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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 700x908, IL-Italy-Map[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16942483 No.16942483 [Reply] [Original]

it's pretty much undisputed that they make the tastiest most beloved foods in the world to the point that it defines civilized cuisine. The question is why and how?

>> No.16942531

>it's pretty much undisputed that they make the tastiest most beloved foods in the world to the point that it defines civilized cuisine.
You're pretty much putting yourself in a position to be shot down here. Of course Italian cuisine is among the Top 3 (the others of course being France and China), but you can't really put any of those 3 above the others, as you can put those 3 above all others.
>The question is why and how?
They are really passionate about food.

>> No.16942539

Italians a filthy criminals and thieves.
Trst je naš.
Fuck Italians.

>> No.16942544

>top 3 cuisines
Berber, Slovak, Dixie

>> No.16942551

>tastiest most beloved foods in the world
pasta and red sauce.

>> No.16942556

>The question is why and how?
Culture of fresh ingredients: no need to destroy and overprocess food to make sure it lasts you through winter.
Geographical diversity: they basically have all euro biomes available to them and they incorporate all possible ingredients and techniques in their cuisine because of it.
Incidentally you could make the same argument for french and chinese cuisine, the other two likely contenders for the top spot.

>> No.16942561

>it's pretty much undisputed that they make the tastiest most beloved foods in the world to the point that it defines civilized cuisine.
no, it is disputed. if your knowledge of food doesn't go beyond pizza and pasta, it's your problem.
>The question is why and how?
good enough climate to grow fruits and vegetables before XXth century. being white.

>> No.16942564


>> No.16942577

>it's pretty much undisputed
Nigger get real. People would dispute what your name actually is while you flap your id card at them, nevermind something 100% subjective and engendering extreme tribalism like who has the best cuisine.
You see fucking brits of all people shilling their shite all the time in this very board and you actually believe a frog or a bugman would ever acknowledge any cuisine but their own as the world's best?

>> No.16942588

It's not disputed that italians are scum, though.

>> No.16942628

>Put flour and water together
>The world
>OMG best food eva

>> No.16942629

>Trst je naš.
>Trst chose filthy criminals and thieves over you
What does that make you I wonder?

>> No.16942633

>The question is why and how?
Americans love italian cuisine, so the world does too.

>> No.16942666

>trst chose
Pathetic Italian lies. Trst was given to the Italians after WWII because the fucking allies thought the literal nazis were preferable to the spooky scary socialists of yugoslavia. Despite the yugoslavs mounting the strongest resistance to the fascists, the western allies figured HMMMM well, they may be fucking nazis but at least they're capitalists, so we should be best buds with the italians.

>> No.16942676

Your point satan?

>> No.16942691

I have a policy of refusing to explain things to people with sub-80 iq, unfortunately.

>> No.16942701

What's your pronoun? I know you go by a weird one.

>> No.16942707
File: 835 KB, 2134x2753, Global%20cuisine%20grid-01[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you can't really put any of those 3 above the others

objectively untrue. Italian food is most loved by all metrics. pizza alone is the most popular fast food in the world

>> No.16942712

seethe more

>> No.16942714

>Pathetic Italian lies.
Whatever makes you sleep at night, fag.
Fucking slavs spent all the post war period trying to escape from commie shitholes like yours but of course given the choice you actually believe italians would have preferred to be ruled over by serbs like you bitches rather than be part of the free world.
Delusional doesn't even begin to describe you.

>> No.16942729

>philippine cuisine under malaysian, and indonesian
Maybe it's the perception of poverty they project, but imo philippines have some bangers.

>> No.16942735

Dial 8, and then do what comes naturally to your kind statstically, so nobody has to read any more of your posts.

>> No.16942736

Right, yugoslavia rising to be a third superpower with ambitions to rival the US and USSR until both conspired to shut it down, while Italy festered in its own reeking shit. Yea I wonder who was worse off. Brainlets can fuck right off, you know nothing about history as you clearly demonstrated in your retarded post implying italians owned and lived in trst, and not that the fascists violently occupied it. goddamn retards man there's too many of them in the world.

>> No.16942756


I don't know how to say seethe in italian unfortunately. so vafanculo puttana

>> No.16942762

>autistic reddit howling

>> No.16942765

>muh reddit
i'd rather be a redditor than a fucking italian

>> No.16942766

i like italians and their cuisine. its very good full of interesting ingredients and dishes, yet elegantly simple. i ve learned a lot

>> No.16942767

"China is one of the best cuisines"
>what is gutter oil
>what is yin yang fish
>what are piss boiled eggs
>what is thousand-years-old eggs
>what is balut
>what is bird's nest soup
>what is sheep penis
>what is chicken testicles
>what is snake soup
>what is bat soup
Kill yourself, Chang.

>> No.16942770

>yugoslavia rising to be a third superpower with ambitions to rival the US and USSR
Pathetic zoomer.
You wouldn't have the balls to say that to your parents, you know they'd spit in your face for disrespecting what they suffered through under serbian communism.

>> No.16942779

I'm not itallian, and you'll never be a real woman.

>> No.16942780

wasnt tito a croat? but who cares, they definetly have freat cuisine

>> No.16942781

You're a total retard with no knowledge if you actually believe that. Posting some yougov shit and talking about objective truth proves that without doubt. There's much more to the picture.

Most people (in the west) recognize Italian cuisine easier, because it's more distinct from their own cuisine. French cuisine has been so influential that it's ubiquitous in all western cuisines, in similar ways that Chinese was in the east. In this context it could be easy to leave out Italy. But I don't do that because I'm not some reductionist retard like you.

>> No.16942792

once again, my policy is not to waste my time explaining shit to mentally handicapped people.

>> No.16942797

Not a Chang, retard.

And of course it is. Just like French cuisine, it has regional cuisine with lots of variety, a "haute cuisine", and had lasting influence on other cuisines in whole Asia.

>> No.16942801

lets not forget the great italian wine. i myself prefer french since i am merlot nigger but from northern adige to sicily its one staple next to another.

>> No.16942804

half croatian half slovenian i think
I don't know what mental help programs can help you with your dangerous levels of seething but you should seek them out regardless

>> No.16942808

Anon you're the mentally ill tranny in this scenario.
Pls do the needful.

>> No.16942813

Communism doesn't work, and you don't belong on a food board.

>> No.16942815

>half croatian half slovenian i think
i thought so, calling it serbian communism is unreasonable

>> No.16942816

Sorry Ching. Also, I can post a whole fucking wall of text of some of your most disgusting and/or cruel dishes, whereas for most other parts of the world I would have maybe four or five at most. I do like a lot of the more normal stuff you put out, but "top 3 of the best cuisine"? Give me a fucking break, Ching.

>> No.16942823

i bet spider wine is kino. i would so love to taste it

>> No.16942826

The real question is, why did you not post a map of france.

>> No.16942827

ask the average westerner and he eats way more Italian inspired dishes than French ones. French cuisine has a aire of superiority and upper class that keeps it from being as popular as italian.

>> No.16942828

>my policy is not to waste my time explaining shit to mentally handicapped people
Hence why you keep spouting bullshit, since you object to explain shit to yourself.

>> No.16942830

>vomits incorrect history all over the thread
>retardedly suggests older yugoslavians don't miss the days of unification, a strong economy, and generous social policies
You're a borderline illiterate retard, you should be in some remedial special ed classes not shitposting on 4chan

>> No.16942834

Italians had a lot of poverty emigrants opening restaurants, that's the entire reason.

>> No.16942835

>Seething, the post

>> No.16942836

>calling it serbian communism is unreasonable
It makes croats seethe in the extreme tho, why would it be any different for slovenes?
It's not like anyone other than the tard is taking the exchange seriously.

>> No.16942843

Fuck the fuck off yugos, noone cares for your autistic conflicts.

>> No.16942844

>>what is gutter oil
Stopped reading there. You obviously don't care about discussing cuisines, you're here to shit up this board.
Go back to your containment board and stay there.

>> No.16942847

france definetly has great cuisine, but these days italian influence is stronger because it is simpler.
oh ok. /ck/ slovenes are cool tho. they told me about ajdovi z^gance which was qite an experience

>> No.16942850

You're free to drink or eat whatever you want. I myself I found frog legs particularly tasty, so I'm definitely not an average Karen condemning everything that those chinese come up with. I'm just very much against the "top 3 cuisine" argument. That's simply dumb as fuck when I can list plenty of objective counterarguments against that.

>> No.16942853

Nah. In my opinion french cuisine is good, but itallian cuisine seems to get even better at the source.
Maybe french cuisine schools has better schools for their foreign students, so the best french styled chefs aren't just located in France, and Italians keep a couple cooking secrets to themselves. Who knows.

>> No.16942854

not that anon. do you have insight into chinese cuisine?
while i do agree with you please ont use "karen" its an antiwhite slur

>> No.16942859

If you weren't so dumb you would've seen how I was seriously discussing cuisine for many posts besides that one (which still contains a lot of counterarguments against muh top 3). You're obviously too biased to realize this, though.

>> No.16942877

>mentally ill tranny actually believes it's screeching at a single anon
I haven't made any posts about history, or past shitholes you lunatic. Your drug induced hormone imbalance is out of control manon.

>> No.16942879

Ajdovi zganci and Idrijski zlikrofi are two proper slovene dishes, yea. Another great dish is strukli, which are fun to make and delicious. You cover a whole table with a sheet of dough, slather some filling on part of the dough, then roll the whole thing in cloth and boil it. cheese filling is most common. Unfortunately due to the region being repeatedly abused by filthy fascist scum it's hard to find too many dishes that are truly unique and not just variations on italian or german dishes.

>> No.16942889

There's two options here bud, either you're >>16942770
in which case, you're a fucking retard and completely wrong on all accounts, or you're inserting yourself in my argument with that retard which makes you, possibly, even more retarded. Take your pick, I don't really care.

>> No.16942895

>are truly unique
what a silly way to look at cuisine. ajdovi z^gance isnt "unique either. But thats not what its about. The tradition, customs and food expectations form the unique experience which is slovene cuisine. Only silly child could try to claim a dish purely for one region. Using fascist unironicaly prolly means you are a child anyway.

>> No.16942901

I'm not that anon, and this is a dynamic forum. It's your own fault that you got too emotional in thread, and can't keep up with it.

>> No.16942915

using "fascist" unironically when referring to the literal fascist occupation of the region seems appropriate, you absolute drooling retard. I'm shocked that you are able to fucking type semi coherent sentences on a keyboard based on how fucking stupid you apparently are. And I'm not even going to get into what a stupid fucking opinion that is on authentic / original food. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.16942916

Confirmed for omega retard levels. Thanks for confirming anon. Go back to playing with your blocks and colored pencils now or your carer might get upset with you.

>> No.16942920

>to the literal fascist occupation of the region
the one which took 20 years? yeah i am sure slovenes lost all their dishes during that time silly child.
on the uniqness of dishes. Would you say that roastbeef and fish n chips are british?

>> No.16942922
File: 420 KB, 1357x2036, Ariana-Grande-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% moors

>> No.16942928

not sure about their food but arabs definetly have the worst tea culture in the world. even khmers who eat the leaves are better

>> No.16942929

take your shitty attempt at trolling somewhere else. I've said multiple times now I don't engage with retards or people "just pretending LOL" to be retards. enjoy your final (you), retard.

>> No.16942932

i am sorry anon but it seems you are misunderstanding my posts because i have no idea what makes you this angry. have a nice day

>> No.16942940

All these delusions emanating from your postsis unreal.
No wonder you, and your history is filled with failure.

>> No.16942944

>The SEETHING continues

>> No.16942945

Why is ariana grande so fucking pleasant.

>> No.16942952
File: 870 KB, 1800x1200, ariana (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

med genes

>> No.16942955

>copy pasty response
Crowdfund yourself a new personality faggot.

>> No.16942957


man body

>> No.16942958

you can't crowdfund your way through this amount of SEETHE anon

>> No.16942959

She makes me smile. She probably can cook to.

>> No.16942962

Can communism crowdfund you sneed without imploding on itself?

>> No.16942967

The SEETHE is making your posts incoherent anon

>> No.16942974

Why did they put Matera in the middle of Puglia

>> No.16942980

The sneed in your post is making you seek attention by mutilating your body until you eventually self inflict into the forever box.

>> No.16942992
File: 2.74 MB, 3403x4065, Ariana-Grande- (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate nordcucks

>> No.16942993

who is the autistic faggot who fucked this thread up?

>> No.16942997

The only thing I'm mutilating my body with is delicious, non-italian food, anon, but I'm afraid you're mutilating yourself with dangerous levels of SEETHE

>> No.16943002
File: 1.43 MB, 2429x2597, medchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get murdered

>> No.16943006


>> No.16943012 [DELETED] 

When did you guys first realize that "ariana" grande is just an AGP amab on high dose black market cypro?

for me it was the ankles that gave it away

>> No.16943016
File: 750 KB, 649x839, gas mutts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burn alive

>> No.16943017

Post your nose, and chin with timestamp.

>> No.16943020

Was this meant to answer me? Because you totally ignored my argument:

>Most people (in the west) recognize Italian cuisine easier, because it's more distinct from their own cuisine. French cuisine has been so influential that it's ubiquitous in all western cuisines

The average westerner just doesn't recognize how much influence French cuisine had, because they never think of the techniques and cooking methods they take for granted came from France.

Just think of mayonnaise, the "all-American condiment". It's heavily used in America and so ingrained in American culture that people just don't think that it has French origins when eating it (Spansih origins too, but the first recipes appeared in French cookbooks).

Pointing out disgusting or cruel Chinese dishes (that there's a lot of) does nothing to disprove my point.

>> No.16943021
File: 569 KB, 891x710, nordcuck faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys amerimutt nobody wants you here

>> No.16943022

You'll be gone in a few years.

>> No.16943023


>> No.16943027
File: 163 KB, 1400x1630, nordcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16943029
File: 471 KB, 1226x654, snownigger (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16943031

>dodged nose/chin stamp
>kys amerimutt nobody wants you here
Americans don't need, or ask for permisson rabbi moshe.

>> No.16943036
File: 84 KB, 1545x674, mutt army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amerimutt cope

>> No.16943037

>The average westerner just doesn't recognize how much influence Fren
not that anon but i would argue that outside of haute cuisine most of cooking today is very simple. if we sidestep sous vide trendy meme, most people dont really make bechamel or any other traditional french invention. hell most people prolly dont even know mirepoix
Italian on the other hand with its simplicity fits very well modern lifestyle as modern woman cannot cook but you would have to be retarded to not be able to cook pasta, pizza or tomatoe sauce

>> No.16943040
File: 63 KB, 670x379, alksasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average Italian vs Average Slav

>> No.16943041

>Just think of mayonnaise, the "all-American condiment"

it's really not. a lot of americans hate mayo including me

>> No.16943045

how long did facists occupy slovenia?

>> No.16943051

You're not fooling anyone rebbe adam rageusa.

>> No.16943056

You can easily google this anon. The bunga bunga fascists occupied it for close to 25 years, the gas-the-jews fascists occupied it for a few years of WWII.

>> No.16943057
File: 85 KB, 1327x474, dna results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16943063

Ketchup, and yellow mustard is more favorable in us. But that was before the democrats let all the shitworlders run amok. The most popular condiment will probably be the same as what the subsaharans use in Europe next time a survey is taken.

>> No.16943071

>posts yiddish tracking image from google
Y-you too nose-bro.

>> No.16943080

>gas-the-jews fascists
I only remember the national socialist types to have allgedly gassed the jews.

>> No.16943084

Well in such context of "no one can cook" and only makes the simplest things, then sure, such people will have an easier time to make a pasta in tomato sauce than even a simple onion soup.
It really is. Just because a lot of Americans hate it (what's a lot of Americans anyway? 5 millions) doesn't mean a lot more Americans love it. Just because it's trendy for younger people to hate on it as a "boomer"-food doesn't make them a majority.

>> No.16943088
File: 11 KB, 212x238, fuck off tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kill yourself

>> No.16943089

>Europe South
one drop rule m8, sorry but you're black

>> No.16943101

>no one can cook
dont strawmen me anon. you have to admit that with smaller families people are cooking simpler meals. how many times did your friends serve you italian and how many a french one?

>> No.16943104

I can't mix nicknames when i don't know who I'm talking to or what history they know.
Italian fascists under Mussolini occupied the region from the 1920s through WWII (bunga bunga facsists). The nazis (gas-the-jew fascists) occupied a giant chunk of the region in WWII and then the whole region when Italy fell apart and the nazis were forced to basically annex them. But to be clear, the Italians also had concentration and extermination camps, though they were notably less enthusiastic about it.

>> No.16943106

>reddit tranny flips script, and does a no u
I'm guessing you're not posting your nose, moshe?

>> No.16943108

dont be silly. italians are white and very pleasant to be around

>> No.16943118

Wow you're dumb. Next you'll tell me that polpot wasn't a commie.

>> No.16943124

>extermination camps

>> No.16943125

Only Ariana Grande is pleasant. I will protecc.

>> No.16943126

go back to your containment board. final (you) you're getting from me.

>> No.16943127
File: 171 KB, 1000x750, griot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 3
> french
> mexican
> chinese

>> No.16943131

They have a culinary tradition spanning 5 millennia.

They have a biodiversity comparable to tropical regions.

Their training system for future chefs is as French as can be.

Their internal rivalry is unparalleled.

The important bit: it's the women who find time to cook a healthy, fresh and tasty meal in 30 minutes or less. For 5 Euro per person or less.

>> No.16943132

lol you were the one to start throwig "facist" around. /ck/ and /pol/ are friends nigger

>> No.16943134

die of cancer faggot

>> No.16943138

You need to contain the angry commie who derailed thread you fucktard.

>> No.16943140
File: 261 KB, 1168x643, das leben will gewonnen sein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medniggers want to be white so badly. the cope is 1000x more pathetic than amerimutts. i've been to north italy and southern italy. you look nothing like french people, germans. even croats resemble white people. you're all intermixed with niggers. it's a historical fact you delusional muhammadans.

>> No.16943141

You're not welcome here.

>> No.16943145
File: 97 KB, 378x481, snowniggersbtfo6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get hanged

>> No.16943146

>Ariana Grande
no idea who he is, but italians really are chill. just not to tourists. like this faggot >>16943141

>> No.16943147

>implying a mod
Your posts gets sadder, and sadder.

>> No.16943149

less enthusiastic than the nazis, still extermination camps.

>> No.16943150
File: 934 KB, 978x829, nordcunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink bleach

>> No.16943155

it says concentration. link me the extermination ones

>> No.16943157

I'm familiar with this troll argument. Please literally kill yourself you cunt. No more (you)s for you.

>> No.16943165

It's not up to you, gayboy. Your downvotes have no power here.

>> No.16943167


>> No.16943169

Sorry friend, I'm sure you meant to post a map of France, but posted a map of Italy, instead.
Jannies, please stop giving me one day bans for saying that french food is better than Italian food, I'm not even using swear words or saying bad things about Italians, I'm sorry that I think that the average Frenchman can cook a thousand times better than your nonna, it's just the truth.

>> No.16943170

yeah you dont have a single one and even the "deadliest" has only 50% death rate. your really are pathetic faggot

>> No.16943172

and once again /pol/moolis ruin the thread

>> No.16943174


>> No.16943175

Anon has a point. Concentration camps, and extermination camps are not the same.

>> No.16943178

it was actualy a tranny who started sperging about fascists.

>> No.16943180

I would really rather you post sexy med women, to make your point, rather than nude men.

>> No.16943182

lmao gotem

>> No.16943183

you already said i'm a nigger fuck off

>> No.16943185
File: 1.58 MB, 1708x498, mutts btfoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your country is named after an italian by the way

>> No.16943201

i really need to look into italian meat. it seems to be big part of their cuisine yet its almost never discussed unlike pasta, pizza or vegie dishes

>> No.16943205
File: 11 KB, 224x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In to the horny gulag for you comrade.

>> No.16943212

sexual promiscuity is highly marxist. i doubt they would have a punishment for it. or is it because he craves opposite gender?

>> No.16943225

All Italian threads deserve to die. At least the pol tards are useful for that.

>> No.16943227
File: 636 KB, 1408x1110, nordshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad mutt

>> No.16943236

>or is it because he craves opposite gender?
Nah. Gay stuff is just tradition there, and everyone needs to be raped while in military.

>> No.16943242


>> No.16943251
File: 1.51 MB, 2480x3508, medsmasterracee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refute it faggot

>> No.16943258

I can't tell if you think slavic and nordic people are the same, or if you're making some joke that's too retarded for me to understand, or if you're just babbling retarded gibberish.

>> No.16943261

i hate everyone that isn't italian

>> No.16943264

This. The world loves bastardized Italian cuisine not actual Italian cuisine.

>> No.16943268

Picrel not your nose.
Try again rabbi esau.

>> No.16943270

even me?

>> No.16943272

post dna test, 5% mcdonalds grease mongrel

>> No.16943283

>post dna test
I didn't pay israel to document me shilo.

>> No.16943292

>pay my uncle in israel, and send 4skin
Post timestamped nose mr. shekelstein.

>> No.16943293

it's "shylock" you dumb /pol/ ape

>> No.16943308

You're stupid, moshe.
Shylocks are what you're called, and Shilo is your given name.

>> No.16943321


>> No.16943340

Because they're not intellectuals.

Wherever you find good food, you won't find good writers and good scientists, and wherever you find good writers and scientists, you won't find very good food.

Italians, as Mediterraneans, are people who are governed by bodily passions, food and sex being their biggest concerns. That is also why in the Mediterranean, you find a less orderly society, more political scandals and more confusion in general.

It's all needed, though, for balance.

>> No.16943415

Can't see how I strawmanned you, I mostly agree with you anyway. You used the words "woman cannot cook" yourself.

>Italian on the other hand with its simplicity fits very well modern lifestyle as modern woman cannot cook but you would have to be retarded to not be able to cook pasta, pizza or tomatoe sauce
Well in other ways, Italian does not fit very well with modern lifestyle were most people buy foods in plastic from supermarkets. I would argue that some "modern woman" who "cannot cook" but are able to cook pasta, pizza or tomato sauce would make something that's very far from actual Italian cuisine.

I don't think we really disagree much though.

>> No.16943418
File: 216 KB, 1476x840, Leonardo_da_Vinci_-_presumed_self-portrait_crop_web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the smartest man of all time was italian

>> No.16943422

>Wherever you find good food, you won't find good writers and good scientists, and wherever you find good writers and scientists, you won't find very good food.
Where did you pull this "theory" out of? Your ass? One word to disprove you: France.

>> No.16943426

This is dumb. Ancient Rome was extremely advanced and Italy also started the Renaissance. Italians have also invented tons of modern inventions like the radio.

>> No.16943427

i guess i just read it wrong. i apologize anon

>> No.16943438

Is this thread still about food or /pol/ left the cage open?

> i really need to look into italian meat
well It depends about what you mean by meat.
Muscle meat was not really a big part of italian cuisine, probably due to poverty, so you probably gonna be disappointed. it's one of the few things italians didn't get right, we just slap the steak on the pan and call it a day

Instead we have good tradition on offals
> lampredotto (sandwich with cow stomach), Florence
> zuppa forte/soffritto napoletano (heart, lungs, trachea cooked in lard and tomatoe/bell pepper sauce) , Naples
> panino con la milza (spleen and cheese sandwich), Sicily
> trippa romana (tripe in tomato sauce)
> o per' e o' muss (foot and face streetfood) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27O_pere_e_%27o_musso
> stigghiola (lamb intestine on grill)
> nervetti (cow tendons and cartilage)
> fegato alla Veneziana (liver and onions)
> breaded fried brain

Slow cooked meat (in liquid) is part of the tradition like
> peposo
> ossobuco
> ox tails
> brasato
> ragu`

And finally cured meat (like prosciutto and bologna) which is too long to list here
Bonus: in Sicily there's a big horse meat culinary tradition

long story short: steak and grill in italy is a big no, every other things is a giant yes, if you like strong taste

>> No.16943443

That's really dumb and wrong. Italy is a perfect counterexample of what you wrote

>> No.16943448

>Is this thread still about food or /pol/ left the cage open?
When has the best cuisine debate ever been about food?

>> No.16943456

correct me if i am wrong doesnt the "italian menu" have a meat dis on it? somwhere after pasta?
some of the offals food look good. not gonna fall for brain though. not that i hate it but i find it pointless unlike liver tongue or stomach
the tomatoe sauce in trippa romana is standart tomatoe sauce?

>> No.16943502

that's not dimebag

>> No.16943513

italians aren't romans

>> No.16943521

sure they are. they are definetly their descendants

>> No.16943537


Thats it, italian food is baby's first cuisine.

>> No.16943567
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just fucking die

>> No.16943576
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i live near italians and they look like mexicans. romans looked norwegian.

>> No.16943583

i dont believe you anon. you are either dnc shill or reall shitty baitfagg. but the NYC is a good bait
idk why would people hate italians or french. nice countries, nice people, good food

>> No.16943589
File: 92 KB, 1400x540, staten island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would get fucking killed here. you don't even know what meds look like
>using the word shill
confirmed brain damaged

>> No.16943593

try moar

>> No.16943595
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>> No.16943598
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>> No.16943601

wont work, i like germans too

>> No.16943606

Wait, is BF2 still active ?

>> No.16943610

> correct me if i am wrong doesnt the "italian menu" have a meat dis on it?
Yes, sure. I didn't mean to say there's no meat in italians menu, just that "traditionally" speaking is not something we put as much cares as we did for pretty much any other food.

That meant to say, if you ask me to choose to eat a steak between a restaurant in USA or in italian resaturant of the past I would choose the USA one without esitation (that's the only example where I would choose USA)
Looking no far from the past, we didn't know jack shit of tenderization techniques, dry aging or even maillard reaction. Italian steak were just thin slice of the leanest meat you can find.
Of course nowadays things are changing rapidly, you can find very good steaks and BBQ even in Italy, because when we like something we incorporate it in our cuisine, just like italy did throughout the history.

I mean, if you want to try something italian that is more hard to find in other cuisine, I wouldn't choose muscle meat

> the tomatoe sauce in trippa romana is standart tomatoe sauce?
- garlic in olive oil
- coarsely chopped carrots,onion and celery
- add tripe
- make it cook for a couple of minutes
- add tomatoes
- slow cook it for something like an hour
- add "mentuccia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinopodium_nepeta.. In alternative you could use fresh mint, but you may want to put it in a lesser amount, because it's stronger. It wont the exactly the same but it's very close
- add a shitton of pecorino romano

It has a light "minty" note you have to like. If you don't you skip that, it still good, just not as characteristic

>> No.16943611

sorry, no interested in anything that a guy named jacobson says

>> No.16943612


lol varg is so fucking stupid

>> No.16943616 [DELETED] 


>> No.16943628

ty for insightful post. the tripe sounds great, there is a still lot of mint in my garden so ill give it a try.
the meat thing makes sense.

>> No.16943632

>you would get fucking killed here
>staten island
Shitholean is telling the truth.

>> No.16943638

post country + aircraft carrier count or shut the fuck up

>> No.16943640


>> No.16943641

nah, americans are chill too. this one is just autistic or acting in bad faith

>> No.16943644

everyone in the us hates italians though. they were the spics of the 1900s

>> No.16943645

Probably marketing and success breeds success. People are very unlikely to try new things even if there's some dish from a random country they might enjoy more than a lasagna,

>> No.16943646
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>> No.16943647

anon i know it isnt true so why do you bother?

>> No.16943649

Nah staten island is a shithole like most of ny. I'm American btw.

>> No.16943655

immigration act of 1924/1891 louisiana lynchings

you'll never be a woman

>> No.16943656

i thought you were refering to USA with shitholea. my mistake anon

>> No.16943662
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>> No.16943663

>it's one of the few things italians didn't get right, we just slap the steak on the pan and call it a day.
>steak and grill in italy is a big no
Bistecca alla fiorentina,
>Looking no far from the past, we didn't know jack shit of tenderization techniques, dry aging or even maillard reaction.
Not far from the past, dry aging was the only way. Basically hang the carcass for some time depending on temperature. You Italians do know how to treat meat.

>> No.16943665

why do you bother? i told you i knoww jacobson

>> No.16943671

US. Umm I don't live byvtge coast, coast so no carrier pics, but I live by an afb, but I don't want to post the new ufo type shit that flies around, because it might be a secret.

>> No.16943677

>being white

>> No.16943685

>you'll never be a woman
I'll bend you over like one though.
I was refferring to a certain part of the usa as a shithole. It's not a secret that certain areas are complete shitholes.

>> No.16943707

> Bistecca alla fiorentina,
Yes, I wasn't going to talk about fiorentina because it's more an exception than the rule.
Still most of the other countries steaks are on par if not better

> Not far from the past, dry aging was the only way.
That's why we have so much cured meat. But I was talking as the dry aging process done for meat tenderness and flavour. Also we didn't even care about intramuscular fat and steak was generally thought as a half-inch thick grey slice of meat

> You Italians do know how to treat meat.
For anything other than that I agree. But when people talk about meat, they generally think about steak and grill, in which we don't excel.
Even today when we grill during holidays with friends, majority of people wont care about temperature and cook the meat at high temp for short period of time. The end result are hard baby back ribs that you need to rip off forcibly with your teeth like a animal

>> No.16944236

>You Italians do know how to treat meat.
stfu Arrosticini and Polpettone are fucking great

>> No.16944509

FOR ME, I think that many excellent dishes came from many different countries and that it's a good thing. I'm glad I have the opportunity to experience so many great and diverse cuisines, and I think it would be silly to try to bash on any other cultures for having fewer god-tier recipes c:

Except the brits. God damn fuck their bland af food.

>> No.16944605

Learn to read, anonimo
Btw, arrosticini are good but polpettone is shit tier

>> No.16945284

some of brit food seem super comfy tho. the christmas pudding must be great for kids and meat+pie is a solid idea

>> No.16945526

probably controversial but I come from new zealand and I spent 3 months all round italy and the food from home is better. italian food is just wheat and tomatoes and cheap wine and shit. even the seafood is shite compared to back home. they don't even have kina, and canned dines are better than that fresh shite. only chinks like octopus.

>> No.16945545

its the middle east without the shitty parts

>> No.16945551

this chart is useless, all it tell you is how common certain restaurants are

>> No.16945584

Italians is to food what America is to military power
They tell everyone they are the best and people agreee to shut them up but they aren't.

>> No.16945586

>Trst je naš.
not anymore lmao

>> No.16945596

>> french

>> No.16945690

Italians don't even want northeast italy. Just give back the whole Friulia-Venezia region to the slavs, we'll definitely run it 10x better than the Italians.

>> No.16945696
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>This thread

>> No.16945776

Anything italy cooks, we can cook better
we can cook anything better than you

>> No.16945780

also based. Yeah, the fucking italians can't really cook. All they can do is imitate what their ancestors did, like they're mindlessly passing down a legacy that they don't really live up to.

Huh. Almost reminds me of something else...

>> No.16945783

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find an italian who will show you his meat

>> No.16945786
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>red sauce

>> No.16945789

It's easy to fuck up a polpettone, but good ones are good

>> No.16945931

What part of this thread has to do with food or cooking? Please explain.

>> No.16945937

The part where people are stewing in ethnic resentment?

>> No.16946102

>That's why we have so much cured meat. But I was talking as the dry aging process done for meat tenderness and flavour.
Yes, before wet aging was a thing, that was archived by dry aging (or just aging). You hang up the carcass some time depending on the temperature (lower temperature, longer time). Of course this has been done in Italy. Just because of a trend with dry aging things for very long, doesn't mean that dry aging is only dry aging for very long. Dry aging has been the standard way of handling meat forever, it's not some new hipster thing.
>For anything other than that I agree. But when people talk about meat, they generally think about steak and grill, in which we don't excel.
You do these days, and I strongly disagree that steak and grill is what people generally think of when talking about meat.

>> No.16946439

I never cooked an Italian dish in my entire life. Don't think I even ever ate one.

Feels good man.

>> No.16946454

Real Italian food was just the blueprint for the maniac wops who came over to America to create the amazing food we think of as Italian today.

>> No.16946655

Yeah Olive Garden is really the pinnacle of cuisine.

>> No.16946840


>> No.16946843

What flyover shithole do you live in where that's the only Italian restaurant?

>> No.16946898

enjoy your endless covid lockdowns, negro

>> No.16946925

> wops who came over to America to create the amazing food we think of as Italian today.
The majority of people that came to america and opened a restaurant weren't cooks or even people who know how to cook, and they were almost only southern italian (precisely Neapolitan and Sicilian)

That's why italian-american cuisine is not as good as the italian one

>> No.16946973


>> No.16947131


as yes a cuisine that is 99% made up of "chopped meat and veggies in a brown sauce with a side of rice"

yes I know this was a troll post but I am mad

>> No.16947847

> imagine being a Christianity hater and being called Kristian
> proud of a mythology that is a worse version of lord of the ring
> killed another faggot that weighted 80 lbs when wet, and burn some small wooden church

Kek, he is such a looser. He's lucky he was born on Norway, in other part of the world they would have raped his asshole in prison

>> No.16948458

So America is the top 4 at foods, but some refugee in Europe don't like the fact that their house got droned for storing sex toys, and explosives, so that same refugee spends all their free time online posting about how hersheys chocolate tastes weird to them?