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File: 57 KB, 580x580, Mortadella_Getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16943745 No.16943745 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mortadella as delicious as it seems?

>> No.16943766

It is highly delicious especially with pistachios and pepper inside

>> No.16943770

Mortadella is sold in the US by the name of bologna or baloney.

>> No.16943771

You know how great bologna is? Imagine that, but Italian. Hard to believe but it really is that good.

>> No.16943773
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In twenty years or so we wouldn't be eating sausages like we used to.
Does that disturb you?

>> No.16943775

and also as Mortadella

>> No.16943781

It's just bologna with bigger chunks of fat, and with a little bit more seasoning.

You're better off just buying 1 lb of BAR S garlic bologna for like 75 cents.

>> No.16943793
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I like mine with extra fat and pistachio

>> No.16943794

If it is real Italian mortadella with pistachio and pepper, yes it is.

>> No.16943808

>he likes nuts in his sausage

>> No.16943820

yeah it's really good. one of the better charcuteries

>> No.16943826

irony detected

>> No.16943858

it was not ironic.

>> No.16943866

It's peppery balogna, sometimes with pistachios. I feel like you could the same with much better cured meats and end up with a better final product.

>> No.16943927

Filth garbage, leftover, tons of spices. Surely not the better of charcuteries. Might taste ok, but really..

>> No.16943985

No, it’s sold as mortadella.
People wouldn’t buy “bologna” with chunks of white in it because they’d assume something is wrong with it.

>> No.16944071

i've never had it with pistachio in it but my favourite sandwich is some mortadella edam cheese and butter on a nice portuguese roll

>> No.16944138

>literally eating chunks of pure fat
what the hell is wrong with americans

>> No.16944160
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Pistachios in sausage is god tier. Many sausages contain nuts not just mortadella

>> No.16944164

It's in my top 5 cold cuts

>> No.16944166
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Extra fat and pistachio, I’m right there with you bud

>> No.16944171

what is the advantage of having the whole specks of fat and pistachios present? why not just blend it up? biting into cold fat sucks, and im not particularly looking to have crunch in my meat. i'll do something like add potato chips to my sandwich if that's the case.

>> No.16944175

incorrect, as olive loaf is sold in the US with no problems

>> No.16944186

Yes. It’s sold as olive loaf. Not “bologna”.

>> No.16944194
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I bet I can guess your number one. Capicola

>> No.16944203
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When you grind it all up it’s called baloney

>> No.16944218
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Pink slime.

>> No.16944229

it's cured fat, it melts in your mouth. the pistachios give a good texture and flavor

>> No.16944247

i actually love italian cuisine, even appreciate their autism over sticking to traditional recipes. and every italian recipe i've tried has been a goat.

BUT the dicksucking mortadella receives makes me think some people really do jerk off to italian cuisine just because they want to seem sophisticated. it's not that good. it's okay but it's bottom tier, unpretentious and unremarkable. there's literally no reason for it to be exported out of italy. it just tastes and feels like an extremely low quality product and you'd be better off buying just about anything else unless you can get it extremely cheap. but if you get it cheap, it's probably not italian mortadella but some similar local product, which is fine.

>> No.16944263


>> No.16944273

my sausage is well acquainted with nuts

>> No.16944277

if by that you mean not very delicious then probably

>> No.16944342

Ah man I love cotto salami

>> No.16944718

bitch that's the tubby custard machine

>> No.16944873

Baloney is NOTHING like Mortadella. WTF are you talkin about?

>> No.16944962
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You are full of baloney. Baloney is an American bastardization of mortadella and they are clearly not the same thing. Ever see baloney that looks like this?

>> No.16944971

that's just bologna

>> No.16944991

i love strawberry soft serve icecream

>> No.16944997

I literally just had a fried slice of mortedella. But the pistachio isn't really crunchy in the slice, it's a texture variation but much softer than a pistachio in the shell

>> No.16944998
File: 365 KB, 640x886, 152B475B-D373-423D-878E-6C7DC4B0796F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Southern Italian man who invented Mortadella. He took baloney and added chucks of fat and pistachios

>> No.16945016

>unpretentious and unremarkable.
You do realize unpretentious is a positive thing right? To be pretentious means you act more intelligent or higher up than you really are.

>> No.16945017

Looks good. Though I like bologna too and don't feel bad about that fact.

>> No.16945021
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Looks like loaf.

>> No.16945044

Mortadella is very good but you will definitely notice a similarity to like oscar meyer bologna. To describe it like a complete douche, the flavor is more complex. In a sandwich I like it with salami and some parsley, not crazy about just the mortadella on it's own. But it's good.

>> No.16945157

The hell? I thought mortadella was a type of cheese.

>> No.16945161

It's a broader definition than that, although your example isn't incorrect

>> No.16945304

good italian mortadella is the actual peak of deli meats, blows the absolute fuck out of pretty much everything else except for coppa arrosto or prosciutto.

>> No.16945375

You've never had it? lol why

>> No.16945411
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it bologna with some spice thrown in..

>> No.16945989
File: 25 KB, 600x338, 9CA0755D-B1B2-4D04-9908-CD84BE64005B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coppo arrosto
I don’t know much about this anon. Tell me more about it. Is it just roasted cappocolla?

>> No.16946004

yes i have you pretentious 2nd world prick

>> No.16946011


>> No.16946013

bitch take

>> No.16946018

>Is Mortadella as delicious as it seems?
At the low end, it's just bologna, at the higher end, you'll taste a slight bit of smoke, and the delicious bits of pistachio, garlic, peppercorns, etc. The texture is bologna, but as part of a really delicious sub, it adds something really flavorful, as delicious as sopressata.

>> No.16946064
File: 36 KB, 474x478, cotto salami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, you guys eat cotto salami too. I like mine of dark rye with extra mayo

>> No.16946081

it's kinda nice as is, but if you want to make really good use out of it make mortazza (cut a thickish slice of mortadella and scald it on a well heated pan). goes really well with balsamic vinegar

>> No.16946084

Eckrich is the worst cold cut brand there is

>> No.16946086

>pistachos in ham
no thank you

>> No.16946097
File: 830 KB, 1252x1252, the worst.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the worst would be Bar S. Eckrich is gourmet compared to Bar S.

>> No.16946109

wrong, the post

>> No.16946113

ova hea

>> No.16946374

it is indeed
best sliced thin, but a guilty pleasure of mine is buying the leftover chunks and just mwing them down

>> No.16946395
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my go-to Christmas party appetizer

>> No.16946402
File: 88 KB, 500x750, Molly-Baz-wearing-ilana-kohn-cream-jumpsuit-sipping-cocktail-in-front-of-Milo-Baughman-vintage-italian-gold-shelving-unity-holding-dishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mortadella is sold in the US by the name of bologna or baloney.
If you're a cute hip new yorker it's also sold under the name Morty D

>> No.16946403

Looks like shit, I hope Santa skips your house.

>> No.16946426
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>stems are still on

>> No.16946450

I hate it but my dog loves it, so I buy it for my dog.

>> No.16946671

I'm inclined to believe you since the most awful person I know eats it.

I usually get it very thin and eat it cold but I'll try that the next time I get some mortadella.

>> No.16946860

It's also got a toothpick, sorry you can't just inhale the food! I'll leave some dissembled ingredients: focaccia, Mortadella pepperoncini and mayo to the side just for you if you ever came over anon :)

>> No.16946887

It's like bologna, only it doesn't taste like ass.

>> No.16946945

overrated bologna

>> No.16946954

its alright

>> No.16947181
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you won't regret it

>> No.16947233

try the good stuff before you jump ship

>> No.16948235
File: 70 KB, 750x430, 737A6FDC-610D-4169-B21E-43D1F3DD59F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s interesting because I just read an article that says it’s ok to feed your dog bologna but it’s much better to give them mortadella although digs can’t seem to tell the difference

>> No.16948249
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it's no gabagool

>> No.16948540

Yes, baloney with extra chunks of fat and pistachios is NOTHING like baloney.

>> No.16948846

Are you mentally retarded? He said they were not the same thing he didn’t say it was NOTHING like baloney

>> No.16948861

Real Italian mortadella is very high mid tier, American mortadella ranges from low tier to low mid tier.
The boar's Head with black pepper and pistachio is good on an Italian sub, but if I saw it on I sure could reward like some other anon suggested I'd pass for almost any other meat.

>> No.16950710

Dead woman?

>> No.16950724

>if it's REAL from ITALY

>> No.16950730

>Its good if it's REAL and ITALIAN

>> No.16950825

Its alright, nasty burps afterward though. Almost gassed my family in the car with them once.

>> No.16950887

Years ago I bought some really nice mortadella from the butcher to put on homebaked bread.
My gf at the time had only experience mortadella as the cheapest sliced bread topping available from Aldi and flat out refused to try it.

>> No.16950976

Mortadella is an Italian cold cut made of pork and often studded with pistachios. It's seasoned with a mixture of peppers, caraway, and garlic, and has a disarmingly silky texture, thanks to a healthy dose of pork fat.

>> No.16951439
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My favorite bologna is Bar S and I eat it plain with a side of pistachio nuts

>> No.16951441
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dat dreaded aldi mortadella

>> No.16951487

fuck, looks soooo good

>> No.16951548
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>> No.16951574

what about cats??

>> No.16951918

America made even more confusion about mortadella.
Bologna is short for "Mortadella di Bologna" (Bologna is a city in Emilia Romagna), which technically has the PGI and it has to follow some rules to be called that. Despite the PGI, it is not strictly related to the territory but more about specific characteristics
> pistachio is mandatory
> at least 15% of fats in every slice
> the lardon has to come from pigs throat

Mortadella is the generic terms for every mortadella that are not Bologna.
There's no much differece in looks and they can be as good as Bologna or even more, the difference is that mortadellas don't have to follow the discplinary

I don't understand why Americans didn't go with mortadella instead of that bologna, balooney confusion

Anyway, it is pretty tasty. It's a fresh cold cuts, most of the times cheaper than prosciutto
It's generally "heavy" on the stomach, but the more quality ones are less heavy than the cheap one

>> No.16952619

I remember reading something about how the meat McDonald's started producing after this scandal was actually worse and more fake than the pink slime. I don't remember specifics, but hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about.

>> No.16952667
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In the USSR they had what was called “Doctor’s Sausage” which was the Soviet version of Mortadella

>> No.16952685

Looks like the dr prescribed bologna comrade

>> No.16952708

Yes and no.

It's basically in existence because Italians were trying to kill anyone with a nut allergy during "those times." While Germany was not shy about eugenics, Italy thought it would be a better idea to slip them in here and there. This is also why export Italian products are pasteurized, and domestic are not; they have been trying to cull their weakest citizens.

Does it taste good? Sure. Is it better than baloney? No. America at least sort of cares about its citizens, so it found a way to get all the same good flavors without poisoning anyone with stomach issues or nut allergies.

>> No.16952721

Nah it stinks

>> No.16952725

It's an Italian food

>> No.16952727
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I had a cat and he did not like mortadella so I got rid of him and got a new cat

>> No.16952735

sounds exciting

>> No.16952822

Regular ham tastes way better