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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16968341 No.16968341 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do Americans pretend this disgusting pigslop tastes good? I bought some for the first time in my life and it's absolutely disgusting. It's not even sweet, it's like eating snot with grains in it. I want my 2 euros back.

>> No.16968348

Toast bread.
Put peanut butter on.
Drizzle honey on top.


>> No.16968350

As expected of a Euro thread. You have to grow up with it, obviously. Try eating it with some fruit preserves or marmelade or whatever you have over there.

>> No.16968351

You should try it with mustard. A real American delicacy, that.

>> No.16968355

Ppl crave proteins and fats without realizing it

>> No.16968434

It's possible you got the hippie version that sucks. The regular version has palm oil, added sugars and is pureed to perfectly smooth. It's excellent for anyone who expends a high number of calories and wants a quick meal that's calorie dense, like hikers or construction workers.

>> No.16968447
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I only eat the 100% peanuts hippie version. It bothers me that we as a society feel the need to take a perfectly good product, and all all this other bullshit to it.

>> No.16968454

Cause the oil separates and that's just gross.

>> No.16968495

Compare chicken breast versus chicken breast that's been properly seasoned and simmered in butter. Plain lentils vs daal. Baked potato versus with sour cream, cheese, and chives.

We add stuff to simple flavors to make them better. Faggot.

>> No.16968504
File: 346 KB, 1280x960, DEABA9F2-DCB5-418A-968F-8D87015B4239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried peanut butter on broccoli . I think it would change your mind .

>> No.16968514

>Peanutbutter with added oils and HFCS is better because seasoned chicken is better than plain.

Fucking retard.

>> No.16968520

>Buys peanut butter
>Assumes it's sweet for some reason
>Doesn't even bother to check ingredients list.
Do Americans really??

>> No.16968529

Lazy nigger

>> No.16968546

Peanuts aren't bland though. Especially when they're roasted and ground into a paste. There is no reason to add palm oil and sugar to peanut butter, other than shelf stability and maybe texture.

>> No.16968606

The thumbnail looks like a fancy appetizer, but the full image looks like someone shit on broccoli. Strange how it works like that.

>> No.16968664

It tastes better than shit on broccoli . I figured if I eat broccoli with hummus why not with peanut butter ?

>> No.16968705

I can see it being good, maybe with a lil' sumthing extra in the nutbutter.

Thai food uses peanut butter for savory. I wonder what hummus or baba ganoush would taste like if you subbed tahini for peanut butter.

>> No.16968723
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shitty retard bait thread
just coming in to say that peanut butter toast, eggs, and a glass of milk is the best breakfast

>> No.16968770

>PB & mustard
PB is great with bananas or sweet pickles.

>> No.16968775

>hikers and construction workers
The backbone of Western civ.

>> No.16968780

>t. zoomzoom who thinks hipster PB predates real PB

>> No.16968787

>doesn't like peanut butter
>posts in peenut butter thread
>on an american board

>> No.16968788

>not sweet
>2 euros
I don’t believe you

>> No.16968793

>same thing
>different appearance
please die

>> No.16968799

Where did you get the idea I don't like peanut butter?

>> No.16968831

It's a Dutch thing. They brought it to New Amsterdam from Indonesia together with kecap.

New Amsterdam was renamed to New York, they needed national dishes and started clapping. Wa la.

>> No.16968840

Imaging coping this bad, and being an illtrate euro to buoot?

>> No.16968845

You're an actual faggot. The OP is European, and I was making fun of him. It's a joke. I'm not European.

>> No.16968854

If you want sweet go with some big brand like Jif

>> No.16968880

>t. Euro, unironically pays in Euros, too

>> No.16968933

Ok...I'm pretty sure you might be an actual retard. At this point, I'm not sure what you're even talking about.

>> No.16969271

It's not the same thing at all. The difference between Jiff and natural stuff is crazy. Go try some jiff. I usually prefer natural shit but peanut butter is an exception.

>> No.16969282
File: 2.76 MB, 1817x1243, 4131762724_e7437f21b7_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe next time try JIF and not your disgusting Euro version.

>> No.16969304
File: 53 KB, 488x488, GUEST_c4ae5000-adce-4020-9fe2-7fb5238d0a8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want an actually helpful answer, 95% of American peanut butter has added salt, sugar, and oil. It does NOT taste like the 100% peanuts kind that hippies buy. I think that's the one you bought. Normal American PB looks like this. Most United Statsians would turn their head at 100% peanut peanut butter too.

>> No.16969308

As an addendum, this or the aforementioned Jif are the most common brands. Most people where I live prefer Skippy, but Jif is my personal favorite.

>> No.16969317

Depends on the brand because they all use different mixtures of oils, sugars, and "creamers".

JIF is probably the best brand, but it's also loaded down with a shit ton of sugars.
Peanut butter is an underrated ingredient to cook with, especially in baking.

>> No.16969460
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There's different types of peanut butter. Firstly there's crunchy and smooth. Secondly there's natural peanut butter, abd then there's the peanut butter with all the shit added to it. You want the peanut butter with all the shit added to it. Some are pretty average and dry, some are the sort of shit where you'll walk into the pantry and just eat a spoonful of.

>> No.16969723

??? why are you eating snot and why does it taste like that

>> No.16969834

I like to put peanut butter in my yogurt cookbros. Add some grains and mwah delicioso

>> No.16969954

nobody really likes it it's just cheap

>> No.16970242

Why would you want peanut butter with added anything? You can adjust it to your tastes. I'm euro but not hippy. Good pb has a real nutty taste and the oils separate so you mix it as with tahini. Meridian is the best brand I've tried so far. I tend to use it in roast chicken sandwiches savoury or with raspberry conserve/honey for sweet. Good stuff

>> No.16970308
File: 56 KB, 291x321, 0AC8CFE0-379D-4CF8-8625-D723219DE618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was your first mistake, and your second wasn’t getting pic related, easily the best brand

>> No.16970315

> I'm euro

opinion is invalid

>> No.16970340
File: 156 KB, 800x800, 1636646387866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the fat retards ITT who buy peanut butter with extra corn syrup and vegetable oils

>> No.16970357
File: 529 KB, 1900x1900, apple_butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's apple butter.

>> No.16970373

Much like your mother

>> No.16970427
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, Smug anime sam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only ingredient that should be in peanut butter is peanuts and if you disagree then you are a subhuman.

>> No.16970446

i only buy the hippie version and add honey to it
t. polfag

>> No.16970532
File: 617 KB, 663x747, Calve_pindakaas-663x747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, bitches

>> No.16970548

>no salt
Okay enjoy your bland peanut butter, bro.

>> No.16970563
File: 245 KB, 976x1222, Finna get BWC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will, thank you very much. Enjoy your (((corn syrup))) and (((palm oil)))

>> No.16970598

Try adding cinnamon next time to truly transform it. You won't regret it

>> No.16970613

>the hippie version is the one where it's literally what it says on the label