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16947350 No.16947350 [Reply] [Original]

Cancer fags get in here

Talk about pipe, chew, snus, vape, cigarette, cigar, hookah

>> No.16947357

I smoke yellow camels

>> No.16947358

>food and cooking

>> No.16947365


>> No.16947421

FDA detected

>> No.16947780

I am working through some Nutty Irishman and some Peterson Early Morning Pipe. Looking forward to the Nightcap after that.

>> No.16947791

a fag and a drink is heaven

>> No.16947986

It's the weekend brother it's time to pull out the heavy hitters! a morning bowl of 1792 flake and some snus to carry me through the bar crawl. then a cuppa chowder and some sam's flake to make it home.

>> No.16948131

tabacco is food

>> No.16948847

How do you get into English pipe blends, lads? The ones I've smelled smelled like boot leather.

>> No.16948857

>food & cooking

>> No.16948870

sounds based brother, im gonna try to take it easy 'cause works been hitting hard for the past few weeks and i'm gonna try to keep a keen mind/body

>> No.16948895
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How to avoid the Tobacco Jew: Picrel. No taxation, the bits they collect moving around other leaves for high paying customers (comfy parasite purchasing leeching off the big bucks when I'm already a multimillionaire cheapskate), delivered right to the door.

>> No.16948907

what site is that

>> No.16948911


>> No.16948989

woulda been nice back when i smoked. Even rolling up with Drum rough shag (heh) was economical back then.
Joylessly vape unflavored now to feed the craving (with the occasional cigar) and my lungs thank me for it, but that site is tempting. How well does vacuum-packed tobacco keep? The occasional rollup as a treat would be nice, but it'd take more than a year to go through a pound that way.

>> No.16948998

Got my first pipe a few weeks back, only been smoking it on sundays. Think I'm almost getting the hang of it, but getting enough in my mouth without inhaling is a bit tricky. Doing the whole "breathe in and out the nose while you puff" trick and that tends to work, but only really get one or two moments of delicious flavor before the rest is just sucking on an easily extinguished pipe.

>> No.16949037

It keeps very well. When I bought fresh leaves from them, the smell was very pleasant and very strong, like a freshly dried tobacco leaf. I ground it up and packed it away in two layers of plastic bags. I opened it yesterday after 1 year and 4 months, the smell is still strong, the strands are drier, and it tastes fresh.

>> No.16949053

nice. Gonna grab a pound of the turkish then.

>> No.16949055
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I'm smoke free for 67 days. You can do it, too.

>> No.16949069
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does anybody have experience buying flavored ciggies in the US? I'm looking for stuff like marlboro shuffle/fusion, mevius option, lucky strike click, stuff like that. if so where do you buy from?

>> No.16949089
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don't want to, quitting is for losers.

>> No.16949100

Cig smoking is for fags
Used to smoke cloves before they banned them

>> No.16949110
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Deep down I still want to smoke. But it's for health reasons and it's a money drain.
What gets me is that ciggies don't have one upside.

>> No.16949113

>Please note, customers are responsible for any/all local, state, or federal laws or taxes depending on location.
wot does that mean?

>> No.16949122

I'm completely out of money and now out of nicotine

I hate my life. I can't make the angry thoughts go away. Fuck everything I need to an hero and fast.

>> No.16949125

Good timing to quit bro

>> No.16949126

walk somewhere people dispose of their cigs and grab a few snipes, might have to fight off a few homeless.

>> No.16949140
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>Cig smoking is for fags

>> No.16949142

Leaf here. Early in 2018 my girlfriends alcoholic uncle introduced me to native cigarettes. Since then I found a source, so I smoke BB lights. 35$ cdn for 10 packs. I actually prefer them to all major brands. I have no idea how I used to spend so much on cigarettes, considering my alcohol habit. I would have to quit if I didn't have access to these as I would be poor as shit. it's pretty much the only thing us leafs get a discount on in southern ontario. Cheap weed and cheep smokes.

And here I am in an airport hotel eating chicken biryani being a degenerate hiding from life.

>> No.16949148

i've done that
stopped because very embarrassing
i wish i had no shame like everyone else

>> No.16949150

Not proving your point

>> No.16949160

watch out for the rebound cravings as soon as extra stress crops up in life. When it happens, go for vape instead of cigs. Lots of smokers have quit lots of times, vaping long enough that mass market cigs taste like shit is what worked for me.

>> No.16949186

The CEO of Leaf Only did a Reddit Q&A and taxation was mentioned. Here's an excerpt and the URL:


Taxes on whole leaf is a difficult subject, as there is not a lot of hard copy information out there, but I have certainly learned a great deal on this topic over the years. Here's what I know:

Federal Government: There is no federal tax on whole leaf tobacco that still has the main stem in tact and is not "ready for use". It is not considered a tobacco product.

State Governments: We operate in the state of Connecticut, where they also do not consider whole leaf tobacco to be a tobacco product or taxable as such. In the beginning, we were actually paying taxes as if it were, but realized that the very farmers we were buying from in cash were NOT doing so! So when we called and asked about this subject, we were educated and informed that just like the federal government, since it's not a "product", it is not taxable.

Most states in America have the same outlook. I recall even seeing a legal document from (I think) Virginia where the question was brought up and they responded that they saw no reason

[4chan won't let met post the rest]

>> No.16949195

Nicholas Cage and fag are not congruent.

>> No.16949200

>the rebound cravings
It lasts just for a couple of minutes. Manageable.

>> No.16949546


Just bought some Cohiba Panatelas. 'The Cuban Cigar' meme is not just a meme.

>> No.16949622

Reminder that Florida is crap:

>HOWEVER, there are a few states that ARE trying to charge tobacco products tax on it. From what I've heard from wholesale customers, the state of Florida is charging them tobacco products tax (85%) on tobacco leaves of any type, whether or not the Federal government agrees. The response from state representative I got over the phone once was "Well, until we get sued, this is what we're doing. It wouldn't be the first time we've faced a lawsuit". Interesting, I thought... This is also coming from the same state that doesn't charge taxes on cigars (their claim to fame), yet taxes the leaves that are used to make them? I am glad I am not a resident of Florida.

>> No.16949447

can i just cut a tobacco leaf with a knife?

>> No.16949466

what does bureau of firewater, tobacco, and thundersticks do to harass smokers?

>> No.16949493

For leaf bros, I got my order from 4noggins in NYC to Canada with no duties. I got a bunch of American spirit pouches.

>> No.16949495

It means nothing. Whole actual leaf tobacco with stem intact has no tax levied. Enjoy!

>> No.16949675

redpill me on american spirits

>> No.16949683

Other companies don’t put things in cigarettes other than tobacco to be evil, they do it because it makes a better cigarette.

>> No.16949688
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>> No.16949530
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For me it's the mint lozenge.

>> No.16949722

bullshit. asian smokes contain burley and shredded coconut husk sprayed with nicotine for the sole purpose of saving money on production

>> No.16949726

tobacco fart

>> No.16949733
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american spirit step into the ring

>> No.16949754

it isn't a meme but it isn't a night and day thing either. I'll smoke Cubans when I can get them, they're better than Dominican but not enough better that I really miss Cubans when I can't get them.

>> No.16949755
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>> No.16949831

smokers are worse than pedos

>> No.16949983
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this desu

>> No.16950162

just chillin yesterday with some squadron leader but my cold is giving me a really phlegmy cough so im going pack it in until i feel better

>> No.16950171

>The ones I've smelled smelled like boot leather.
thats kinda the point, maybe you should look for some low latakia blends, if youre from UK i recommend Exmoor mixture it got me into english blends

>> No.16950197

>100% Addiction-Free

>> No.16950263

So is there actually any proof smoking causes cancer? Or is it a case of "research says people who smoke are X times more likely to get cancer" bullshit.

Because I want to take up smoking but I'm pretty healthy and don't want to rekt my good luck.

>> No.16950382

The additives, or thousands of chemicals in cigarettes, once ignited, cause cancer. Nicotine is similar to caffeine and does not cause cancer. The FDA is incorrect about nicotine. The only thing you can go after is the actual inhalation of smoke when we refer to natural, non-additive cigarettes. But that also implies to any form of smoke. So will it give you cancer? Not necessarily. It depends on your biology. Do I smoke tobacco? Of course. It's a Native American herb and medicine.

>> No.16950389

What are the native american benefits of tobacco? Do cigars provide buffs?

>> No.16950406

Benefits include: Morale boost, just a good overall time.

>> No.16950415

Benefits include protection from COVID.

>The French study “confirms that active smokers are protected against the SARS-Cov-2 infection,” writes the press release. “The reasons for this protection are not established, but nicotine could be a candidate.”

>The researchers warn that people should not take up smoking, as smokers who do become infected with Covid-19 tend to develop more serious symptoms.

>The head of France’s national health agency, Jerome Salomon, said the nicotine link is only an unproven hypothesis at this stage, and warned that smoking remains the number one killer in France, with 75,000 people who die of smoking-related complications each year.


>> No.16950417

>just a good overall time.
lol smoke meth if you want a good time. Tobacco is pussy shit and doesn't even produce a "good time".

>> No.16950427

it loosens me up when i'm out at the bar

>> No.16950437

I’m convinced the benefits are 99% social. Gives an excuse to borrow lighter, bum cigs, stand outside near each other and talk, not talk if you have nothing to say, leave if you feel like it, etc.

>> No.16950487
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Cigars are the best tasting things on earth.

>> No.16950495

Yeah, if you're into the taste of burning wood and coals

>> No.16950498
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Feeling like a lucky with my breakfast today lads. Black coffee and butter croissant, food of champs.

>> No.16950502
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You must have never had a good one. Sad.

>> No.16950709

smoke inhalation is bad for you in general. Smoke is just ash particles suspended in air, and not all those particles make it out of the lungs. Smoke from burning things is toxic in general. I treat actual smoking as a rare treat - smoking the occasional cigarette is nowhere near as bad for you as poor diet or exercise.
Nicotine itself is on par with caffeine. The worst thing about it is it makes smoking addictive, but addiction to nicotine isn't all that bad if vape/snus/gum/etc are your primary route for sating it.

>> No.16950824

mein nigger, non filters or bust

>> No.16951733
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De Luxe Navy Rolls chad checking in. Smoking a bowl in my Ropp cutty. Happy Sunday to everyone (except Escudo poorfags)

>> No.16952531

how do you feel like tobacco effects you mentally?

>> No.16952537

why would you choose to smoke something entitled low quality just to own the Jews? just save your money until you can buy a proper tin.

>> No.16952544

puff on it like you swish mouthwash. use the same motion and create a good seal with your mouth use your nose to get fresh oxygen

>> No.16952549

switch to a pipe you'll have alot more flavor choices in aromatic tobacco than you will in pre roll cigs

>> No.16952565
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no thanks, I'm good.

>> No.16952574

still waiting for mine from toque. it's been two weeks

>> No.16952579

Disgusting ANG pog

>> No.16952589

>how do you feel like tobacco effects you mentally?

Having a smoke every 4 hours or so is peachy keen in a far out way. Smoking all day every day is just a drag (pun intended). If you have trouble holding notes and retaining proper amounts of air in your lungs to the point that you sing more from your head or gut, you smoke too much and that's just grody and not happening, ya dig?

>> No.16952594

Hard to say exactly. If I smoke a couple of pipe bowls I definitely get a buzz, but normally pipes give me an excuse to sit at ease with myself for an hour or two. Also something about the taste and aromas of certain blends remind me of old memories and continue to make new ones. I really like the rustic look and feel of it too. In a word, it's Nice.

>> No.16952723

Cloves aren't even banned (yet), they're just thicker now so they can be sold as "cigars"

>> No.16952771
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I'm smoke free for two weeks. I told myself smokes are for people who have jobs, and I lost mine. So, until I get a job in the career I want (never tell the guys that give Health Tests/inspections for ANY job, and I mean ANY JOB that you smoke, drink, or snore), I no get smokey.

It's shit, and I miss it, but I'm holding off on it until I have my life together.

>> No.16952776

This is why they want to ban vaping btw

Trump talked against it and now they're removing flavors

>> No.16952837

I personally like camels. But i recently started using north states.

>> No.16953044
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I miss these little fags like you wouldn't believe. Got cancelled worldwide because no-one smoked them.

>> No.16953079

I started smoking waaaay too much after a 6,000+ mile drive alone across America. I'm about to go finish my last pack, then go cold turkey for a while 'til I don't crave it so much.
Wish me luck.

>> No.16953093

best cigarettes you can get are Chesterfields from 1951 MRE's

>> No.16953126
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I fucking loved these faggoty lil fuckers for like a year for some reason. there was exactly one store in my area that I knew about that sold them, it was this shitty corner store type place and I'm fairly sure I was one of the only people buying them, because the first time I bought them I had to point them out on the rack to the guy. I haven't seen them since probably 2015 or 2016.

>> No.16953131

Every smoker i knew of that got cancer from it, were the same folks that would smoke 2 to 3 packs a day. If you smoke a few a day or less then you won't run into any negative effects longterm.

>> No.16953169

>If you smoke a few a day or less then you won't run into any negative effects longterm
Jesus fucking Christ. yeah anon, listen to that guy

>> No.16953209

My Dad is like this. "There's no real proof smoking actually causes cancer, it can't be as bad as they claim it is or else we'd all have died in the 50s"
Literally all four of my grandparents died from smoking - three of them from lung cancer, and my maternal grandfather fell asleep while smoking and burned his trailer down with him in it.
He still smokes like a freight train. For what it's worth the old man has made it to 65 so far.

>> No.16953255

>it can't be as bad as they claim it is or else we'd all have died in the 50s
is he a fan of asbestos and lead paint as well?

>> No.16953264

>Do I smoke tobacco? Of course. It's a Native American herb and medicine.
do you eat peyote?

>> No.16953530

>Literally all four of my grandparents died from smoking
All my grandparents lived over 100 and were chimneys. Always chained smoked. Why should superior genetics suffer the consequences of the weak? It's good that the weak die.

>> No.16953546

remember when Camel had those fruit ciggs in the tin cases?

>> No.16953548

Well, he did tell me he used to roll around in fiberglass insulation as a kid.

>> No.16953630

Ever since i stopped smoking i've basically replaced my cravings with masturbation and sugary foods, should i start smoking or vaping maybe?

>> No.16953657

what consequences? higher prices? poor bitch. if you're strong why are you broke? prohibition? grow your own tobacco, if you're a connoisseur.

>> No.16953706
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Just ordered 3 cans of this. What am I in for?

>> No.16953860

Steady yourself, irate ape. I'm wealthy and am quite able to afford premium, that I can assure you. Those aren't the consequences to which I was referring. Have a good evening. Until then.

>> No.16953946

>Those aren't the consequences to which I was referring
so what are the consequences, retard?

>> No.16954074

Can you prescribe a meth weight loss program? I know to drink plenty of water and eat.

>> No.16954168

Those indirectly set forth by the casualties of smoke inhalation. Their deaths influence further regulation of tobacco. Pathetic isn't it, that these genetically inferior specimens are breathing my air, who have the audacity to deride my use of tobacco. Good heavens!

>> No.16954173

I've never smoked or had nicotine before but I'm interested in occasionally smoking a celebration cigar.
What does a cigar's worth of nicotine do to someone who's otherwise never exposed to it?

>> No.16954195
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Just picked up my first pouch of RYOT, any general tips? I'm a decent roller, but the noticeable difference to the draw is not great. Does anynon have experience with the cotton filters you can pick up at smokeshops?

>> No.16954231

I use a hollow pen to roll sometimes if I want a commercial feel to my cigarette. I wrap the paper around the pen and seal it. I pack tobacco down the empty tube and push the paper down as tobacco exits the bottom. It's packed as loose and as tight as I prefer. This method gives me better control over the density of my cigarette, which affects the draw. I don't use the filters.

>> No.16954241

Basically nothing, at least in my own experience ive never gotten any kind of buzz of a cigar before. Just dont inhale, you arent supposed to be some retards do this anyway and get a headache.

>> No.16954252

It could make you sick if you smoke it too fast. I'm talking about a real cigar though, not a gas station brand.

>> No.16954275
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For me, it's Kurisu-flavor e-liquid

>> No.16954588

nickthesmoker or jacobfuckingjones!

>> No.16954640

Same here, still waiting for the package with assorted Bernard and Poschl sniffs.

>> No.16955222

falling for it this hard