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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 704 KB, 1820x1213, englishbreakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16955221 No.16955221 [Reply] [Original]

There's really no breakfast from anywhere in the world that beats a full English breakfast

>> No.16955225

suck butter from my ass you stupid faggot

>> No.16955229

You must be mistaken, you're the one with the homosexual imposition

>> No.16955242
File: 56 KB, 923x375, 1624174346339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this all Brits have?
because this seems to be the only thing these spammers want to talk about
>put a bunch of salty slop on a plate
>Yep dis sum gud English eats m8. Luv da queen, luv england, h8s me sum immigrants
10 threads a week about English breakfast. does anyone else make 10 threads a week about their countries breakfast? No. Because they can get decent food anytime of day

>> No.16955280


>> No.16955313

i'm tired of seeing this thread every single day, fuck off you british cunt your cuisine is utter trash

>> No.16955320

not enough tomatoes.

>> No.16955498

Kek, fuck british food.

>> No.16955534

>black coffee
>orange juice
Sorry, but everyone knows an authentic english breakfast is served with a hot mug full of hot milk with sugar and a little bit of tea and a small glass to cry in to when they rember the rest of the world exists

>> No.16955541

Shut up British cunt your food sucks now go fix your crooked teeth

>> No.16955584
File: 57 KB, 533x382, porridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's better breakfast even on the same fucking island. And it's made by men in skirts.

>> No.16955664

Yes, that does look like a breakfast by faggots who wear skirts. Not that I am defending the shit brits call full breakfast. Your whole shitty island sucks at cooking.

>> No.16955668


>> No.16955672

MY shitty island? I'm not a fucking britbonger, thank god.

>> No.16955756

Notice how no one posted a better breakfast yet

>> No.16955776

british food slaps and americans are just seething itt

>> No.16955788
File: 39 KB, 533x400, Steak N Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go eat your ketchup beans faggot

>> No.16955841
File: 60 KB, 800x600, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get real bacon before you decide to talk shit

>> No.16955936

T-bone is not really a breakfast steak, but hey why not

>> No.16955957
File: 63 KB, 1024x768, pit-stop-cafe-best-ulster-fry-in-ulster-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norn Iron laughs at your crappy "fry"

>> No.16955961

>he unironically think dried fat sticks fried in its own fat is good

please die from diabetes in the next couple of years

>> No.16955981
File: 176 KB, 254x571, number_1_beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.16955992


that doesn't do that

>> No.16956032

Bacon doesn't give you the beetus faggot, but your ketchup soaked beans, cheap margarine slathered toast, glass of OJ, and deep fried hash brown patties will.

>> No.16956038

>he thinks ketchup goes on beans
>he thinks people use margarine
>he thinks you deep fry hash browns

literally american brain rot

>> No.16956046

Maybe not in Bongville, but it sure as hell is in the states.

>> No.16956070 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 640x640, all_star_meal_from_waffle_house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ALL STAR MEAL from Waffle House blows your shitty English meal out of the water, just like we did in 1776.

>> No.16956085

Why do Americans seethe so much whenever English cuisine is posted? I thought your 3rd Amendment prohibited us from living in your heads rent-free?

>> No.16956105

What makes you think these posts are made by americans? Europeans in general hate you food just as much

>> No.16956110

Its made by Americans

>> No.16956130

1) baked beans are baked in a sugar/tomato mixture. Basically, ketchup without the vinegar (so worst for you).
2) you fry hash browns, and the corned hash brown patties are fried. Either they’re fried then shipped frozen, or fried on your own. There’s very little difference between pan and deep frying.
3) British people have been using margarine since the 70s just like Americans. You can watch James May make sandwiches for confirmation to that. I don’t know how many Brits prefer margarine today.

>> No.16956135
File: 83 KB, 736x490, french breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does beat the French breakfast

>> No.16956136

What is traditional Canadian breakfast like

>> No.16956137

Listen you limey faggot, no one likes you, your shitty "cuisine", your ugly women or your God-forsaken country. Not Americans, not Europeans, not "Asians" and definitely not anyone with more than two tastebuds and half a brain. Now go and deep-fry some peat, you brown-toothed bognigger.

>> No.16956145 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 499x500, 61zAz44IOnL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you seething at the fact that there are better breakfasts all over the US? You're welcome to visit anytime.

>> No.16956161

what american "education" does to a "person"

>> No.16956191

Based drukposter

>> No.16956197

>reheated canned beans
>fried eggs
>fried sausage

>> No.16956323

It's a bit too rich and savory to eat as a breakfast every day. I much prefer porridge so i can mix it up a bit with different toppings

>> No.16956390
File: 224 KB, 900x554, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuuckin nasty condensed orange juice
OJ shouldn't taste like sour burnt piss
you're probably think fresh squeezed from a proper Florida juice orange is to sweet anyway

>> No.16956410

how does one have the hunger to eat this as their first meal? then if they do it how do they keep from falling back to bed from all the richness?

>> No.16956427

you love us so much you speak our language :)

>> No.16956429

Rent free. The whole world agrees your food is shit

>> No.16956435

How and why do you know what sour burnt piss tastes like? Are you friends with Fleece Johnson or something?

>> No.16956504

i have a piss fetish

>> No.16956534

t. American

>> No.16956721

Correct but that is too much. I'd need to go back to bed after all that

>> No.16957174
File: 189 KB, 884x524, norf_squad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16957241
File: 70 KB, 780x603, w8nkE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LtoR: Two trangs witha bit ol cow cream, irish chippys, sausage bloody sausage, fungy wungy witha slice of 'og, the 3 brit'sh brothers, 2 hens on the halfshell, coupla uncles caps, the sweet treat beans i eat, clown noses, and some orange ya had this ear breakfast

>> No.16957336

let me guess... you need more?

>> No.16957360

>I thought your 3rd Amendment prohibited us from living in your heads rent-free?
Brits are gay but this was actually decent?

>> No.16957372
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1620166648507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post became ten years old yesterday

>> No.16957392

Because an unfortunate number of Americans aren’t from superior Anglo stock. Their families originally came here from Potatostan, Krautistan, Spaghettistan, and of course there are those of lesser origins who we won’t mention.

>> No.16957578

11 years old

>> No.16957584
File: 40 KB, 590x350, Tim-Martin-563928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what english "culture" boils down to. A greasy fried breakfast.

>> No.16957615
File: 247 KB, 378x406, Gosling (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16957660
File: 16 KB, 414x430, 1608831376905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man.

>> No.16957720


only 1 egg?

>> No.16957722

This. I can go to any sports bar in the country and have a prime rib breakfast, chicken and waffles, huevos rancheros, biscuits and gravy or a stack of pancakes all of which come with eggs, bacon (or sausage) and hash browns. Is a full English the only thing bongoloids have to offer?

>> No.16957823

B-bangers and mash

>> No.16958888

>over a third of the meal is heckin' bread
big cringe homeslice

>> No.16958918

Bongs have a wicked butcher made sausage game. Completely underrated imo.

>> No.16958946

No such thing really but your standard egg + things breakfast might look like
>breakfast sausage
>rasher bacon
>raw tomatoes, maybe
>no blood pudding, no mushrooms
>homefries instead of hashbrowns
>boston or maple baked beans
>buttered toast
around here you can also get cretons

>> No.16958952


>> No.16959491
File: 1.52 MB, 1224x1240, blörö.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finland wins again

>> No.16959501
File: 766 KB, 960x720, lebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arab breakfast is superior to everything.

>> No.16959513

How hard do I need to beat my wife to wake up to Arab breakfast?

>> No.16959572
File: 45 KB, 1000x664, greek yogurt with walnuts and honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel has been my breakfast of choice ever since I discovered it was a thing.

>> No.16959576

She'll do it even if you dont beat her, thats how women are like in the Middle East, but you can beat her for the fun of it if you want.

>> No.16959578

Canadian, because it's the same thing without the pointless shitty beans

>> No.16959580
File: 119 KB, 601x900, kahvalti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16959582

No Canadian eats beans at breakfast. You're full of fucking shit. Raw tomatoes are served almost everywhere though for some reason, even A&W

>> No.16959590

Shakshouka is Arabic not Turkish.

>> No.16959612

Literally the same shit.

>> No.16959625

here it's extremely common. You wouldn't be western by chance?

>> No.16959627

You shot your 50/50 shot, now live with the consequences of being called a retard. Beans are shit and should not be served at breakfast.

You fucking retard.

>> No.16959630

anti bean posters are morbidly obese

>> No.16959638

it's ok anon you don't have to eat the beans. You're missing out though, they're good

>> No.16959648

Looks good honestly. I should really try it sometimes, I usually do >>16956135
with a croissant or pain au chocolat.
I don't have much time in the morning, is it somewhat quick to make?

>> No.16959654

I know what canned fucking beans taste like, and those flavors don't belong anywhere near the flavor circus of a breakfast plate

>> No.16959661
File: 16 KB, 355x309, bean free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I have never eaten a bean in my life. Lets see your bean eating abs.

>> No.16959666

Thats a picture of Ellen page

>> No.16959722

You're going to get canceled for dead naming a brave MAN like Elliot Page, who has obviously never eaten a bean in HIS life. Now show abs bean eater.

>> No.16959730

Cool it with the transphobia please

>> No.16959867

Generally most people don't make one as big as the OP and if they do it's usually brunch/the only meal of the day.

>> No.16959878

God that tranny looks unhealthy

>> No.16959882

huge fat anti bean machines

>> No.16959883
File: 672 KB, 1820x1213, FC4E51AF-3740-435F-972A-309784512B8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this stupid shit outta here.

>> No.16959910

Too much food for one person first thing in the morning. Tried it once. Couldn't finish it all and still felt like taking a nap afterwards (had woken up maybe and hour and a half before eating, feeling well rested and energized). Overall felt heavy, lethargic, and bloated for hours. How are you supposed to get anything done with such an itis bomb for breakfast?

>> No.16959934

She’s really let herself go
Used to be kinda fappable

>> No.16959955

If this were actually true then you people wouldn't need to make a thread a day about it. I'm sure a full English is fine but I'd rather have chicken fried steak or some tacos.

>> No.16960001
File: 7 KB, 243x250, french national pastime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.16960109
File: 39 KB, 544x360, breakfastofchampions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing better than a simple butterbrezn with a nice coffee.

>> No.16960117

Maybe try not being a manlet/twink/desk jockey.

>> No.16960329

Correct. British cuisine has a few gems
>full breakfast
>fish and chips
>beef wellington

>> No.16960351 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 737x879, DJLxzsZUIAARPdA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare picture of an actual traditional french breakfast: soupeur.

>> No.16960362
File: 63 KB, 640x605, solly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I learned why I was seeing so much pieces of bread inside urinals

>> No.16960414

Fuck off you vile faggot-enabler

>> No.16960429

>full breakfast
greasy garbage
>fish and chips
greasy garbage
>beef wellington
inferior version of french beef en cruote
not british

>> No.16960448

>not british
It's quintessentially British. Stuff like tikka masala was created in Scotland

>> No.16960467

Not only you claim immigrant stuff as british but curry has existed for thousands of years. Are all brits this dumb?

>> No.16960470

Anon I have never seen a sports bar that served breakfast

>> No.16960471

I'm obviously kidding that Britain and India are one and the same

>> No.16960492

>tikka masala was created in Scotland
Is that true? So that Indian restaurant down the block has been appropriating this whole time?

>> No.16960501

>Is that true?
No, it's an urban legend. The dish existed in some way back in Pakistan.

>> No.16960526

There are four of them that do within walking distance from my house. One of them is all you can eat breakfast.

>> No.16960533

>Arab Breakfast
That's a med breakfast, GAYrabs, have for generations eaten the same slop as mongols; bush meat that they've tenderized by putting it under their saddle and riding their dune coon camels around until the falcons return with more bush meat.

>> No.16960868
File: 742 KB, 1080x1073, 1627845127105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus. im a boozebag and even i wouldn't start my day off like that. would probably shit out a lung

>> No.16961235

I had shakshuka at a nice restaurant in Maine. It was fucking delicious. Mine looked more green than that one though. Is it a recipe that can vary significantly?

>> No.16961270

It's one of those foods that varies depending on the specific region of the world it comes from. If you wanted to make it with a specific spice/herb/flavor I don't see why not. It's basically just eggs poached in tomato sauce.

>> No.16961335

>dat pic
Is that Patton Oswalt killing his wife?

>> No.16961348


>> No.16961361

diabetes comes from excessive sugar and carbs, not fat dipshit

>> No.16961370
File: 474 KB, 4000x2746, IrishBreakfastHero-20d528b241a74e828903e145b7ab538e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bongs quiver at the obvious superiority of the Irish Breakfast

>> No.16961388
File: 9 KB, 259x194, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tikka Masala is bong curry and probably their best overall food. Bongland has some good curry places to be fair, probably the only thing they gained from letting in so many Poos and Pakis

>> No.16961396

Honestly looks pretty neat but I think I would get gassy from all the beans. Maybe that's why they are chronically pissed.

>> No.16961404
File: 240 KB, 1100x823, weisswurstfruehstueck,id=0587b342,b=liebenswert,w=1100,rm=sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah the Bavarian spread. Not a bad choice but you picked the wrong drink to go with it.

>> No.16961410

is one PERSON going to eat ALL THAT?

>> No.16961411

Beer is for lunch and dinner, not breakfast, you alcoholic.

>> No.16961421

See, that's a point that Bavarians would not agree with.

>> No.16961506

know nothing idiot

>> No.16961577

lol gay

>> No.16961635

i'm literally bavarian you retard

>> No.16961682

what's in the pot with the parsley? peas?

>> No.16962197

>is 75% of your TDEE in one meal in your path

>> No.16962399
File: 53 KB, 680x1020, 0A0B483D-894F-4A30-AF1E-E04BA2706071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left over cold salmon and some cheese is the most satisfying breakfast I’ve ever had, it’s great in warmer months

>> No.16962521

The only true based breakfast is eating last nights dinner

>> No.16962792

giga based

>> No.16962832
File: 310 KB, 655x977, 1510347314564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breggfast :DDDDD

>> No.16962854

The sampler platter of breakfasts. Imagine how much britcucks would try and mock it if the Americans put a bunch of fried shit on a plate and called it the Full American

American bacon
Scrambled eggs
Grilled corn
Different kind of sausage
Chili beans
Some other American things.

The britbongs would be ooking and eeking about how lazy it is. HURR HURR FRY IN GREASE TYPICAL AMERICLAPFATBURGERS blah blah blah. Also, have you ever noticed how the British mock the Americans for being patriotic but making fun of the Full English is tantamount to murdering the queen?

>> No.16962877

its not funny to make fun of the mentally challenged
actually, it is

>> No.16963144


this is what i was gonna say thats the best part lol

>> No.16963163


what kinda cheese do you put?

>> No.16963555

Cool story Shlomo

>> No.16963616
File: 451 KB, 1200x1200, AxdFX8K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16963629

god I miss this

a nice espresso and a cig.

I quit smoking and only drink 2 cups of coffee a day now.

>> No.16963774

I reckon at least half the time someone makes a thread like this, they're actually from the country they're insulting. Good way to farm (You)s.

>> No.16963894

mushrooms are top tier
bong black pudding is top tier
eggs are healthy
lots of protein and fat
do want to know what your breakfast is like if you hate this

>> No.16964137

Looks like the same thing.

>> No.16964263
File: 121 KB, 381x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best breakfast

>> No.16964267

That's a lot of morning vodka.

>> No.16964293
File: 36 KB, 475x475, img74l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16965411
File: 2.77 MB, 540x780, download (4).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16965644

a 10/10 in bongland

>> No.16965723

gravy and biscuits > "full english"

>> No.16965728

>around here you can also get cretons
certainly get a lot of cretins

>> No.16965732

get rid of the black pudding and i agree

>> No.16965749

honestly looks so much worse than OP
isn't the only difference that you added white pudding and claimed it as 'Irish breakfast'
There isn't even white pudding in your pic

>> No.16965751

>would try and mock it if the Americans put a bunch of fried shit on a plate and called it the Full American
but you pretty much do actually do that, usually as a cope in response the full English threads

>> No.16965761

nah she's about a 6
t. bong

>> No.16966076

>fast to prepare
>only top quality local products
>best balance of healthy and flavourful
yeah pa amb oli is the answer
bread, tomato, olive oil and whatever meat/ cheese you want to put on

>> No.16966080
File: 292 KB, 800x506, pa-amb-oli-jamon-serrano-20130731160813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops. forgot pic

>> No.16966523

>pa amb oli
So a ham sandwich

>> No.16966542

Yanks post scones with cum sauce threads everyday, too.

>> No.16966552

It's a typical American breakfast + maple syrup dumped all over everything.

>> No.16966578

>undercooked eggs
>knock-off Jimmy Dean sausages
>some really awful black shit
>UK trademarked undercooked bacon
>canned imthinkinboutthosebeans.png
>mcdonalds hash browns
>fucking sliced tomatoes lmao
>this is LITERALLY the best thing they can produce
I hate China and India as much as the next reasonable person, but I think the SECOND nuke would go to Engerland.

>> No.16966619

>undercooked eggs
Rope. Now.

>> No.16966670

Are you Simon Pheonix?

>> No.16966697

It's african.

>> No.16966774

Egypt is in Africa and is Arabic

>> No.16967734

I'd put my pp in her.

>> No.16967737

This is why England is just as fat as America.

>> No.16968354

On a side note, how are Yorkshire puddings? Always been curious. What do they taste like?

>> No.16968429

true. bong niggers gets btfo everytime so they need to shill their breakfast to compensate

>> No.16968449

It doesn't get you full and you'll want to eat even more in an hour or two. Hipster garbage breakfast, just fry (boil) some eggs, nigga.

>> No.16968526
File: 31 KB, 772x440, E5A28C79-DD37-4FB4-8912-720FBD77535B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s the McDouble

>> No.16968560
File: 12 KB, 225x225, spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively wrong.

>> No.16968608

Southern breakfast

>> No.16969823

Not so fast. You’ve never had an Ulster fry, have you?

>> No.16969996
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, 7E65EBBE-372E-4AB5-B834-9CBEB94C7E81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today’s breakie

>> No.16970005

boiled peanuts and a shot of wiskey?

>> No.16970009

You probably should've just stayed in bed

>> No.16970080

Southern breakfast. Eggs, sausage gravy and biscuits, and a couple of slices of tomato.

>> No.16970123

Fuck no, it's just the only thing foreigners and working class people think about. Foreigners really obsess over it for some reason, while working class people just don't have much in the way of food culture at all so they think this is a big deal I guess.

>> No.16970144

You forgot dem grits

>> No.16970159

>Not so fast. You’ve never had an Ulster fry, have you?
no one has, just stfu about your shitty knock off with one or two things added or switched out

>> No.16970165

Truly a peak mediterrean breakfast

This is menemen

>> No.16970350
File: 130 KB, 1823x853, Start your day the britbongistan way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv me fry-up

Simple as.

>> No.16970352

t. spic

>> No.16970356
File: 163 KB, 800x704, Norf Ireland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw the rest of 'em at a bunch of fenian wankers.

>> No.16970400
File: 157 KB, 1200x797, japbreakPanyaBreakfast.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't eat miso soup for breakfast


>> No.16970404

Luv beans
'ate beaners

Simple as.

>> No.16970405
File: 23 KB, 600x315, sonofkong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black pudding is disgusting. It just tastes like liver and pasty oats.

>> No.16970413

>Not dropping the first nuke on Tel Aviv, the second nuke on Tel Aviv, and the third nuke on Riyadh

>> No.16971220

make up your mind

>> No.16971239

Damn japs are so based
I thought they didn’t eat breakfast though?

>> No.16971249

>chocolate cookies for breakfast
No wonder you're so obese over there

>> No.16971271

I actually heard that British cuisine for noblemen was very sophisticated and delicious, but has gone completely extinct. All what we are left with is peasant food, hearty, but quite simple and forgetable. I honestly weep for Britain, it’s culture got completely annihilated in less than one generation. When I was a kid in the 90s, Britain was still seen as an example of politeness and good manners, for example.

>> No.16971301

oatmeal is literally one of the most filling foods due to the slow release of the glucose in the complex carbs
jeezus fookin christ

>> No.16971366

>implying it isn't both

>> No.16971630

they don't taste of much really, goes well with a roast for textural variation though
easy to make if you want to try them:
preheat a muffin pan with some oil in the muffin holes in a 230C oven, whisk together equal VOLUMES eggs milk and plain flour, ideally sieve the mix for lumps, then pour the mix into the muffin pan and place in the oven, try not to open the door while they are cooking or else they might not rise properly, should take about 20 minutes or so
you can crank up the oven and bang them in while your meat is resting and make your gravy while they cook
you can also freeze them and reheat in the oven from frozen

>> No.16971710
File: 248 KB, 800x800, ff642878-8703-454a-a10d-706dd309f72f-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been living in England (East Midlands) for three months now and I still haven't had a full English
do local restaurants usually do a good job with sort of thing, or is there some sort of breakfast chain that serves a good one?

>> No.16971720
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Portuguese Breakfast

>> No.16972170
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Where did you hear that? They eat breakfast, they eat many things over there.

>> No.16972278
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>> No.16972709

Superior to English in every single way.

>> No.16973801
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>> No.16973953

>Chronic gas: the breakfast

No wonder the hadjis all wear towels, it's to cover their noses and wipe their asses from all the farting and shitting that's caused by their breakfast.

>> No.16973961

no worse then OP's

>> No.16973978

Wat better with sausage

>> No.16974517
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Today’s breakie
>Pumpkin seeds seasoned with Old Bay

>> No.16974883

If we're going for best breakfasts then my vote is either literally just the French way of having French bread with a few spreads and meats and cheeses or a bag of Chinese baozi which will make you shit your guts out by lunch time because the meat has been sitting in the counter since three am when they woke up to pack it into the dumpling.
This. In real life people don't sit down and make a full fry up either much, usually you just fry what you've got. Like realistically I think half my fry ups don't have beans and use scrambled eggs.
Well, liver tastes delicious too. I wouldn't say they share much flavour though. Black pudding basically tastes like what it is, i.e. cooked blood. It's amazing. It's also a concept found in shitloads of cuisines.
It's be sort of like going to a restaurant to order a bowl of cereal. Yeah, they do it, but it'll be overpriced and you could have done it as well at home. You should go to a greasy spoon and get a cheap fry up for the authentic working class experience though. Those cafes are built with cement made of bacon fat.

>> No.16974893
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Based thread.

>> No.16974969

You have the shittiest food on the entire planet and you think it’s only amerisharts letting you know that?

>> No.16974996
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>There's really no breakfast from anywhere in the world that beats a full English breakfast
except there is


>> No.16975028

Brits speak American?

>> No.16975159
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Rate my breakfast from last summer.
>2% milk

>> No.16975193
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Chicken fried steak breakfast beats it easily. Just don’t get it from iHOP. IHOP sucks. Find a better American breakfast diner. Ones which use sausage in the country gravy, instead of just milk, flour, and black pepper.

>> No.16975234

Bros... I wonder how those anons are doing nowadays

>> No.16975320

only right answer

>> No.16975329


>> No.16975338
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For me, the perfect breakfast has always been some kind of combination between butter-garlic spaghetti (broken in half) + some kind of protein on the side, typically sausage or bacon.
Easy to make, and infinitely more delicious to anyone who hates bread.

>> No.16975428

Pure sloppa, in a good way

>> No.16975442

Never thought of having eggs with bigos. Sounds good.

>> No.16975446

>English breakfast
>no beans

>> No.16975927

I've only ever eaten it as lunch or dinner, it's nice but too heavy. Breakfast for me is a cig and three cups of moka. Heavy eating comes after morning shitting

>> No.16975934

Based. Chicken fried steak is incredibly underrated as the best breakfast food

>> No.16976301


>> No.16976367


>> No.16977649

Thanks for the advice; i'll look for a greasy spooner diner to get the experience, at least
Ill learn to cook it later I suppose

>> No.16977888

>sprint to the toilet after last bite

>> No.16977892

fippy bippy

>> No.16977909

might wanna clean the feces off your plate before posting next time

>> No.16977916
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Here's my opinion as an American on the full English.

It's too excessive and indulgent to be a remotely regular affair. Eating that amount of food for breakfast any more than a biweekly affair is courting an early death.

However, it would be the absolute perfect meal to come back to after a week roughing it in the woods. In that case, I think the full English would truly shine.

>> No.16978890

SolBrah looking meal

>> No.16978901

Yeah its not an every day breakfast in England, for normal people its a treat you make on the weekend as for one thing it takes time and makes a lot of washing up to prepare.
They are eaten more regularlaly by physical labourers to energise them through the day and that's where it originated with factory workers and labourers. Having said that I used to work at a roadside greasy spoon and you would get these fat cunts who would waddle in and eat an massive slap up breakfast with all the additions every day. The kind of people that not only would have fried bread but also have toast instead of just picking one.

>> No.16978905

I don't like how Asians eat dinner for their breakfast. Who wants to eat curry for breakfast?

>> No.16978969

Have you ever seen an American claim sushi is quintessentially American because some Japanese guy in America created the California roll to suit local tastes? You haven’t see that, have you? In fact, it would be pretty retarded and embarrassing for an American to make such a ridiculous claim. You are now aware this is what you and your countrymen do whenever Indian food is brought up. You are all cringe and no one believes your bullshit.

>> No.16979057
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>> No.16979095

ah yes, cat spew, my favourite

>> No.16979241

Honest question. Does this work? Can anyone eat this much greasy food and not feel like shit for the rest of the day? I would overclock my cholesterol and lose all the energy and I am quite healthy in general.

>> No.16979293

Mmm... squirrel brains in maple syrup on lard.

>> No.16979310

If you ordered a full english you'd probably get about half of OPs pic in most places and if you made it at home you'd cook as much as you want to eat. Also it's more of a brunch thing for most people although I do know some tradesmen who get one from a cafe once or twice a week. I'm sure there are some fat cunts out there who eat OPs pic on the daily though.

>> No.16979976

Thank you anon.

Well Japanese curry isn't usually served for breakfast I just wanted an excuse to post that image.

>> No.16979983

It’s fooking rawwwwwwwww!

>> No.16980026

Did she finish?

>> No.16980096

I have absolutely seen Americans claim California rolls are American, which is good, because they are. I have also seen Americans claim General Tso's Chicken is quintessentially American, which is also good, because it is.

You aren't British. You don't know what British culture is like. Your average working class family in the UK makes a curry at least once or twice a week, whether they're white or black or Asian. Even if British curries weren't different to Indian curries, it'd still be absolutely correct to say that curries are a fundamental part of our cuisine. It'd just mean we hadn't invented them.
Curries did not have thick gravies until they were influenced by the British. Besides that, what's wrong with claiming immigrant stuff? Every culture does it. It's what cuisines are made of. Fish and chips was most likely invented in England by Jewish immigrants, and nobody calls that an immigrant dish. The famous parts of Japanese cuisine are basically entirely immigrant dishes, including their curries, which come from the British!

>> No.16980114

>yes goy, we invented fish

>> No.16980115

Actually Canada

>> No.16980120

What the fuck does this even mean
Do you think cultures can't have fish dishes in their cuisine because they did not invent fish?

>> No.16980559

Is it worth making on your own? I'm in Michigan, and I can't find any restaurants that offer anything like it.