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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 600x600, nespresso_shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16954198 No.16954198 [Reply] [Original]

Is Nespresso a meme or is as good as they say it is?

>> No.16954205

The shape looks surprisingly crammable.

>> No.16954212

My girlfriend has one. It's not bad.

>> No.16954305

what did you have in mind

The espresso is too weak for hot lattes, thats why I don't like mine. I do shots in cold milk in the summer though, but I think instant coffee would also do the job

>> No.16954701

Its shots are weak and underextracted. The coffee itself is expensive and a complete joke. Fuck Nestle.

>> No.16954713

It's not espresso. Not enough pressure in the brew chamber.
The youtube coffee autist doesn't like it so it'll probably taste fine to the average joe.
My money would go to a grinder and a pour over though. Doesn't tie you up in some ecosystem.

>> No.16954912

who says its good? its garbage and trash and awful and also bad

>> No.16954917

it's an answer to a question that no one asked
but people are stupid enough to buy them

>> No.16954919

Instant coffee for people with too much disposable income

>> No.16954946

it's just a drip machine.

>> No.16954963

> as good as "they" say it is?

"they" = Nestle marketing dept?

Or is it "as good as they say", meaning not good at all?

>> No.16954966

I see a place for them in the workplace, but theyre pointless at home.

>> No.16954969

And no, it's not a meme, nobody gives a fuck about it and nobody thinks it's good, where did you even get the idea from, that it's a thing?

>> No.16954980

Yeah, sounds about right - Nestle sales rep providing some (((personal incentives))) for the executive who makes the decision what equipment to buy for the office building. Can't get fired for choosing it, locks the company into buying the capsules forever (not his money), he can pick an actual good coffee machine for his own office, and employees will rather drink the Nestle crap for free than bring their own.

>> No.16954993

>Yes I like gulping particles of hot aluminum plastic down my throat at a premium price, how could you tell?
Just make normal coffee you fucks

>> No.16955001

I use it for lattes if i want a sweeter coffee, or for things like espresso martini or affogato. I wouldn't ever drink it for the coffee alone, its not that great. Very cardboard-y. But I'm a filter drinker so i keep this around for the odd milky espresso drink.

>> No.16955010

At my office in london theres a coffee machine thats an ipad and a tap. You have to fucking login to get a coffee. "Gotta save your favourites bro!"

Well theres no validation so I just set my email to cum at balls dot com. But still I know most people use their actual details. I fucking hate the future.

>> No.16955021

I own one and love it. Makes a better espresso than my gaggia in under a minute.
Make sure you get original line instead of vertuo line. Different types of machines vertuoline is more expensive and inferior.

>> No.16955024

How is it inferior?

>> No.16955029

Jesus, that's scummy. Where I work, we just have one of those Keurig pod maker things. If you have a blend you like, you just write it down on the shopping list for whoever ends up doing the next Costco run.

>> No.16955043
File: 3.05 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20210414_091501593_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vertuoline isn't a "true espresso" machine, doesn't generate pressure. They fill the pod with water and then spin it to force water out. It does make a decent full size cup of coffee but doesn't make proper espresso and I can taste the difference. Additionally, the pods for this machine are more expensive and include DRM (that's why they push the Vertuoline machines so hard)
By comparison, the original line machine can basically be thought of as similar to a super automatic espresso machine in that it has an internal basket.rather than a portafilter, but has the grinding and tamping stages done in the factory. You insert the preground and pretamped disposable pod and it runs water through it from a 19 bar pump.
Plus, it makes the coffee fags around here seethe like nobody's business, see:
And.more but I got bored of scrolling.

>> No.16955634

Doesn't change that the capsules have nasty shit in them.

>> No.16956143
File: 1.93 MB, 3264x2448, 16363950861289214303373593683046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16956220

Just taste the finished product.

>> No.16956406

I was gifted one of these machines for my wedding. Before that I had ground and brewed my coffee by hand every day. I was so displeased with any experience with Keurig I expected the same level of mudwater from this machine. I was pleasantly surprised. I now only brew my own coffees when I feel like it and just use this machine in the morning. Despite the machine being labeled to make 'espresso' and 'double espresso' (not true since it doesn't achieve high enough bar nor does it steam like an espresso machine) it does TASTE like espresso. I don't know what kind of sorcery they use but it's good enough for me that I'm content making coffee drinks out of it regularly.

>> No.16956426

I've been looking for something to make iced americanos. Is this an alright buy?

>> No.16956428

Why are you asking a board of contrarians who either don’t give a fuck about coffee or are overly autistic about it?

>> No.16956432

>office coffee machine
>not just using office email

>> No.16956485

>is as good as they say it is
Are you asking if it's shit? Because I've never had it but I only ever heard people talk utter shit about it.

>> No.16956520

It is terrible actually. You either have no taste or are coping.

>> No.16956557

Never heard anyone say anything positive about it. All I heard was that it tastes okay and costs insane amounts of money.

>> No.16956706

It sucks in every possible way. They invented a new shitty way for stupid, lazy people to pay even more money for shitty coffee. Avoid unless you are stupid, lazy, and want to pay more for less.

>> No.16956723

Is it made from plastic?
Not good if true

>> No.16956798

recommend something or fuck off

>> No.16956807

Sure bro, my personal preference is literally any actual coffee bean or ground prepared in literally any actual coffee maker

>> No.16956810

that's what Nespresso is you dork

>> No.16956880
File: 56 KB, 600x600, EyyomuhfuggaBEEYAYNZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck I've been on /pol/ too much


>> No.16956900

those posts are pretty much the same as yours only shorter, why do you call them "seethe"?
sort yourself my man

>> No.16957072

Not that anon, but there’s a clear difference.
He explained the various aspects of the machine and gave his opinion on various pros/cons.
The people he was quoting were giving nonanswers of “it’s shit/a joke/garbage/etc”.

>> No.16957295

at my work, each combination of orders results in a 4 digit code, so if you want to order the same thing you just write it down or memorize the number after a few times and then just type that in at the beginning to save time

>> No.16957349

>go to the big mall
>there's always a bunch of boomers in the Nespresso store

Why? I've never seen anyone line up to buy any other type of coffee capsule. How did Nestle convince these boomers they should line up for these?

>> No.16957364

lol lmao lol