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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16971892 No.16971892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we still call it Tomahawk steak or is it food appropriation?

>> No.16971898

I'm gunna beat the shit out of you

>> No.16971902

the internet was invited by whites all black and brown people need to get off

>> No.16971903

Call it whatever you like nobody gives a shit

>> No.16971958

That's a ribeye m8

>> No.16971985

you dense cunt

>> No.16972161

the logical extension of cultural appropriation is quite clear. shitskins get off the internet and go back into their mud huts

>> No.16972175

The only people that care about cultural appropriation are western whites

>> No.16972181

Nah, you've got plenty of non-Whites in colleges parroting the same stuff. Not sure why people think that American Whites are the only progressives that exist out there.

>> No.16972182
File: 1.50 MB, 1622x872, 40yearoldaquarius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep more of the bone on the rib-eye
>charge twice the price
>It works
I hate people so much.

>> No.16972184

no fucking normie cares about cultural appropriation, stop concern trolling you fag

>> No.16972186

Janny! Janny ban him! He's being raaaaaciiiist!!! Wahhhh this is a liberal board you can't say stuff like that! Ban the racist!

>> No.16972187

>western whites
Anglo whites*

>> No.16972541

>serve people old meat
>call it 'dry aged'

>> No.16972571

I was pointing out that invented is not spelled invited... you dense cunt.

>> No.16972575

grammar wont save you from the fact you are appropriating white culture you shitskin

>> No.16972579

>Yes, I'd love to pay 5 bucks for a bone.
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. And dumb. Stupid, too.

>> No.16972597
File: 149 KB, 1908x1146, article-2146092-1325F60B000005DC-890_308x185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not in this authentic Native American Cookbook, it it NOT ok.

>> No.16972607

Spelling is not grammar.

>> No.16972645

Of course it's a tomahawk steak. It's not a fucking chop.

>> No.16972649

both invited by whites

>> No.16972682

That's not true but I'll be damned if I'm going to teach a knuckle dragging cretin like you.

>> No.16972706
File: 32 KB, 600x399, care so little.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16972894

Actually a black man invented the internet

>> No.16972906

shut up u mentally ill retard

>> No.16972915

Al Gore is many things. But, he isn't black.

>> No.16973001

Al Gore invented the internet... 6 years after the Bong did

>> No.16973034
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>> No.16973082
File: 701 KB, 1280x720, vQwgaRgwCMda_3y8fst21tj73f1qHXDY4vg8GTzvt0A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this weak lmao
Pic related. People who use their race/nationalism as a shield are insecure of the own personal failure and >>16972175
hide behind men who came before them.

>> No.16973095

50% of whites are leftists/liberals that worship black lives matter. Whites are cucks and like to ignore that half of your people are the problem. you're not based, you're fags

>> No.16973154

Western society is so fucking warped it's bananas. No human being has ever lived through the kind of grand scale social manipulation and disorientation of critical thought as of the 21'st century westerner.
North Koreans may think their leader is a God but that is basic shit compared to how you get communities to willfully commit the abhorrent moral crimes perpetuated by western society.

>> No.16973159

>or is it food appropriation
Isolationism is merely appropriation of Japanese Edo culture

>> No.16973178

>Isolationism is merely appropriation of Japanese Edo culture

>> No.16973265

if it's an issue we can call it a hatchet steak. if you really want to rustle some jimmies we'll go with skeggoex steak

>> No.16973288

It's stone axe steak, biggot.

>> No.16973294

Kek based Civ poster

>> No.16973302

We could call it an axe steak? Not sure what the purpose of erasing all foreign origned words from English would be though.

>> No.16973310

I wonder how much longer posts like this will be allowed here.

>> No.16973312

Lol poor little white boy ;(

>> No.16973445

>turn meat into mush
>put it into intestines
>call it 'sausages'

>> No.16973622

>be white
>ancestors did amazing accomplishments and left big shoes and high standards for their descendants
>take pride in living up to these expectations and surpassing them

>> No.16973625


>> No.16973772

You are exactly what Schopenhauer is criticizing. You have no ties to greatness, you are a nobody. You cling to your race/nationalism because you have no personal achievements. It's sad, really. You play the same identity politics games as the left and the right alike. You are a loser, but keep telling yourself you're great because some unrelated white guy 300 years ago did something cool lol

>> No.16973776

are you retarded? it literally says that personal achievement is good but taking pride in identity is pathetic because you haven't achieved anything

>> No.16973935

Careful there anon when the burgers wake up they'll say you're a schizo magapede.