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File: 33 KB, 435x435, 2cf34e317ceda11efc591ba3ed30c2a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16965196 No.16965196 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best?

>> No.16965203


>> No.16965204

Taste is subjective, retard. That being said, "american cheese" is garbage and mutts should be gassed.

>> No.16965205


>> No.16965216


>> No.16965222

>implying it isn’t also made/sold in your country

>> No.16965227

It isn't. At least it's not labeled "American cheese," it just cheap cheese, with a "made in USA" at the back of it.

>> No.16965255

So....American cheese?

>> No.16965264

>t.american larping as a yuro

>> No.16965265

Is Raclette marketed as Swiss Cheese in the US?

>> No.16965281

Project much?
Or are you too stupid to reelize we have the same artisan cheeses here as everywhere else...BECAUSE THE USA IS MADE OF IMMIGRANTS
You idiot

>> No.16965286
File: 134 KB, 2000x1000, 1464892448-american-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American cheese is ultra-processed. That's why it's the cheapest cheese on the shelf. That's why it's expiration date exceeds that of the Universe. That's why bacteria, canker, or vermin won't touch it. In fact you're better off eating the plastic container than the cheese itself.

>> No.16965307

Okay, so American cheese it is. God, you hut dwellers are so retarded.

>> No.16965310

what does the 10 cheese burger taste like?

>> No.16965315

>all American cheese is Kraft Singles
Stop shopping at the corner store you poorfag mutt and go to a real deli.

>> No.16965329
File: 123 KB, 600x900, f95e0f2af576a9cc6b77ab1632261cfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hut dwellers
You do realize that the architecture you're defiling has its roots in the center of the World, right?

>> No.16965334

>real deli
Real delis don't sell American cheese.

>> No.16965356

Yes, architecture that 0.0001% of your population had the privilege of living in while the rest shared their quarters with the hogs and sheep.

>> No.16965358
File: 42 KB, 240x232, pepebuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are those percentages supposed to be of

>> No.16965365

Depends on other toppings really. Swiss, cheddar, pepperjack all have their place

>> No.16965380

Those don't add up to 100

>> No.16965381

Back in those days Americans sacrificed their countrymen to Quetzalcoatl and were lucky if they could find a hospitable cavern.

Anyway how's Black Rock treating you?

Point is, your culture and foods came from us. Next time you're having "American" apple pie, give your respects to the Europeans who invented it.

>> No.16965385

"Which are you favorite burger cheeses, you're allowed more than one answer."

>> No.16965404
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>> No.16965429

Rent fucking free.

>> No.16965703

I'm basically a cheddar maxi desu. Maybe it's considered boring to some but it is consistently great.

>> No.16965710

who the fuck is putting havarti and gruyere on burgers? I've been to my share of burger places and never seen these offered before. I find it hard to believe that 10% of people favor each

>> No.16965713

That cheese is what the OP image is referring to, though... Fuck, man. I wish China would hurry up and nuke your asses.

>> No.16965735


>> No.16966222
File: 553 KB, 1080x2300, Screenshot_20211110-151851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what raclette is but you can order swiss cheese in any American deli

>> No.16966228

The last cheeses I used on my burgers were Swiss then cheddar .

>> No.16966382

>Totals up to more than 300%
What the fuck do they prefer then? Being a black hole of cheese?

>> No.16966402

>t. Never had it

>> No.16966418

No raclette is sold as raclette it's just overpriced here can be hard to get. The good thing is that the cheese section in the local grocery stores usually have a really wide selection and since the most adventurous most people get in my area is provolone on a sandwich you can usually get decent cheese at a mark down

>> No.16966424

>no mozzarella

I am disappoint

>> No.16966428

american obviously

>> No.16966460

American cheese is the only cheese anyone should be putting on a burger

>> No.16966491

I like american cheese and am an american but this new coping strategy is weird. Is it you that’s been posting this so often lately?

>> No.16966493

For me it's pepperjack.

>> No.16966510

Go to bistros and you’ll see those paired with burgers relatively frequently. Choose something else besides red robin in the mall.

>> No.16966522
File: 274 KB, 816x782, burgereater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason for American cheese is to eat it on a burg or sandwich. That said a good colby is better on a standard burg but each have their own purposes for different burgers.

>> No.16966532

Is gruyère different in the states or something ? Plain melted gruyère would just give you an oily salty mass.

>> No.16966533

i am american cheese but dislike americans

>> No.16966560

>cheddar on a burger
Do people really?

>> No.16966566

It's a dare at my place.

>> No.16966604

none of the other places in the mall have havarti or gruyere either, where do i go now?

>> No.16966617

They are known for not respection geographical indications so they just name their domestic shit after European products. Muenster e.g. is something completely different than the European muenster. Also sawdust parmesan and stuff like that. Never trust an American, who's talking about cheese. Especially not raw milk cheese.

>> No.16966882
File: 59 KB, 460x462, Al nos caro Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swiss Cheese
Swiss here, wtf is that? What actual Swiss cheese does it most closely taste like?

>> No.16966899

>swiss higher than pepper jack
these people are on crack

>> No.16966900

Deluxe American. It's literally made for burgers. Slices and other cheapo shit are barely edible

>> No.16966905
File: 5 KB, 256x197, 8D462549-89FC-435C-BB8D-2CFD3602731A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#6 Colby. Colby doesn’t melt very well. I can see some people thinking this will be good but then they will be disappoint

>> No.16966910

burger emmentaler

>> No.16966916

Sometimes you want a bit of texture to it.

>> No.16966918
File: 77 KB, 800x800, 68E9344D-C5CF-4BEB-9688-45CDD112D0D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only American cheese I will buy

>> No.16966929
File: 16 KB, 300x200, F3D8688A-34AB-4F4C-A2E4-756A9C1B465E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose so

>> No.16966957

Percentagem, from the latin PER CENTUM (by a hundred)
who the fuck made that count

>> No.16966991

We take our swiss cheese very seriously. It can only be of very specific strain of bacteria, and the holes have a 3/8 to 13/16 inch in diameter. In order to determine the grade of swiss, A B or C; three pages of tables of qualities are used. You might laugh because you can buy it vacuum-sealed at a large grocer, but it's handled very professionally.

>> No.16967009

Maybe it's meant to be a % of how many people like that cheese at all

>> No.16967170

I don’t eat wypipo food because the blessed rain god, peace be upon him, gave me tastebuds and I like to utilize them. But please, tell me more about how your jellied eels, mushy peas, and fermented grass water are what built the world.

>> No.16967181

Your deli doesn’t sell Colby cheese? Doubt it.

>> No.16967227

>you added concentrated milk proteins to your cheese and now it melts more evenly?!?! AHHHH I'M GOING INSANE HELP ME NIGRUYEREMAN!!!

>> No.16967234

>muh regional names
How far do you have to have your head up your own ass to cry about other people making an identical products with identical ingredients and an identical process and using the name of the region that originally made it to identify it. If someone packed up their cheese making equipment and moved across the world but continued making the exact same cheese why would they have any reason to call it something different? Not everybody in the US buys green can sawdust either. You faggots whine about the products poor people buy while ignoring the market as a whole.

>> No.16967235

They probably let people choose as many answers as they wanted. If they were only allowed to choose one, half that list would be in the single digits of preference.

>> No.16967240


>> No.16967285

Based Steve Smith poster

>> No.16967304

They are not identical and you know it. You can't even have fucking raw milk cheese that hasn't been aged to death.

>> No.16967322
File: 53 KB, 640x753, x-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you stupid or just plain ol' incognito?

>> No.16967501
File: 23 KB, 551x461, 1469124133522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do go to nice places
why must you be so mean

>> No.16967529

I'm a provolone chad

>> No.16967784

Pepper Jack

>> No.16967982

let me guess, mexican?

>> No.16967989

Cheddar for bacon BBQ sandwiches. American for everything else.

>> No.16967998

For le, it's port salut.

>> No.16968022

Poor canineo

>> No.16968035

gruyere is the best, obviously. that's why americans don't like it.

>> No.16968204

>bacon bbq
easily the worst burger

>> No.16968851
File: 275 KB, 739x757, 1636153547656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eats the burger with cheese and bun
jesus christ here's how you make a REAL burger.

>melt some butter in a skillet
>take your burger patties (make it yourself or premade, doesn't matter)
>cook it
>pour a little vinegar and some water in it to steam it the rest of the way
>take the burger out to rest
>get some S&B Golden Curry
>mix it in with the leftover mixture of water, vinegar and beef grease in the pan
>pour it over the burger

>> No.16968889

Forgive us for not pretending to enjoy cheese that tastes like it grew on a dirty basement floor

>> No.16968907

Shut the fuck up 3rd worlder

>> No.16968917

That sounds awful, if you're going to go that route just make gravy, why the fuck are you mixing up vinegar and curry powder? Don't ever post your shit sloppa recipes again.

>> No.16968920

because I thought I was using cooking wine but it was red wine vinegar when I made it

>> No.16968955

I do. I never said otherwise. I don’t understand your approach within the context of what I was saying.

>> No.16969344

did you know cheese is only one molecule away from plastic

>> No.16970060

Such a shame...

>> No.16970183

>t. Obsessed britoid