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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 640x427, WhalingPesticides2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16947942 No.16947942 [Reply] [Original]

What you making tonight /ck/?
For me it's whale with a side of sauteed veggies and oven roasted fingerlings.

>> No.16947970

How’s whale taste? I’ve heard either fishy or like a beef/pork mix.


>> No.16947979

The only what I have tasted was OP's mom, but def on the salty side.

>> No.16947991


>How’s whale taste?
Unique, I totally understand people not liking it, it's one of those love it or hate it tastes. I can't really give you a concrete "taste", because it doesn't really taste like anything other than whale.
If you're genuinely curious, the only answer is to actually buy some. It's like describing lamb to someone who's never eaten mutton.

>> No.16947992 [DELETED] 

Old style eyetalian-murkin meatballs n gravy but with radiatori and parmigiano reggiano instead of spaghetti. Some georgian wine to piss off the guidos who only know sangiovese and pinot grigio

>> No.16948009

Huh. Didn’t know Norway still whaled. I’ll absolutely try some if I ever make it back to Yurop.

How easy is it to procure?

>> No.16948013

>How easy is it to procure?
Easy, common grocery stores carry it.

>> No.16948031

>Didn’t know Norway still whaled
Sure we do, though I'd guess we'll see the end of it during my lifetime.
But then again I'd venture a guess we'll see the fall of Nordic culture within my lifetime. But now you're making me go off an a tangent that would make /pol/ blush.

>> No.16948083

>How’s whale taste?
like croc.

>> No.16948097

What are your thoughts on Islam? :3

>> No.16948102

Oh shit well croc is good

>> No.16948118
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>> No.16948125

what kind of whale?

>> No.16948153


>> No.16948171

>killing women and children and men who are all innocent and unarmed
Extremely gay post anon. Murder is wrong

>> No.16948173
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I've eaten Foie Gras and I'd never eat Whale.

Fuck you. I'm a Norfman, I understand culture, but fuck you and the Japs and the Faroes for eating such beautiful and intelligent creatures. Even Iceland stopped eating Minke recently, I hope you do too.

>> No.16948174

>Murder is wrong
Human murder, yes.

>> No.16948182

What's the difference between minke whale and cattle?
Other than one being able to be factory farmed and the other not.

>> No.16948201

>I've eaten Foie Gras and I'd never eat Whale.
Foie gras is overrated shit.
The only reason it's priced so highly is because people watch soap opera cooking shows.

>> No.16948231

>Even Iceland stopped eating Minke recently, I hope you do too.
No they didn't, they "officially " stooped hunting it.

>> No.16948340

Magnificent animals aren't they?
Taste real good too.

>> No.16948388

Why don't they farm whales? It's gotta not be that difficult?

>> No.16948791

Sure buddy, where do you get their daily 5 metric tons of krills each from?

>> No.16948813

Edgy tonight are we? Grow up

>> No.16948814

Tastes like fishy chicken.

>> No.16948824

Fuck off sandnigger, nobody likes your kind.

>> No.16948826
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Is it really fatty op?
Tried out spanakopita and made some really good dill pickle soup :)

>> No.16948828

farm the krill too?
if you are saying it's too expensive or something just charge a fuckton for the whale meat

why are we not farming all the exotic meats

>> No.16948832

>t. W.T. Snacks

>> No.16949576

Whales are smart, like people. You wouldn't eat a person, would you?

>> No.16949389

Because it needs too much space, dumbass. It's also impractical to start because by the time you set up your giant fucking billion dollar artificial island to begin construction in the ocean you're probably going to get fucked by environmentalists. And even if you manage to put whale meat at the average American grocery market it's going to be an exotic meant for five minutes before you stopped making it exotic.
Basically you're a fucking idiot and there's a reason people don't do it. Do it yourself if you think it's such a genius business move. Fuck.

>> No.16949404

that was leftover my jizz that you actually tasted, I believe

>> No.16949885

I was forever put off whale after a færø-bro decided to serve me fermented whale steaks.
I start to dry heave when I get even the tiniest whiff of whale meat.

>> No.16949899

Foie Gras is great but a lot of far less expensive pate's are just as good imo
I'll throw some liverwurst or braunschweiger on a cracker with some hot mustard and be perfectly content

>> No.16949907
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do suicide

>> No.16950776

surely you could just inject them with corn syrup or something
maybe some krill oil

>> No.16950801
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Smoking ribs, for the next 6 hours.

>> No.16950814
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vegan kebab with sarma

>> No.16951365

>killing your enemies is wrong!
flawless logic

>> No.16951395

Don't you have some refugees to harass?

>> No.16951451

whale flippers typed this post

>> No.16951488

Nice. Where y'at? Texas?

>> No.16951497

What are you using for a meat substitute?

>> No.16951509

Chicken. I'm a vegan but I have my once a week cheat days.

>> No.16951516

anyone have some good whale flensing videos? I read moby dick and really interested in how that process looks

>> No.16951580
File: 73 KB, 1024x768, Evangelion curry & beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making curry. Finally going to try Java since I recently found it for a reasonable price. It's getting cold so the weather's perfect.

>> No.16951607
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Based old man

>> No.16951689

lol - are fucking serious?

>> No.16951822

what the hell man what's even the point

>> No.16951825
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soy based from Aldi

>> No.16951829

kek that was a troll

>> No.16951849
File: 1.62 MB, 4032x1816, 20211107_135540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indiana. My state doesn't have a bbq identity like the Carolinas for example, but I prefer texas style Q all day.

>> No.16951855

Shut up faggot lol

>> No.16951859

What part of Indiana, anon? Another Hoosier here.

>> No.16951866

I'm southeastern. In between cincy and indy off of I74, but out in the sticks.
Great weather today right?

>> No.16951870

Yeah, it's nice. 812 here. How much of that land is yours?

>> No.16951891

I own 6 acres, but none of its farm ground. I wouldn't claim that plot of shitty no-till beans anyway.

>> No.16952053
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I'm having a basic midwestern meal of pork chops, mashed potatoes and peas / corn.

>> No.16952247
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One more hour to firm up

>> No.16952281
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Extremely based

>> No.16952370
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>> No.16952392
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>> No.16952417
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Simple chicken and vegetables. Nothing special. I do have a beef roast in the smoker for tomorows french dip style sandwiches though.

>> No.16952439

Looking good, Indiana bro.