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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 720x960, SHRIMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16978539 No.16978539 [Reply] [Original]

dinner is served

>> No.16978545

Looks like a sloppa shit

>> No.16978548

The sad thing is this is some high class shit for the modern (((woman)))

>> No.16978550

The sauce is homemade and not just some jar stuff, right?

>> No.16978552

Looks great
I feel hungry now

>> No.16978553

Shrimp alfredo and garlic knots is a good meal you snobs.

>> No.16978554


>> No.16978559

Slop o’ shit

>> No.16978562

Do NOT feed me pasta I WILL NOT EAT PASTA

>> No.16978565

based keto child

>> No.16978572
File: 56 KB, 933x566, 1636146088171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but not that Great Value sloppa pot shot in the OP.

>> No.16978733

>small amount of protein
Fucking why? At least have some stir fried veggies as a side or something. A fruit cup, anything that isn't more carbs.
Fucking retards these days.

>> No.16979054

looks like shit I wouldn't even feed it to my dog.
are you a woman? I'm curious.

>> No.16979056

Looks like there’s no herbs or seasoning on the pasta WTF op?

>> No.16979058

paper plate/10
frozen shrimps/10
strange mystery looking bread/10
overloaded cheap paper plate/10
too much "sauce?"/10

>> No.16979059

that's the würst Seafood Newburg I've ever seen

>> No.16979067

do you think OP is a woman ?

>> No.16979080

Nice white trash frozen food meal heated up and placed on a paper plate. Good job trashy.

>> No.16979312

American's can't cook and eat off paper like dog

>> No.16979431

You're the Slav anon who made the shitty mi goreng yesterday aren't you

>> No.16979452

I use those same plates and they come from Walmart.

>> No.16979460

I think OP wants to be a woman.

>> No.16979482

retarded minds think alike

>> No.16979497


>> No.16979504

I wont argue with your premise, but your execution is trash. Im not even a snob but you *covered* that dish with sauce. You dont need but 1/4 of that amount.

>> No.16979515

>Supermarket bread
>Tinned sauce
>Frozen prawns
>Paper plate


>> No.16979532
File: 226 KB, 612x612, 12f85811-5cd7-4368-bbfb-6549ce0c8b21.d95a3551befe7c616b3080dbbd67ece4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Thought those looked familiar. I would go in the bathroom and take a picture of my plates for proof but I don't feel like it.

>> No.16979543

it's the ugly fingered foreigner

>> No.16979554

americans really eat shit like this and see nothing wrong with it

>> No.16979557

I've never posted any photo of myself on 4chan. That includes hand photos.

>> No.16979560

>ugly fingered

This doesn't translate well. Which shithole are you from?

>> No.16979568

Anon why do you have paper plates in the bathroom?

>> No.16980062

Bump for actual valid criticism. Everyone ITT is a picky faggot that wouldn't know good food if it punched them in the face.

>> No.16980069

nuke yourself, you mongoloid ape.

>> No.16980074

ITT OP complements himself

>> No.16980080

>Frozen shrimp
>overcooked noodles
>watery sauce

This is a poor fag meal

>> No.16980124

vegetables are carbs

>> No.16980126
File: 1.09 MB, 960x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick two.
>do you think OP is a woman ?
>Shrimp alfredo and garlic knots is a good meal you snobs.
Not like thi. Never like this.

But ok.
1) Less.
2) Sauce.
3) Holy.
4) Fuck.

5) Crisp your shrimp (none of us are kidding ourselves that they aren't pre-cooked & frozen; That's fine but please) in butter, then set aside
6) GRADUALLY (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) create an emulsion between sauce (again, let's be real here, this was jarred, but the basic steps apply anyway) and pasta water by lifting your pasta from the pot into the pan without draining. Stir ocassionally as the sauce thickens down, adding pasta water in tiny amounts until all pasta is added and a relatively dry consistency is achieved
7) Add your final helping of pasta water and finish on high heat while stirring in your shrimp
8) Serve with a quick tomato salad & https://dinnersdishesanddesserts.com/white-wine-spritzer-recipe/ this from the cheapest white you can fine.

Voila. Not the hardest, not the priciest, not the best, but comforting and far far far better than the pig slop you produced the first time.

>> No.16980197

sloppa snot

>> No.16981544

plate it better and most /ck/unts would like it

looks like it came from a microwave though

>> No.16981639

Love the presentation, OP. Very Bauhaus.

>> No.16981644

>paper plates

>> No.16981682
File: 1.52 MB, 2149x2039, 1630944315440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need a 'special' knife at all you're a cooklet
I've had the same three knives for 5 years got it at a garage sale dont even know the brand. Dont care. Cuts like a knife

>> No.16981777

What. Why are you posting? What did you want?

>> No.16981789
File: 1.71 MB, 2160x2121, 1630944730385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. buys 200 dollar knives with mommy's credit card and thinks it makes him cook better
any knife over 2-3 dollars is a waste. learn to cook, the fundamentals first. I used to cook with a rusty potato peeler in my dads shed

>> No.16981864

>god trips
>not noticing drunkposting when you see it
C'mon anon, step it up.

>> No.16981887

Yeah I'm sure your faggot boyfriend is a much better cook you queer

>> No.16981902

the noodles look overcooked, the shrimp looks squishy and undercooked (probably frozen), and the sauce looks like mucus. overall, completely unappetizing. garlic knots look decent though

>> No.16981905

Based deranged cockgargling retard

>> No.16981919

Americans don't make sloppa, it's not their style

>> No.16981933
File: 143 KB, 1500x844, 1636232237547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally invented a sandwich with the word sloppy in it

>> No.16981948

that's pulled pork, not sloppy joe

>> No.16981960
File: 589 KB, 2200x2200, 1633724474769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah then what's this? Feel pretty fucking stupid now don't you?

>> No.16981996


>> No.16982071

when the toliet breaks I take a shit there before wrapping it up in garbage bags

>> No.16982283

He’s one hyphen away from perfect english. Go away, moron.

>> No.16982287

looks like everything came from a can.

>> No.16982293

THat isnt a sloppy joe.

>> No.16982625

It's pasta with sauce. What would you do, arrange it into orderly rows?

>> No.16982640

What country's cuisine is this so I know never to fucking visit it

>> No.16982654

wish I had a wife that would feed me that with her unwashed hands