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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16973732 No.16973732 [Reply] [Original]

Ok how do I make this? I don’t know how to cook

>> No.16973737

Heat a frying pan on medium. Put the ground beef in it. Break it up with your utensil. Cook until brown. You can drain the fat that renders out if you want. Then follow the instructions on the back of the hamburger helper box.

>> No.16973802

I've never even looked at a hamburger helper box. Do you mean to say you brown the beef and then use the package?

>> No.16973822

What the hell is hamburger helper? Pasta?

>> No.16973824

>canned cheese

>> No.16973840

it’s soup

>> No.16973932

It's pasta and a packet of sauce mix powder that's combined with milk, water, and whatever browned meat, then simmered down.

>> No.16974010

Why do I even come to this fucking board when you people can't figure out how to cook hamburger fucking helper

>> No.16974016

There's everyone here from complete kitchen n00bs to high end professional chefs, and everything in between.
It's the right place for a noob to ask about something like this.
It's strange to think about, but cooking is straight up alien technology to some people.
Everyone has to start somewhere, and I'd rather seem them come here than goto reddit or some shit.

>> No.16974034

This board is rëddit except edgy and a lot more gay

>> No.16974043

>except edgy and a lot more gay
So, better, then? (well, except the ass blasted tranny janny, but that's par for the course around here)

>> No.16974055

Edgy is not better by definition. This whole site has been neutered and pasteurized and merely serves as a testing site for psyops, if we are talking about /pol/ that is. On boards like this, bot threads automate to keep the board “fresh” even though they’re just reposts after reposts. So no, “better” was infinite Chan but that was too good so it had to go away. This board is rëddit since all their retards came here and never left

>> No.16974061
File: 104 KB, 500x280, tenor (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that was too good so it had to go away.
And now I need a stiff drink.

>> No.16974080


>> No.16974084

>It's pasta and a packet of sauce mix powder
ok... am i missing something? what the hell does pasta have to do with hamburgers? why would they name it something so retarded?

>> No.16974088

In the states, 'hamburger meat' is used interchangeably with 'ground beef'.
'Ground Beef Helper' doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

>> No.16974103

Which statement needs meds exactly? You think it’s a coinkydink that every few months or so they post a new AI chatbot to interact with the retarded polyps that then feed it our lingo in memes? They’re training algorithmic moderation tools lol. There was an academic paper referencing their work on 4chan recently. The board is full comped.

>> No.16974111

Do Americans really need help with their hamburgers?

>> No.16974120

kekked and checked

>> No.16974131

>organic grass fed free range pasture raised 85/15 beef
What did you pay for that? Like 7 fucking dollars? Just get a roll of the cheap shit next time, you don't need snowflake beef for hamburger helper

>> No.16974144

Yep it’s a trumptard

>> No.16974196
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Add peas, give peas a chance!

>> No.16974197

Is he wrong though?
It's Hamburger fuckin Helper.
What difference will the fancy beef make?
Seems like a waste of good beef.

>> No.16974207

Better than the democrat party biden/kamela bug fest that they want to push on people.

>> No.16974209
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>plot twist: Those aren't AI. Those are human beings that are so many standard deviations down that they seem like AI

>> No.16974211

The hell does that have to do with fuckin' beef?

>> No.16974214

so you don’t even season the beef or anything?

>> No.16974217

Everything, it's about social control from the top down.

>> No.16974222

The seasoning is in the packet of powder.

>> No.16974224

You don't see this "climate change" bullshit as a way to tax people into eating bugs?

>> No.16974231

OP could have just bought regular ass plain 'ol ground beef instead of the hipster shit.

>> No.16974232
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can drain the fat that renders out if you want

>> No.16974236

I like keeping the grease in, it adds flavor to chili.

>> No.16974245

In this case it's only really an issue with reheating.
When it's fresh and well mixed, it's fine.
After you stick it in the fridge it gets gross as the fat separates into it's own layer on top of the other liquids.
So if you're going to eat the whole thing fresh, it literally doesn't matter.
If you want to go at it for a few days, maybe drain dat bitch.

>> No.16974256
File: 39 KB, 600x400, Guzzoline-Dinky_Di-roadwarrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you mix it up, when I make chili it'll last a week or two in a fridge, just mix the stuff up with a wooden spoon, it's not rocket science.
Sometimes I add BEANS, aren't I the evil doer?

>> No.16974263

>little globules of fat dispersed in the mixture
>in a microwave
*firecracker splattering intensifies*

>> No.16974267

Shows how much you know you schumck. Do you wear a rag on your head?

>> No.16974274

I don't like having to waste a lemon every damn time I reheat a bowl of sloppa.
A pox upon your house.

>> No.16974284
File: 512 KB, 1280x1024, 1280_Limes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like lemons then try limes.
They're good in tequila. You can trust anon.

>> No.16974286

I like how you have no idea what I'm talking about here even though it's painfully obvious.

>> No.16974288

Now that's just rude. I wouldn't wish a pox upon your house, that's just hitting below the belt.

>> No.16974289

>drain the fat
Why do Americans do this? Nobody else does this, right?

>> No.16974293

Perhaps it's because your not making any sense. Even morons such as yourself can babble on while making sense to themselves never quite make it, do you often hollar at walls?

>> No.16974296

We prefer the taste and flavor, pouring it out would be the sign of a moron, some euro type run by that german bitch merkel.

>> No.16974298

Have you... never cleaned a microwave before?
I thought you zoomers were into technology.

>> No.16974301

I have a next door neighbor that hollars at walls, it makes no sense to me but I'm sure it makes a lot of sense to her. Fuckin' freak jobs from bizzaroworld.

>> No.16974307

I always clean my microwave, it also has a normal heating element on the top so if not clean it would smell weird. Also if some girlfriend comes in then that and the fridge are the first places they check.

>> No.16974313

Sounds like someones assblasted because they couldn't convince /pol/ to commit a federal crime.

>> No.16974317

Using stupid terms that you know nothing about. I call you a fucking moron. Enjoy your minimum wage job.

>> No.16974325

I'm not black, going around doing criminal activities is not in my interest.

>> No.16974398

Piss off you fucking niggers.
I bet you have cellphones and yapping 24/7.

>> No.16974402

Blame Trump for all of your nigger problems, that's bullshit and you know it.

>> No.16974405

Have you started having the nightmares yet?
This is a question related to esoteric matters, not whatever the fuck you were just on about.
I mean the weird ass intense 'vampiric' or 'evil' themed nightmares.

>> No.16974409
File: 416 KB, 3193x1080, biden-w-drooling_camel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sometimes it comes to that.
It should for you too, but then you voted for biden kamela.

>> No.16974414
File: 135 KB, 1200x800, w3uJk7L.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised how much this subject and cooking have in common.

>> No.16974417

I've been doing this since I was a little kid so not surprised at all.

>> No.16974443

You think us white boys know nothing, that shows your total bullshit. How stupid can you be?

>> No.16974604
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 43BD2F08-0FA3-42DE-BC75-5176990B0BB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a step by step video on how to make hamburger helper op

>> No.16974611

>pan on medium
>drain the fat

Pan NICE AND HOT, then don't drain the fat you fag

>> No.16975561

Well look at it now

>> No.16975565

He gave you the right instructions, read the box

>> No.16976675

don't forget to add ketchup for flavor