel like waiting a month+ for tea.

>> No.16967854

There are essentially none unless you want to buy puer, there is a an official dayi tae tea storefront on there that ships from the US, it's linked in the pastebin. Otherwise i suggest you areder from one fo the domestic tea sellers listed in the pastebin because just about everything on amazon blows.
Or i guess you could get some usa grown tea in teabags, but the tins of loose tea are out of stock on Amazon

>> No.16968616

I blended a blueberry tea with a raspberry juice mix. If an Arnold Palmer is plain tea and lemonade, what should I call this drink? Queen’s jam is a mix of raspberry and blueberry jam, a Swedish concoction. Should I call this Swedish royal tea?

>> No.16969185

>If an Arnold Palmer is plain tea and lemonade, what should I call this drink?
Why the hell are you putting fruit juice in your hot leaf water

>> No.16969248

I’ve recently been on a hot tea kick. It’s just so comfy. I usually make a ~16oz cup with one teabag of twinings English breakfast and one earl grey.

>> No.16969281

>laurel infusion turns rose pink after steeping for long enough
oh my gosh that's adorable
the most adorable infusion

>> No.16969306


>> No.16969313

No, cold leaf water. Too hot most of the time where I am for hot tea. As for why, different tastes, avoiding food ennui, and I have a bunch of raspberry drink packets I need to use.

>> No.16970241


what should i buy?

>> No.16970246

Is Red Rose any good?

>> No.16970251

A gun and hang yourself with it.

>> No.16970255

belive me i wish i were brave enough for that

>> No.16970291

There original marco polo blend is their most famous tea, they do a yearly sakura blend that's supposed to be good, they had a couple of smoked Japanese black teas i thought looked interesting.

>> No.16970296

Haven't tried it, not a lot of enthusiasm for bagged tea here. I generally recommend if people want bagged tea they should get pg tips if it isn't obscenely overpriced where they live.

>> No.16970485


>> No.16970489

>make mint tea
>use the water to make hot chocolate
wa la

>> No.16970911

Read a sad tale of an SAS man tried and convicted in UK cause he has some burger SEAL friends who gave him a Glock 17 or 19. Dude had it in a safe deposit box. Still got arrested for it. If the Brits can’t trust one of their own SAS guys with a gun on his own time , wtf?

>> No.16971698
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>got a nice borosilicate glass mug with a metal strainer that sits in it
>got some good looseleaf oolong
>had a super-comfy morning watching the clouds go by and drinking tea

>> No.16972062

Nice, having a nice tea session with some enjoyable equipment is peak cozy

>> No.16972910
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>Ban Pen Village "Emperor's Golden Pu-erh" Ripe Pu-erh
Let this one air out a week because it smelled like my ex's dirty minge. Now that the fishy smell is gone I'm quite enjoying it. Has a sort of dry, woody campfire taste, almost salty in a way but not quite. Umami I guess? I hate using that word but that's how I'd describe it. Very mellow tea, nothing really jumping out at you but it's nice. Would compliment a savory meat dish quite nicely. I overstepped the 3rd infusion to see what kind of flavors I'd pull out of it, still pretty mellow honestly. I'm getting a slightly mushroomy taste now? I'll try this one a few more times before I decide how I feel about it.

>> No.16973016
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>> No.16973286

Can't find asian ginseng root tea in American stores anymore what the FUCK

>> No.16973648
File: 1006 KB, 1167x1550, PXL_20211112_061844085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea newfag here. I got the Puerh variety sampler from YS and I'm kind of feeling overwhelmed by how different they all are from each other. Just within the Puerh category and even within the ripe/raw subcategories there is an astounding variety of flavors and smells. And these flavors are so complex and new I can barely understand them to begin with. I've only tasted half of them and I'm already forgetting how the first ones tasted like. I consider myself "well-informed" on coffee and beer but I'm starting to realize that tea enthusiasm is a much deeper rabbit hole than either of those.

Also, does puer really for lesbians?

>> No.16973664
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Tranny'd (disappointingly they all say the same thing)

>> No.16973694

Can I feed tea leaves to my guinea pigs? Just because they might be interested in tasting it, I think

>> No.16973703

Is there any reason except physics that the range of recommended temperatures for tea stops at boiling? Would any teas actually become better if you somehow pressure cooked them at 230f+?

>> No.16973710

nobody asked me what kind of tea i brewed :(

>> No.16973717

I made Shoumei tea and it tastes like some kind of fruit juice, like pear or something

>> No.16973800

Tried a new stacking method to keep the tea in my kettle at around 80 C° for longer periods of time, for my more experimental infusions. Usually I just use both an electric kettle (to heat up the water in bulk at 80 C°) and a regular kettle (to heat up a single cup of water to a boil) and I pour the boiling water under the kettle itself to keep it hot while I let the infusion rest for half an hour. I usually lose about 10 C° after half an hour this way, after that the water becomes too cold and it's actually detrimental to the infusion. But the problem is that that specific cup of water that I used to heat the kettle is wasted.

So this morning I tried something different. I boiled my water and put some bay leaves there as sort of a side-infusion, then I transferred the water into my cup. That freed up the space in the kettle to pour the water from the electric kettle and my main infusion.
The bay leaves were quickly losing heat after a matter of minutes though, and I checked the temp with my electric thermometer to see that the kettle was also bleeding heat more slowly than with the extra cup of hot water to keep it heated up. So as a whole this was starting to look like a double failure. That's when I thought about stacking.
I took the still decently hot water in my cup with the bay leaves, moved that to a small saucepan that can hold up to 2 cups of water and turned on the stove. Then I put the kettle on the saucepan as a lid: this way the kettle could regain heat from the steam coming out of the laurel infusion!

And it worked! I let it happily boil on low for a good five minutes. The water in the kettle creeped back up to 82 C° and now I have an small sample laurel decoction, which I was also trying to see how it would taste.

tl:dr if you wanna optimize your heat usage with long infusion with a side cuppa use your kettle as a lid

>> No.16973817

granted, it's a terrible idea in the first place and you should never do that because who the hell needs to keep their tea at a specific temperature for more than 10 minutes and also it's only good if you need to make a decoction in the first place, but still
my main kettle with the infusion is still sitting at a chill 75 C° after 40 minutes of infusion and the bay leaves aren't that bad actually and my kitchen is now much warmer and smells great so I'd call it a success

>> No.16974278

Are there any disadvantages to glass gaiwans? Also, recommend good 150ml gaiwans that ship to the EU.

>> No.16974427

you must of had a boring childhood

>> No.16974455

my computer was made in Taiwan

>> No.16974715

my gf made me lick her ashtray once during some really kinky foreplay
protip: cigarette burn scars don't actually go away so don't be a retard and get one on your arm or you'll have to explain youself for the rest of your life

>> No.16974719

dangerously based

>> No.16974794

haha worst my girlfriend ever did was make me eat her ass, it tasted like a raw puerh

>> No.16974810

Why do lesbians and domestic violence go hand in hand?

>> No.16975024

>I got the Puerh variety sampler from YS
if so it looks like a very good start though it lacks a fully aged sheng (at least 15+ years many would say 20+ years) and wet stored sheng samples.

> I've only tasted half of them and I'm already forgetting how the first ones tasted like.
you could consider writing tasting notes. i have found that doing so help me improve my tasting vocabulary.

>disappointingly they all say the same thing)
why would you expect them to be different?

>> No.16975420

cool jar
I haven't tried any "golden" puer, my understanding is it's fermented in a different way than ripe normally is, i think they ferment it inside of cloth sacks instead of piled up on the floor. It seems like a interesting process i wonder how it changes the flavor

>> No.16975440

How bad is Dasani going to fuck up the taste of my tea? It was all we had in the work fridge.

>> No.16975449

You need to keep burn scars under short or bathing suit areas. Your dom/girlfriend is the retard for putting them in non-covetable places if she’s the one who put them there. You need to get a better dom.

>> No.16975467

Yeah puer is a massively broad category, ive been drinking it for years and i only sort of know what im doing. I love it though. Really good stuff.
Try not to worry too much about mastering new teas when you sample them and focus more on the experience in the moment and enjoying it. Taking notes like the other anon suggested can also be helpful

>> No.16975480

Good question, i can't really say, i suspect not but maybe with certain teas it would work. I think you leach just about everything out of tea leaves with 20 minutes in boiling hot water, so with pressure cooking you would be condensing sever brews into a single brew and it would probably taste somewhat foul. With some teas you can simmer them in a pot on a stove ive had the come out nice for ripe puers and some other fermented teas.

>> No.16975482

>broad category

>> No.16975490


>> No.16975508

Not really, the rim can maybe more a bit hot to the touch.
Aliexpress has plenty of good ones, kingteamall has lots of cheap nice gaiwans, otherwise check the vendors in the pastebin, if you are really lucky you might find some random sellers with gaiwans on ebay inside the EU or local asian markets in your country that sell online or that you can visit.

>> No.16975517

It's just filtered tap water, it's probably fine

>> No.16975525

Busting out the silver teapot today. 12g of white tea shoved in it

>> No.16975533

that sounds fucking disgusting man, put it in a bamboo basket like normal people do.
or on the concrete floor and feed it water from a nearby lake.

>> No.16975548

>does puer really for lesbians?
ask this one

poo in it

>> No.16975694

No, I think there’s added minerals. Just not sure how much and what. I used to mix lemonade packets that go into bottled water, and with Dasani they always have extra foamy head, not what you want on lemonade.
Steeped tea extra long (8< minutes ) cause doing paperwork. Dasani not to blame for that one.

>> No.16975707

Are double walled teapots worth it? I have this antique one I use that's about 750ml capacity but I find it gets cold relatively quickly.

>> No.16975733
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>i think they ferment it inside of cloth sacks instead of piled up on the floor.
where did you hear that? i am pretty sure that golden puerh is made mostly from the buds and tips (just like a golden black tea or silver needles). also my understanding is that cloth sack or bin style pile fermenting is a newer technique intended to allow you to ferment smaller batches so you can experiment with higher grade material without excessive risk. traditional wet pile fermenting requires a lot of material so that you can build the piles big enough to ferment properly. W2T and farmer leaf have both talked about it.

>> No.16975745

not gonna lie that shit looks fucking disgusting and almost makes me want to drink bagged tea

>> No.16975766

They put salt in there so it doesn't quench your thirst and tricks you into drinking more. That's why they only sell Dasani at theme parks.

>> No.16975770

>Let this one air out a week
its probably not as well aired out due to being stored in the jar as well as still being pretty young.

looks comfy. how is the build quality of the jar? it appears like it would be nice enough to reuse.

>> No.16975795
File: 209 KB, 721x960, 42919E53-E05B-44E2-9114-CDA9A63A97DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That explains a few things.

>> No.16975797

Honestly i just read it on some vendors description for some tea, probably on YS somewhere. I might be totally wrong.
As an aside i find this whole idea of microbatches of fermented puer pretty hilarious. I dunno maybe the results are interesting but it seems like it made more sense when these small time guys were buying and pressing already finished batches of tea. I guess i need to try one of these ultra premium ripes and see how they stack up. They highest tier one i tried is a super premium production from mengku TF and it was worth the money at $400 / kilo.

>> No.16975846 [DELETED] 

I received my Siam Tea Advent Calender order.

For anyone else who is wondering, these are the days:

1. Dian Hong Cha Black @ Golden Needle Black Tea (China)
2. Ancient Snow Shan Green Tea (Vietnam)
3. Fuding Silver Needle White Tea (China)
4. Xaysathan Red Elephant Black Tea (Laos)
5. Bai Ya Qilan “White Buds” Oolong Tea (China)
6. Pathivara First Flush 2021 (Nepal)
7. Anji Bai Cha Green Tea (China)
8. Lahu Forest Yellow Tea (Thailand)
9. Wuyi Waishan “Ai Yiao” Dwarf Oolong Tea (China)
10. Sencha Fuji Green Tea (Japan)
11. Jin Mao Hue “Golden Monkey” Black Tea (China)
12. Makaibari Oolong Second Flush 2020 (India)
13. Pai Mu Tan “White Peony” White Tea (China)
14. Ancient Snow Shan Black Tea (Vietnam)
15. Tai Hu Dongting Bi Luo Chun Green Tea (China)
16. Royal Tippy Latumoni SF 2020 Assam Black Tea (India)
17. Da Xue Shan “Ye-Sheng” Wild Sheng Pu Erh Tea (China)
18. Jungpana Autumn Flush 2020 (India)
19. (Pre-Qingming) Long Jing “Dragonwell” Green Tea (China)
20. DMS “Cha Nang Ngam” Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea (Thailand)
21. Yunshan Yinzhen First Grade Yellow Tea (China)
22. 1. Dian Hong Cha Black @ Golden Needle Black Tea (China)
2. Ancient Snow Shan Green Tea (Vietnam)
3. Fuding Silver Needle White Tea (China)
4. Xaysathan Red Elephant Black Tea (Laos)
5. Bai Ya Qilan “White Buds” Oolong Tea (China)
6. Pathivara First Flush 2021 (Nepal)
7. Anji Bai Cha Green Tea (China)
8. Lahu Forest Yellow Tea (Thailand)
9. Wuyi Waishan “Ai Yiao” Dwarf Oolong Tea (China)
10. Sencha Fuji Green Tea (Japan)
11. Jin Mao Hue “Golden Monkey” Black Tea (China)
12. Makaibari Oolong Second Flush 2020 (India)
13. Pai Mu Tan “White Peony” White Tea (China)
14. Ancient Snow Shan Black Tea (Vietnam)
15. Tai Hu Dongting Bi Luo Chun Green Tea (China)

>> No.16975853 [DELETED] 

Woops, I fucked up, sorry.

1. Dian Hong Cha Black @ Golden Needle Black Tea (China)
2. Ancient Snow Shan Green Tea (Vietnam)
3. Fuding Silver Needle White Tea (China)
4. Xaysathan Red Elephant Black Tea (Laos)
5. Bai Ya Qilan “White Buds” Oolong Tea (China)
6. Pathivara First Flush 2021 (Nepal)
7. Anji Bai Cha Green Tea (China)
8. Lahu Forest Yellow Tea (Thailand)
9. Wuyi Waishan “Ai Yiao” Dwarf Oolong Tea (China)
10. Sencha Fuji Green Tea (Japan)
11. Jin Mao Hue “Golden Monkey” Black Tea (China)
12. Makaibari Oolong Second Flush 2020 (India)
13. Pai Mu Tan “White Peony” White Tea (China)
14. Ancient Snow Shan Black Tea (Vietnam)
15. Tai Hu Dongting Bi Luo Chun Green Tea (China)
16. Royal Tippy Latumoni SF 2020 Assam Black Tea (India)
17. Da Xue Shan “Ye-Sheng” Wild Sheng Pu Erh Tea (China)
18. Jungpana Autumn Flush 2020 (India)
19. (Pre-Qingming) Long Jing “Dragonwell” Green Tea (China)
20. DMS “Cha Nang Ngam” Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea (Thailand)
21. Yunshan Yinzhen First Grade Yellow Tea (China)
22. Kabusecha Tenko Green Tea (Japan)
23. Wokan Shan “Gong Ting” Shou Pu Erh Tea (China)
24. Bolaven Plateau Silver Cloud White Tea (Laos)

>> No.16975878

I received my Siam Tea Advent Box.


These are the teas:

1. Dian Hong Cha Black @ Golden Needle Black Tea (China)
2. Ancient Snow Shan Green Tea (Vietnam)
3. Fuding Silver Needle White Tea (China)
4. Xaysathan Red Elephant Black Tea (Laos)
5. Bai Ya Qilan “White Buds” Oolong Tea (China)
6. Pathivara First Flush 2021 (Nepal)
7. Anji Bai Cha Green Tea (China)
8. Lahu Forest Yellow Tea (Thailand)
9. Wuyi Waishan “Ai Yiao” Dwarf Oolong Tea (China)
10. Sencha Fuji Green Tea (Japan)
11. Jin Mao Hue “Golden Monkey” Black Tea (China)
12. Makaibari Oolong Second Flush 2020 (India)
13. Pai Mu Tan “White Peony” White Tea (China)
14. Ancient Snow Shan Black Tea (Vietnam)
15. Tai Hu Dongting Bi Luo Chun Green Tea (China)
16. Royal Tippy Latumoni SF 2020 Assam Black Tea (India)
17. Da Xue Shan “Ye-Sheng” Wild Sheng Pu Erh Tea (China)
18. Jungpana Autumn Flush 2020 (India)
19. (Pre-Qingming) Long Jing “Dragonwell” Green Tea (China)
20. DMS “Cha Nang Ngam” Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea (Thailand)
21. Yunshan Yinzhen First Grade Yellow Tea (China)
22. Kabusecha Tenko Green Tea (Japan)
23. Wokan Shan “Gong Ting” Shou Pu Erh Tea (China)
24. Bolaven Plateau Silver Cloud White Tea (Laos)

Never tried Laotian tea, so quite interested in that. Also the quality yellow tea and Kabusecha.

The calendar itself is kinda bare-bones, just a small box with the date stamped on there and a glass small tea cup.

>> No.16975912

My wife got me a tea advent calendar from Vahdam’s. Haven’t opened it yet cause it’s not December.

>> No.16975918

>I dunno maybe the results are interesting but it seems like it made more sense when these small time guys were buying and pressing already finished batches of tea.
i am sure most of the western vendors of them still do buy at least some of their shou maocha wholesale. the problem with doing that is you dont get as much control over how its made or where it came from. if want them to ferment only your own tea you may run into problems reaching the minimum quantity of tea required for traditional wodui (a literal tons). this makes it hard to do things such as single origin ripes. using large piles also means there is a lot more financial risk in each batch which discourages experimentation or the use of higher quality raw material.

>I guess i need to try one of these ultra premium ripes and see how they stack up.
small batch or micro-batch ripe puerh does not have to be super expensive. its more about being able to take more control of the process and experiment than simply being more premium.


>> No.16975946

looks like the sent a nice large variety of teas. i am especially curious about the "Snow Shan" teas from Vietnam and would love to hear your tasting notes on it.

>> No.16975960

Anyone ever put jam in their tea?

>> No.16976263

Thanks for the links anon, i will check those out.

>> No.16976280

Regardless it just tastes fucking off, the few times I've had Dasani I think "water should not taste like this"

>> No.16976286

Russians do it with their black tea, so not exactly out of the realm of reason.
I tried it once and it wasn't really anything special.

>> No.16976313

I actually kind of like it, though it does taste weird. The worst water by a mile is Evian. It tastes like the water that comes out the back of a clothes dryer.

>> No.16976430

>Thanks for the links anon, i will check those out.
your welcome i always like sharing information.
i will add that W2T has posted a number of pictures and videos of their own small batch ripe production on Instagram if you are looking for more visuals but i don't have links.

if you want a more critical take on the subject mattcha has a blog entry about it though he seems to mostly just be irate with W2T's marketing. The Essence of Tea's owner chimes in in the comments and defends the concept.

>> No.16976462

That's a pretty interesting take on the situation, still with a reasonable amount of nuance, it's not hard to get annoyed with some of w2ts marketing practices

>> No.16976500

what do you think about the brand vahdam?

>> No.16976521

>looks like 1999
can you recommend the vendor?

>> No.16976579

Meh, im not impressed, also Indian made a drive by shill post for them a few threads ago and that annoys the shit out of me.

>> No.16976589
File: 1.09 MB, 1417x1312, Yorkshire-Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside

>> No.16976723

Compare it to tetly english blend and builders if you have tried them

>> No.16976736

According to the YS description it's wet-pile fermentation.

>its probably not as well aired out due to being stored in the jar as well as still being pretty young.
It mentions it's from 2018, so most likely just from the storage.

>how is the build quality of the jar? it appears like it would be nice enough to reuse.
Love the jar, it's half the reason I got it actually, definitely plan on reusing it.

>> No.16977031

what kind of kettles and teapots do you guys use?

>> No.16977094

For heating water a Bonavita. probably the cheapest option that has temperature control and doesnt just boil the water. I have 4 teapots, a tiny 60 ml porcelain one for small sessions, 120 ml yixing clay for ripe/hei cha, 180 ml porcelain for larger sessions or 2 people, and a 500 ml porcelain teapot for my herbal tisanes.

>> No.16977159

Probably just a shill but I'll bite

I got a sampler variety pack for Christmas in 2019 that I never finished. Let's see what's inside.
Mostly black teas but has a green, white, and oolong. The oolong says High Mountain and Dargeeling on the package which seems weird. Dry leaf smells a touch peppery. 10 second steep with 90 C water, smells a little acrid. The brew itself tastes like a decent pot of tea from a Chinese joint, faint astringency and nothing floral. Has a faint peppery note which is interesting.

2nd steep 10+5, leaves starting to open up. Tastes the same.

Other than that, it looks like I finished off the chai and breakfast blend in the past. Having said that, I'm just teababby so YMMV.

>> No.16977219

A nice, dank Puerh. Simple as.

>> No.16977297

this thread made me brew some rooibos, haven't had it in months.

>> No.16977422

not looking to get e. coli but thanks

>> No.16977424

>looks like 1999
zoomer detected.
this is an example of a real 90's website: https://www.heavensgate.com/

>> No.16977440

schizo pseudoscience

>> No.16977516

If you’re gonna buy thru Amazon, then it’s a great company to get different seasonal flushes with.

>> No.16977526

I over-steeped my tea today. At one point I felt raspberry jam might improve the flavor. But as a burger raised on bad Southern fast food iced tea, I plowed thru and finished my cup, cause I was thirsty.

>> No.16977862

> i encourage you to not buy flavored teas with bits of fruit and colorful blue flowers in it
Why? Is it because they don't actually add any flavor?

>> No.16977899

>What stuff did you get?
Organic Sencha
Yunnan Black Snail
Lapsang Souchong
Finest Russian Caravan
Seasons Assam GFOP Organic

I think the main problem is with their recommended brewing directions. The amounts are way too conservative and everything is coming out extremely weak. Even when I double the amount, the Lapsang and Gunpowder are weak. The Black Snail is good. The Sencha is pretty good too. Those are good with more than double the 1tsp./6oz. recommended amounts btw. I haven't tried the GFOP yet.

>> No.16977927
File: 21 KB, 203x300, teaindia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic cheap Assam. Nothing fancy, but it does the job.

>> No.16977929

>Those are good with more than double the 1tsp./6oz.
Found your problem. Guess it's retarded that they use tsp measurements which are probably wrong. I've been going by their gram measurements (usually 2.25g/6oz) and it seems to work.

>> No.16978110

>Why? Is it because they don't actually add any flavor?
Most teas like that are kind of like flavored whiskey, they use middling or low quality tea and then add artificial flavors to it, usually the fruit pieces are just decoration to make the tea look more appealing.
It's okay to like flavored teas if that is what you are into, but i find that good quality teas can be incredibly flavorful and have all kinds of tastes, chocolate, sweet fruit, savory flavors, honey sweetness, cooling mint. Lots of the flavors that get added to flavored teas can be found in some good quality loose leaf out there.

>> No.16978774

That looks more festive! For me with shipping etc the Siam was still cheaper.

I will try to share some experiences here. I am surprised how much information the owner has written on every tea on their website

This is the first time ordering for them, but they seem pretty knowledgeable and good quality.

And fyi, usually website that look like shit are a good indicator the quality is great because they don't spend all their time on some fancy branding. Same with restaurants - if their website only updates once a year to share their holiday opening times you know it's good

>> No.16979387 [DELETED] 

>I will try to share some experiences here.
look forward to hearing them. i like how they source a bunch of tea from unusual locals.

>> No.16979416

>I will try to share some experiences here.
look forward to hearing them. i like how they source a bunch of tea from unusual locations that few vendors carry.

>> No.16979537

Guys I found out why my yerba was so green
apparently this is untoasted yerba mate

>> No.16979635

that makes sense, thanks for the update.

>> No.16979674

Anyone else find tea best when it's hot? My ideal temperature is literally the moment it doesn't burn my mouth when I drink it, and as it cools to a temperature that doesn't require short quick sips to avoid scalding it starts to lose flavor.
By the time it's roughly room temperature it's basically flavorless to me, and I can't stand cold-brewed tea.

>> No.16979678
File: 61 KB, 258x344, snip_2021-11-13T17:36:05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matcha buttplug

>> No.16979706

I drink tea to save on bills so I don't have to heat my home during the day, but it's a utilitarian decision more than a flavor thing.

>> No.16979712

Yeah see I'll drink scalding hot tea in the middle of the summer and sweat like a pig because I can't stomach cold tea.

>> No.16979765

Please don't buttchug your tea.

>> No.16979781

Wife wants to 'spice' things up a bit sometimes.

>> No.16979890

Careful with that stuff, it contains more estrogen than soy

>> No.16980498

aka best china

>> No.16980703

>My ideal temperature is literally the moment it doesn't burn my mouth when I drink it, and as it cools to a temperature that doesn't require short quick sips to avoid scalding it starts to lose flavor.
Yeah this is reasonably accurate, still sometimes as the cup cools it can bring out other flavors that aren't there when is super hot.

>> No.16980713
File: 259 KB, 2000x1500, 1636837874257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea buttplug

>> No.16980741

why in god's name

>> No.16980753

...is that supposed to be showcase for displaying the leaves?

>> No.16980775

Well, clearly it's a glass amphora, put upside down.

What ever do you think that could actually be, anon? Gosh. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Also I really don't recommend glass buttplugs unless you wanna 1man1jar yourself.

>> No.16980801

no but seriously, that's japanese
if that wasn't intentional I'll eat my hat
and I'd have to buy a hat

>> No.16980848

i mean have you seen a matcha whisk, its seems like a pretty good way to hold it

>> No.16980905

please don't put a matcha wisk in your asshole
it's unsanitary and like
how would you whisk stuff with that in your ass, you'd spill everywhere

>> No.16981404

I wish Upton would print their recommended gram measurements on the labels.
Captcha: PGPG8

>> No.16982242

found some funny tea chocolate:

>> No.16982277


>> No.16982280

put whisk in cordless drill then up bumhole. profit

>> No.16982337

Lol puer chocolate. Probably tastes like fish

>> No.16982352

I'm a bag fag (i only drink tea from tea bags)
Peppermint from Celestial Seasonings
Lady Grey from Twinings
Peach Green tea from Bigelow
And the God, the King, the greatest herb in a bag you can find on this side of the pacific ocean, Honey Vanilla Chamomile from Celestial Seasonings

>> No.16982375

For me its bengal spice from Celestial Seasonings
Also kava tea from yogi

>> No.16982711

as an small update LP plans to start selling the puerh beginner packs on the 27th.

>> No.16982821

Thanks for the update, im looking forward to it

>> No.16984577

what are you all sipping today?

>> No.16984626

Love Forever (paper tong)
One of my favorite shengs; thick and luscious with a pronounced cherry taste. It's pricey, but I would highly recommend a cake if you feel like splurging a bit.

>> No.16985236

sounds nice, i would have picked some up by now if it weren't for the price.

today i am having some cheap no-name factory dry stored mengku sheng from 2007. it not fancy gushu but the leaves are all whole and appears decent quality. i would say the prominent flavor is that "old leather" or "tobacco" taste a lot of semi aged or aged sheng tends to pick up. its also got a savory lightly smoky side to it as well again similar to other semi aged shengs i have tried. its old enough to have tamed the sheng's bitterness and is quite pleasant to drink now. I doubt this tea would compare favorably to premium offerings (though i have not had much in the way of premium sheng yet) but the price was right and its a nice daily drinker for me.

>> No.16985308

cold-smoked lapsang souchong that I bought a whole pound of because it was dirt cheap. kinda sick of it now and I got like 1/3lb left

>> No.16985325

>kinda sick of it now and I got like 1/3lb left
at least lapsang souchong is the sort of tea that keeps well if you want to put it aside for awhile. if you store it in a dry sealed container it it should last for a long time.

>> No.16985479
File: 35 KB, 500x625, DB9C7E94-88D3-4696-8802-0CA20BC0F5F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink coffee
>feel good
>drink tea
this is bullshit. picrel is mfw I drink coffee. I like that feeling but tea doesn't give it to me. Why?

>> No.16985577

Irish breakfast has more emphasis on Assam in the blend than English breakfast. Scottish is supposedly stronger, but is also hardest to find.

>> No.16985638

cuz ur so addicted to caffeine that anything less than the coffee-stim doesnt satisfy you, since your brain expects much more.

>> No.16985654

Bay leaf, as always.
I'm getting the hang of it I think, I like how it turns pink after steeping for a long time.

>> No.16985671

Two tablespoon scoops of Assam with roughly 12 oz water, and a dash of whole milk after the steep. Good stuff, but now I've got a bunch of leftover bags of Irish breakfast.

>> No.16985882

>i would say the prominent flavor is that "old leather" or "tobacco" taste a lot of semi aged or aged sheng tends to pick up. its also got a savory lightly smoky side to it
Nice that's just about ideal for a semi aged daily drinker for me

>> No.16985908
File: 3.28 MB, 2048x2048, 1605390552573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I think I'm starting to prefer tea over coffee. What do I do? Start wearing cologne and a turtleneck? How do I tell my father?

>> No.16985940

just drink green tea, and claim it's for health reasons

>> No.16985975

>What do I do?
Drink tea
>wear cologne
Nobody is going to think drinking tea makes you a pretentious art fag unless you dress and act like one already. Remember most of the guys in the uk that do manual labor, builders, carpenters, delivery guys etc all drink tea and nobody thinks they are fags.

>> No.16985988
File: 102 KB, 728x732, Better - Strive for Virtue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, friends. I will wear the cologne and drink tea, but I will not buy the turtleneck. Perhaps I will drive a sedan instead

>> No.16986024

Too bad they don't still make those big boxy volvo station wagons, those things were tanks

>> No.16986031
File: 551 KB, 2000x1125, Lancia Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I will get a Hot Hatch instead of a sedan. Mroe convenient, does the Audi RS3 still have an inline 5? I can drink tea inside while I spray myself with Chanel

>> No.16986054

cool old tea books and papers:
History of tea (look at this one):

The book of tea (for those not already familiar):

more History an cultivation books:

Cultivation focused:



>> No.16986058

Accounts on tea processing and trade by region:





This content will be on the exam.

>> No.16986193

Thanks for pulling these anon! I will go though this in a bit and get some/all of it up in the pastebin

>> No.16986241

turtlenecks are comfy though i recommend the uniqlo wool ones

>> No.16986593

>I will go though this in a bit and get some/all of it up in the pastebin
some of them are not as useful as the others and were just thrown in for fun and also because i got lazy half way though making this list and did curate them heavily. there is still a lot of great content in here however. i made the list as a spur of the moment thing earlier today and admittedly have not looked too closely at most of the works yet but i intend to. i may make a better organized and curated list later. as one other note a number of these books have multiple versions on archive.org and i still need to double check to make sure i picked the cleanest scans or newest edition of each book. glad someone found it interesting

>> No.16986745

Thinking about ordering some Gyokuro soon, how different is it from regular sencha? I recently started drinking Japanese tea, as of yet I’ve had standard Sencha, Genmaicha and Kabusencha.
Figured Gyokuro might be the next step here.

>> No.16987635

>Figured Gyokuro might be the next step here.
It is but at this point you should consider Waiting till next spring to order for maximum meme freshness

>> No.16987665 [DELETED] 

>Indian made a drive by shill post for them
Im english you psycho. I dont indians even drink tea. We take it all from them

>> No.16987683

>Indian made a drive by shill post for them
Im english you psycho. I dont think indians even drink tea because we take it all from them.

>> No.16987716

Sorry, a paki made a drive by shill post for them, and that annoys the shit out of me.

>> No.16988782


>> No.16988803

Fair point, where can I order tea from the 2022 harvest from when the time comes?

>> No.16989013

Russian breakfast.

>> No.16989248

Much more savory and thick, as well as more psychoactive thanks to higher caffeine and theanine. It often tastes like butter and/or sesame, and the higher-end ones lean into citrus territory. It's very nice, but you need to use a lot of leaf and treat it delicately, so it's not really a casual drink like sencha.

I recommend O-Cha; their Yame gyokuro is a perfect introduction to the style. If you want something a bit fancier, their Fujitsubo is excellent. If you're going to order from them, you should also consider the "Organic Kurasawa Kabusecha" as well, it's really good.
I've heard good things about Thes du Japon, but can't speak from experience.

>> No.16989448

any asufags here who can point me to a shop that they regularly use?

>want to get oolong
>all these different varieties
fuck it I'll just get jasmine oolong

>> No.16989554

Been having a lot of different red teas, some taste sweet and smell like bread, some taste a bit sour, in a good, berries kind of way. I remember reading something about it being a sign of a bad tea. Is it though? Because I kind of like it.

>> No.16989610

Who do you wanna get oolong with, anon?

>> No.16989851

Warm it up... Aerate it... Mmm... that's a 10.

>> No.16990594

April should be the new harvest, i guess it's not really that soon. I don't really drink a lot of Japanese tea so i don't know how autistic you need to be about freshness, but Gyokuro tends to have more emphasis on freshness that others.

>> No.16991016

Finally got around to doing a second session with a Gyokuro I didn't like the first tasting and either it has mellowed over time or I'm just appreciating the flavor more now. I had the same issue with another tea I tried though, where I hated it the first time and now consider it a solid daily drink. How many times do you guys find you have to drink a tea before you start to fully appreciate it?

>> No.16991088

I sometimes feel like i have to drink half of a ~350g puer cake to really gat a feel for it.

>> No.16991210

does no one have 100ml gaiwan in stock

>> No.16991284

Shipping's clogged

>> No.16991374

If it needs to be a USA shop these are close to 100

>> No.16991421

>does no one have 100ml gaiwan in stock
verdant tea has some, this is the same one i use:
if you want to get it and have not ordered from them before buy this first as it come with a $5 off coupon that makes it free when you use it towards the gaiwan in a separate order.

>> No.16992154

Getting worried I'm chasing the dragon, bros.

>> No.16992436

>Getting worried I'm chasing the dragon
heres your next fix bro:
you know you need it.

>> No.16992600

Is it going to give me a purer tea high than the rest? And what do I do once it no longer does it for me?

>> No.16992611

>$350 for a single serving of tea
Man, Puerhtards are next level.

>> No.16992689

>And what do I do once it no longer does it for me?
get some Da Hong Pao from one of the 6 mother bushes.

>> No.16993170

new thread