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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16964484 No.16964484 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's pieces of bread with a dip of olive oil and/or balsamic vinegar.

>> No.16964501

add some parmigiano

>> No.16964505

I miss bread. apparently I have been sloppy and gotten so fat I have to cut out the fluffy goodness.

If you wanna take a tip for pure decadence then put a mild chees, american, on the slice then micro until melted and then dip in that sauce. will be good bro

>> No.16964549

Pinch of salt in there bucko. Bam you got a real snack there

>> No.16964676

For me, it's mixing olive oil with a touch of black sesame oil

>> No.16964678
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>bread and vinegar

>> No.16964680

Imagine the calories

>> No.16964685

it's good you faggot

>> No.16966243

food of the gods, i worked at an italian restaurant where this was our free app and all of FOH would just munch on this shit during their shift, i literally developed a craving for the stuff, never gets old.

>> No.16966324 [DELETED] 

>mild chees, american
Right there. That’s why you’re fat and worthless. Keep your asinine opinions to yourself.

>> No.16966722
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On my off days, I always bake bread and just eat the whole loaf just dipping it in olive oil, usually consuming up to 500ml olive oil in a few (3) days.
Good olive oil is one of the few things I will never feel guilty for splurging on and I maintain that it forms the basis of a healthy diet, surprisingly, even in ridiculous amounts.
I am incredibly skinny (<70kg at 194cm) and have been for several years now and while that is definitely in part due to my active lifestyle, i do ascribe it, in part, to my simple diet consisting of fish, meat once a week and simple rice and pulse dishes most of the time, with 100% of my snacks being bread with hummus or olive oil and anchovies.

>> No.16966744

I prefer olive oil with rough pieces of salt and peper

>> No.16966745

Rough pieces? Is that a different thing from regular salt and pepper? Don't think I've heard of it.

>> No.16966765
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normal salt and pepper are grind very small and fine. Bigger less finer ground pieces work better for the bread. Not sure what the exact word is, anyway pic related for pepper.

>> No.16966786


>> No.16966814

The word of the day is: coarse

>> No.16966847


>> No.16967039

some pesto and bread sounds real good right now

>> No.16967049

Haven't had that in a while. Maybe I should bake tomorrow.

Maybe you should take a course in English

>> No.16967054

>No chovies

>> No.16967071

I'm too busy on the golf coarse.

>> No.16967097
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My man

>> No.16967102


>> No.16967109

>all different brands
What are you like on a quest to find out the best anchovy so every time you see a new brand you buy it?

>> No.16967116

Yes. I worked in this one restaurant startup and while working on this one dish we bought like 20 different artisan brands of anchovies. The differences are incredible. It's a whole world of flavour out there.

>> No.16967186

Americans should be range-banned from /ck/

>> No.16968223

Somehow I doubt an American would write "chees."

>> No.16968233

I do the same thing with fresh loafs.
based and EVOO pilled

>> No.16968253

Why would he take an English coarse? He already speaks it

>> No.16968319


>> No.16968336

Imagine being this soi and bitching about empty carbs. Be a fucking man lmao

>> No.16968345

This is what I was eating with my homemade bread when I realized I was gluten sensitive.
I miss this shit so goddamned much.

>> No.16969207

Olive oil and bread is amazing. Love me some salted butter too

>> No.16969277

why not?

>> No.16969283

yes, an american would have said 'cheese related yellow square'

>> No.16969299

>Government immitation cheese product
>No frills

>> No.16969303

Thank you sir

>> No.16969548

I had no idea there was so much variety with anchovies, but it makes sense as they're pretty different from various pizza places
Going to try a new brand next time I get groceries

>> No.16969561

this but add cheese, salami, olives, and artichoke hearts

captcha: WOP42

>> No.16969571

based. my favorite stoner snack is slices of bread with slices of good cheese on em and just melting it in the microwave

>> No.16969731

cookbros i miss bread but it almost guarantees me to be constipated the next day

>> No.16970307

Linseed oil with some herbs and salt

>> No.16970310
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>> No.16970324

Absolutely based. I just bought a bottle of really nice olive oil and have been dipping bread and vegetables and stuff in it as meals for like a week now.

>> No.16970531

based and sediment pilled
anon, i do hope you're first pouring a portion of oo into something else rather than dunking all of that directly into the bottle

>> No.16970899
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>Dump a bunch of this into a bowl of oil
>Wipe it back up with bread

Instant Italian culture. Bread in oil is a king's dish

>> No.16970955

butter is better

>> No.16970979

Why in the world would you ever have cause you believe ANYONE in the entire world does what you’re describing. That is beyond buckwild

>> No.16971290

If you would have read >>16970324 carefully, that's kind of what's being implied there.

>> No.16971302

will wonderbread work for this

>> No.16971399
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>> No.16971596

isn't this shit just italian seasoning?

>> No.16971605

Find me one bottle of olive oil where you can actually dip things through the neck of the bottle.

>> No.16971610

Yeah it's the herb part of the olive oil and herbs for dipping bread. It also has some little dehydrated garlic pieces so it's like Johnny Carinos

>> No.16971613

Find me an English grammar book which indicates the phrase, "I just bought a bottle and have been dipping stuff in it," means anything other than dipping stuff in a bottle.

>> No.16971618

>bruschetta seasoning
>bruschetta not depicted on the bottle

>> No.16971619

Holy shit ESL-anon, I assure you the English language just works that way. The fact that it came in a bottle does not indicate that the person is keeping it inside the bottle when using it. If they said they bought a bottle of ketchup and have been dipping fries in it, do you think they've been pushing fries into the bottle or do you use common sense and realize they probably squirted it out first? Learn actual reading comprehension skills.

>> No.16971624

he said he bought a bottle of olive oil and has been dipping stuff in it, obviously referring to the olive oil and not the bottle

>> No.16971678

there's technically an ambiguity as "it" could refer to either, but context and prior knowledge dictate that it should be the oil, not the bottle itself. You wouldn't write like this in a legal document, but on the internet, who really cares

>> No.16971869

It actually will.

>> No.16972065
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It's called metonymy, described here in The Study of Language, George Yule, 1996, Page 122.

>> No.16972071

when I was 6 they called this "context clues"

>> No.16972180
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Based autist anon hunting down obscure grammatical mechanics

>> No.16972195

This is high school basics gramar

>> No.16972240
File: 52 KB, 540x960, 2D41311A-3B12-4239-9498-6021D3B6C46D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could ask 1000 high schoolers what metonymy was and I guarantee not one would know.

How’s this for high school gramar (sic): *farts directly in your open mouth*

>> No.16972247

I always wanted to do this. Can someone recommend a dip quality olive oil? The ones ive bought don't seem like they would taste good for dipping.

>> No.16972261

Go find the nearest meditteranian/arab grocery store and ask the clerk for the strongest/boldest/most robust olive oil they have in stock.

>> No.16972264

Yet they use it every day. Retard.

>> No.16972279
File: 34 KB, 640x356, 79C2345F-9810-4BA1-87E4-EC469E44D5A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We use a car every day but few can explain what a differential is or how it works. We eat every day but few can define what a calorie is or how it is measured. You suck cock every day but couldn’t tell me how erectile tissue is formed.

My point is that anon is based because he didn’t just say “it’s intuitive common sense” like the rest of us, but instead found the specific term for this specific mechanism.

Why are you so fucking autistic. If you’re the anon I called based, I rescind my compliment and now think you’re the bad kind of autistic instead of the based kind.

>> No.16972342

>This is high school basics gramar
Thanks Toki Wartooth, the commonality was not in question. Anon requested a reference.

>> No.16972568
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You cannot handle my strongest olive oil, fool

>> No.16972720

I prefer my olive oil so strong it tastes like grass clippings. Try me.

>> No.16972733


>> No.16972737

>I miss bread. apparently I have been sloppy and gotten so fat I have to cut out the fluffy goodness
why are americans SO FUCKING FAT

>> No.16972739

sugar, idiot

>> No.16972744
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They'll just sell him some overpriced Italian shit that's mixed with cheaper oil. If he wants a reliable strong olive oil in the states, he needs to go for pic related, specifically the version that doesn't have "global press" or "destinations" because that's just the same swill as bertoli and all the other polluted brands.

>> No.16972758

Can't find the American-only version of this brand anymore.

>> No.16972790

every country has sugar, amerifats are just unable to control their impulse because they're all man-children, idiot

>> No.16972974

Don't wanna be an American, idiot

>> No.16973009

Ketotards should be banned from /cl/

>> No.16973025

Nah, senpai. This is the REAL good stuff

>> No.16973043

It's not socialist, they have more access to food.
Then move.

>> No.16973118

Don't want a nation under the new media

>> No.16973167

A nice, non-lardass (see >>16969561 for e.g. of lardass) addition is basil chiffonade.

>> No.16973220

I do that with part of a crushed garlic clove and some S&P in the oil. Delicious. Might do that for dinner tomorrow

>> No.16974029

Who the fuck are you calling senpai, kouhai?

>> No.16974094

Best olive oils are Greek

>> No.16974432

>Tfw that was the first song on my friend's ipod mini

>> No.16974493

>Best olive oils are Greek

>> No.16974754

OP just inspired me to have some slices of bread with olive oil, dried basil, dried parsley, garlic powder, and a small splash of balsamic vinegar. Absolutely delicious. This thread has reminded to to pick up some premium quality olive il and some nice Italian bread. I'm not a hummus person but I'll put a little diced, salted tomato on top for a really good snack. Hell, I'd really eat it as a meal if I had more than 2 slices of bread in my entire house.

>> No.16974766
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I love nice italian bread and OO but living alone the bread always goes stale before I can finish it. It feels so wasteful

>> No.16976250


>> No.16976272

Well, never mind all that, >>16964484. This has nothing to do with this thread, but would you just listen to me for a little bit? See, I went to the local Yoshinoya today. Right. Yoshinoya. And the damn place was packed so full of people, I couldn't even find a seat. So I looked around a bit, and I found a sign that said "150 yen off". What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you idiots or something? Any other day you wouldn't even think of going to Yoshinoya, but if it's 150 yen off, you all flock in here? It's just 150 fucking yen! 150 yen! And you're bringing the kids too. Look at that, a family of four going to Yoshinoya. Con-fucking-gratulations. And now the guy's going, "All right! Daddy's going to order the extra-large!" Shit, I can't watch any more of this.

Yoshinoya should be fucking brutal. Two guys sit facing each other across a U-shaped table, and you never quite know if they'll suddenly just start a fight right there. It's stab-or-be-stabbed, and that's what so damn great about the place. Women and kids should stay the fuck away.

Well, I finally found a seat, but then the guy next to me goes, "I'll have a large bowl with extra gravy!". So now I'm pissed off again. Who the fuck orders extra gravy these days? Why are you looking so goddamn proud when you say that? I was gonna ask you, are you really going to fucking eat all that gravy? I wanted to fucking interrogate you. For about a fucking hour. You know what? I think you just wanted to say "extra gravy".

Now, take it from the Yoshinoya veteran. The latest thing among the Yoshinoya pros is this: Extra green onions. That's the ticket. A large bowl with extra onions, and egg. This is what someone who knows his shit orders. They put in more onions, and less meat. A large bowl with the raw egg, that's really fucking awesome. Now, you should know, if you keep ordering this, there's a risk employees might write you up. This really is a double-edged sword. I really can't recommend this for amateurs.

>> No.16976426

hey elira i'm begging you i'm on my knees here pleading please play minecraft with me tonight i am seriously begging here I am going to pass away please help minecraft is the only cure please elira

>> No.16976441

Olive oil? No thanks, I prefer butter because I'm white.

>> No.16976508
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>slams this down on the table in front of you

>> No.16976742
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This scares me. It's unnatural

>> No.16976752

>no cute squaw
Never buying again

>> No.16976763

Fuck off /pol/tard.

>> No.16976770

>We did it, guys! We saved the poor minorities by vanishing them!

>> No.16976974

He lost. Get over it.

>> No.16976988

Try replacing oil with bone marrow

>> No.16977587

the squaw is a he? I didn't know he was a based transfolk!

>> No.16977771

What is the most kino EVOO for purchase?

>> No.16978253

Olive oil really isn't that spectacular, but you have to pick the right brands or else you're getting suckered by the mafia.