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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 1050x700, peanut-butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16955494 No.16955494 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16955502

I bet it does
I bet it does

>> No.16955538

what do u eat it with

>> No.16955555

Nothing, I just open up a jar and cram it uo my ass.

>> No.16955580

Jam and bread.

Or mix it with jam and yogurt.

>> No.16955583

quints of truth I suppose
haven't had peanut butter in ages personally

one small problem here however, why is the picture in OP of the smooth variety?

>> No.16955586

I don't want to see peanut butter for the rest of 2021. I have eaten that as a primary source of protein these last two months and I'm tired of it.

>> No.16955589

i like jam and yogurt part
maybe ill eat that right now

>> No.16955590

I can only eat smooth. Chunky makes me want to vomit.

>> No.16955592
File: 24 KB, 763x261, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16955702

based and checked

>> No.16955707
File: 20 KB, 459x405, 20211013_134131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16955714

I've been eating three peanut butter sandwiches every single day for the past 2 years. I hope I can keep doing this forever.

>> No.16955722

Ah, a true cultured gentleman.

>> No.16955727

same but why not mix it with ogher stuff yogurt tastes really goood plus some dark chocolate and almonds

thanks fren
try different recipes

>> No.16955746


>> No.16955764

That's not what they mean by "butter"

>> No.16955792

>same but why not mix it with ogher stuff yogurt tastes really goood plus some dark chocolate and almonds
I did, I'd mix it with plain unsweetened yogurt with oats and fresh berries. I'm just tired of that peanut taste.

>> No.16955800

Nice, have you tried switiching it up every once in a while? sliced green apples add nice texture to the sandwiches. Natural honey adds a sweetness to it without having to use sugar loaded jams. Cinnamon powder also gives it extra depth, bananas too.

>> No.16955802

Cheapest source of protein I can think of and the most easiest to obtain.

>> No.16955834

In the 9th grade there was this kid in my English class who had two vegan lesbian moms. He kept complaining about how the only protein he was allowed to eat was peanut butter. He kept getting thinner and more sickly throughout the year. Skeletal. It was scary. Sometimes he broke down and started crying. I hope he made it out of there without dying.

>> No.16955839

Really miss pb
Sucks to have allergies

>> No.16955847

There was something else going on because I'm vegan and I'm not skeletal, nor am I thinning out or getting sick. Nice propaganda though.

>> No.16955871

Why was a kid in 9th grade talking in terms of protein sources? I would have kicked the shit out of that annoying dweeb.

>> No.16955900

Because most likely it's just a post to mock vegans.

>> No.16956055

Yeah, there was probably some other kind of abuse going on on top of the vegan diet for a teenage boy.

Because he was a malnourished and starving teenage boy who needed better food in order to grow up. I didn't pick on kids who obviously had some kind of fucked up family. This was back in the 90's before being weak and effeminate was cool. Kids wore flannel and listened to grunge. There was another kid whose family had fled South Africa. Sometimes he asked me to identify US coins to make sure he had the right amount for the cafeteria.

>> No.16956077

The seventh day Adventist are able to get kids up to a healthy weight on vegan diets. Sounds like the lesbian moms were just total retards.

>> No.16956091

Yeah, probably. Early teenage years are really tough for a lot of kids. They aren't old enough to legally get a job yet to offset disadvantages of dumb parenting.

>> No.16956377

>Or mix it with jam and yogurt.
Eating it right now. Very nice. Thanks Anon.

>> No.16956386
File: 267 KB, 850x850, 1636307916482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw grew up insanely poor so I got to eat a peanut butter sandwich with milk every day for lunch

>> No.16956555


>> No.16956652

nosir that is your coronary

>> No.16956662
File: 389 KB, 904x900, 1636086483264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark chocolate (85%+) and dates. Tastes like a reeses brownie.

>> No.16956748

I don't watch anime.
I haven't watched anime since I was 15.
I don't watch hentai.
I have a wife.
I have a child.
Why do I still love seeing 2D girls?

>> No.16956879

>he browsed /fit/

>> No.16956924

your grown ass choosing to be vegan as an adult is different than denying children a very essential food source.
7th day adventists are primarily vegetarian. Not vegan

>> No.16956958

Based as fuck

>> No.16956972

Yes, because the parents were attending school with that kid and making sure he didn't eat meat and cheese at school.

>> No.16956977

you're living a lie