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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 224 KB, 1200x800, bakery-breads-group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16934716 No.16934716 [Reply] [Original]

I love bread

>> No.16934752
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I love... Lamp

>> No.16934792
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>> No.16934977

Go to sleep nordbro

>> No.16934990

I wish I didn't love bread.

>> No.16935158
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why? it's such a wonderful thing. and so versatile. you can eat it on its own, with butter, as a sandwich, as a side to a hot meal, etc. Heck, you can even use it as a god damn bowl

>> No.16935370
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>> No.16935459

Gee golly

>> No.16935479

Heck off you fuckin faggot

>> No.16935491

it's the heccin breaderino. it's better than pasta. it's better than noodles. it's better than rice. it's better frice. it's better than mershed poteto. it is the best carb god has ever given mankind on the face of the earth. kneel before your master carb.

>> No.16935519

I made some bread the other day. it tastes like plain white bread. how do I make it taste like french bread? what is the difference even?

>> No.16935532
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fuck you

>> No.16935563

try to use sourdough starter
try proofing it longer
bake in dutch oven

>> No.16935568
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fuck you too

>> No.16935799

I had it in the fridge overnight and baked it in my pot.

>> No.16935810

Just watch Patrick Ryan's videos. He helped me a lot.

>> No.16935818
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>> No.16935849

Favorite types of bread? For me it’s: Irish soda bread or garlic naan

>> No.16935867

>loves bread
>posts a picture of mixed nuts

>> No.16935870

Dammit I'm such a sucker for any caprese related sandwhich or food item just throw some prosciutto and olive oil/vinegar on it and I'll kill it

>> No.16935883

focaccia all the way

>> No.16935885

Thoughts on breadmakers? I don't have a lot of space in my place, and I really want fresh bread again.

>> No.16935969

I don't like breadmakers. I like making bread by hand. You really don't need that much space to make bread.

>> No.16936006

how do i make bread

>> No.16936021

Mix water, salt, yeast and flour, wait a bit, bake.
It's really that simple. The rest is finesse.

>> No.16936038

The only bread in this thread

>> No.16936050

Needs a real oven though, not the same anon but i only have a toaster oven and not much space for a whole oven

>> No.16936057

So make a small bread? As long as you can reach decent temp, you're good.

>> No.16936059

nothing better than a war freshly baked baguette

>> No.16936091

toaster ovens are more than capable of baking bread retard

>> No.16936101

you don't know what bread is, retard

>> No.16936104
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excuse me?

>> No.16936115
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>bro just spend 2 hours for like a bun of bread
Mnhhhhhhhhaahhhh hrh heh heh SNEEEEEEEEEEEED.

>> No.16936135

>Thoughts on breadmakers? I don't have a lot of space in my place, and I really want fresh bread again.

What I do is knead dough in a large mixing bowl, then transfer that over to a large baking pan and knead on that for a while. no need for a bread machine. takes less time too. I make 10 bagels (no boil) at time.

>> No.16936145

why would it take longer in a toaster oven?

>> No.16936212

My mother sometimes makes this very fluff and mildly sweet bread, it's so delicious that I don't need to eat it with anything else.

>> No.16936214

thank you

>> No.16936230

Rule of thumb to begin with at all, I'd suggest for every 100g of flour, 60-65g of water. 2% salt of total flour and equally 3% yeast.
From there, it's experimentation or recipes.

>> No.16936232

Fresh yeast, that is. Dry yeast is generally 1/3 of fresh.

>> No.16936296

Why is storebought bread so bad when homemade bread is so good yet so easy to make. Is it preservatives n' shit, cuz I can't imagine you could cheap out on white bread when it's nothing more than flour, shortening, salt, sugar, yeast, and water. I can't imagine how people stomach it either, since making bread is basically just owning a mixer and throwing shit together in a bowl and doing something else while it rises and cooks. Like I just made a sammich with thick cut slices of simple white bread and I can feel it right in my soul pussy, but if it was storebought it'd sit like a pit in my stomach and make me want to barf instead of being fulfilled

>> No.16936323

Thank you bread

>> No.16936369
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Danish Ryebread has become my latest go to. It's ~90% rye (course flour and whole bits), sunflower, sesame and flax-seeds with only 100g or so wheat flour. Due to the scalding of the seeds and rye bits before incorporating it into the dough you get a really moist and easily chewed piece of bread unlike making it entirely from wholegrain flour. Probably the "healthiest" bread I've made that still feels very palpable.
Don't know why they make it almost black dyed in all the stores though. It's certainly dark by itself but seems like a brand fad or something.

Toasting makes it ever better.

>> No.16937129

I love rye bread so I bought today rye flour and am going to make my first bread ever. Wish me luck.

>> No.16937145

That's lovely anon. Just don't expect rye based breads to rise that much due to lack of wheat gluten but you probably knew that already. I often bake mixed flour breads though so if you can get at least 50% wheat in it tends to rise and hold together decently.

>> No.16937152
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Same. Did some baking today.

You can do a very similar bread with 100% rye using whole rye flour and then rye chops, plus sunflower seeds still. It's one of my favorites.

>> No.16937256

I like making soda bread out of oats.

>> No.16937761

Are you a baker? I want to become a baker. Do you like the job? How much do you make? What are your hours?

>> No.16937764

Not him, or a baker. But go volunteer at a local bakery. I'm sure they would love the help, and you'll know first hand what the answers are to that which you seek.

>> No.16937818

I don't

>> No.16937950

The only people who don't like bread are people who have never tasted real bread.

>> No.16938727

I was just daydreaming earlier about visiting France and convincing a bread maker to take me as an apprentice. Wish I could make something like that happen.

>> No.16938740

That doesn't sound like a bad way to do this thing called life.

>> No.16938752

Embarrassing crumb

>> No.16938757

Don't make 100% rye, use regular flour as well, or your bread will not good.

>> No.16939023
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Can't help it

>> No.16939522
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fake food. doesn't even exist in nature. enjoy your colon cancer, diabetes, and tooth decay

>> No.16939582

Captcha: MARAY

>> No.16939946

Do you eat your meat raw? I assume cooked meat is just as fake as bread in your twisted little world. Cooked meat doesn't even exist in nature.

>> No.16940356
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When I eat bread, and I often do not, I will only partake in a feast of sprouted Khorasan wheat bread. The Egyptians certainly understood a fine stalk of wheat. Indeed.

>> No.16940359

humans are natural and create nature faggot

>> No.16940380

You want to give that sentence another go?

>> No.16940434

So, just by typing nonsense, you managed to debunk yourself.

>> No.16941504

who said dialogue isn't a good way to educate

>> No.16941579
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Currently working on the earlier mentioned danish rye bread. Scalding of seeds is done so is mixing with the sourdough. Now it's going to ferment for a couple of hours in this bowl before I transfer to the bread pan and let it finalize before baking. This is one of those breads that get better with time so it's going to sit over night and cool off completely.

>> No.16941601
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looks like diabetes

>> No.16941616

Ye? How so?

>> No.16941654

lovely, I like rugbrød a lot. it's been a couple of years since I made any; I should do that this winter.
They don't know how good whole grain bread is for ya.

>> No.16941659
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>They don't know how good whole grain bread is for ya.

hey, I LOVE WHOLE GRAIN BREAD. I just have to work out more and get my blood checked

>> No.16941678

i don't know why you would have to workout more compared to white bread or check your blood. it's lower on the gi index.

>> No.16941686
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>Favorite types of bread?
Gimme a mantovana every day of the week, right out of the oven.

>> No.16942316
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Time for the final rest in the pan. In like 4-5 hours it's going to bake.
For bread this winter, christmas specifically, I like to do "Vörtbröd" since it's still mostly rye but has all the lovely aromas of christmas spice. Carnation, orange peel, anise, fennel and cardamom. Half the enjoyment is the baking smelling up the house and drinking the rest of the dark beer which it requires.

For the rye bread I can't decide a nice looking topping. I think sunflower seeds will just burn but perhaps if I soak them a bit..

>> No.16942331

>Olive oil bread
Not sure what I expected, I'm guessing its particular shape is more iconic than the recipe itself?

>> No.16942335

Try coriander seeds.

>> No.16942342

I doubt anyone can become that big on bread alone.
Donuts, cookies, cakes etc are more likely to cause problems.

>> No.16942352

I haven't heard of that before, thanks. Soaking might help. How low and slow do you go when baking it.
or caraway. I like putting them on some of my buns.

>> No.16942360

Vörtbröd in pic related. Not too exciting to shape but this one had some surprising amount of rise.
>low and slow
You mean oven temp or? I keep using sourdough because I started baking just as the pandemic hit and all the fresh yeast was out from every store. The best results are usually from using a dutch oven, heated as high as you can go before slapping the dough in it.

Interesting idea, I'll have to see if my store stocks that. I would assume it does even if I haven't looked for it before.

>> No.16942362
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>> No.16942363
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Forgot pic. It's very soft and fluffy but doesn't get much of an open crumb.

>> No.16942374

I agree with uberhot on most breads, but I thought with rye sourdough that has a lot of grains and seeds and high moisture content, you baked it at a lower temperature, for quite some time.

>> No.16942386

That would be good probably just by itself, let alone with some butter or as a handling of meat and cheese device.

>> No.16942399

Oh right. For the rye bread/rågbröd it's definitively lower than normal. My recipe calls for heating to 250c and lowering to 200c when you chuck it in. I'm a real sucker for a nice thick crust so it goes in at least an hour, probably closer to 1.2h, depending on weight. Then I dump it out and let it sit without the pan in the turned off oven until cool. I did get a very sticky and too moist bread the first time around. This one really requires 98c internal temp before even considering getting it out as the scalded seeds are very moist. Which is also why it gets better after 1-2 days.

>> No.16942406

It's very rich and full of aroma, I find it best with cheese. Ham, sausage or anything similarly flavorful really needs to mesh nicely or it crashes together.

>> No.16942438

Yousa maka mesa hungry in tum tum. I need to get a starter started this weekend. Thanks for enlightening me. Do you have any other breads that someone like me might not have heard of from your home.

>> No.16942471
File: 405 KB, 1500x1500, hokkaido milk bread sourdough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not a local kind but milk bread or "hokkaido bread" is a favorite as well. Incredibly soft with a thin crust. Gets 2x better when toasted as well.

>> No.16942490

>I'm guessing its particular shape is more iconic than the recipe itself?
Yeah, it's just a tough dough bread with a little bit of olive oil in it and there are tons of variations in shape with different names in every town.
It's my favourite because it's the staple bread in my area and I grew up eating tons of it.

>> No.16942493

That's the Japanese sandwich bread, if memory serves, right. There is nothing like some white fluffy sandwich bread, not to say I don't like a more rigid bread for a smørrebrød, but it's nice for making a ridiculous sandwich to take on the go. I've never made it. But I should sometime, just to see if it's better than mine in some fashion.

>> No.16942500

After looking it up, it's actually really similar to the rolls that I make. Which do indeed go great as a shoving meat and cheese into the cranium device.

>> No.16942503


>> No.16942530

bros, it it worth getting a 6qt mixer over a 5qt living alone? Largest dough I've made was 600g flour, maybe I'll go up to an 800g flour

>> No.16942541

be a man, and do it with your hands

>> No.16942567

normally I do, but I've found that the time consumption in the process takes a bit away from me wanting to bake bread.

>> No.16942670

you don't want to hear my answer to that

>> No.16944173

Where to cop good crisp baguettes? Everywhere sucks except the whole foods an hour away.

>> No.16944220

Yeah, baker here. When I owned a bakery I payed myself 52k/year and then the business was netting about 70k/year on top of that after all other expenses. I just sold that though and started working in house for a large company, starting at 46k/year but benefits are insane and it looks like a 10% raise/year is standard.
When I owned the bakery hours were basically around the clock. I probably averaged 75 hours week at the craziest but was able to settle down into closer to 50. Now I do 40 even midnight to 8 am.

>> No.16944389

I want to make banana bread can I do it in my french meme pot?

>> No.16945300

you need a loaf pan